Si Tianjian was even more embarrassed, shouting loudly to the sky: "The clouds are scattered, the sun is shining all over the earth! Heaven has heard the prayers of all beings, and lowered well-being!"

Followed by, the three men kneeled and bowed to the sky, shouting in unison: Thank God, and bless me Dayu.

At this point, the sacrifice ceremony is considered complete.

The maids around were busy and stepped forward to lift up their own girls, and the fainted girls had been carried away by several housekeepers.

Nan Gongyu stood up with the help of Bai Hui, but his eyes narrowed to Xiao Yizheng striding towards her. Those eyes that always filled with smiles in the past were only her, and only her, no more Bystander.

Nangong trembled in his heart, as if a cricket sounded in his ears. Something was broken at this moment, and his eyes suddenly opened up.

She shook her head at Xiao Yi from a distance and motioned him not to come.

Xiao Yi stopped his footsteps and did not continue to move forward, but his eyes were still wrapped around Nangong Yan's body, and he refused to move away.

Nangong Yu worked hard to stabilize her mind, but her heart stirred up a rough sea.

The so-called "one leaf obstacle" should be her?

When she uncovered the layer of white veil that she had covered in front of her, a lot of things clearly appeared in front of her.

In previous lives, she exhausted herself for someone who didn't care about her, but ended up ruining herself.

After resurrecting her life, she never wanted to think about marriage anymore. This was to redeem the sins of previous lives, and she felt that she had stopped her heart. In this life, her biggest goal is to guard her mother, her brother, her family, as long as they can be good , Then she is already content.

In the past two years, she seems to have done a good job, her brother has survived, and her mother is not crazy. Her stepmother in the previous life was completely sent away from their lives by her. She was named by the emperor as the Lord of Shaking Light County ... everything seems to be getting better The better, as long as Han Lingfu is prevented from reaching the supreme position, the Nangong family will still be half.

But in fact, she alone, her armed with layers of outer clothing, still stayed in place.

My elder brother became more and more intelligent. He had his own friends and passed the test of childhood. The mother was not only locked in the shallow cloud courtyard, but she was trying hard to control the house, facing the ups and downs outside the house. What about herself? ?

My time seems to have stopped at the moment of death in the previous life, both the soul and the mind are blocked there, unwilling to come out again, and never grow up.

She was afraid of being hurt again, so she stayed in place and told herself that without change, there would be no harm.

But is that really the case?

Or is she really willing to do so?

Does she really want to remorse at the end of her life, like her previous life, and regret her failure to take that step, and regret missing the most important and precious thing in her life!

Maybe she should try it, in order to have no regrets in this life! Even if she gets hurt again, at least she can be sure--

At this moment, he likes her so much! He was the only one in his eyes!

That's enough ...

At this time, the queen finally stepped down to the sacrifice roof. The three hours of blessing, the emperor and the queen were also extremely tired, but there was a relief in the eyebrows.

The civil and military hundred officials' high-hanging hearts also let go a little, and the sacrifice of heaven was successfully completed, and they had an explanation to the people of the world. The event of Tiangu Food Day could finally be uncovered.

The queen was surrounded by the palace to rest in the palace.

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