"Yes, the three girls." Puer gave a ritual, trying to calm down, "Muer must live up to the expectations of the three girls and sister Anni."

"You go." Nodded gently, Nangong Yan lazy.

After Xuaner stepped down, Nangong Xun set out to start Fang Ru's homework.

** ◆ **

At the same time, Su Qingping was losing her temper in Rongantang's house.


Su Qingping slammed the table, thinking of the humiliation of her knees when she was shocked, she could not help tearing up Fang Ru, saying: "Abominable Fang Ru, but a teaching teacher, dare to do so to me rude!"

The girl next to her, Rong Rong, saw that her own lady was so angry, and she said, "You don't want to be angry with the big girl. You are bearing humiliation. Finally, Mr. Fang promised not to blame."

Su Qingping was silent. This morning, she gritted her teeth and confessed to kneeling with Mr. Fang, barely surpassing the barrier, but the problem still exists-Mr. Fang arranged his painting lessons again today, how is he better?

She went to the window and looked at a piece of drawing paper spread out on the desk. I saw a "weeping willow" drawing on the off-white rice paper. The river is a wavy line with a single stroke, and that Weeping willows can hardly see the trees ...

The painting technique of this painting is extremely poor and inexperienced, which is more than half as much as the chicken Peck Mito of Nangong.

Hey, if she can't help it, why would she want to cheat and spend money on paintings! If it wasn't for the family's misconduct, she was also the maid of the famous family, what would be the painting, calligraphy and painting!

hateful! Su Qingping smashed the painting into a ball and said to herself: "Fang Ru, I will definitely make you look good!" But what should she do?

Liu Rong saw her mind and stepped forward to propose: "Big girl, slavery remembers the second master in this house, isn't your second cousin full of fame? Why not ..."

Su Qingping immediately heard the string song and knew the elegance, and clapped, "Yes, I can go and ask the second cousin!" The second cousin's calligraphy and painting are famous all over the world. With his guidance, he must make rapid progress with his intelligence and ingenuity!

She ticked the corners of her lips with confidence, as if all the people, including Fang Ru, were impressed by her painting skills.

When he made up his mind, when Nangong's family of four came to Rong An Tang to ask Su's family that night, Su Qingping stopped Nangong Mu: "Second cousin, please stay away!" In her opinion, she was blessed and deliberately said in front of Su's face, "Second cousin, Pinger has something to ask for."

"Cousin is too polite, if there is anything you can do, please say that." Nangong Mu smiled gently, and Lin also responded politely: "Cousin, don't be polite with your second cousin."

However, Nangong Yan was smiling and smiling, with a glimmer of haze in her eyes. If she was just a simple nine-year-old girl, she would not think much, but she had to wonder if Su Qingping had anything to say in her previous life. Human attempts.

"Na Pinger thanked the second cousin and the second cousin first here." Su Qingping blessed herself again, and continued, "It's a shame that Pinger recently had a lesson in boudoir school, but it was a bit difficult. Sister and sister-in-law are very intelligent, Mr. Fang praised and praised. "

She praised Nangong Yu Haosheng, and Nangong Mu and Lin are very happy as parents.

Upon seeing this, she finally stated her intention: "As an elder, naturally, you cannot fall behind, even if you can learn a little bit of Mr. Fang, it will be endlessly useful in the future. Although it can be supplemented by diligence, Pinger is really stupid in painting. I want my cousin to give me pointers! "

Nangong Mu hasn't spoken yet, and Su Shi said in an unquestionable tone, "Muer, since your cousin is sincere, you can help her look at the painting and give pointers." She winked and Liu Rong immediately A few steps forward, handed the picture scroll to Nangong Mu.

Since Su said so, of course Nangong Mu would not refuse to open the painting. His expression was a bit stiff for a moment, and he smiled casually at random. "Painting is actually the expression and expression of the inner will of the person who made the painting. The technique is lacking, but the artistic conception is good. This technique is the easiest to learn. If you draw more in the future, you will naturally grow, but this state of mind is ... "He talked bluntly, confident and calm. He looks personable.

The second cousin was surprisingly talented and gentle. Su Qingping thought in her heart, her eyes twinkled like stars, and she looked up at Nangong Mu with admiration.

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