There are more people in the martial arts field than Xiao Yi imagined. In addition to Nangong Xin, Yuan Lingbai, and Fu Yunyan as their masters, there are also Princess Yuncheng, Yuan Yuyi and Han Huaijun.

Xiao Yi's gaze paused on Han Huaijun, showing contempt for his behavior of not going to play here.

Touching Xiao Yi's gaze, Han Huaijun's body suddenly stiffened, and he stood up to welcome him, "Big Brother." The awkwardness and rigidity that his voice could not tell, also faithfully reflected on his face.

This "brother" attracted everyone's curious eyes.

Yuan Lingbai and Fu Yunhe couldn't help but glance at each other, and didn't know if it was gleeful, or they were glad that their team had grown a bit. only……

The two looked at Han Huaijun disgustingly, feeling that his image was too old and heavy, and they didn't match at all! Too much to lose them.

Yuan Yuyi laughed aloud, and said with a smile: "Cousin, you also recognized Brother Yi as your eldest brother, can't you beat him?"

His second brother was forced to recognize the boss because Xiao Yi could not be beaten. How could Yuan Yuyi not know, but I didn't expect that a serious Han Huaijun had actually joined them with them, which made Yuan Lingyi very interesting. Already.

Han Huaijun wanted to cry without tears, but this was what he asked for, and he couldn't blame anything else.

After the palace change that day, Han Huaijun saw Xiao Yi's skill very well, and his unbearable look on Peace Day was very different. He was a little curious, so after the two were injured, they chose a day to go to Zhennan. The Wangfu challenged Xiao Yi ... Then he was beaten down.

It wasn't until he was beaten down that Han Huaijun knew that Xiao Yi's rule here was that everyone who was beaten down by him must recognize the boss!

Han Huaijun chose the latter without any hesitation when he was stripped and hung up on the wall.

As soon as the "brother" came out, this fact was established.

"Xiaojun." Xiao Yi's unscrupulous look made Han Huaijun look very dazzling. "Have you finished your errands today?"

"I'll rest."

Xiao Yi was startled, "Why do you have a break, I don't ?!" If he knew that today was a break, he would have gone to find a stinky girl early in the morning, and it would have taken so long!

Han Huaijun doesn't want to ignore him anymore, don't think that you don't know. The five cities' soldiers and horses are on the same day as the rest of the Xiaoqi camp. No, he didn't know that Xiu Mu actually ran here instead of Wucheng Bingmasi today?

He was so embarrassed to accuse himself of not doing business?

Han Huaijun has a pain in his head. What kind of boss did he recognize? I knew it would not be challenging that day ...

"Forget it!" At this time, I heard Xiao Yi pat his shoulder and said, "Your brother and I have a lot of adults, so I don't care about you, I will leave the errand for you tomorrow."

Han Huaijun was dumbfounded, and even became angry and anger, "Are you still leaving me with few errands these days?" Speaking of this, he remembered something, and dutifully added a title, "... brother."

Xiao Yi took it for granted: "It's so decided!"


Yuan Yuyi listened very interestingly and asked with a smile: "Cousin, have you been doing a lot of errands recently?"

"A lot." In order not to be fainted, Han Huaijun was wise to ignore Xiao Yi, but said, "The case of Yan Wang's conspiracy is very widespread, and recently Xirong is not very peaceful. It is said that Xi Rong has already hit Feixia Mountain, and my Dayu has lost ground. When General Guan Ruyan defended the west, how dare this Xi Rong be so arrogant! But unfortunately ... "Speaking here, he couldn't help sighing.

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