Nan Gongxi deliberately used this incident to show her ability in front of Lin's. She didn't want to be treated as a child by her mother-in-law. She hoped her mother-in-law could believe in herself more ... So if there is any major event in the future, the mother-in-law will not Because he is young, he deliberately hides himself.

Lin was silent, she knew her daughter was right. But thinking of her daughter being only nine years old, she was forced to grow up, to be sensible, and to be strong ... all because of her useless mother. If it weren't for her own uselessness, why would her daughter be so! Why so!

Lin's eyes narrowed, and rare firmness appeared in the soft eyes. To be a mother is to be strong, for her children, she has to work harder!

The mother and daughter spoke again, and Lin left.

My son has been guarding outside the palace of Nangong for a long time. When she saw Lin's departure, she entered the house and told her: "Three girls, this time she met the four masters in the back garden ... Su table girl's maid Liu Rong was guarding at the entrance of the garden, so the slaves did not dare to get too close. "

Hearing that Nangong Yan could not help sneering, she knew that Su Qingping was not a worry-free woman. Her fourth uncle Nangong Cheng had grown up and moved out of the inner house. Su Qingping's desire to "ranch in" the fourth uncle is certainly not easy, and it takes some means to come.

Nangong Nai rewarded Nai Er with a bead flower and instructed: "Yoer, you are doing well. Continue to stare at the girl Su, if she does something unusual, come back and tell me." Naier respectfully After thanking him, he answered "Yes" and retreated.

There was only Nangong Yu alone in the room. She was sitting quietly on the Yu, thinking of her uncle, and the uncle's Tongfang Qiner. Although she did n’t know the uncle in this life, she remembered that the uncle in the previous life was a passionate person. As long as the girls in his yard were a little bit like a Peugeot, he was almost approached by him. After becoming married, it became even more The romantic seed, only pity her ...

Nan Gongyu secretly thought, a certain possibility emerged in his heart: In the previous life, was Su Qingping the first person to focus on not his father, but his uncle Nangong Cheng?

With these two characters, and the current development trend, it seems very likely.

Thinking of this, Nan Gongxi suddenly realized that he had missed too many things because he had been sick for several months.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye. Today is Su's birthday. In the morning, extra rewards were given to the people in the house. The whole Nangong House was filled with joy and joy, and thanked Mrs. Ende. The boudoir side also deliberately gave three days of leave to allow the girls to go to work.

Early in the morning, people from the big, second, third and fourth bedrooms and Su Qingping went to the main hall to worship Su's life. Even Huang, who was sentenced to confinement, was released today, but her voice was still It was very husky. I heard that she had read the women's ring all night long under the corridor. By the next day, her voice was almost husky.

As soon as Huang saw Nangong Yu and Lin Shi, her eyes burst into a strong resentment, but she also knew that today is Su's birthday. If she makes a noise, it will be over, and she can only hang down on the surface in a meek manner. Eyes, staring at his toes.

The children and grandchildren started from the big room and gave Su Shi a birthday:

"I wish my mother (grandmother) good luck in the East China Sea.

Everyone is a gimmick, and they hand-carried the various birthday gifts carefully prepared by them: Shouping paintings by the Eight Immortals, embroidery pictures of Baishou, embroidery with turquoise embroidery, Chen Xiangguai ... even Nangong Xin gave him his own painting Shouxing diagram. When it was Nangong's turn, she sent a birthday gift different from everyone—knee pads.

"This is ..." Su Shi slightly moved, and looked at Nangong Yu slightly differently.

"Grandmother, this is the knee pads that your granddaughter has sewn for you. The granddaughter has put rheumatism herbs in it. I hope it can help my grandmother." Nangong said respectfully and thoughtfully, a filial granddaughter . The knee pads were said to be sew by hand. In fact, she just moved her mouth and cut it by An Niang, and Yi Mei helped sew and embroider. The only herb among them was indeed her own deployment, and it was true for Su's. Rheumatism has some benefits.

"My sister-in-law is really attentive!" Su Shi couldn't help but rejoice, praised him without hesitation, and attracted some envy or envy or disdain or shock for Nangong Yu.

In the next three and four bedrooms, Su also paid his birthday and presented birthday gifts, and finally it was Su Qingping's turn. Su Qingping was obviously well-dressed, and she took out her best clothes and the best jewelry. Since there were not many jewelry, she simply chose the one that suits her best. Eared earrings, the beads dangling slightly while walking, looking elegant and pretty.

But her face looked unnatural, and the smile at the corner of her mouth was strong. But she adjusted her mood immediately, and when she raised her eyes again, she smiled freely.

"Qing Ping wishes to Aunt Song long years, and Tao Tao holds three thousand years old." Su Qingping salutes Su's respectfully, and her daughter-in-law Liurong offers her a birthday gift. "Qing Ping saw her aunt a few days ago Suffering from rheumatism, I happened to think about it with my sister-in-law, and I also prepared a pair of knee pads for my aunt. Although it is better than my sister-in-law's thoughtfulness, the aunt must not abandon Qing Ping. "From outside, The knee pads she made were much more beautiful and delicate than the pair of Nangong Yu. The dark green silk cloth was embroidered with the beautiful peach figure, rolled with azure edges, and used warm rabbit fur inside.

It was only when Nangong Xiong presented his gifts in advance, and he added herbs to his knee pads, which made him more intimate and more provocative.

So this time Su didn't move any more, but ordered Wang Xi to accept the birthday gift and said with a smile: "Qing Ping, you have a heart too."

Su Qingping twirled the parchment, and retreated a little unwillingly.

Soon after, the mother-in-law rushed to report that Su's eldest daughter Nangong Yun brought her husband Bai Yuxuan and daughter Bai Muxiao to the door; after half a column incense, Su's second daughter Nangong Shuang also took her husband and a son and a son The girl also arrived at Rong'an Hall ... Looking at the children and grandchildren in this room, Su Shi smiled stubbornly on weekdays, and couldn't help but smile with consolation and narrowed his eyes.

The males and two aunts in each room finished their birthdays, and then they quit the inner courtyard and went to the seats in the outer courtyard. Only Nangong Xin returned to Qianyun Yuan-these years, Lin's capital Nangong Xin has been very protected, very few Let him show up in front of outsiders, lest he be hurt by gossip, and Su's wish that this mentally weak grandson should not come out to meet people.

The women dependants stayed in the main hall. You told me, I said to you, they talked at home.

Soon after, a mother-in-law came to inform a certain family that He Lilai had been sent ... A moment later, two other families also sent He Lilai.

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