Liu Niang said that she was going to marry a fool? !!

Madam Fu's heart was in flames, her body shaking with anger, and she shot angrily: "What ecstasy you got by that Nangong Xin? What's so good about him? That's a fool!" She raised her voice and said, "Come , I will not take the Six Girl down, and she will not be allowed to go out in the future! "This daughter is becoming increasingly lawless, and she must ask a parent to teach her sternly.

"Mother, I don't agree! I'm going to find my grandmother!" Fu Yunyan's face was flushed with anger, and she turned and rushed outside the main hall.

"Don't stop her yet!" Madam Fu stood up sharply, yelling.

Outside the main hall, the two mother-in-laws responded quickly and came up to stop Fu Yunyan, "Six girls ..."

Fu Yunyan didn't change her face, and she didn't know how to turn and twist, and the two women ran into each other face to face, and she ran away without a trace.

All this happened too fast. Madam Fu could hardly believe her eyes. She knew that Fu Yunyan was good at her skills. She also thought that her daughter was good at martial arts and it was not easy to lose money. Now she only finds out that her daughter's martial arts is good. !!

Madam Fu was so angry that she stroked her chest and panted, angrily at Mo: "Look at her! Look at her little girl's demureness, it's really her ancestor ..."

"Mrs ...." Mo Yi interrupted Madam Fu before she hurriedly said, "Would you like to send someone to find Six Girls back?"

Madam Fu then woke up, realizing that she was almost silent, and said immediately: "Hurry up, take the Sixth Girl back to her own yard, and the second gate and the gate must also be taken care of. Step back! "

The head mother told me that everyone was rushing to do things, looking for someone, looking at the door, keeping the door too busy.

On the other side, Fu Yunyan ran out of the main hall. She wanted to find her grandmother, but after two steps in the direction of Wufutang, she remembered that her grandmother was not in the house now, and she had already left the house five days ago.

What can I do now?

Fu Yunyan stomped her feet twice, her grandmother was absent, and her mother was covering the sky in Princess House.

When the thoughts turned, Fu Yunyan had an idea. She would only stay at the Princess House like the meat on the chopping board and be slaughtered by others. It is imperative to leave the Princess House ... just go to the Queen's maiden and hide in the palace. it is good.

Fu Yunyan decisively ran towards the gate, but before she ran to the second gate, she was caught by more than a dozen women who rushed up. Although Fu Yunyan was clever, she could hardly beat her with her two fists, and she could not fight those wives who did not understand martial arts. In the end, she was escorted to Madam Fu by a man.

Madam Fu's face was so dull that she could drip water, and she didn't want to say anything more to Fu Yunyan, and coldly commanded: "Send Liu Niang to the yard, stop her feet!" After a pause, she thought of something again Added, "And all those knives, arrows, and all of them are stowed away ..."

"Mother." Fu Yunyan stubbornly stomped her foot. "You can hold me for a while, you can't hold me forever! You will decide for me when my grandmother comes back!"

Mrs. Fu's face turned black, and she almost wanted to quarrel with Fu Yunyan, but eventually she could not bear it, waved her hand, and let those women take Fu Yunyan down.

When Zheng Zhengtang was left with only Madam Fu and Mo Yan, Madam Fu showed a heavy tiredness on her face and rubbed her eyebrows, "Why don't they understand my hard work?" She couldn't hide it in her eyes sad.


Mo Yan frowned, knowing that Madam Fu was not only talking about the six girls, but was still thinking about the four young masters who had gone to southern Xinjiang.

Regarding the four masters, Mo Yan did not dare to answer, so he simply pretended to be stupid, and only said six girls.

"Ma'am, please relax and teach the Sixth Girl well. After a long time, the Sixth Girl will naturally understand." Mo Yan gently assisted Madam Fu while pressing her temples, persuading.

"I hope so." Madam Fu narrowed her eyes and said slightly anxiously, "What is the nature of Liu Niang, what do you do when you marry someone. How can it be so difficult to find someone who knows everything?"

Although Fu Yunyan was born in Princess House and is much loved, her temperament has been taught to be too lively and ostentatious. When she gets married in the future, her husband's family may not be able to let her behave like this.

It seems that she has to rectify her temperament, or she will have to suffer in the future.

Madam Fu's headache and irritability are not mentioned, at this time Nangong and Lin's have returned to Nangong.

Nangong Rong didn't rush back to the South King's Mansion in Zhenzhen, but went to the shallow cloud courtyard with Lin's family. He happened to hit Nangong Xin at the entrance with the news.

"Mother-in-law, sister ..." Nangong Xin looked expectantly and frantically, looking at Lin's and Nangong Ming brightly.

Lin's busy said: "Let's go in." This partition has ears. Since the marriage is not possible, don't reproduce what is right and wrong, lest the reputation of Liu Niang be ruined.

After the mother and son entered the house, Lin said: "Brother Xin, Mrs. Fu did not agree." She said, sighing secretly, she also hoped that her son could get what he wished, but unfortunately this is not the case in this world simple……

Nangong Xin's original gleaming eyes suddenly dimmed, and even her shoulders fell down in frustration, unable to hide her loss.

"Brother ..." Nangong Yan looked anxiously at Nangong Xin, at this time any words of comfort were weak.

Seeing that his mother and sister were worried about himself, Nangong Xinqiang cheered himself up and said, "I'm fine, mother, sister, don't worry about me." He barely revealed a smile, saying "I'm not good enough. My aunt didn't agree ... I, I'm fine, I went back to study ... "After he saluted to Lin's, he left Qianyunyuan in a hurry.

Looking at the back of Nangong Xin leaving, Nangong Yu and Lin Shi looked at each other with helplessness in their hearts.

After Nangong Yu accompanied Lin to talk again, he returned to Zhennan Palace.

As soon as she entered the small study, the son-in-law came in, saluting: "Second concubine, there is something wrong with the slave."

Nangong leaned tirelessly on the beautician's couch by the window and said, "Say it."

I saw that Nangong Yan was in a bad mood, and I did n’t want to disturb her, but I thought it was better to be cautious, and then I said, "Sir concubine, this morning someone quietly plugged silver and asked Ruier Your whereabouts, Shi Zifei. "After a pause, she added," Rui Er is the third-class girl in charge of the hospital. You see, what to do? "

Nangong Yan raised her eyebrows. These are the third-class girls who are responsible for sweeping. The house and the yard are two grades. Ruier is such a rough girl who can't even enter her house. There are people. Want to buy her?

She raised her corner of her mouth and asked, "What did she say?"

Xuaner said angrily: "She leaked out the time when Shi Zifei went out today ... Shi Zifei, such slavers who betrayed the Lord, must be severely punished!"

Nangong thought for a moment and said, "Just jump the clown, don't rush. Just send someone to stare at her. I'd like to see who is inquiring about me."

I think about it, if you want to catch big fish, you still have to rely on this kind of small fish and shrimp. She responded happily and exited the house after saluting.

Nangong Yan's mood was still a little low, and he couldn't help thinking about Nangong Xin and Fu Yunyan.

Thinking of his elder brother's strong smile, Nangong Yan felt that she should do something more, but before that, she had to find an opportunity to determine what Fu Yunyan wanted.

Madam Fu did not agree with the family affairs. What was Fu Yunyan's thoughts?

Maybe Fu Yunyan didn't care about her brother at all, maybe her intention was not enough to make her go against Mrs. Fu's intentions, or maybe she and her brother really liked each other and were willing to work for each other ...

If it is the latter, then you can think again.

On the way back to the palace, Nangong Ai thought and thought carefully. She thought that the reason why Madam Fu rejected the family relationship was not because of the door, but because of the stupid illness before Nangong Xin.

She believes that as long as the people in the Fu family know that Nangong Xin has not only improved, but also her academics, character, and gentleman's Liuyi are not worse than others, she believes that they should reconsider and examine the possibility of this marriage.

So the next day, Nangong Yu gave a post to Fu Yunyan, but did not want that post to be like a sinking sea, and never got any response.

It's never happened before! Liu Niang didn't know what happened?

Suddenly in horror, Nangong Ning asked people to pay attention to the movement of Princess Yongyang Grand Princess Mansion. A few days later, however, she was shocked to learn from Lily that the palace of King Qi was in discussions with Princess Yongyang Grand Princess Mansion.

Princess Qi had sent someone to propose to the princess's house. Nangong Yu had heard about it from Fu Yunyan's mouth, but the Fu family had definitely rejected it! How could you suddenly talk about a pro?

Nangong Xiu frowned slightly. The character of Qi Wang Shizi is well known to all. For a disciple like Princess Mansion, there is no need to sacrifice Fu Yunyan to marry Qi King Mansion. Even if Mr. Fu and Mrs. Fu don't like Nangong Xin anymore, they won't make such a fuss with Fu Yunyan!

Nangong Yan instructed Lily to pay attention to Princess Mansion and Qi King Mansion. She had to confirm whether this rumor was true.

After waving the girls to step down, Nangong Li leaned against the window of the small study room and looked south.

Counting days, Xiao Yi should be almost to southern Xinjiang, right?

I do n’t know how the military situation in southern Xinjiang is now?


At this time, in the southern part of the southern part of Dayu, Xiao Yi and his party passed through half a month of fast horses, and finally entered the largest city of Luoyue in southern Xinjiang.

He made his way to the town of Zhennan, and the other horses followed.

The Zhennan Palace is on the most central street of Luo Yue City. The two stone lions at the door are magnificent, but at this moment, the red gate of the palace is closed, and a pair of bronze lacquered copper rings glitter in the sun.

Xiao Yi stopped the horse with a "call", and he looked up at the gold-plated plaque with the words "Zhennan Royal Mansion" directly above the gate, and his face was condensed, his expression condensed.

Grandfather, I'm finally back!

Xiao Yi's eyes have a touch of sourness. Since he knew the old town Nan Wang's expectations to him, he has a different mood for the cold Zhennan Wangfu in his memory.

This is where he was born and where he grew up, with his loved ones and his enemies, as well as various memories of his growth, whether good or bad!

Xiao Yi shook the whip in his handshake, a flash of indifference flashed in his eyes, and said to himself: Now that he is back again, he will surely take back his belongings step by step. He will never let anyone hurt him, bully him ... even if that person is his father!

Otherwise, wouldn't his stinking girl feel bad?

The thought of Xiao Yi's eyes softened again when he thought of Nangong Yuan, who was far away from the capital.

He wants to settle the matter in Nanjiang as soon as possible, but can't let his stinky girl wait too long.

"Brother, this is Zhennan Palace!"

Fu Yunhe's voice came from behind him, because he was unfamiliar with Luo Yuecheng's road conditions, he was almost at the end of his party, and he had just arrived.

Bamboo glared at Fu Yunhe secretly, feeling that Master Fu was really uninteresting. Didn't he see that Master Shi Zi was feeling complicated?

"Brother isn't afraid of being hometown, right?" Fu Yunhe didn't realize it, and laughed at Xiao Yi with a smile.

This time, it wasn't just bamboo. Even Qian Moyang and Cheng Yu's eyes focused on him, making him finally realize that he might be saying something wrong. Fu Yunhe stepped back, thinking as if he had said nothing.

Cheng Yuze immediately stepped forward and stepped behind Xiao Yi, saying meaningfully, "Sir, we are finally back again."

"Yeah, we are finally back again!" Qian Moyang also took a few steps forward and came to the other side of Xiao Yi, Shen said, "The four of us left like dogs in the family that year, and thought that we would never have a chance again Come here again. "Then he touched his right arm. At the beginning, his right arm was almost abolished. If it were not for the concubine, he would almost be a dead man if he had recovered his life.

This time, since Heaven was pitied, so that he had the honor to come back here, he must do some calculations with some people, with Zhu Xing and Zhou Dacheng's share!

Thinking of this, Qian Moyang's thin lips curled into a straight line and said coldly: "It seems that there is an old saying that is still good, gentlemen revenge, it is not too late in ten years."

Xiao Yi said to the bamboo lightly: "I'm not quick to knock on the door."

Bamboo hurried off the horse and called for the door. "Open the door, open the door ..." The door was snapped by the knocker.

"Who! Who dare to quarrel at the gate of the palace? I don't understand the rules!" With a certain impatient voice, a man dressed as a porter opened a door slit.

"Bold!" Qian Moyang stepped forward, looking coldly, "The grandfather of the world is back, and he hasn't opened the main door yet.

"What kind of person are you? Nonsense!" Who doesn't know that the whole South Xinjiang is still the king?

The doorman was trying to rebuke, but there were several people outside the door. One of them was a young man with delicate brows, and a pair of sorrowful peach eyes seemed to smile and smile. , "Shi, Shizi ..."

Oops, my mother, Shizi really returned!

The concierge was so startled that his eyes dropped.

Qian Moyang looked impatiently and said, "The door is not open yet!"

"Yes, yes." The concierge quickly opened the main entrance, bowed his head to the ground and saluted Xiao Yi, "I've seen my grandfather."

"No courtesy!" Xiao Yi asked as he sat on the horse, "Master Wang is in the house now?"

"Master Shishi, five days ago, Nanman came again to commit crimes, and Wangye led his soldiers to Fengjiang City." The gatekeeper hurriedly replied, "Now the princess is in charge of the house. The slave immediately ordered someone to inform the princess, what is your grandfather! "

Without the concierge command, a gatekeeper's wife hastily ran to find Xiao Fang's heart, and the heart went up and down: If the princess knew that the grandfather was back, the palace would be set off again.

Xiao Yi was too lazy to bother with the concierge, and Cema took a party to go to his own place, Ningxiaju.

The return of Xiao Yi left Ningxiaju busy and boiling in an instant. Bamboo in the yard directed those slaves to do what they did, let this prepare hot water, prepare food, and let other people pack up ... busy Bottom of the sky.

After Xiao Yi bathed, the bamboo served him to put on the gold inner armour made by Nangong Yu, and then put on the outer coat and put on the silver and white soft armor. He was a young man with a good posture and still fighting.

The gold silk armor was extremely slick, and after putting on his coat, he could not see that he had worn such a layer inside.

Xiao Yi felt warm in his heart, and couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth, and then left the room.

Outside the house, in addition to Cheng Yu's usual scribes dress, Qian Moyang and several guards had already put on black iron armor and were there. When Xiao Yi came out, everyone saluted to him: "Seeing the dead Grandpa! "

It sounded like a bell, and it was powerful.

The people in the yard were trembling after hearing it, thinking: It seems that the people brought back by this son are not easy! I'm afraid it was the emperor's reward?

"Let's go!" Xiao Yi beckoned at Qian Moyang, etc., and walked out of the hospital first.

This is just a long way out, not far away, but not far away is a group of people coming over, Hulala, headed by a woman wearing a big red and ten brooches, dark black hair turned into a fallen horse Alas, wearing a bit of emerald bead flower, with a ruby ​​dangling bead and golden embellishment, a frosty arm with a bracelet of red gold inlaid with emerald and emerald, a dignified and luxurious, Ming ** people, it is the Zhennan Princess Fang .

"Yi brother!" Xiao Fang came over, surrounded by a bunch of mother-in-laws, and looked at Xiao Yi tenderly and lovingly, but his mother's eyes flickered.

When people came to report that Xiao Yi was returning to his home, Xiao Fang was almost dumbfounded, thinking: Is n’t Xiao Yi being the king? How could the emperor simply put him back to the capital?

Unexpectedly, Xiao Yi really returned!

Xiao Fang said calmly: "Brother Yi, where are you going? Why did you come back to the house without sitting there with your mother and concubine?" Her tone was soft and her smile was wide, but the first sentence was It was implied that Xiao Yi did not go to the inner court to greet himself.

"Please also forgive my mother-in-law, my son is emperor's life, dare not slack off, and is eager to go to the military camp to report." Xiao Yi smiled with a fist, "I neglect my mother-in-law, and please don't blame her, but now see her The son was so happy and happy that his son was relieved. "

Talking about his face with a reassuring expression, he grinned and said, "Mother-in-law is right, this is not the battlefield. Every day, she is crying like what her face looks like. Her father Wang Xiao is a good war, and he must defeat South Man, triumphantly. Go! "

As soon as Fang's face became stiff, he almost turned. Now, King Zhennan is leading Fengjiang City to battle against Nanban, but Xiao Yi said that she has a very good-looking, happy mood, and spreading words like that!

Xiao Yi didn't bother to pay attention to her, and said, "Mother-in-law, my son rushed to the barracks, then he left first." After that, he lifted his feet and moved on.

Xiao Fang's mind was shocked. Zhennan King was far away from Fengjiang City at the moment. Xiao Yi was the son of the world. Zhennan King was not there. Xiao Yi was naturally the boss. Then, should n’t the military and political power of Luo Yuecheng Military Camp fall into Xiao Yi's hands?

Absolutely not!

Xiao Fang's pretty face changed, and he immediately said: "Come, stop the son." In any case, Xiao Yi could not let him go to the barracks.

With the order of the princess, the next few moments, several guards from the royal palace heard the sound and stood in a row, stopping Xiao Yi from their way.

Xiao Yi looked at Xiao Fang with a smile: "Mother-in-law, but what else do you have to tell your son?"

"Yi brother, although these two fathers are not here, but the barracks are orderly and there is no trouble. You might as well rest for a few days before you go." Xiao Fangshi explained softly, "You are from the capital Coming all the way, it must be that the boat and car have been working hard, and the mother-in-law is afraid that you are tired and broke your body. "

"That's the way it is," Xiao Yiman said casually. "I thought the mother-in-law was dissatisfied with me? Thanks to mother-in-law, but she didn't dare to delay at will."

Qian Moyang stepped forward and said coldly to the guards who were blocking the way: "Good dogs don't obstruct the way, and don't give way to Shiziye!"

The guards looked at each other and looked at Xiao Fangshi, afraid to move at will.

One of the guards with a small moustache stepped forward and came to Xiao Yi, and said with a grin: "Sir son, the princess is also kind."

This person Xiao Yi also recognized that Pan Renhu, the head of the guard of the Zhennan Palace, married a first-class girl next to Xiao Fangshi seven years ago, and then slowly climbed from an ordinary guard to the position of head of the guard. Relying on the power of Xiao Fangshi, in the palace of the king's palace, the tigers pretended to be prestige and prestige.

"What are you? How dare you stop me!" Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes, sneered, and lifted his feet to pass. "I don't know if I live or die!" Brother.

"Oops!" Pan Renhu couldn't react at all, only to feel a pain in his knee, he threw a five-body throw to the ground.

The guards at the bottom looked at Pan Renhu inconceivably, and said, "The boss is so easy to be laid down by a grandfather?"

Impossible, right?

This is definitely not to offend the world, pretending to be?

The guards felt the truth, and looked at Pan Renhu with contempt, but thought in their hearts whether they should also learn the current affairs as Junjie as the boss ...

But they had no chance to think about it any more. Xiao Yi waved a hand slightly, and several guards led by Qian Moyang greeted them like a wolf, kicking one with his left foot and kicking one with his right foot. Qian Moyang even more It was punching and kicking, and the three Wangfu guards were beaten down in one breath.

The royal guards rolled around the ground, Xiao Yi glanced contemptuously, and casually shouted at Xiao Fangshi: "Mother and concubine, the son will go first." As he said, he took a group of people with high toes. gone.

Looking at Xiao Yi's back as they went away, Xiao Fang was stomped with anger, almost did not look away, and pointed at Pan Renhu resentfully, "Useless, really useless!"

Thanks to him, she brought it up with him. The grand guard was so unhelpful that he just lost his face!

Pan Renhu endured the pain in the knee, and climbed up slumped, saying: "The prince forgive his sins, and his subordinate was accidentally beaten by the grandfather Shi."

is it? Xiao Fang looked at Pan Renhu suspiciously. If he were not her close friend, she would have doubted whether he had secretly trusted Xiao Yi.

Xiao Fang couldn't help but glanced in the direction that Xiao Yi left, and always felt that this Xiao Yi today was a little different from the one she knew before, and that the young man beside him was really extraordinary, look It doesn't look like an ordinary guard!

With Xiao Yi's temperament, it is clear that he is the most impatient to do serious business. Today, he will be so anxious to go to the military camp!

There was a hint of dread in Xiao Fang's heart.

But soon, she shook her head again with a smile. She really thought too much.

Seeing Xiao Yi's behavior just now, she is still as arrogant as before. It is simple and rude to do things.

Huh, this kind of sting is not to be afraid, and some of them have methods to solve him.

Xiao Fang's eyes showed a bit of ruthlessness, and he said: Since he returned to South Xinjiang, he would never have to leave all at once!

"Da da da!"

After Xiao Yi and his party left the Zhennan Palace, they rushed towards the barracks outside the city.

It was now dusk, the sky was getting late, the autumn was getting colder, and the oncoming breeze carried a touch of moisture.

The barracks are located next to the moat in the south of the city. The sky-grey tents are dense and dense, like waves, but they are patchy and uneven. At first glance, there is almost no end.

When Xiao Yi and his team were out of the Nancheng Gate, the sky was almost completely dark, and the starting point in the barracks was lit, and it looked like countless stars filled the night sky.

An army flag was blown up by the wind, adding a little bit of meaning to the cold autumn day.

The Luo Yuecheng military barracks is the stronghold of the southern Xinjiang army. With strict barriers, dozens of feet away, people have already felt the invisible coercion.

Xiao Yi and his team just approached along the main road. Someone passed the observatory to the rear. Seven or eight people quickly walked out of the barracks. Seeing Xiao Yi and his team were very strange, one of them retorted:

"Stop! Who dares to break into the barracks?"

Another person followed: "This is the heavy ground of the military camp, idlers wait for free to enter, and don't give the military grandfather back quickly!"

The soldiers in this line aimed at Xiao Yi and others with their spears, and saw that the tip of the gun was shimmering, obviously sharpened very sharply, but a killing weapon.

Qian Moyang's brows frowned, and his hand was touching the hilt on the waist side, ready to go.

Fu Yunhe hasn't been pointed at with such a weapon in his life, and he can't help but sigh: "Brother, you are the son of King Zhennan. Does anyone in this barracks actually know you?" What he said in his mind was The son of the king of the south of the town, Yi, is too insipid?


Several soldiers looked at each other, but Xiao Yi had been away from the king for four years, growing from a teenager to a young man, with his limbs growing, his appearance changed slightly. Furthermore, even when Xiao Yi was in the southern Xinjiang then, every year was when the King of Zhennan came to inspect the army once every year, how did these soldiers remember what the King of Zhennan looked like?

Xiao Yi calmly took two steps forward, took out the golden waistband symbolizing his son's identity, and shook it casually.

One of the soldiers ignited the zodiac, took a picture in front of the waistband, and saw that it was extremely delicate in workmanship and complicated in texture, with a few large characters engraved on it.

Although these soldiers don't know Xiao Yi, this represents the Zhennan Wang Shizi's waist card, but they all change their looks, kneeling down and saluting to Xiao Yi: "I have seen Shizi! Grandpa is here, please forgive me for offending. "

Those soldiers were also horrified. How could this grandfather who was far away from Wangdu suddenly return to southern Xinjiang?

This Nanmang chaos has not subsided, and it is getting worse. The grandfather of the world suddenly returns, always making people feel that this southern Xinjiang seems to be making a **** storm!

Qian Moyang raised his chin, and said coldly, "I haven't opened the door to welcome the son."

The gate of this barracks was originally opened only halfway. Since the king of the south of the town came in person, naturally the gate was opened to welcome.

One of the red-faced men with a captain-like appearance called the guard to open the camp door, and whispered a command to report to the camp.

As soon as the camp door opened, Xiao Yi dismounted and led the army into the barracks. The red-faced man led the way.

After the gate of the barracks, the defense became more stringent. One by one, braziers and bonfires had been lit, and the blazing flames illuminated the entire camp as if it were a hot sun. From time to time, a team of determined soldiers patrolled back and forth. There are five steps and one post and ten steps and one whistle near the military account. The closer to the large account of the central representative's coach, the stricter the guards around it.

Just when the party was only seven or eight feet away from the central large account, not far away, two tall men in black armor greeted them.

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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