Eventually, Nangong Yan seemed to be getting weaker, and gradually quieted down, and didn't speak again for a long time.

"Big sister?" Nangong Ai hesitated and asked tentatively, "do you have any thoughts? ... I won't tell anyone."

Nangong Yan's cheeks turned red, and she said something for a while, finally whispering, "Three sisters, do you know that my family is helping me recently ... phase ... phase ..." As they get lower, the words "looking at each other" are somewhat inexplicable.

Seeing this, Nangong said, "Sister, you said that your family recently chose your relative for you." After a pause, she explained again, "Sister, my mother didn't tell me about this It ’s just that the last time I was at Yaowang Temple, I guessed a little. ”

Nangong Yuliu frowned, and for a long time she didn't speak, but the slight anxiety from her eyebrows and expressions could be seen by bright eyes.

Nan Gongxi sighed and asked, "Sister, aren't you happy?"

Nangong Yan still remained silent.

Obviously, she was unhappy.

In other words, she was not satisfied with the relationship.

Even from the perspective of Nangong Yu, the relative of Jian'an Bofu is very good. Pei Shizi is a talented person, both civil and military. Standing with Nangong Yu is definitely a talented woman. It stands to reason that this should be the best personal relationship.

But Nangong Yu was not satisfied ... why?

Is she dissatisfied with Pei Shizi, or she already has it in her heart ...

A name appeared in front of Nangong Yuan.

Sincere King!

Thinking of last year's Fang Yihui, last year at the foot of Cuiwei Mountain, and then thinking about the Fang Yihui just passed this year, Nangong Xiong felt more and more likely, so he carefully asked: "Sister, you are the sincerity king Your Highness ... "

Nangong's pupils shrank sharply, and Sakura's lips trembled slightly without answer.

She was silent for another moment before raising her eyes to Nangong Yu, hesitantly asked, "Three sisters, what would you do if the family you ordered for you was unwilling?"

Nangong froze, Xiao Yi's face could not help but come to her mind.

If the family arranges a personal relationship for her, no matter who it is, Nangong Yan feels that she will never agree.

In other words, if it wasn't Xiao Yi who asked for a marriage, she would refuse without hesitation, and she wouldn't be at a loss like this moment.

As for Xiao Yi ... Nangong could not help thinking that if he knew that he might be engaged with someone else, he would use all means and destroy this family relationship!

Thinking of this, the corner of Nangong Yan's mouth could not help but a slight smile in his eyes.

Nangong Aunt's mood was lighter, and he calmed down and looked at Nangong Aunt positively: "Sister, if it's me, I'll go and tell my mother. If I don't want it, my mother won't force it. Mine, she will help me convince my father and grandmother. "

Nangong Yan did not speak, bit her lower lip, lowered her head slightly, and her long eyelashes were half drooping, unable to see her mind.

"Big Sister ... For the rest, you can think of myself as talking to me."

Although Nangong Ai guessed that Nangong Ai had some admiration for King Cheng, however, they are still in the boudoir. It is impossible for Nangong Ao to say such things, and it is impossible for Nangong Ai to be straightforward as a younger sister. Ask it.

"If someone really pleases you ..."

Hearing this sentence, Nangong Yan's face turned red and her head dropped lower.

Nan Gongxi continued to take care of himself: "... then he will not let you worry alone, worry alone, and bear the pressure alone. He will always be by your side, trying to sweep with you Clearing all obstacles will never let you face all your difficulties alone. "

Obviously she was just talking about Nangong Yu and Cheng Cheng, but for some reason, Xiao Yi's voice echoed in her ears again: "You can rest assured! This family affairs will be done!"


Xiao Yi never needed to worry about anything by himself, no matter what happened, he would always stay by her side ...

So, he really likes himself, right?

Nangong Yan's eyes froze, and then he suddenly returned to God, and said to Nangong casually: "Sister, I think if this person can't do this, he must not be sincere, or you are His weight is too small. In that case, how can it be worthy of your dedication? It would be better to forget him, follow the family arrangements, and marry another person. "

Nangong Yan's eyelashes fanned slightly, thoughtfully.

Nangong Ai has no idea whether she is talking to her or to herself, mumbling to herself: "Big sister, a woman's life is not easy. No matter what your choices will be, it's just worth your life for this.

Nangong sat quietly for a while, then got up to leave.

After Nangong Yan sent her out of the door, she sat alone by the window and froze.

This day, until it was dark, she remembered that she almost forgot her homework ...

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