Huayanju, south of Wangdu City, has an endless stream of guests who buy rouge gouache.

This shop is divided into two fronts and backs. The front one is open to all customers, regardless of whether they are flat-headed people or senior officials, men, women and children alike. As for the latter one, only those women who value privacy are welcome. Afraid that other guests collided with those female guests with an identity.

"Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Liu, please!" Yi Mei personally led the two ladies who were elegant and luxurious.

The decoration in the back is quiet and elegant, and the decoration will be changed slightly according to the season.

For example, now, when the two ladies entered the door, they smelled a scent of peach blossom.

Mrs. Wang asked suspiciously: "The shopkeeper, it's just March, where's the peach blossom fragrance?"

Yi Mei explained with a smile: "Mrs. Wang, this is the fragrance from the peach oil made by last year's peach blossom."

"This scent is elegant." Madam Liu nodded.

"Mrs. Liu, I do n’t have a lot of peach oil. If you are interested, you should hurry up." Yi Mei said with a smile, and a flash of light flashed in her eyes. It's half of the peach oil in my shop. "

"Cheng Shi Lang is going to marry a daughter?" Madam Liu could not help looking at Mei Mei thoughtfully.

Yi Mei nodded and said, "I heard that it is the third girl in Chenglang Mansion."

Mrs. Liu frowned. She remembered that Cheng San girl was as old as her daughter. At that time, she also attended the flower viewing party in the palace, but after the flower viewing party, Cheng San girl was brushed down and herself His daughter "fortunately" went to Qiu Hunting with Yu Yu.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Liu really regretted her intestines. At first, she wanted to choose a good family relationship for her daughter. She just thought that her daughter was still young and had time to choose slowly. Who knows that she was slowly picking ... Election Consort.

Mrs. Liu did not intend to let her daughter marry a prince. After all, as a daughter, even if she was picked, she was barely a prince's concubine. When her daughter was raised by her like a treasure, how did she understand the calculations in her backyard!

I thought it would be better to survive the autumn hunt, but who knew that the sudden outbreak of the epidemic, so that the election of the princess was a setback, and it was delayed until now.

Nowadays, girl Liu can only spend so much. Before the Royal had not spoken, if she had set a relationship with herself, she would be disrespectful to the Royal, but if she dragged on like this, she would be getting older!

Thinking of this, Mrs. Liu was really sad and sad.

Yimei seemed to think of something, and said with a smile to Mrs. Liu: "Mrs. Liu, I remember that Ms. Liu is fifteen this year, don't you know that Xu has a match?"

Mrs. Liu looked a bit ugly, and Mrs. Wang took a look at Mrs. Liu and sighed: "Treasurer, you can talk about the sadness of my sister Liu ..." Follow Mrs. Wang and take the story of the girl. Say it again, showing sympathy.

To be honest, Mrs. Wang was also jealous of Mrs. Liu, thinking that maybe the girl of the Liu family would become the queen concubine, and Mrs. Wang even regretted that she had ordered the affairs of her daughter too early. But today, Mrs. Wang There is only sympathy for Mrs. Liu.

Yimei also showed a little sympathy on her face. She looked around, and lowered her voice, "If we are still familiar, I dare not say something ..."

Madam Wang's eyes flashed, curiosity was raised, and he hurriedly asked, "The treasurer, do you know anything about it?"

Yi Mei said mysteriously, "I just heard that the marriage of the three princes is about to be settled. The three princes seem to ..." She paused for a word.

As soon as Mrs. Liu heard about the queen's choice of concubine, she was about to relax. Mrs. Wang asked eagerly: "How does the three princes look?"

Yimei hesitated again and said, "Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Liu, I just want to talk to you, just listen as you please."

Mrs. Wang smiled attentively: "Relief of the shopkeeper, I understand."

Yimei then said to the two: "I heard that the third prince seems to marry a girl with a low status ..."

Very low status girl! ?

Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Liu looked at each other. How could this low-level girl get into the eyes of the emperor, queen, and concubine Zhang? This is the same girl who drove the autumn hunt last time, as long as you go back and check it out, it will be clear at a glance ...

Yi Mei smiled aside. According to her understanding, the lady Wang is a long-spoken woman with a famous tongue. Any rumors and rumors have entered her ears, and it is necessary to get more than half of the king's officials and family members to know!

What Yimei expected was not bad. In just three days, the news that the three princes were going to marry a girl with a low status as the queen concubine spread throughout the whole city. This status was low but they had the opportunity to enter the palace and even drive. How many are there for Qiu hunting? More good people have analyzed the girls who participated in autumn hunting one by one in the past, and soon locked the cousin girl Bai Muxiao of Nangongfu.

There are not many girls who meet the conditions. Is this white girl almost the only one?

At last year's fragrant party, the white girl shocked Xi Rong's envoy with a heroic sword dance and a long face for Dayu. At that time, the three princes personally accompanied her!

Think of it this way, more and more people think that this white girl is afraid that she will fly to the branch and become a phoenix!

However, the identity of this girl is too low ... Several husbands who deliberately made their daughters become princesses frowned, if even such a girl could marry the royal family, her own daughter would be defeated It's too much to say!

Therefore, under the intention of these ladies, the rumors spread more and more, and even added a bit of a strange taste-

The girl of the White House acted erratically, and went in and out of the restaurant from time to time.

The Bai family girl and the three princes have a deep affection, and they say they are not married;

The girl of the Bai family claimed that the three princes had a great admiration for her, and begged to marry her as the prince and concubine;

Baijia girl ...


The rumors flew into the palace like wings, and even reached the ears of the emperor.

The emperor was a little unhappy, and told the rumor that the rumor was spreading, and said with a smile: "It seems that this is someone who remembers the three emperors of Shang."

"Is there such a thing?" The Queen frowned slightly, responding, "I never heard of him."

The queen lowered her eyes slightly, covering the strangeness in her eyes. During this period of time, Han Lingfu suddenly changed his previous style, converging his edge and keeping a low profile, so he got another look from the emperor.

The queen is not sure how to deal with Han Lingfu, but now it is an opportunity to send it to the door ...

"The emperor, do you want to call the three emperors to ask?" The empress said anxiously, "Although it is a rumor in the market, it is groundless and not necessarily for no reason. Maybe the three emperors really have one in mind Girl, but because she is thin-skinned, she is afraid to tell the emperor. However, according to Yichenyi, the identity of this white girl is too low, and it really does not match the three emperors. "

"The queen said yes." The emperor thoughtfully, Shen said: "Due to the epidemic, the election of the prince and the concubine has been delayed for a long time. This gave those unruly girls clinging to the prince. Opportunity. "The emperor had a pretty good impression of Bai Muxiao, but this time the rumors made him feel bad. As the queen said," there is no reason, "it may be that the white girl deliberately wanted to attach to his emperor. For it!

The emperor frowned slightly and said decisively: "I hope it's better to settle the marriage of the three emperors as soon as possible!"

"The emperor said that it should be settled." The queen nodded quickly and agreed.

"Speaking of it, besides the three princes, Bo Geer, Jun Geer, and He Geer, they have reached the age of marriage." The emperor stopped thinking about unpleasant rumors and was full of interest. I also have to help them to choose, and make sure that all of them are comfortable and beautiful, just like the girl and Yi brother. "When talking about the marriage between Nangong Yi and Xiao Yi, the emperor was in a good mood, but he The matchmaker I made, the marriage I refer to, can really be called a perfect couple!

The queen complimented with a smile: "The emperor's marriage is naturally a godsend. I think the sister-in-law and Yigeer are doing very well."

The emperor rubbed his beard proudly, "Naturally, his vision can't be worse." He seemed to think of something, and said with some emotion, "I originally thought that the elder brother of the King Qi family and the sister of our family are about the same age. It looks like a good match, but uncle Jun is a sister-in-law, otherwise, he will be the master to give them a wedding. "Unfortunately, even if the emperor is interested, then the emperor and the grace must be taken care of. The face of the Government House.

Jun Geer and Sister Xi ... The queen froze, her eyes a little darkened. It turned out that Jun brother was not worthy of sister Xi, but now it is different from the past. Jiang Yixi damaged her bones due to an epidemic. Even Lin Shenyi said that she would have a difficult time with her children. Whether it is a noble family or a small civilian, this is the most important thing for a woman ...

The queen settled down and said casually: "The emperor, since they are going to choose a daughter-in-law for the prince and Bai Geer, it would be better for the courtiers to host a small feast and invite the girls into the palace, as well as the white girl ... Chen Ye, how about drawing up a list for the emperor to see? "

"Girl Bai?" The emperor frowned, thinking for a while, "Queen, it's all up to you." He paused, and said, "The big girl in Nangong Palace doesn't have to think about it."

The queen froze for a while, and didn't understand how the emperor would suddenly mention Nangong.

The emperor seemed to see the doubts on the queen's face and explained: "After the early morning, Nangong Qin Lai Yu's study begged to see him, saying that his eldest daughter had probably been assigned to Jian'an Bo Shizi." When it comes to Jian'an Bo Shizi, the emperor Sighing.

Among those honorable children, Jian'an Bo Shizi was an extremely outstanding one. The Emperor intended to cultivate it for reuse, but did not want to destroy a young hero Ying Ying by accident in an autumn hunt!

The emperor couldn't help sighing: "Nangong Shi Lang really has the proud bones of the Nangong family. Although the two had been discussing relatives before, but in the current situation of Jian An Bo Shizi, Nangong Shi Lang can still keep his promise to match his daughter, which is really not easy!" After all, this is not easy! Nangong Yu is the eldest daughter of Nangong's family.

The queen remained silent, only to think that Nangong Nang and Jiang Yixi were both desperate children. In the future, I am afraid that Lianzi knows how bitter he is!

The Empress Dowager Hush, at the Nangong Palace on the other side of the capital, was hustle and bustle at the wedding of Nangong Hyun at this moment ...

In Rong'an Tang's Dongci Room, Lin was half-headed, kneeling on the hard ground.

With a "snap", a tea cup was thrown at Lin's feet, and it was torn apart. Tea splashed and splashed on Lin's skirt.

"Have you been such a sister-in-law?" Su Shi retorted coldly. "Sister-in-law is the eldest daughter in the family. You actually have such a relationship with sister-in-law!"

Lin's head dropped even lower. She has always felt guilty about Nangong Yu, so she dare not refute the accusation of Su.

Lin's silence only made Su's annoyance more and more eloquent: "Lin, you are so unkind, how can you be my head mother in Nangongfu? I want to take back your right to give back and choose another talent."

Lin's body shivered twice, and she didn't hesitate to feed the host, but Su's reprimand made her feel extremely embarrassed and humiliated. But she has children and children. If she is so ill-known, how will her brother Xin and sister-in-law stand in the world in the future.

"Meet the three girls!"

The voice of maid salute suddenly came from outside the house, and Nangong Yan opened the curtain and hurried in.

"Also please grandmother to anger!"

After bowing to Su's knees and saluting, she leaned over to Fulin's, "My dear, your clothes are wet, the ground is cold, and you can get up quickly, so you won't be cold. If you get sick, it will be unreasonable outside People know that they thought your grandmother blame you, that would be a great disrespect. "

If other people say that this kind of needle is hidden inside, Su's will definitely turn his face, but he has to give Nangong a little face.

Su's face lightened slightly, and he raised his hand indifferently, "Second wife, get up."

"Thank you mother." Lin's arm was supported by Nangong and he stood up stiffly.

The weather in March was still cold. Although a brazier was placed in the room, Lin was kneeling on the ground, and his skirt was wet with tea, and his knees were cold and hard.

After Nangong helped Lin to sit down, he suppressed the anger in his heart and calmly said to Su: "Xie Er just heard a few words outside the house, but grandmother worried about the big sister?"

Speaking of this matter, Su's heart was filled with anger, saying: "Sister Sister, that Pei Shizi is paralyzed, where is it worthy of your elder sister, your mother is actually good at advocating and making such a decision. Marriage, did not put me in my eyes! "Su's face seemed to have formed a layer of frost, and his sharp eyes shot at Lin's.

Nangong Yuan looked calm and hurriedly replied: "Please also ask my grandmother to read the book, my sister's marriage, my mother must not dare to make assertions. Since ancient times, marriage events, parents' orders, matchmaker words. According to the children's institution I know that the elder sister ’s marriage was decided by her uncle ’s father, and my mother is at best just acting on her word. If your grandmother thinks that the elder sister ’s marriage is inappropriate, it ’s better to bring him back for discussion. What do you think? "

Su stared at the muddy eyes, the corners of his eyes twitched a few times, his complexion was pale and white, but he couldn't say a rebuttal.

Of course, she understands that if Nangong Qin's marriage was not approved by Nangong Qin, where does Lin dare to make an advocacy? The reason for asking Lin first to attack is that it is nothing more than picking up persimmons. The right of stewardship is now too strong in the second room, and there is a faint tendency to overwhelm the long room. For a family like Nangongjia, that is not a good thing ...

As for Nangong's marriage, Su Shi naturally thought otherwise.

Where did Nangong Ai not understand Su's thoughts, when she saw her conclusion, she said lightly: "Grandmother, granddaughter first took his mother back to change into clean clothes, and then retired."

Just then, there was a loud noise outside the door.

"Let me in! Who dares stop me!"

The crowd looked around and saw Zhao Shi in a turquoise skirt rushing in, and a few maids followed in disappointment.

Nangong Yu hasn't seen Zhao in more than half a year. She seems to have lost a lot of weight, and her body shape is almost the same as before, but she has seen a few years of old age, her face is bleak, and the one on her right face was originally golden The scratches were already so good that only a faint white mark remained.

As soon as Zhao entered the room, a pair of hollow and dark eyes looked straight at Lin's, and Lin's heart jumped.

Zhao's stepped forward quickly, "plopping" and kneeling in front of Su, begging, "Mother, you must be the master of your sister!"

"Brother-in-law, what are you doing? There is something to say!" Su Shi busy.

"Mother, if you don't agree with me, I won't get up." Zhao cried a few steps with sobbing knees. "Mother, you can't let my sister-in-law marry that Pei Shizi, wouldn't it ruin her life ?!" As soon as Zhao Shi heard that his daughter was actually assigned to Jian Anbo Shizi Pei Yuanchen who was paralyzed in bed, the whole person was almost crazy.

Zhao wiped the tears in the corner of his eyes with a parchment, and said, "Mother, I did something wrong before, and I confessed my punishment. Since I returned home a year ago, I don't care about everything, I can't argue everything, at the Little Buddha Hall I want to make a brief statement in order to redeem my sins. I do n’t need anything anymore, but I ca n’t ignore my sister ’s marriage! How can I watch her jump into the fire pit!

From the beginning to the end, the Zhao family did not say that the Lin family was all right, but every sentence meant something, and the sentence was heart-warming.

Nangong trembled with trembling gas, and said politely, "Auntie, don't refer to Sanghuai. What's the matter, you can talk to Uncle!"

Su Shi reluctantly said, "Boss, get up first."

"I can't get up! Mother, if you don't agree, I won't get up!" Zhao's stunned in place, only to feel that an evil fire was burning and rising in the body, her daughter was like a pearl. Raising, but being forced to marry a paralyzed child, is simply too bullying!

At this moment, the voice of the girl-in-law salute came from outside the house: "I've seen the big girl!"

As soon as the words fell, I saw a blue figure rushing into Dongjijian, it was Nangong Yu!

She heard that Lin was rushing to get scolded for her wedding.

She glanced apologetically at Lin's, and then knelt heavily on the ground, begging at Zhao's, "Mother, this matter has nothing to do with Eryi. This marriage was promised by her daughter. Eryi just pressed her father and her What the daughter wants to do. "

Then she looked at Lin apologetically and said, "Secondary, I'm sorry, it's my sister-in-law that has hurt you, and I will repay you for my mother."

Lin hurriedly said, "Sister, don't do this, hurry up!"

Nangong Ao didn't get up, but instead turned to Zhao's on the spot, and said, "Mother, please don't blame Er Er again. This matter has nothing to do with Er Er. If the mother is resentful, she will come to her daughter. Right. "

"My sister, don't be fooled! This is a matter of happiness in your life!" Zhao eagerly held Nangong's hand and tried to convince her.

"Mother, my daughter already thinks clearly," Nangong said again without hesitation.

Zhao's complexion was pale, her chest was covered, her figure swayed twice, and the aunt was holding her up.

"My sister, you are digging for your mother's heart, you must be your mother's life!" Zhao Shihong said with eyes, "You were born in October of my pregnancy, and it was a piece of meat falling from my body. Mother There is no hope now, I just hope you can live a good life! "But why is God not willing to fulfill her even such a small wish?

"Mother, I'm sorry." Nangong sighed guilty, knowing that her decision made Zhao sad, but ... she had to do it!

Su Shi was also hit hard. She took a deep breath, and every word seemed to be squeezed from her teeth: "Sister, grandmother, ask you again, do you really want to think clearly?" Su faced Nangong I have never said so loudly.

"Grandmother." Nangong Nian gave a loud noise to Su Shi. "This is a thoughtful decision made by her granddaughter, and her granddaughter has no regrets!"

Su looked down at Nangong Yan sinkingly, without saying a word.

"Grandmother, Nangongfu and Jian'anbo had previously discussed relatives. Granddaughters can't regret discontinuing relatives because Pei Shizi is in trouble now." Nangong looked at Su with a firm look and hoeed again, "Please also ask grandmother Complete. "

Want to do it yourself? !! Su's heart was bitter and bitter, only to feel that his loving heart was regarded as donkey liver and lungs by Nangong.

"Are you ironclad?" Su's finger tremblingly pointed at Nangong Yan.

From a young age, Nangong Yu has not disobeyed the meaning of Su Shi. Su Shi never thought that Nangong Yu would have a second heart with herself in this marriage event.

Nangong Yu hasn't spoken yet, Zhao has already pulled her sleeve anxiously and said: "Sister Ye, I know you are kind and think Pei Shizi saved you, so you want to repay, but you can't take your own life to repay. We can do it in other ways ... "Zhao seemed to think of something, his eyes brightened, and he said cheerfully," Yes, you can let my sister-in-law marry you instead. Although her sister-in-law was born, it is also Nangong. The girl in the government is not a shame for Pei Shizi ... "

When Su Shi heard it, it was a joy on his face, and he thought Zhao had a good idea.

Nangong Yu looked at Zhao in disappointment, but slowly and firmly pulled his hand back from her, saying word by word: "Grandmother, granddaughter has decided."

Su Shi couldn't believe his ears, and his lips were so angry that he pointed at Nangong and said angrily, "It's ridiculous! It's ridiculous! My sister, give me a kneel at the shrine. When you figure it out, give it to me again. When will it come out! "

"Yes, grandmother." Nangong Ai didn't argue anything, respectfully nodded her head again, got up to salute Zhao and Lin, and left Rong'an Hall.

Zhao naturally didn't want Nangong to be punished, but he couldn't bear his daughter's marriage to a paralyzed child, but he hardened his heart and didn't help his daughter.

Although Zhao was also grateful for Pei Yuanchen's saving Nangong Yan's life, but asked her to make up for the happiness of Nangong Yan's life, Zhao's reluctance. Now Zhao can only secretly pray, hoping that Nangong Yu can figure it out by himself and break the thought. No, she has to go to the master and talk about it, but they can't be confused by their father and daughter!

Lin wanted to ask for love, but was stopped by Nangong Yu. Su Shi is angry, and it is useless to ask anyone for help, it is better to find someone to send a message to Nangong Qin.

After that, Nangong Yu and Lin Shi said goodbye to Su Shi and left Rong An Tang.

Nangong Yu accompanied Lin's back to Qianyunyuan. When Liu Ye looked at Lin's wet skirt, she knew that she had been wronged again in Rong'an Hall, and quickly ordered her to serve Lin's clothes and change it. Bowl of **** soup looked at Lin's drink, and then exited the room.

Lin was sitting on the beauty couch, and sighed longly, saying, "Dear sister, don't blame your grandmother and auntie. It's no wonder they are so angry. Pei Shizi is in this situation now, sister Marrying him is aggrieved ... and this sympathy can't last a lifetime. "Lin also has a daughter and compares heart to heart. If she is, she will naturally be reluctant to marry her sister to marry a husband who is not good at both legs. It could become a problem.

However, Nangong Yu knew that Nangong Yu had already made up her mind when she was hunting in October last year, and it is almost half a year now. Since Nangong Yu still hasn't changed her mind, it means that her mind is determined and it will not be easy for anyone. change.

Nangong Yu didn't want Lin to be sad for this, she said softly: "My dear, you don't have to think about that much, you are just your uncle, and the elder sister's marriage has her own uncle as the master. Just listen to the uncle's orders. I'm looking for you, and you're pushing it to your uncle. "

Lin's groaned for a moment, think about it too, this family is not that she can't end if she doesn't end, in the final analysis, it depends on the meaning of Nangong Qin and Nangong Lu. Lin nodded and said, "You sister, you are saying."

Next, the mother and daughter chatted and passed the time. In the evening, the two took each other to Rong An Tang to greet Su, but they were blocked outside the hospital.

The goalkeeper's wife said respectfully, "The second lady and the third girl, the grandfather is talking to the old lady with something, saying that tonight please be abstained."

Nangong Yu and Lin Shi looked at each other, said nothing, and turned back to Qianyunyuan.

On this day, after having been having dinner in the Asakusa, Nangong Yu returned to Mozhuyuan with moonlight.

After washing and changing clothes, the sister-in-law who went out to inquire about the news came in and confessed: "Three girls, the eldest girl has returned to Bangqingyuan. In the evening, the master spent a full time in Rong'an Hall. The girl picked it up from the shrine. After that, the grandfather also went to the little Buddha hall and had a big fight with the old lady, saying that it would make the old lady okay, don't come out! I heard that the old lady was crying miserably, crying Two troubles and three hangs all up ... "

鹊 er speaks vividly, as if she saw it with her own eyes.

Nangong Yu is not unexpected. There were few people who could survive the uncle's desire to persist. She only hoped that Auntie would stop harassing her mother ... I only hoped that Auntie would take over some of the rewards after sitting on the confinement. After a few years, Auntie got started, and this host should still be handed to the long chief That's right.


Time passed like a white horse, and three days passed, and the day when Nangongfu and Jian'anbo officially exchanged.

This time, Mrs. Jian'anbo did not let Lin wait long, and went to the door herself in the morning.

Although Lin's had been concealed before, but Mrs. Jian'an had come to the door, and of course, she couldn't hide it anymore. In the small Buddhist hall of Jinhua Academy, Zhao finally learned about the exchange of Geng Tie by Mrs. Jian Anbo.

"What did you say?" Zhao originally knelt on a futon to read the Buddha, and when he heard the obituary report, his expression suddenly changed. "You said that Mrs. Jian Anbo came to the door to get her sister's post ?!"

"Yes, Madam," Ying said anxiously, "how good is this, if this is the exchange of Geng posts, then this marriage can be considered a nail in the nail."

Where did Zhao not understand this? His brows froze, and he eagerly asked, "Where is Mrs. Jian'an now?"

"The second lady is leading to the flower hall!"

Zhao's heart was slightly loose. As long as he hadn't exchanged the Geng posts, no, as long as Mrs. Jian'anbo hadn't been out of Nangong Palace, then she would have a chance to destroy the family affairs!

"Yes, follow me to the flower hall!" Zhao rushed out of the small Buddha hall anxiously, but was stopped by the two guarding women at the gate of Jinhua Academy.

"Ma'am, Grandpa said, Madam is not good, so don't walk out of the yard at will." One of the women seemed to be respectful, but there was an insignificant contempt hidden under her eyes. It's rare to be able to make such a good life like the old lady!

Zhao's heart was cold, and Nangong Qin was clearly guarding her. But if she thinks she can be stopped in this way, she is too underestimated!

Zhao Shi didn't talk nonsense with these two lowly wives, his eyes flashed, and he decisively pulled out a gold maggot on his head and arrived at his throat, threatening to say: "If I have an accident, look at the master Master, girl and girl can spare you! "

The two women were shocked, and the faint white mark on Zhao ’s face was clearly reminding them that it was not the first time that Zhao ’s self-harm. If Zhao ’s really had a good deal, then even if they were big Master's life is not good either. The whole family must be unlucky to follow!

The two women hesitated a little, but Zhao captured the moment when they hesitated, and rushed out of the courtyard like lightning, Ying Yi pushed one of the women hard, and caught up. The master was agile, and after turning a corner, he disappeared.

"Ma'am!" The two women returned to God and hurried after them. Oops, if the old lady really ruined the marriage, it would be them!

The two women were frightened, but unexpectedly, as soon as they turned the corner, they found that Zhao and Ying were lying on the ground, their eyes were closed, unconscious.

How is this going? !!

The two women exchanged a look, one of them stepped forward boldly, tried out Zhao's breath, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Madam fainted ..."

Although they could n’t figure out how Zhao ’s “fainted” with Ying Ying, the two women did n’t plan to work with their own. They hurriedly brought Zhao back to Jinhuayuan.

As soon as they left, Lily jumped lightly from a big tree with a smile, curled her ears of black hair, and proudly looked at the fainted responder. She said, thankfully, the three girls were early. Beware, the person who is afraid of the grandfather will not use it, let him stay here, otherwise the government is afraid that it will be uneven!

Well, I've done this beautifully, and I have to ask the three girls for reward!

Lily briskly went to the Mozhuyuan, but what happened to Lin was ignorant. At this time, she had personally welcomed Mrs. Jianbo to the flower hall in the backyard. After serving the refreshments thoughtfully for a few weeks, the girls took a step back.

Mrs. Jian'anbo looked at Lin's heart, it can be said that the taste was mixed. How could she be blinded by lard at first, and Zheng Ye insulted Lin's family without understanding the whole story.

Mrs. Jian'an settled down and said: Since the two are going to make a relationship, they must do it themselves!

"Mrs. Nangong." Mrs. Jian Anbo greeted Lin with a shameful expression. "The last thing happened is mine or not, and please don't blame me."

"Mrs. Uncle does not have to do this." Lin's quickly helped Mrs. Jian'an Bo. "It's no wonder that Mrs. was only blinded by the villain. Now things have passed and Mrs. Don't have to worry about it. The two of us after all It ’s also an in-law. How can there be overnight revenge. "

Lin's so reasonable, but Madam Jian Anbo feels even more ashamed.

After the two settled, they settled a few words, and soon they started the business, and officially exchanged the gong post of Nangong Yu and Pei Yuanchen.

Until getting the Gongtie of Nangongyu, Mrs. Jian'an finally felt relieved.

As soon as this Geng post was exchanged, the family affairs were officially settled!

Both of them fell with a huge stone in their hearts and started to gossip ... At that moment, Linglong suddenly entered the flower hall and came to Lin's side and whispered, "Wife, Mrs. Bai and Mrs. Bai are here." . "

There was a hint of surprise in Lin's eyes. It was rude to rush into the house like Mrs. Bai and Mrs. Bai Er, no matter how much, you should submit a prayer in advance. However, the Bai family is the in-laws of the Nangong family. Even if the aunt and grandmother return, they are also the uncle's grandmother and uncle's sister-in-law, so it is not good to keep them out.

After pondering for a while, Lin said to Linglong: "First arrange them to sit in the main hall, and then send someone to inform the old lady."

Linglong responded, and quietly retreated.

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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