The emperor said deliberately, "It really makes sense for the queen to say so."

The queen said with a smile: "This is not only Chen Ye's feeling like this. Even the young aunt entered the palace last time, she also mentioned to Chen Ye."

The emperor asked with interest: "How do you say?"

"My aunt said that you asked her to pay attention to her brother's affairs for her brother Yi, but she has been away from the king for a long time. She did n’t know about the family members, so she came to ask Chen Chen. We talked about the girl, She was very satisfied with her sister-in-law, and said that recently, her sister-in-law was treating her the old wounds left on the battlefield that year. "The queen looked at the emperor's look, and said with a lip smile," She also said that Brother Yi was indeed a little bad. Now, it takes a dignified girl to make it work. "


The emperor laughed loudly, "My aunt is right, Elder Brother is just too ridiculous, and he takes the Wangdu's group of kids all over the place all day long, so he doesn't bother the grandma. The younger aunt can see through, Yi My brother's daughter-in-law should be dignified in order to control him. "

The queen smiled like a gossip and said, "The aunt also asked the courtier not to tell the emperor first. She also wanted to ask more and ask the emperor."

"My aunt is just too upright." The emperor said slowly, "However, Auntie and Yigeer ... Auntie didn't think about them both. Auntie seems to be a little younger."

The Queen smiled and said, "Isn't this just right."

The emperor suddenly responded. Indeed, at a later marriage, Yi Geer can rightfully stay in Wangdu for a few more years, and the relationship with them can be more intimate. Think of it this way, the girl is just right ...

While talking, a little **** outside the door came in and reported: "The emperor, the queen mother, and the concubine Zhang, please see outside the hall."

The emperor commanded casually: "Let Zhang Fei come in."

There was a taunt of light in the queen's eyes, and of course she knew what her mother and daughter were thinking.

Want the second princess Xiao Yishang to get the support of King Zhennan in the battle for conquest?

If they do, then she and her little five will probably have no place to die!

What's more, Brother Yi is a good boy, even if Zhang Fei's second princess deserves him!

The queen hummed in her heart, and continued calmly on the face: "The courtier is actually a little worried ... Now that the princess of the Zhennan palace is not a worry-free person, I am afraid that the king of the south will continue. With the encouragement of the princess, she set a bad relationship for Yier. "

She sighed, "The matter of the inner house cannot be underestimated. If Yige's daughter-in-law is not appropriate, and he encourages Yige and the emperor to centrifuge in the day, it will be worth the loss. Take a step back and say, Xiao Fangshi But if she has her own son, she should also hope that her biological son can inherit the title. But the son of Xiao Fang's, we are not familiar at all, and I do n’t know what the nature is. In the future ... It's so worrying. "

The emperor frowned slightly, pondering for a moment, but the queen made some truth.

Xiao Yi was close to himself, but Zhenna ’s other sister-in-law was completely unimpressed. How could he allow Zhennan ’s position to be handed over to others in the future?

Xiao Yi's marriage must not be made by Zhennan King.

Think of it this way, the girl is indeed a good match, but after all, the Nangong family had been a former minister of the former dynasty, and he couldn't help worrying about it ...

The emperor nodded thoughtfully: "This brother and sister-in-law ..."

The emperor's voice did not fall, and Zhang Fei, wearing a pink palace dress, walked in from outside the hall, and came in graceful manners, saluting gracefully: "See the emperor, the empress and the empress."

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