"The emperor. The son of the king of Zhennan has arrived."

In the Dongci Room of the Chang'an Palace, Duke Liu addressed the emperor respectfully.

The emperor said angrily: "Let him in."

It's been more than two hours since he announced Xiao Yi's entry into the palace, how can I know that the stinky boy didn't stay in the house properly and banned his feet! Otherwise it will never be so long!

Liu Gonggong asked Xiao Nei to go out and announce people. Soon Xiao Yi entered the Dongji Room. Before he could salute, a wolf pen full of ink was thrown at him. Xiao Yi did not dodge and left the pen. Fall on his body, leaving a black ink mark on his clothes. Xiao Yi was about to speak, and suddenly stared, staring at the Nangong who was standing on the side of the book case and grinding for the emperor.

Why is this smelly girl here? !!

Nangong Yan looked up at him and smiled slightly, the corner of his rising lips contained a hint of flirtatiousness, and he looked at him so cleverly.

Nangong Nian did not expect to meet Xiao Yi here, because the emperor's anger was not so good, she was hurriedly announced to the palace. Having just calmed down the emperor, Xiao Yi arrived.

Xiao Yi's thoughts turned quickly. He originally wanted to take this opportunity to continue to offend the emperor, but now the smelly girl is here. If he irritates the emperor, he will be implicated. A moment later, Xiao Yi had an idea. He looked at the emperor with anxiety, and asked the younger man with a thoughtful look: "Uncle Emperor, but what's upset you?"

When the emperor was stunned, no one had ever asked him so straightforwardly whether he was in a bad mood, because he was a monarch, and the monarch and the minister had always distinguished it, even between father and son and husband and wife.

Although it is only a simple sentence, the anxiety in Xiao Yi's eyes is obvious, which is enough to represent his lack of heart.

The emperor's heart was full of fire, but at this time it gradually disappeared. His face was still flat. He picked up the secret paper on the table and threw it directly to Xiao Yi. Shen Shen said, "Look at it for yourself!"

Xiao Yi picked up the secret report on the ground and looked at it. In fact, the content of the secret report had long been heard from Guan Yubai.

"Uncle Emperor, this ..." Xiao Yi said with an unbelievable face. "Grandfather had warned that Nan is cunning and has no integrity at all, and he must not be trusted easily. How could my father Wang be so confused!"

"Your father is so confused!" The emperor was furious at the mention of Xiao Shen, the king of Zhennan. "If southern Xinjiang can't keep it, see how he confesses to you! Explain to the people of the world!"

"Emperor Uncle." Xiao Yi said eagerly, "Southern Xinjiang is a barrier for Dayu and must not be lost."

"I also know that South Xinjiang cannot be lost. But look at what your father did ?!" the emperor said more and more, "The battle of Changdi has not subsided yet, even if I want to send troops to slow down South It ’s hard for Jiangxi! What's more, if your father and king had sent soldiers in the past, he thought that he was going to take South Xinjiang. "In saying this, the emperor was angry on the one hand, but also wanted to test Xiao Yi.

He looked at Xiao Yi with a narrow eyes, and saw Xiao Yi angrily said: "Southern Xinjiang is part of Dayu, how can the father and king think so. Don't worry, emperor uncle, you will see your father in the future, I will definitely talk to him. "

The emperor was gratified by Xiao Yi's words. At this moment, Nan Gongyu, who was standing beside him, suddenly put down the ink in his hand, and asked with fear in his eyes: "The emperor, you, you shouldn't want Ai to return to the south Jiang, lead a war? "

The emperor frowned, and asked, "Girl, why do you think so?"

"The emperor ... something happened in southern Xinjiang, Ai is the king of Zhennan, wouldn't he naturally return to the southern Xinjiang to fight?" Nangong Yan's eyelashes fluttered slightly, and tears rolled in his eyes. "But, but the emperor, It is too dangerous for A Yi to return to southern Xinjiang at this time. "

"Ama." Xiao Yi realized what Nangong Ma wanted to do, and immediately wanted to stop it. But the emperor raised his hand to stop him, and asked with a close inspection: "You don't want Yier to return to southern Xinjiang?"

Nangong Yu came to the book case, faced the emperor, knelt down, raised her head and said, "The emperor. Shaking the light did not dare to ask about military affairs, but ..." She bit her lip and said firmly, "If the emperor has decided If you want Shizi to return to southern Xinjiang, please ask Enzhun and Ziguang to get married earlier. "

The emperor never expected that she even mentioned the marriage, and she couldn't help but make a mistake and blurted out: "Aunt girl ?!"

"The Emperor. During the palace hunting, you can stay for yourself. But if Ai goes to the battlefield, how can the daughter-in-law be with him. The battlefield is dangerous, life and death unexpected ... Emperor, Nangong's family never remarried. . "

The emperor was a bit shocked. The phrase "Nangong's family never remarried a daughter" said Nangong Ai when she asked to stay at the palace, so she was willing to live and die regardless of the danger of the disease. And this time, if Xiao Yi went to southern Xinjiang, it would still be the end of life and death ... This little girl is still so steadfast.

He was referring to the marriage of the two children. Looking at them and He Meimei, he also felt happy, but ...

The emperor suddenly frowned, and he thought of one thing. If Yier and the girl were married in advance, the young couple had such deep affection, Yier went back to Nanjiang to preside over the king of Zhennan in order to resist Nanman, and Auntie still stays in Wangdu. In this way, I am not worried that Yier will not return when he returns to South Xinjiang. It solved a big problem for him.

However, Nanjiang and his party were still too dangerous after all, really let Yier go back, he was not at ease.

The emperor pondered for a moment, raised his hand and said, "Come up, girl .... I haven't planned to let Yier go back to southern Xinjiang for the time being."

Nangong moved his lips, and seemed to want to say something, but finally swallowed it back, and stood up anxiously.

Immediately afterwards, the emperor sent them away. "It's getting dark. Let Yi Geer take you home."

"Yes! Emperor."

The two saluted and quit together.

In the silent palace, only the footsteps of the two of them followed.

Until coming out of Chang'an Palace, Xiao Yi finally couldn't help but say, "Smelly girl, you ..."

Nangong looked at him with clear eyes and said earnestly, "It is only a temporary policy to deliberately annoy the emperor in order to return to southern Xinjiang. It is not conducive to the future."

Xiao Yi's plan had two steps. One was that on the bright side, Xiao Yi annoyed the emperor to lose favor, and the other was secretly arranged by Guan Yubai ... so as to ensure that he could leave the capital. However, as Nangong Yu can think of, this is only a temporary policy. Xiao Yi understands that Guan Yubai also understands. Even they all know that this matter can be easily resolved only by changing people to take a hostage, but such a well-known thing, but no one has raised it.

After all, protons are not easy ...

Nangong chuckled and said with a frown: "You and my marriage contract have been set, can I still ruin the marriage? Now it's just ahead of time ..." She paused, looking into his eyes and said, "... Ai Yi, to this day, the emperor will let you go back. So, you must come back safely ... I will stay at the king and wait for you. "

Xiao Yi also stared at her, assured her: "I will!" He will definitely come back without injury, and will definitely not make his stinky girl sad ...

He took her hand, neither of them spoke, and walked towards the gate together.

However, silence is better than sound ...


Shengshou is approaching day by day. Recently, Jingzhaofu Yin has been trembling every day. She cannot sleep at night, lest the king's troubles disturb the emperor's interest.

For this reason, Yin Zhaofu of Jingzhao Prefecture strengthened the patrol of Wangdu.

Most people know how to share their own interests, but they also have the kind of uninteresting elm cricket. For example, a girl named Li kneels at the corner of South Street every day, washing her face with tears, and begging everyone for her dead father Resolve the grievances ... attracted countless people to watch and discuss every day.

Jingzhaofu Yin really has a big head, and after thinking and thinking, he sent someone to "please" the girl, and offered it deliciously and deliciously. I planned to go through Shengshou first and say ...

In this way, more than half a month later, the emperor's forty holy birthday has finally arrived.

Although it is the emperor's Shengshou, the early dynasty is still inevitable, so Nangong Qin Tian has already left the house before it is bright.

Among the female relatives of the Nangong family, only Nangong Yu and Su Shi were eligible to attend the birthday party in the palace, so the female relatives in the house sent them to the second door early in the morning.

After some farewells, Nangong Gong was about to help Su's carriage, a girl-in-law hurriedly reported: "Old lady, three girls, three aunts are here."

For a time, everyone's eyes were focused on Nangong Nang, Xiao Yi came over here, apparently to pick up Nangong Nang and go to the palace together. He naturally attached importance to Nangong Yu, and Lin's heart grew more and more like he was listening.

After a while, a young lady led Xiao Yi over. Xiao Yi smiled and pleased Su and Lin, and said, "Grandma, Grandma, I'll pick you up in the palace."

When Su Shi heard it, she immediately smiled and said happily, "Shizi, you are really attentive." As she said, what she thought of, told the elders in earnest words, "The emperor punished you for thinking about it. Don't be annoyed by my wife, Seiko, you must think twice before you act, but don't make the emperor angry again. "

Xiao Yi responded with a smile: "What my grandmother learned is that I remember."

Xiao Yi was very satisfied with Xiao Yi's respect, and nodded comfortably: "Okay, this is a good boy." Then he said, "Okay, it's early, we should start." The maidservant got on the carriage.

Nangong Yi said goodbye to Lin's, smiled at Xiao Yi and nodded, and boarded his own Zhulun.

Su's carriage and Nangongyuan's Zhu wheeler drove out of Nangong Palace in turn and set off for the imperial palace.

Today, even God is beautiful, the weather is clear, and there are no clouds.

The entire king almost acted for the 40th birthday of the emperor. After walking all the way, after passing through the Xinjiekou, he saw a series of colorful squares, chained with colorful walls, color galleries, performance sets, song tables, lamps. There are countless squares, lantern towers, lamp halls, dragon sheds, and lamp sheds. The temples on the path have been set up to celebrate the altar of scripture. There are also large characters such as "Wangshou Wujiang" and "Tianzi Wannian" formed by colored silks. All the way, it seems that Jin Bixianghui, Jin Qixiang are wrong, Chinese lanterns, candles, and mist are foggy, it seems that it is even more lively and prosperous than the Spring Festival.

Xiao Yi escorted Nangong Yu and Su's carriage to the gate of the palace before they separated.

Xiao Yi was led to the Taihe Hall by the housekeeper, while Nangong Yu and Su Shi were led by the palace maid to Fenghou Palace first, and asked the queen.

It happened that the second princess was also there, and her face was still covered with a thick veil, so that people could not see what happened to the injury on her face.

"See Queen Mother, Her Royal Highness Princess Two."

Nangong Yan salutes the queen with impeccable etiquette. Even if she does not look up, she can clearly feel the vicious sight of the second princess projecting on herself.

Nan Gongyu chose to turn a blind eye, and smiled and answered a few words with the queen, and the queen instructed the maid to take Nangong 苏 and Su to go to the side hall to rest.

"After the mother, the children first ..."

The second princess heard the voice of excuses to leave, but was interrupted casually by the queen: "Hao Xue, it is rare that you have a filial piety. After willing to accompany my mother here, it really turned out to be sensible."

The Queen's big hat of "filial piety" was buttoned down, and the second princess could only sit back helplessly.

Nangong scratched the corner of his mouth, and casually helped Su to move forward.

In the side hall, many women were talking together in twos and threes. When they saw Nangong Yu and Su Shi entered the hall, they were quiet, and the low-ranking husbands got up to pay homage to Nangong. "After that, it started to talk and laugh again.

The palace girl led Nangong Yu and Su Shi to a vacant seat to sit down and gave them tea and snacks.

Suddenly, a female voice came from not far away: "Mrs. Xuan Ping, I remember that your government and Nangong government got married, right?"

In a few words, many eyes turned to Mrs. Xuan Ping. Since the two are relatives, Mrs. Xuan Ping did not say hello, could it be ...

Those speculative eyes saw Mrs. Xuan Ping's whole body uncomfortable. Although she could not say that she had vengeance with Nangongfu, but since Su Qingping married Xuanpingbo, there was nothing good in the government, let alone Mrs. Nangongfu's nephew also ... thought of Zhao Ziang, Mrs. Xuan Ping couldn't help showing resentment.

But on such occasions, it was also impossible for people to read jokes, and Mrs. Xuan Ping could only get up and walk over casually.

After the two parties saw the ceremony without any clue, the atmosphere became embarrassed. Mrs. Xuan Ping turned her eyes and asked deliberately, "Mrs. Nangong, why is it not okay for Madam Fu Shang?"

When it comes to Zhao's, Su's face stiffened for a moment, then she said quietly: "She's not in good shape and needs to rest."

Mrs. Xuanping's eyes flashed, knowing that there must be a problem, and sighed, "Is the old lady in the house more than a year old? Have the medical skills of the county master been so good, can't they be cured?"

Nangong Xi casually brushed the sleeves embroidered with lotus leaves and said, "Mrs. Xie Xie cares. My aunt's illness is only to rest for a while."

"Also. It's a little sick. It's not just taking a medicine, you can get a needle completely." Mrs. Xuan Ping nodded with emotion, "It's like Pei Shizi ..." She whispered, as if Feeling like you're saying something wrong, cover your mouth with a embarrassment.

Su's expression was stiff, but it was not easy to argue with her.

Mrs. Xuanping laughed secretly, and lowered her voice, and said, "Mrs. Nangong, you and I are relatives, so I will tell you. Listen to our uncle, yesterday, there was an imperial prince playing on the upstairs to destroy Pei Shizi He became the son of the second son of Pei ... "

Nangong frowned slightly. Although I heard that the second house of Pei's family wanted to be the son of the world, he did not expect that the emperor would be so fast.

Mrs. Xuanping continued: "Our uncle is naturally strongly opposed ..."

Before I finished speaking, I just heard a soft voice: "Thank you very much, Lord Lu and Madam Lu."

Nangong Yu looked at the sound, but saw that Mrs. Jian Anbo and Nangong Yu didn't know when they came to them. Nangong Yan looks good, and Nangong Yan is busy greeting her.

Mrs. Jian'an looked a little embarrassed. Even if she applied grease to her face, she could hardly hide the blue shadow under her eyes, and her eyes looked a little dim.

Nangong sighed secretly in his heart. Also, Pei Yuanchen's appearance today may not even guarantee the position of the child, and it is no wonder that Mrs. Jian Anbo was anxious.

Mrs. Xuan Ping's look was a little embarrassing, but she calmed down quickly, and she didn't say anything wrong. What's wrong? !!

She said innocently: "Mrs. Pei need not be so polite ... The two of us are also relatives, and we should watch and help each other." Lu Yan, the son of Mrs. Xuan Ping, married Su Qingping, Su's niece, and Mrs. Jian Anbo's son married Su The granddaughter of Nangong, the two of them, are not relatives of Waner.

Mrs. Xuanping said with a sneered expression: "I also know that my wife is uncomfortable ... I thought that my family's Yaner was abolished, but it really made me feel painful."

If it weren't for so many pairs of eyes, and if it was Emperor Shengshou today, Mrs. Jian'anbo would have almost turned her face. Actually, comparing that infamous Lu Yan with her son, what is Lu Yan comparable to her Chen?

Mrs. Xuan Ping naturally noticed that Mrs. Jian'an had a poor face, but she only thought that the other party was worried because of Pei Yuanchen. She never thought that others would not look at her son, and she was still there: "But The wife doesn't have to worry too much, no matter what, Shizi has married, as long as she gave birth to a sister-in-law early, even if the title now falls to the second room, it can only be regarded as a borrower ... "

There has been a saying since the beginning, called Lage! Usually, the elder brother died early, and the younger son could not attack the knight, so the emperor ordered the younger brother to head the knight first, and the nephew grew up, and the uncle returned the knighthood.

Mrs. Xuanping's idea sounded good, but once the title fell into the hands of the second room, where would he easily return it to the long room, instead of borrowing the title, it would be better for Jian Anbo to live longer, etc. With the sister-in-law of Nangong Gong and Pei Yuanchen growing up, it would be more appropriate to pass the title directly to his grandson.

If this really makes the second room borrowed, then Nangong will not be taken for granted. Not only will it be difficult for Nangong to have a child in the future, I am afraid that even if the child is born, it will be hard to say if he can grow up safely ...

How can Mrs. Xuan Ping not understand this truth?

Nangong stepped forward to salute, staring at Mrs. Xuan Ping with a clear look, sincerely saying: "The wife's experience is very grateful ..."

Mrs. Xuan Ping's face was instantly distorted. She kindly gave them an idea, and Nangong ridiculed herself! ... wait, what does Nangong mean? Could it be that she knew that her son Lu Yan was inhumane, so she ...

Mrs. Xuanping's heart suddenly jumped, her cheeks were hot, and the more she became more and more disturbed, she felt that the eyes around her seemed to be mocking herself. She made an excuse stiff and fled.

Mrs. Jian'an patted Nangong's hand gently, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

Nangong Yan looked at the small movements between them and smiled in his eyes. The older sister seemed to be getting along well with Mrs. Jian Anbo.

After this unpleasant vignette passed, the atmosphere became lively again. Everyone chatted, smiled and laughed ... I went to the side hall for a while, and the maid came to report that it was almost time, please everyone The lady and girl rushed to the Taihe Hall to feast.

It was summer, and half of the time had passed, but it was not dark.

Everyone rushed to the Taihe Hall arrogantly ... Until Kinki, the civil and military officials and Shijia Xungui were all settled together. At a glance, the entire hall was lined with people.

As the housekeeper shook the male duck and shouted, "The emperor is here! The queen mother is here! The queen mother is here!"

Everyone dared not laugh and laugh, stood up, waited, and calmed down when the noisy Taihe Temple was in a hustle and bustle.

When the emperor brought the queen and the queen into the palace, everyone kneeled down and said, "Long live my emperor, live a live long live, queen live a long live, live a live long live!"

Following this, he wished the emperor his life in unison: "I wish the emperor longevity, and happiness as the East China Sea!"

The emperor is naturally in a good mood today. He laughed and sat down on the carved golden dragon's chair, and said with a bowed head: "Okay! Good! Let's all flatten!"

After everyone was seated again, Grandpa Liu shouted, "The banquet is starting!"

Almost immediately, the sound of fireworks and firecrackers “cracked” outside the Taihe Hall. At the same time, rows of maids wearing pink palace dresses came out of the hall, carrying various styles. Eating, four dried fruits, four dried fruits, four dried dishes, seven dishes of an appetizer, one soup, five dishes of sautéed fruit ... crystal fudge, spiced cashew nuts, peanut sticks, sand boat stepping, pipa prawns, dragons Tenderness, sesame oil paste ... A variety of foods are overwhelming.

But at this moment no one dared to use meals. Next, the princes, princes, civil and military officials ... all congratulated the emperor on his birthday, presented his carefully prepared birthday gift, and read the birthday gift by an internal servant. Why do people offer, and what things.

For a time, all kinds of antique jade, jewellery, paintings, sculptures, exotic flowers, and other exotic items were presented to the emperor. The pieces were gorgeous and precious. They were really amazing and beautiful. For example, this is the picture of the Longevity Antarctic Star, the Peach Peach Dedicated to Life, the Immortals Holding the Sun, the Wanshou Jade Cup, Wanshou Ruyi Jade Cup, Longevity Jade Bottle, Shouyi Fan Qi Shiquan, Baxian Xianshou bowl ... and so on. Forty or forty, the housekeepers have all spoken dry, and everyone is drowsy.

But the emperor sat on the world, and even more precious gifts were seen, his face was always faint.

Of course, the great prince also noticed the carelessness in the emperor's eyes, and there was a haze in his eyes, which made him even more annoyed.

The most difficult gift in this world is probably the prince ’s birthday gift to the emperor. It must be filial, but not too expensive and luxurious, but too ordinary and cheap.

The eldest son had a headache for a month, and then drafted this gift list, but apparently still did not figure out the divine will.

After the great prince presented the gift, it was the second prince's turn.

The second prince gave a slight glance at the big prince, and said in his heart: It is really not to be afraid that the big emperor has such a mind. It seems that his biggest enemy is the third prince!

Even though he thought about it, he remained calm on his face, got up and walked to the center of the hall, and respectfully salute the emperor: "The son-in-law wishes his father the emperor's life forever." With so many gifts, he also asked his father Huang not to blame. "

He said so, but there was a hint of self-confidence in the conversation, as if to say that this gift is precious and not too much.

He received a golden-covered Buddhist scripture from the housekeeper behind him, took a step forward, and held it respectfully with both hands. "The son-in-law knows that the Father emperor respects the Dharma. The son-in-law has read it thousands of times, praying for the Father and Dayu, and hope that Dayu will live forever! "

The gift was unexpected to the emperor, and gave Gong Liu a wink and made him present it.

Father Gong Liu took the Buddhist scripture and handed it to the emperor carefully.

Seeing this, the second prince's high-hanging heart finally let go a little. The emperor's behavior this time means that he has given the right thing. Some time ago, because the emperor suddenly regained his respect for the third prince, he also made the second prince aware of his mistake and changed the course in time.

Apparently this time, he gave the gift right, so that the emperor felt his "mind".

The second prince settled down and continued: "The son-son also prepared a jade buddha for the father, but asked the former Bailong Temple to preside over the master Miguang." This master Miguang has given the presidency to his apprentices, that is, After the current presidency, he has not appeared in Buddhism for more than ten years. There are even rumors that Master Miguang has already become a living Buddha. It is really hard for the second prince to invite the master to open the light.

The emperor flipped through the Buddhist scriptures in his hands, and saw that it was indeed the second emperor's handwriting, and saw that the edge of the paper was indeed read many times, and he was somewhat satisfied, saying: "The second emperor is interested."

The emperor's intention made the second prince excited, and he said, "The emperor can understand the filial piety of the children and ministers."

Following the second prince, he returned to the seat, saluted the third prince Han Lingfu without any trace. He was proud of himself, thinking that he would definitely win this time, but he did not expect that Han Lingfu still had a shallow smile on his face, a handsome, confident and calm appearance.

The second emperor's heart sank. Could it be that the third emperor had prepared a gift to compare himself?

impossible! He then said to himself, what rare treasure did the father emperor have not seen, except for "mind", what else could the father emperor see differently?

Thinking about it this way, the second prince settled in his heart, and felt that the third prince was just pretending to be calm. No matter what the other party sends, we will soon see the results!

In the eyes of everyone, Han Lingfu went to the place where the second emperor Fang Cai was standing. After congratulating the emperor on life like others, he then pleaded guilty. And ask the Father to forgive me! "

As soon as he said this, everyone in the temple was stunned. Naturally, he knew that the words of the three princes would never be for simple sin.

Suppressing first and then rising, the three princes will inevitably have a later move.

The emperor was also a little interested, raised his hand and said, "I forgive you for being innocent."

"Thank your father." Han Lingfu bowed and said, "Please also ask my father Huang Enzhun children to present this thing in the temple!"

It seems that the three princes are trying to present some rare and valuable famous weapons. ?

At this moment, both the emperor and the others in the temple almost thought so.

After receiving the emperor's answer, a guard entered the temple with a golden lacquered wooden box in his hands, walked behind Han Lingfu, and saluted the emperor respectfully.

Han Lingfu personally opened the mahogany box and took out a bow and crossbow. He knew that the emperor was suspicious, so he only took the crossbow and left Tieya in the box.

The emperor only glanced at it and was convinced that it was just a crossbow. It seemed to be slightly different from the ordinary crossbow, but it was by no means a rare thing, so he was a little interested.

Han Lingfu was not in a hurry, and took out the re-drawn drawing of the crossbow from the box, which made Liu Gonggong present.

In this regard, the emperor could not help but show his face, and looked at Han Lingfu with joy, and asked: "Three emperors, this bow and crossbow really can make twelve shots, and the range can reach 800 steps?" If this is true, After all, the combat effectiveness of Dayu's army has been greatly enhanced, and there will be no similar disaster to Xirong last year!

When this sentence came out, it immediately caused shock to the ministers, especially those martial art ministers. They know the weight of this sentence the most. This conventional crossbow has a maximum of five bursts and a range of less than five hundred steps.

The second prince's face sank suddenly, but Han Lingfu said with a slight hook at the corner of his mouth, confidently saying, "Father Emperor, children and ministers have already tested it, and the range is only a lot."

"Okay!" The emperor heard the words, and became more ecstatic, hurriedly commanding the father-in-law, "Huairen, hurry up and arrange for someone to test fire, I must see for myself."

Liu Gonggong immediately ordered to go down. At this moment, Wei Yanghou stood up and asked enthusiastically: "Emperor, can Weichen try this new crossbow?"

The emperor was certainly accurate.

After the father-in-law was ready, the emperor couldn't wait to lead the crowd out of the hall to test fire.

On the open space outside the Taihe Hall, several guards in the palace have set up five or six arrow targets.

With the assistance of Han Lingfu's man, Wei Yanghou set up twelve irons on the crossbow, and then aimed at the target of seven or eight hundred steps ...

"Uh! Uh! Uh ..."

That sharp enough to let the female dependents listen to the sound of the chilling arrows bursting into the air, and turned into an afterimage that was almost impossible to capture by the naked eye, and then saw that one of the targets immediately added a few iron vectors.

The whole scene is uproar!

"Sure enough, it has a range of 800 steps! Good! Great!" The emperor laughed heartily, his face full of redness, and loudly applauded, "Three emperors, you have done a good job, you have great achievements, you must praise you well. ! "

The emperor's repeated praises made Han Ling look happy, and he pressed his heart's joy and reverently said, "This is all taught by the father and emperor. As a prince, the son-in-law should do something for me."

"Three emperors, can you have such thoughts, and feel comfort!" The emperor sighed with relief.

Seeing that this new crossbow was so powerful, the Ministers of Civil and Military Affairs were also ecstatic, discussing them one after another. Only the second and third princes looked dumb, as if they had eaten their stomachs.

"Emperor," Wei Yuanhou looked excitedly at the crossbow in his hand, and then respectfully presented the crossbow to the emperor and praised him. "This crossbow has a long range and fast winding. It can fire twelve arrows. This can Much less time ... "

For the battlefield, it is time to fight, even if it is at the fingertips, it is about hundreds or even thousands of lives!

The emperor grew up on horseback, and also fought with the emperor when he was young. Why don't you know this? He took the crossbow, his eyes gleaming as if looked at by the treasure.

Han Lingfu approached the emperor, and arched his hands and said, "Father emperor, sons and daughters thought that this crossbow could be promoted and used in the battle with Changdi!"

"His Royal Highness said so much that this crossbow will destroy Changdi!" Xuan Pingbo immediately listed himself and said cheerfully, "Wei Chen congratulates the emperor, and congratulates the emperor. The four seas will be subject to the Emperor, but I am the first to look forward to it! "

"Father Emperor, please ask the Ministry of Defense to supervise the construction of this crossbow as soon as possible. The son-in-law is willing to **** for the Emperor in person and transport it to northern Xinjiang." Han Lingfu knelt down to petition.

The two princes and two princes shot at Han Lingfu instantly. The third prince was really a good abacus. If this really made him send a crossbow to the northern Xinjiang, not only the military achievements should be remembered for him. Therefore, I would like to show my gratitude to the generals of the Northern Territory and the Northern Front ...

Everyone's eyes focused on the emperor, waiting for the emperor's decision.

The emperor did not speak for a while, and looked around for half a circle, and asked, "Where is the ease?"

The emperor's five words made the quiet, low-key official Mandarin Bai become the focal point of the audience, all his eyes focused on him.

This was the first time he had appeared in front of the crowd since he was removed from service, and he had a mild eyebrow. He didn't have the same spirit as the general. He saw that he took a step forward and calmly bowed to the emperor: "Being there."

"An Yihou, you used to be a military general, and you have never defeated in battle for many years. What do you think of this crossbow?" The emperor asked.

Han Lingfu looked at Guan Yubai unexpectedly, but he did not expect his father to ask his opinion. Guan Yubai is a bit difficult to see through, but the father is on his head. People with a little wink should also be attached!

Guan Yubai said unhurriedly, "Emperor, can you let the minister take a closer look at this crossbow?"

The emperor immediately gave the crossbow to the father-in-law, and motioned him to transfer to Guan Yubai.

Then the audience was quiet, everyone else was silent, watching Guan Yubai turning the crossbow over and over again, pulling the bowstring again, finally catching twelve Tieya, and test shooting himself Over again.

"Uh! Uh! Uh ..."

Looking at the miracles made by the twelve irons again with their own eyes, the crowd was still shocked.

Guan Yubai handed the crossbow to a little housekeeper, slightly raised his lips, and said in a calm and clear manner: "His emperor, Yi Chen's opinion is just a delicately crafted thing. If you want to use it on the battlefield, It's too childish ... "

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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