"I happen to have something to see the old lady! Bai Lu, come with me!" Lin's anger was suppressed, and he was about to get up, but he heard her daughter's tender voice sound from the back: "Mother, my son, go with you ! "

"My sister." Lin looked around and saw that the young girl did not know when to lift up the thick curtain and walked in. At this moment, she was wearing a pomegranate red embroidered gold quilt and horse-face skirt, and her face was still very complex. It was bleak, because of a serious illness, Bai Nen's cheeks were as thin as a slap, and the black and faint eyes were particularly prominent, clear and dark. Lin couldn't help softening his voice. "Sister, you're still weak. The most important thing is to take a good rest!"

"My dear, let my son go. My son is also present at the time. If my grandmother asks me, my son will help explain it." Nangong said again.

Lin thought about it and agreed.

As Donger led the way, Nangong Yu, Lin Shi and Bai Lu came to Rong'an Hall and turned into Dongjima from Zhengtang.

Although the light in the east time is a little worse than that in the main hall, it is also spacious and bright. It is not splendid, there are two rows of flower tables on both sides, the furniture is a bit old, but they are well taken care of; the flower table is decorated with various vases, and the flower branches are very fresh.

Not counting the new rosewood straight on the three-screen Luohan bed, there was an old woman with slightly gray hair. She had a dark red fushou dark flower folder, her hair was meticulous, her head was round and she wore her With a pair of white jade puppets, a pair of sharp eyes, the heavy and vicissitudes precipitated through years of baptism, more severe and shrewd. She was already in her early fifties, but her years obviously favored her very much.

Although the Nangong family has lost its former glory, this pride is always hanging on the corner of Su's mouth.

The Nangong family is one of the four major families in the current era. From the previous dynasty, each generation has children and grandchildren. In the history of the previous three hundred years, it has repeatedly married with the royal family. Fengjiang officials, five officials of third grade and above, the rest are countless.

Thirty years ago, former emperor Murong Yu was overthrown by the general Han Jiu and foreign barbarians, and Han Jiu became king.

After the former dynasty broke the country, the former patriarch of the Nangong family, Nangong Hao, was reluctant to submit to the new emperor, resolutely hiding in the world. However, the Nangong family was once a power minister and a model of the southern Shilin. Therefore, after the emperor Han Jiu died, the new emperor Han Longyun showed his goodness to the scholars of the scholars in the world in order to consolidate his throne and ordered the new head of the Nangong family, Nangong. Qin Chushi, is a doctor from Sanpin Yushi. However, the new emperor has always been very afraid of the Nangong family, that is, they want to use them, but also worry that they are concerned about the former dynasty and are not good for themselves, so they gave Nangong Qin such a high and low position.

Nangong Qin originally wanted to inherit his ancestor's legacy, but he couldn't resist his mother Su's family. Eventually, under the leadership of Su's family, the family moved back to Wangdu.

And this is the beginning of all tragedies!

Grandmother ... Nangong Yan looked at Su Shi deeply, his eyes were extremely complicated. Her grandmother had never loved herself, and her admiration for her was worn away again and again by disappointment. In this life, I will never expect anything more.

"I've seen my grandmother (mother)!" Nangong Yu and Lin's turned to face Su's blessing together.

While Nangong Yan stood upright, his eyes flashed, and he quickly glanced around at the time. On the right hand side of grandmother Su's, a woman stood. I saw her in her early thirties, wearing a dark-colored makeup vase with a dark ink bottle, and she looked graceful. She is the wife of Uncle Nangong Qin, the uncle of Nangong Yu, Zhao Family.

On the left hand side of grandmother Su Shi, there was a 7- or 8-year-old girl. She was very cute, white-faced, tender and delicate, perfectly carved and perfect, very pleasant, especially with **** eyes. , Smart and bright, as delicate as a gem.

"Mother-in-law, sister-in-law!" The little girl looked at them pitifully, her cowardly voice could not hide her cowardice.

"Cousin Xiao!" Nangong looked up at her and smiled inexplicably.

She is no longer the lonely stupid she was. She had become the most honorable woman in the world when her glory was extreme in the previous life. When she fell to the bottom of the valley, she tortured in the cold palace for eight years ... Nothing has been seen before. Facing the enemies of past and present life, although she was anxious to break the other person's body into pieces, she did not show a strange shape on the surface.

Su Shi coughed and asked, "Lin, I just heard that Xin brother fell into the water. How is it now? Can you call the doctor to see it?"

Lin replied respectfully: "Mother, I have called Dr. Wang to see you. Although it is not a big deal, you still need to take a few days of medicine and rest for a few days." After a pause, she said, "Mother, When Xin brother fell into the water ... "

Who would have thought Su suddenly interrupted her: "Xin brother Er fell into the water, I have heard Xiao Xiaoer said that when two children are playing, Xin brother unfortunately fell into the water."

Listening to Su's tone, obviously he wanted to help his granddaughter Bai Muxiao, and wanted to take Nangong Xin into the water with a simple accident.

This is really unbearable! Nangong Yan was trying to say something, but after listening to Lin's already angrily: "Mother, how can you listen to Xiao Xiaoer's words, she clearly pushed Xin brother into the water!" Then, she pointed sideways to Bai Ludao behind her. "This Bailu is the girl who trimmed the plants in the garden, and she saw it with her own eyes."

Where Bai Lu had seen such a big scene, she shivered and almost couldn't make a sentence: "Slave ... Slave indeed ... saw ..."

"Grandmother, second aunt, Xiaoer wasn't intentional." Bai Muxiao suddenly burst into tears and cried awfully with pear blossoms and rain. "Xiaoer just took a look at the cat compiled by cousin Xin, but cousin Xin Had to recapture, Xiaoer just wanted to let Xin cousin give Xiaoer a look again ... wow ... Xiaoer just pushed it a little, cousin Xin was kicked by a stone and fell down ... ... "

Nangong listened coldly, really anxious to rush to slap her. At the same time, I feel that Bai Muxiao is still tender now. If she was killed later, she would not admit that she pushed Nangong Xin into the water.

"Sister Xiao, don't cry." Su's face held Bai Muxiao in her arms, but faced Lin with a black face. "Lin, sister Xiao has already said that this was an accident. What else do you want? Brother Xin is okay now, so why bother holding on! Even though sister Xiao is wrong, as your uncle and mother, you ca n’t be kind to her ?! Staring at Lin's and Nangong Yan with a solitary stare, the deep eyes were majestic and stern, and the place where the eyes fell was as if the air had condensed, and it was almost impossible to look directly at them.

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