Nangong Yu naturally said "not".

The county's attitude today is really weird! This time, it was not only Nangong Yu and Jiang Yixi, but even Yuan Yuyi and Han Qixia could not help but look at Qu Yueyue a little more unexpectedly.

During the conversation, Yuan Yuyi suddenly stood up and whispered in a certain direction: "Three cousins ​​are back."

The people followed her sight and saw that the third prince Han Lingfu was walking towards the pavilion with several guards, and Ji Shuxuan and Chen Lang were beside him.

"His Royal Highness, please forgive me for inconvenience ..." After Nangong Yu and Han Ling pleaded guilty, they thanked the two sons one by one.

A few moments later, Han Huaijun and Mo Xizhen also returned with their respective staff.

Seeing Nangong's return from safety, they were all relieved. This came along, finally did not end in defeat!

The sudden heavy rain made everyone a little bit embarrassed, and then there was no interest in continuing outings.

Not only did the men who went out looking for clothes get wet, but even a few girls were mostly wet before entering the Cuiwei Pavilion to hide from the rain, at this time they were somewhat embarrassed. Therefore, Han Qixia thoughtfully suggested: "Three brothers, His Royal Highness Cheng, Xiao Shizi, and a few sons. My father Wang has a separate house under Cuiwei Mountain. Why don't we go there for a little rest? What do you think? "

Han Minghuai, his elder brother Mingming, was also there, but Han Qixia seemed to have completely forgotten his existence and sent an invitation to others. Nan Gongxi frowned slightly, glanced at Han Huaijun, and saw that his face had not changed at all. It seemed that he had become accustomed to such a situation.

"Thank you, Mrs. Han."

These boys and girls have always been in fine clothing, and have never had a hard time. They can't stand the wet clothes on their bodies. It is natural that they can go to Qi Wang's beijing to change their clothes and take a break.

Seeing everyone's agreement, Han Qixia instructed a guard of the royal palace to go to the other hospital in advance to prepare the people in the other hospital.

When the Wangfu guards were ordered to leave, everyone set off for the mountain.

The road down the mountain really was as difficult as everyone expected. After the rain, the mountain road was full of mud. After a few steps, the girls' dresses were covered with mud and water. They looked embarrassed, and it was not easy for a few boys to go there. But, after all, it was a man, but he could barely make up. After arriving at the foot of the mountain, the girls sent their personal girls to the carriage, took a spare set of clothes back, and then went to a separate house at the foot of Cuiwei Mountain in Qi Wang's Mansion.

The chief of the other hospital was already waiting at the door. When they saw a party coming, they arranged for everyone to go to the room to bathe and wash.

They all changed into clean clothes and drank a bowl of steaming **** soup, and everyone felt as if they were finally alive again.

As soon as Nangong Yu finished drinking **** soup, she went to the next room to find Nangong Yu. At that time, Nangong Yu also finished her grooming. When she saw Nangong Yu entering the room, she thought of getting up, but she held it down.

"Sister, how is your foot? Let me see it for you."

"Third sister, thank you very much." Nangong Aya was also worried about her foot injury, so under the service of Shu Xiang, she took off her shoes and socks and let Nangong look at her.

Nangong's ankle was red and swollen, and her ankle was swollen like a hoe. She would frown with pain.

"Older sister, bear with me a little bit." Nangong Yu carefully touched her bones, then she said with a sigh of relief. "Older sister, don't worry, it shouldn't be a big deal. It should be caused by a sprain. At most, it's two days of unfavorable walking. Good support will soon be restored. I will bandage for you first. "Nangong Ai asked Yi Mei to ask someone in the other hospital to bring a white cloth, take out the wound medicine he took with him, and personally put up for Nangong medicine.

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