"Father, uncle, Vice Admiral Liu, Yang Xiaowei ... we're home!" The young man yelled, as if hitting the hearts of everyone with a heavy hammer.

The man in white behind him also shouted in unison: "General Officer, Vice Admiral Liu, Vice Admiral Liu, Wei Yang ... we are home!" The loud voice seemed to shake the world!

Someone sighed with emotion: "It's pitiful that only one officer general is in the gate."

Yeah, only his official language is white, and he has no loved ones!

Officials were full of heroes, and tens of thousands of official families died unjustly!

The official language was blank and expressionless, and his eyes were hollow and empty, as if only himself was left in this world.

"General Officer!" Someone sobbed and moaned, while others began to raise paper money.

"Government general, go all the way." Slope up and down and drank in unison.

Passers-by who happened to stop by unknowingly, looked at the flying paper money, looked at the mighty funeral procession, and their expressions became calm and heart-broken.

"It's so pitiful! I heard that at that time, my loved ones were all dead, and only the general officer was still being tortured in jail ... he almost lost his life."

"They are detained in the name of the Air Force and the treason of the enemy. Those treacherous ones who do not serve the country and the people, but also frame the loyal ministers who are the country and the people, really cannot die!"

"Fortunately, the officer and general have a great life and a blessing from the righteous, and escape the day of birth, otherwise I'm afraid I can't wait for this day of grievances!"

"But this person has died too much. What will the officer general do in the future, all alone? It would be better for us to take a ride."


The emotions of the people are getting more and more excited, and one by one, the blood is boiling, but these disturbances did not reach the official language Baier.

He just spurred the horse to go to the west gate, followed by those five carriages with coffins, but the number of funeral teams was growing, white crickets were tumbling, paper money was pouring like rain. Almost all the way was dyed a tragic white ...

The owner of Chashuipu drove the donkey cart to the rear of the funeral team. His son followed, and while walking, he picked up an altar wine and smashed it to the ground ...


The wine jar shattered, and the fragrant liquor splashed to the ground, calling the middle-aged businessman in the tea shop for a while to be distressed: it was a twenty-year-old wine! How good it would be to sell him!

"Slap! Slap! ..."

Go all the way, smash all the way, comfort the heroes with this wine!

At the gate of Xicheng, the crowd was surging. Some people set up incense cases to worship the heroes. The gate guards looked at this huge funeral team, and they hurried to find the gatekeeper: "Sir, this, this, will it Is something wrong? "

"What can happen!" The city gate officer took a deep look at the funeral team, and suddenly shot the guard's head. "It's just that there are more welcoming spirits, and the battle is just a bit bigger!"

"My lord said that," the guard echoed in unison.

The city gate officer touched his beard and said, "You, go to Wucheng Bingmasi to file a report, and say that because of the huge funeral team, in order to prevent tramples, you also ask Wucheng Bingmasi to help maintain order. . "

The guard said a word and went to work.

Soon, the huge funeral procession finally passed through Xicheng Gate.

Behind the city gate, the people welcomed by Jiadao are even more spectacular. Some come to pay their respects, and some are more lively.

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