Until this moment, Xiao Yi's heart fell to the ground completely.

Nangong Yu is all right, Xiao Yi finally has the mood to think about the other, a thought that has hovered in his mind since yesterday also emerged again-why did Xi Rong envoy suddenly marry Nangong Yu?

In terms of identity, there is a second-age princess in the palace.

On the family, there is also a Mingyue County Lord in Wangdu.

Regarding status, the queen's mother's house, the royal palaces, and the princess palaces all have girls among the characters.

On appearance ... well, in Xiao Yili's eyes, they don't add up to his stinking girl!

However, Nangong Yu is by no means a natural candidate!

He didn't believe that Xi Rong's envoy suddenly felt that kind of thought because of the sandbox fight at the Fang Yuan meeting. Someone must have used some secret means!

Who on earth is it?

Whenever the thought of someone daring to slap Nangong Yan secretly, Xiao Yi hated his teeth.

Xiao Yi shook his fist, and he must remove the poisonous snake hiding in the dark. Otherwise, he would have trouble sleeping.

"Cheng Yu," Xiao Yi's eyes flashed coldly, looking at Cheng Yu who was separated from his case, and said slowly, "You sent someone to look up in secret, why did Xi Rong envoy suddenly ask for light? The lord of the county went to kiss him. I checked it carefully to see if anyone had contact with Sejong's envoys and secret contacts! "Speaking of it later, Xiao Yi almost gritted his teeth," If you let me know who is making a ghost in secret ... ... "

It doesn't matter if you mess with him, but if you mess with him, then he will definitely report.

The cold light in Xiao Yi's eyes gradually condensed, as icy as a thousand-year iceberg.

"Yes, Master Shi." Cheng Yu secretly frightened, responded quietly, and then hurried back.

Bamboo said cautiously: "Sir, do you want to say hello to the county master so that she can be on guard?"

Speaking of Nangong Yu, Xiao Yi immediately melted like spring, and the cold all over him disappeared.

He groaned and said decisively: "No, you don't have to tell her about this, lest she worry ... I won't give people a chance to hurt her, so she still doesn't know about this kind of thing."

Xiao Yi said and waved his hand to let the bamboo recede. Then he took the Guanyubai letter from his arms and put it on a candle.

For Guan Yubai, it doesn't matter whether he is a conspiracy or a conspiracy. He can always pinpoint the only breakthrough. Just like this time, whether or not Nangong Yu is close to him is actually between the emperor's thoughts, so only when the emperor deeply realizes that Nangong Yu is related to his life, he will never agree with him ...

Regardless of whether it was a princess, a virgin or a minister's daughter, for the emperor, he actually had a lot of choices. Only Nangong, he could not choose because he regretted his life ... In front of his life, the rest were not important.

Xiao Yi looked at the burnt ash in the book case, looked down slightly, and once again realized the deep thinking of Guan Yubai.

As Guan Yubai said, he is still too aggressive ...

Xiao Yi sat down in front of the book case. At this moment, he missed his stinky girl very much ... the feeling of almost losing makes him can't wait to see her!

Do it when you think! Xiao Yi immediately got up, leap out of the window, and rushed to Nangong Palace.

Xiao Yi has been very experienced in sneaking into Nangong Palace. Even with his eyes closed, he can accurately touch Nangong's boudoir.

The room was deserted and filled with a sense of elegance, just like the smell of his stinky girl. Xiao Yi did not feel bored. He sat down at will and poured himself a glass of water, watching the hanging on the wall. Western wall clock with slightly curved lips.

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