Di Daughter: The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 440: By all means (8)

Nangong Nian turned slowly, her mouth slightly raised, "Fortunately, no shame!" Then she stepped back aside.

The princess Yuncheng walked quickly to Yuan Yuyi, holding her face with her hands tremblingly, looking carefully.

Yuan Yuyi's eyes were closed tightly, and her long eyelashes trembled like cicada wings. The scar that had been entangled on her right cheek had disappeared, and was replaced by a thin pink scar.

The princess Yuncheng touched the fine scar almost sincerely, and the tentacles were smooth and delicate, almost making people think it was painted.

"Mother, how is my face now?" Yuan Yuyi opened her eyes, and her pink lips were slightly white because of the tension.

The Princess Yuncheng wanted to speak, but her voice was choked on her throat, her eyes were sour, and tears filled her. Great! Too much better than before!

The response of the Princess Yuncheng made Yuan Yuyi more nervous, and her bright eyes were slightly darkened ...

Seeing this, Princess Yuncheng grabbed her daughter's hand and said eagerly: "Okay! ... Sister Yi, great!" She was almost incoherent.

"Really?" Yuan Yuyi couldn't believe it. She touched her finger to her right face, and found that the touch under her finger was completely different ...

The girls on the side were all relieved, and they all wiped the tears in the corners of their eyes. The county master is finally fine, and the storm can finally pass!

Nan Gongxi whispered to Hanmei next to her a few words, and after a while, Hanmei ordered a little girl to bring in a sideview mirror from the outside.

Nangong Yan gestured Xiaoya to face Ling Yuyi's face, and said, "Sister Yi, your face is already seven or eight points better. As long as you use the scar cream everyday, the scar will become more serious. Light. "Nangong Ai gave Bai Hui a look. Bai Hui immediately took out a small black delicate porcelain box from the medicine box. The surface of the box was painted with three silver-painted bamboo leaves. the same.

Han Mei took the small porcelain box for Yuan Yuyi.

Nan Gongxi said confidently: "Sister Yi, this is my unique cream. You can use it to cover this fine scar later. I made it specially according to your skin tone, and I didn't keep any traces. Wait for me. Let Bai Hui teach Han Mei how to use this cream ... "

Yuan Yuyi looked at Ling Huajing and stared at her face for a while, without moving. From the front, she could barely see the scar on her face. She turned her face slowly and stiffly, and gently stroked the fine scar on her right hand ...

It's really smooth!

Although still different from my original skin color, although I still have regrets ...

She breathed a sigh of relief and said to herself: It's time to be content!

It is already her great blessing to meet her sister-in-law! She looks uglier than before, and now she is like a freshman.

Thinking of this, Yuan Yuyi could not help showing a faint smile.

When the princess Yuncheng met, she couldn't help but evoke the corner of her mouth, but her eyes fell on the scar on her daughter's face. In addition to the pain in her heart, some thoughts that have been hovering in her heart these days have floated again ... If you don't know the answer, I'm afraid as long as she faces her daughter, this problem will always entangle her.

While Bai Hui and Han Mei were helping Yuan Yuyi to cover her scar with cream, Princess Yuncheng gave Nangong a look and motioned to follow her to the outside.

Although Nangong Yu didn't know why, he still kept up. "His Royal Highness, what can you tell me?"

The princess Yuncheng took a deep look at Nangong with a complex look, and finally took a deep breath, and asked, "Master Yaoguang, if the frost is treated earlier, will there be no scars left now?" She's expressionless and her eyes look like the same Wang Shentan, so that she can't see her true emotions, but the problem itself is enough to expose the truest thought in her heart—the self-blame hidden in her heart for more than a month.

Nan Gongxi smiled a little, knowing his heart, saying: "His Royal Highness, the county's wound is too deep. If you treat it as soon as possible, you can suffer less flesh, but you can't completely eliminate the scar, but the scar should be better than it is now. Shallower. "

Before the words fell, I heard the surprise sound of Yuan Yuyi in the interior: "Is the scar really gone? Hanmei, look at it ... oh, what's your son?"

The Princess Yuncheng busily said, "Go and talk to sister Yi."

After Nangong's salute, he returned to the inner room, leaving only the Princess Yuncheng to sit down silently, not knowing in his heart whether it was regret or luck.

I regret that I made my daughter suffer so much. Fortunately, I didn't really ruin my daughter's life because of my fault!

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