I don't know how long it took to find out, Nangong Yan's throat was slightly hoarse, still did not see the figure of Nangong Yan, even Han Huaijun and Cheng Cheng who went out to find someone did not meet one.

With increasing anxiety in Nangong's heart, she wiped the rain from her face and stopped.

She told herself to be calm, too anxious and not good.

"Smelly girl, look here." Xiao Yi's voice brought her thoughts over. Nangong Xun looked at the sound, and saw that he was pointing at a strangely shaped large stone, smiling at him with a smile.

Nangong Yu firstly met, and then came over.

She remembers this stone! At first glance, it looked like a crouching big black, so she only glanced at it.

She hurried to her original position, glanced towards the top of the mountain, and saw the Yuewei Pavilion standing between the hazy rain curtain and the forest.

Nangong Yu said affirmatively: "I remember that it probably started to rain here. Everyone was anxious to go to the top of the mountain. Maybe they were separated from the older sister near here. We are looking for it near here ..."

She looked around, and when she accidentally slipped, her whole body fell forward involuntarily.


She screamed in horror, Bai Hui hurried forward, trying to hold Nangong Luan, but was a step slower than Xiao Yi. When he saw his left arm pulled hard, he pulled Nangong Lun over, holding her right arm Waist, encircling her entire body in her arms.

"Smelly girl, are you okay?" Xiao Yi's voice passed into Nangong's ears, and the exhaled heat sprayed on her fair and small ears even through the rain and fog.

"I'm fine." She struggled slightly, glaring at the palm that was still on her waist, as if to say, you can let go of your hand.

Xiao Yi naturally noticed Nangong's movements, but did not let go. Instead, he smiled and said, "Smelly girl, the rain is slippery, let me help you."

"Xiao Shizi." Bai Hui couldn't stand it anymore, stood up and said, "Let the slaves help the three girls."

Xiao Yi glanced at Bai Hui angrily, although he still wanted to "help" for a while, but it would be awful if he was seen by outsiders, so he let his hands go.

Xiao Yi looked at the terrible weather. The secret road is not beautiful. If it is sunny weather, he and the stinky girl walk in the mountains, how perfect it is! But then I thought, if it wasn't for this rain, maybe I haven't had a chance to get along with the stinky girl alone ...

Does not seem to be alone! Xiao Yi couldn't help but stare at Yimei and Baihui severely, these two girls are really awesome!

The four of them carefully looked forward for a while, and Xiao Yi's ears suddenly moved, stopped, and his right finger moved forward to the right, saying with certainty: "I heard something over there!"

Nangong listened sideways, but heard nothing but the sound of torrential rain. However, she knew Xiao Yi's martial arts was high, and her ear strength must be better than herself. She also believed his judgment, so she said to Yimei and Bai Hui: "Let's look there."

"big sister……"

"Big girl ..."

This time, they finally heard a response from the front. Although the sound was weak, it was indeed the sound of books and ink ... Slowly, in the rain, a few vague figures came towards them, more and more Recently, it has become more and more clear that Nangong Yu is in it.

Nangong Nian finally breathed a sigh of relief, hurriedly greeted him and shouted, "Big sister!"

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