She naturally understood what Zhao meant. Now that the master of Mingyue County is the age to be married, Mrs. Pingyang Hou asked Sheng brother at this time, the meaning is self-evident.

Pingyang Hou Na is the cousin of the emperor today, and Mrs. Pingyang Hou is the younger sister of the princess Liu ... And the main song of the moon, Mingyue County, is even a holy pet. There was also a good news. Xiao Kun, the former king of the south of the town, repulsed the Nanban army. Since then, the territory of the Dayu Dynasty finally calmed down the war.

The emperor was so pleased that Qu Yueyue was a blessing star, and he decided that the newly born Qu Yueyue was the master of Mingyue County. Yipin's county master, this is a big honor. Even the prince, only the eldest daughter, will get a Yipin county's seal when they marry. As for the niece, at most they are the county and county kings.

For such a well-respected lord of the county, Su's heart was a bit emotional, but then he remembered the brother and sister Liu who still lived in Nangongfu, and could not help but sigh.

Seeing the situation a little bit anxious, Zhao's eldest son was able to find a high-weight relative, but her mother-in-law's attitude was ... she couldn't help but opened the thin layer of window paper, "Mother I think this Mrs. Pingyang Hou should want to get married with us Nangongfu! "

"Stupid!" Couldn't Su's understand Mrs. Pingyanghou's meaning, but she only understood and could only pretend to be confused. "Don't forget that Liu is living in our house. If the matter is not resolved, just go Inviting Mrs. Pingyang Hou, how do you let others see our Nangong Palace? Do n’t have an in-law, but an enemy!

"This ..." Zhao concluded for a moment. She has always disliked Liu Qingqing and never regarded her as her future daughter-in-law. However, the marriage contract still exists, which can't lie to anyone.

Really unwilling! Su and Zhao thought at the same time in their hearts, but did not say them.

Although the girl Liu has great looks and talents, but the family has fallen, in the end, where Su is willing to let her own baby's grandson marry such a woman who is not good for the family.

After all, unwilling to reconcile, Su Shi groaned for a long while, and said, "The eldest daughter-in-law, if you have the opportunity, you can explore the tone of Mrs. Pingyang Hou, not to mention that Brother Sheng has a marriage contract ..."

Zhao responded in one sip.

Unlike Liu Qingqing, once Brother Sheng married the master of Mingyue County, he would surely be much smoother in his career!

Now I can only wait for the meeting quietly, hoping to "meet" Mrs. Pingyang Hou again!

But it wasn't long before "random encounter" Mrs. Pingyang Hou, Nangong Cheng's wedding day came.

On the eighth day of August, Nangong Palace lights up and lights up in red and green.

Today's Nangong Palace is completely different from last year's Su Shi's birthday. Nangong Qin and Nangong Mu were successively appointed by the emperor. The maidservant Nangong Lu was even loved by the emperor and was registered as the master of Yaoguang County. The Nangong family is regarded as In the new dynasty and Wang Duli established a foothold!

Nangong Cheng's wedding was the first major event for the Nangong family to return to the Queen's capital. The guests who attended the wedding reception were crowded and very lively.

Their four girls' families deliberately wore one-colored red clothes, and a little cinnabar was ordered between their foreheads, and even Nangong Xin wore the red clothes that Lin's specially prepared for him, standing with Nangongya, as if The golden girl in front of the Avalokitesvara is generally a girl who sees Lin's heart full of joy and can't help asking Nangong Mu to paint the brother and sister until the end of the year.

The wedding schedule was carried out in an orderly manner under the leadership of Zhao's. Although Nangong Cheng may not be happy in his heart, it was a day of great joy after all, but he did not dare to produce any moths, which after all represented the decentness of the Nangong family.

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