Di Daughter: The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 546: Before the King (3)

Nangong Yu is helpless. Although she is a medical doctor, she is also confident in her own medical skills, but the patient does not cooperate, and she cannot help it ... In the face of Tang Yan who is desperately winking at her, she thinks about it, and gently Nodded.

Nan Gongxi walked out of Wufutang with Yongyang. The garden of Princess Yangyang ’s eldest princess is a must for the king. As soon as you enter the garden, you see a small lake surrounded by a lush pine forest. The houses are hidden in the forest. When crossing the path, a young girl who was standing at the intersection, Fushen said, "His Royal Highness, the sixth girl took the nangong son to Yunlan Pavilion. The sixth girl asked the slaves to tell you here."

"This child." Yongyang shook her head with a smile, "I'm sure it's going to harm me again. My sister, we also Yunlan Pavilion."

Nangong responded with a smile, and as Yongyang turned to another path, she headed towards Yunlan Pavilion.

On the other side, Fu Yunyan and Nangong Xin had arrived at Yunlan Pavilion, and she was happily introducing to Nangong Xin: "Axin, here is Yunlan Pavilion. My grandmother raised a few fish in the lake. The small country paid tribute, the scales on her body were golden yellow, very beautiful! Let's go and see! "

Nangong Xin's eyes brightened and he nodded in a hurry: "Okay! Ok!"

The two walked into Yunlan Pavilion and lay on the railing to look at the fish in the lake. At a glance, they saw a few golden fish swimming leisurely around the lake. The maidservant on the side brought fish food with great eyesight. A lot of fish food was thrown down. All the fish were surrounded. Nangong Xin cried in surprise: "This fish is so beautiful!"

Fu Yunyan said generously: "If you like it, I'll ask my grandmother to give you some!"

Nangong Xin's eyes were as bright as bright stars, and asked, "Can you?"

"Of course." Fu Yunyan said without hesitation. "Last time you gave me a lotus lamp, this is a gift, and my grandmother will definitely agree."

Nangong Xin was extremely happy, with a bright smile on her face.

The two chattered and fed the fish for a while, and just before leaving Yunlan Pavilion, Nangong Xin suddenly noticed that a painting was spread on the stone table of Yunlan Pavilion. The two walked curiously and looked carefully.

The painting shows a crowd of rugged people, who support each other and walk forward, all of them numb eyes, no hope. Overgrown with weeds on both sides of the road, three skinny people are dragging a thinner child into the pot, and not far away from them, is a dying mother, her hand is reaching out to that child ... at the end of the horizon, It is the low sun, which seems to imply a hopeless future.

"The painting is so good ..." Fu Yunyan said helplessly. "Just looking at it makes people feel sad."

"Don't be sad," Nangong Xin comforted. "Well, let me change it!"

"Axin, will you change your painting?"

"Yeah!" Nangong Xin nodded and said confidently, "My sister said that I've changed a lot!"

He said with a crooked head and looked at it for a while, then he had an idea in his heart, and asked Fu Yunyan: "Six mothers, do you have cinnabar?"

"No." Fu Yunyan shook her head, and immediately, her eyes lit up, and she took a small pot of lip fat from her purse and said, "Is this OK?"

Nangong Xin opened it, looked at it, and said, "Yes!"

He smeared some lip fat from the small pot with his little finger, and wiped the residual sun two or three times, and said, "It's over!"

"So fast?" Fu Yunyan bustled over to look.

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