Di Daughter: The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 407: Regret marriage (9)

The princess Yuncheng looked slightly slower, but followed by a deep eyebrow. She knew in her heart that although sister Yi was okay this time, as long as the injury on her face was not good for a day, sister Yi would likely be again Seek death!

This time it was finally discovered in time, but next time, it may not be such good luck!

Thinking of this, the princess Yuncheng's body could not help but tremble slightly. Sister Yi was born in October of her pregnancy and was the only daughter. She had been her heart since she was a child. She couldn't imagine if Sister Yi Really ...

"Wu Taiyi, there are so many amazing people in this world, isn't there one that can heal the county owner's face?" Yuan Han is also frowning. Since his daughter's accident, he and the long princess have not slept well for a day. , Always worried about her daughter.

"Return to Master Ma, when it comes to this divine doctor, there is indeed a person in the old minister's mind." Wu Taiyi replied, "This man is known as the first divine doctor in the world. He is alive and dead, born of bones, and won the heaven and earth. It has been measured that no one has seen him for some years. But ... "He said, he seemed to think of something.

Princess Yuncheng's heart was slumped by Wu Taiyi and hurriedly asked, "What is it? Taiyi Wu, if you have any words, you can say it. No matter what the result is, this palace promises not to blame you. "

Taiyi Wu groaned and said slowly: "His Royal Highness Princess, Master Ma, this world's first divine doctor has a granddaughter who is also an expert in medicine and is now in the capital. The old minister did not dare to recommend it, but a few days ago, the old minister I went to see Han's girl in the King's Palace, and saw that the abrasions on her back healed well. After a few days, she should not notice any traces, so she asked Han's girl more casually. I know that the girl Han is using the ointment given by the granddaughter of the divine doctor. The ointment was also cheeky. It ’s really wonderful! " Beard.

Seeing Wu Taiyi talking for a long time, but without a name, the princess Yuncheng was so anxious that she was about to lose her temper, but she finally got hold of it and took a deep breath to try to stabilize her mood.

The original text Han knew the princess's temper, appeasingly patted the back of her hand, and asked, "Mr. Wu, I don't know which one you are talking about? I would like to ask for help!"

Wu Taiyi's face was embarrassed, and he replied: "Returning to Master Ma, the old man thinks that the girl is afraid that he doesn't lack the silver and two." After a pause, he finally said, "The girl said by the old man is shaking Master of Guangxian County, that is, the third girl of Nangongfu! ... At the time, the fifth prince was seriously ill, and she was cured. "

As if a lightning split, the princess Yuncheng is almost immovable and stiff like a puppet.

How could it be her! How could it be her! ?

The original Han didn't know the grudge between the princess Yuncheng and Nangong Yu, so she looked as usual, and nodded: "So it is. If it is a girl in Nangong, it's not that bad."

Several of the girls in the room looked strangely, bowed their heads, and dared not breathe. I am afraid that only the grandma, grandfather, grandfather, and Liushuang County Lord did not know that the princess of the city of Yuncheng ordered that the Lord of Light County not be allowed to come to the house that day! But now ...

With the princess's pride, I am afraid ...

Those girls have almost dared not think about it, doubting that this time will be even more difficult. With the character of the long princess, it is commonplace to be angry!

The princess Yuncheng's face was blue and white, and white and blue.

The scene that took place a few days ago is still vividly remembered-that day, Nangong Yu personally went to the door and was willing to treat her daughter, but was "hurried out" by herself, but now she is going to ask her to come again?

There is an old saying, Talk and Talk!

She had already spoken to the servants of Lifu. Could she now ask her to withdraw her preface?

Where does that leave her face!

But sister Yi ...

Thinking of Yuan Yuyi, Princess Yuncheng's face was tangled again. If it was for something else, she wouldn't bow her head anyway, but sister Yi ...

Yuncheng's eldest son Sun's elder sister has been silent on the side. Of course, she knows what happened a few days ago, and she knows more about the disposition of the princess of Yuncheng.

Sun thought about taking a step forward, and found the steps for the princess of Yuncheng: "Mother, it would be better for her daughter-in-law to send Deng Xun to Nangongfu and ask the main government of Yaoguang County to treat her sister." It is Sun's dowry, and it is also reused by Sun's on weekdays.

Anyway, in this way, it is Sun's invitation to invite people, and Princess Yuncheng has left a little face.

The princess of Yuncheng was silent, but the original Han said immediately: "No, let Wu Xun go. In any case, you must invite the master of Yaoguang County to the house!" Wu Xun is the princess of Yuncheng. As she married into the original mansion together, she was deeply respected by the princess Yuncheng, and on weekdays, even when the juniors in the house met her, she would respectfully call "Wu Yan" and let her go A trip to Nangongfu was enough to give the main face of Yaoguang County.

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