Di Daughter: The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 424: Show pendulum (8)

Xiao Yi stayed on the carriage until he was near Nangongfu, and then he quietly left.

After Nangongxi saluted Su to the rule, she returned to her yard. She asked Yimei to take out the medicinal materials that had been prepared, and put them in a small bowl one by one.

Nangong Yu made the ointment intently, completely forgetting that tomorrow was the day when Su Qingping came back.

However, she forgot that Su Qingping couldn't forget, she didn't close her eyes all night, for fear that the son of tomorrow would still not return. You know, since she married Xuanping Houfu, she has never seen her new husband!

On the wedding night, Lu Zi, the son of the family, did not return all night; he and Shuang Chao were the only ones to admire the tea to the Xuanping Hou couple. Su Qingping was afraid that if Lu Xun would return to the door in the three dynasties tomorrow, Lu Ye would not show up. If he came back alone, he would lose all face.

Fortunately, early in the morning, Lu Ye, who had been missing for two days and three nights, finally appeared, which also relieved Su Qingping.

Lu Xun actually didn't want to come, but Xuanping Hou couldn't tolerate his son. In Xuanping Hou's mind, it was one thing for his son to be wanton in the house, but if he was ashamed to the outside, it would touch his inverse scale.

Forced by Xuanping Hou's threat, Lu Ye had to compromise, and accompanied Su Qingping unhappyly to Nangongfu.

It was a festive event for the new couple to come back, but because of what happened on the wedding day, few people in Nangongfu had to wait to see the new couple.

When Su Qingping and his wife were ushered into the Nangong Palace with the return ceremony, they were taken all the way to the main hall of Rong'an Hall. The whole way was silent and the atmosphere was strange. Su Qingping felt very uncomfortable, and Lu Yan seemed to be unaware, yawning lazily.

After entering Rong'an Hall, everyone was here. Lu Ye and Su Qingping first came to Liu's and saluted her with a hoe: "I've seen my mother!"

Liu gave the meeting and took Su Qingping's hand and said affectionately: "I'm relieved to see that the girl can get this good destiny. I hope that the girl will honor her in-laws and respect her aunt in the future. Do something insane. "

Su Qingping's face was cloudy and cloudy, and she nodded. "Yes, my daughter knows."

At this time, Su Qingrong faced Lu Ye and Su Qingping, and said delicately, "I have seen my brother-in-law, sister."

Su Qingping held her head slightly and said, "My sister doesn't have to be polite." And Lu Yi sent Feng Hong.

Then the two of them approached Su and saluted, "I have seen my aunt."

"Get up." Su Shi let them stand up indifferently, and never said anything again. Obviously, Su Qingping has been completely disgusted.

Seeing that Su's eyes were estranged, Su Qing froze a bit, originally thinking that she would try to find ways to get along with Su alone, and confess her grievances and sadness, but now she can only swallow it. She lowered her head silently, covering the anger in her eyes. He followed Lu Yan's confession to the others in Nangongfu.

After seeing the long house family, Su Qingping finally came to the Nangong Mu couple. Looking at the beautiful Nangong Mu, she could not help softening her voice: "I've seen the second cousin, the second cousin!"

"No need to be courteous!" Nangong Mu said indifferently, and gave the meeting ceremony as usual.

Lin didn't want to say anything more to Su Qingping and his wife, but after meeting each other politely, they sat back again.

Su Qingping looked up at Lin's eyes, with deep resentment hidden in her eyes, secretly vowed: She's not doing well, Lin's don't even think about it! ... wait for the chronic venomous outbreak in Lin's body, until she becomes a madwoman, she will definitely be abandoned by her second cousin! Then, see how she can laugh! Let's walk and see!

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