Huang's and Yayi Yiling returned to Lanshan Courtyard, and hurriedly asked Yiling to call Fang Yan over.

"Fang Ye," Huang said at first sight Fang Ye looked at the savior, grabbed each other's hands and hurriedly said, "It's over! They must have found it!" Because of her panic, she had a slight voice in her voice. Tremble.

Fang Zheng patted her comfortably, "Mrs. Third, what's going on?"

Huang quickly said what he had seen and heard in the flower hall of Rong'antang, and finally panicfully said, "Lin's transferred so many items from the warehouse, but he didn't pick a fake. This must not be a coincidence. Lin's Mother and daughter must have found something! "

Although there were only a few collections that she exchanged at first, they were all very valuable. At that time, thinking of keeping filial piety for three years, she would definitely not use those items, which made her frustrated. She transferred those collections and changed some private rooms. money. Sure enough, as she expected, in the past three years, Nangong Palace has never held any major banquet, and it has been successfully hidden to the present. I don't want to have today ...

Huang's whole body was panicked at this time, his thoughts were blank, and his little shrewdness disappeared. She clutched Fang Yan tightly, as if the other party was her life-saving straw.

"My third lady, what are you panic about! Don't let yourself be confused and let people see what's happening." Fang Yan was not panic. "Even if they find out, they have no evidence!" She seemed to think of something and beckoned to Yi Ling. "Isn't the second lady just re-furnishing the flower hall, you go to the storeroom to find out what items were returned before?"

"Yes." He resigned with a spirit of busyness.

Huang gradually calmed down, carefully considered Fang Yan's words, and understood the meaning of the other party's words, "Fang Yan, do you think ..."

Fang Yan smiled slyly, "I will know when Yi Ling returns."

Working with spirits was so concise, and after a while, he came back out of the hospital with a few breaths and handed a note to Huang and Fang.

"Shi Luo Han Pastel Glazed Floor Melon Floor Vase! She did find it!"

When Huang saw it, he panicked again, and looked at Fang Yan helplessly, but Fang Yan immediately smiled and said viciously: "Mrs. Three, this is the end of the situation. Report it to the old lady and push it all on Lin! "

Huang's pupils shrank sharply, and they thought it was feasible. Then they nodded slowly, his eyes glowed with vicious dark light. She told herself in her heart: People do not die for themselves, Lin, and now things have come to this point, it is no wonder that I do not want to, I do not want to!

She made up her clothes and was about to leave, but she heard the little girl report: "Mrs. Three, three girls come to see you!"

Three girls! ? Huang and Fang Yan looked at each other with horror in their eyes, and followed Huang's busy saying, "Please ask the three girls to go to the main house."

Huang managed his clothes, and went to the main house with spirit to see Nangong.

"Sanji!" At the first sight of Huang, Nangongxi stood up from the circle chair in panic, and hesitantly looked at Yi Ling behind Huang, "Sanji, can you let Yi Ling retreat first, and there is something wrong with Yier I want to tell you. "

Huang looked at Nangong's anxious and panicked face, and was even more confused. Wasn't this sister-in-law in Rong'an Hall's flower hall just now? Why did she come here suddenly? Even so, she still waved to the side of Yi Ling to retreat first, and wanted to see what Nangong Yan was about to say.

Seeing Yi Ling retreating, Nangong Yu stepped forward a few more steps, hesitating for a moment, and asked, "Sanji, have you been to the storeroom these days?"

Huang's heart jumped, and said: Could it be that they still want to stir the water and involve themselves? ... Fortunately, I have been wary.

She couldn't help laughing, and said, "I'm busy with the drama class these days, but I've never been to the storeroom. What's wrong?"

"Sanji," Nangong Yan looked even more panicked, grabbed Huang's sleeves with a look of helplessness, his face wrinkled into a ball, and he looked like he was about to cry, "You must help me this time My dear! "

Huang's heart jumped, and he asked quickly, "What's the matter with you, sister?" She had a ghost in her heart, and her tone of voice was inevitable.

Nangong Yu didn't miss Huang's delicate emotions. From Huang ’s deliberate dispatch of the spirit to the Treasury to check, she has basically determined that Treasury's collections are packaged by Huang ’s act. At this moment, Huang ’s performance only makes Nangong Yu ’s heart more certain Got your own thoughts. If you follow Huang's usual days and see yourself in such a panic, the first reaction must be gloat, not tension and concern!

Although she was sneering in her heart, her face was still crying, and she twitched her mouth and said, "San Mi, my mother found that several precious collections in the storeroom were stolen into fakes. San Mi, that What can I do? "

Huang's heart shook, and sure enough, the collection was uncovered. But looking at Nangong Yan's appearance, she should not find that the collection was transferred by herself. On the contrary, she also wanted to ask her to help her.

Thinking of this, Huang was a little relieved, but fortunately did not doubt himself. Fortunately, okay ... Let's just say, how could a person like Lin's useless find that the collection was transferred by himself.

Hidden in his eyes carefully, Huang also pretended to be anxious, and said anxiously: "Sister, are you sure? What can we do! Those collections are of great value, they are the generations of the ancestors. What has accumulated from generation to generation has now been replaced by counterfeit products, but this is an incredible thing! "

Looking at Huang's performance more than himself, Nangong Yan rolled his eyes secretly, but looked up with tears in his eyes. "Sanji, I originally suggested that my mother tell this to her grandmother and auntie, but my mother thinks this Some fakes have already passed through her hands. If she is held accountable, she can't tell, and it will be difficult to get rid of the relationship in the end. "

Huang's heart was extremely happy, but his face pretended to be sad: "Yeah, what can I do?"

The opposite Nangong Yu wiped her tears with a papa, sucked her nose, and said, "Three sisters, so now the only way to make the fakes true is to expose them like this. My mother-in-law deliberately asked today I came to see you, I just hoped that I could hide it for a few days. Fortunately, the items that were dropped from the bag were not solitary items. My mother had asked me to find the same authentic product, and it will be delivered two days later. Then you can replace those fakes. "After a pause, she prayed again," If Sanyi can help this, my mother will definitely give Sanyi a great thank you. "

At this moment, Huang's heart burst into bloom. She didn't expect that Lin didn't find out that the collection had been dropped by herself. She also asked her daughter to help her conceal herself for a few days, and even promised to give one later. A gracious gift.

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