The little girl gave another salute and retreated arrogantly.

Lin turned to the crowd and said, "Let's start now."

Everyone naturally has no objection.

The government originally prepared four carriages for the masters for this trip, but because the three rooms were temporarily unavailable, they were reduced to three.

Out of the city from the east gate, the journey was very smooth. About two hours later, I arrived at Shanhua Temple.

In order to show devotion, Lin specially ordered people to park the carriage in front of the temple, and all the female relatives entered the temple on foot.

Seeing that Liu Qingqing's face was not good, Nangong went to her and asked, "Sister Qing, do you have some motion sickness?"

Liu Qingqing covered his mouth slightly with a papa and nodded.

Nangong Yan gave Bai Hui a wink, and Bai Hui immediately took out a purse, took out a small porcelain bottle, and gave it to Nangong Yan. Nangong Yan opened the small porcelain bottle and said to Liu Qingqing, "Sister Qing, this is the essence to relieve motion sickness. You can smell it under your nose."

"Thank you, sister." Liu Qingqing took the porcelain bottle, covered it with a parchment in one hand, put the porcelain bottle under the nose with one hand, and smelled a refreshing fragrance coming from the nose with only one smell. Feeling head to head, suddenly the spirit was shocked, and even the nausea produced by the motion sickness was mostly gone.

"My sister-in-law, I'm much better." Liu Qingqing was about to return the porcelain bottle to Nangong Yan, but was stopped by his hand.

"Sister Qing, I made this awakening godly incense myself. If you don't dislike it, leave it." With that said, Nangong Yan also put the porcelain bottle stopper back for him.

Although Liu Qingqing's family is poor now, he has always been generous, and he is not polite. "Then I will be polite."

While talking, they followed the others to Shanhua Temple.

Under the breeze, Liu Qingqing's complexion quickly recovered as usual, with a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, thinking that she could come out and walk a little, making her mood much easier.

Several people, led by a small Sami, entered the main hall.

The fact that Master Cihang wanted to come to Shanhua Temple to preach the scriptures has spread throughout the whole capital. Many people in the king's faithful came to listen to the Master ’s lectures. For this reason, Shanhua Temple had to limit its entrance to the temple. The number of people who have passed the Lin's booking a few days in advance also won these places.

At this time, there are already many pilgrims waiting in the main hall of Shanhua Temple. In order to avoid hitting the female relatives, only the female relatives are allowed to enter in the first game of this day. The mature ladies and girls talked together in pairs.

"Two aunts! Four aunts!" A soft and pleasant female voice came from the right.

Nangong Yan only heard its sound, and frowned. This sound was too familiar to her ...

She slowly turned around and looked at the sound. I saw a thin woman wearing a white dress and white flowers walking towards the people in Nangong Palace, and it turned out to be Bai Muxiao.

Lin frowned slightly, but still greeted him in an appropriate manner, and said, "Sister Xiao, why are you here?" After all, the two are relatives, and even if Lin has something to say to her, he can only go up. Before

Bai Muxiao first blessed herself, and then said: "The second aunt, the fourth aunt, Xiaoer heard that Master Cihang came to lecture, and came to the temple to pray for the father."

Lin nodded and sighed: "You are filial piety, your father knows it underground, you must be very pleased." I thought to myself: this sister Xiao is indeed a bad life, an orphan widow, this Baifu is not kind People, the life of Nangong Mica and daughter is really hard today ... Just the thought that when Xiao Xiao pushed Xin brother into the water, and Xin brother was almost dead, Lin could n’t open her heart to her. Ordinary relatives come and go.

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