Seeing them walking away, Fu Yunyan finally breathed a sigh of relief, and touched the hair on the back of his hand and said, "Ama, why do you say that she was holding her throat to speak, and I heard a goose bump?" She shivered again and again, and said, "Ah, you can still talk to her like this normally, really admire, admire!" She deliberately and boldly fisted, but it angered Madam Fu With blank eyes, he lamented in his heart: When can this Liu Niang be like a girl's house?

Nangong smiled and said, "Have you? I only pay attention to her clothes. I guess Zhangfu's maid or embroidered lady must be very powerful, Liu Niang, have you noticed it? Zhang's dress is very different. Set of articles! "

Fu Yunyan blinked, but she was completely confused. If it was talking about weapons hunting or something, she was all set, but she didn't know anything about the pattern of clothes and jewelry.

Nangong explained to her carefully: "The silver thread on the girl's cuffs and skirts for embroidery is Frost Moon Silk, which is extremely rare."

"Frosty Moon Silk?" Fu Liuniang asked suspiciously, "Is it the silver plum embroidered on her skirt? I look pretty ordinary."

Nangong said knowingly: "The frost moon silk looked at the beginning is no different from the ordinary silver thread, but once in the dark, it will emit a frost moon-like streamer ..."

Fu Yunyan looked up curiously. At this time, Zhang Zhang had reached the shade of a tree. Her embroidered skirt with silver wax plum just fell on a shadowy place, flowing with a faint moonlight.

"The pearls used as flowers on this girl's dress are also painstaking," Nangong said one by one. "Look at the pearls and the pearls on her hair. The pearls used are all the same size. It is estimated that Tens of thousands of them can pick out nearly a hundred of them with the same size and good appearance. Most people get such pearls for necklaces and bracelets. This girl is ingenious ... "It seems that the maid of this family Sure enough, it was Jin Gui. Although her status was not as good as that of her two cousins, she was also raised by Jin Yiyu Shijiao.

Fu Yunyan was stunned. It was impossible to imagine that there were so many doorways in Zhang Yi's simple clothes. She sighed and said, "I see that she is dressed like sacks and filial piety. It turned out to have been carefully prepared." As she said, looking at Nangong Gong even more admired, "Ah, you can see so much just by looking at it. It's a pity that you don't go to be a magistrate who decides on a case!"

Mrs. Fu shook her head and listened. What "Pima Daixiao" and "county official", Liu Niang really talked nonsense. It seems that she should marry out early, and let her in-laws worry.

Thinking about it this way, Mrs. Fu increasingly feels that this family relationship is good, otherwise she really can't think of any other house that would not abandon Liu Niang's disposition.

Yongyang originally felt that this girl was not dressed properly. Now listening to Liu Niang's words is even more awkward. It is filial to say that this young girl came to the temple to accompany her grandmother, but what does it mean to dress like this? Is it true that for whom is Dai Xiao?

Yongyang thought, and said arbitrarily, "Mo Yan, look at who this house is for?"

Mo Yan immediately ordered to go, while the others continued to walk outside the temple.

"Grandmother Yongyang, Aunt Fu," Nangong said as she walked, and said like a clever move. "I just had an idea when I talked about Zhangfu's congee. Now Ai and Fu Sange are in Nan Conquering Xinjiang and defending the land of Dayu, although we can't help them in the capital, but we can pray for them, such as donating clothes and porridge, and the Bodhisattva will see our sincerity and bless them to defeat the Nanban and be safe Come back. I don't know how you feel? "

"Ama, you have a good idea." Fu Yunyan's eyes flashed and he looked towards Yongyang and Madam Fu. "Grandma, mother ..."

As soon as I heard that she was praying for Bianer, Madam Fu immediately became very excited. She pleaded with Yongyang: "Mother, my daughter-in-law thinks Bianyi's idea is good. Let's do something for He brother."

Gifting clothes and porridge is a good thing, Yongyang naturally will not oppose it, nodded with a smile.

Madam Fu was immediately overjoyed and said with great interest: "Then we can get ready as soon as we go back ..."

So, you and I talked about all kinds of details, this is just the words "giving clothes and giving porridge". Among them, there are many things to be busy. Although this is good, but if you do Not good. In the end, it will become a joke. I still remember that a "Dashan House" used porridge for three days in the king's capital for the 70th birthday of the elderly in the family. As a result, the porridge was made of sand. The stone mold rice made it, and it also killed people and provoked officials and non-officials ... This incident made the whole king sensation, and even for a few years, no one dared to apply porridge again, for fear of causing any more. Incident.

Along the way, all the way, Fu Yunyan knew nothing about these trivial matters. I looked at Nangong Yu for a while, Mrs. Fu for a while, and Wing Yang for a while. I felt that each of them said the right thing. Although she did n’t understand, she did n’t Preventing her from listening and getting excited, she said, "Grandmother, mother, grandma, we must be bigger than the Zhang family!"

"That's natural." Madam Fu nodded for granted. "Since you have to do it, you have to do it well, otherwise you might as well not do it!"

As he was talking lively, he heard a panic screaming not far away: "Water is gone! Water is gone!"

Then, more people shouted, "You're out of the water!"

Everyone couldn't help but look slightly different. Most of the houses nowadays are made of wood. Therefore, one of the most feared things is running water. If a house runs out of water, half of the temple is burned.

They looked at the sound, and saw that the direction of the sound was actually the main hall. There was a billowing smoke above the main hall. It seemed that the fire was not small. Immediately afterwards, several figures rushed out of the hall, and then two monks hurriedly carrying the bucket and rushed towards the hall.

After a while, other scattered pilgrims heard the sound from all over the temple. Dozens of people looked at the smoke-filled hall, tense, and said eloquently, "Why can I get away with water Anymore? "

"The smoke is so dense, I think the fire is not small!"

"Don't say it, just go!"


Pilgrims quickly swarmed towards the gate of the temple ... but at the fingertips, the original quiet place of the Buddhist gate became messy and noisy.

Yong Yang's eyebrows were locked tightly, and Yang said, "Ling Cong!"

The captain, who had kept a little distance from them, rushed forward to obey the order.

Wing Yang commanded: "Ling Cong, you take a few guards to the hall quickly to help save people. I'm not in danger here, just leave two guards."

Ling Cong hesitated for a moment. The task of their guards was to protect Yongyang's thoroughness, and Yongyang's status was noble. If anything happened, they couldn't afford it. However, Yongyang was prestigious. They didn't dare not listen to her words, so they immediately took the order and rushed to the hall with four guards.

Xiao Shami, who led them, glanced towards the hall with a little anxiety. He wanted to see the situation of the hall, but thinking of the identities of the people around him, he apologized and saluted, "The donor, the hall The fire seemed not small, and the donors should hurry out of the temple with the little monk, so as not to collide with several donors. "

Nangong Yu and others originally planned to leave the temple, so they went out with Xiao Shami.

People outside the temple were full of enthusiasm. In addition to the pilgrims who had just escaped from the temple, there were also many people who came to watch around.

The pilgrims' nervousness and panic have not yet calmed down, and they are talking head-to-head about the running of water. This question asks why the water is running; that sigh: this is too awkward; and some people say it in vain. Long Temple, goodbye, go and be foolish.

There were also a few monks who asked around the gate of the temple, and the monks kindly apologized to the pilgrims and finally sent away a large number of pilgrims and the people who came to see the lively ...

After two escorts escorted Nangong Ning and his team to the Wing Wheel of Yongyang, Mo Yan who had been sent by Yongyang to inquire about the news arrived slightly and hurriedly: "His Royal Highness, the slaves have inquired, Zhang Fu's practice in the hall these days is for the second princess to pray. "

Second princess? !! They looked at each other and couldn't hide the surprise on their faces. Mrs. Fu asked, "Mo Yan, do you know why the hall is running?"

Mo Yan's face was embarrassed. "Supposed that the slaves had rushed out, they hurried out. They didn't have a chance to ask clearly ... otherwise, slaves would ask again?"

Yong Yang waved her hand to signal that she didn't need it.

After another tea, the guard Chang Ling returned with four guards and came back to Yongyang.

"What's going on inside the temple?" Yongyang asked.

Ling Congshou replied in an orderly manner: "Return to Your Highness, the fire has now been put out. The subordinates have checked and asked several monks. It turned out that a scented candle in the incense case of the main hall fell down and accidentally lit the curtain. The fire broke out uncontrollably. Although the fire was extinguished, the main hall was still half burned. When the subordinates arrived, everyone in Zhangfu had withdrawn from the main hall. The subordinates looked at Zhang Fu Both the girl and Zhang were harmless, and there was no mess in her clothes or hair. It didn't matter much. Just a few monks were slightly burnt, but they didn't kill anyone. "

It ’s good if there is no life! Madam Fu read a Buddhist chant, and Changshu breathed a sigh of relief.

Yong Yang slightly lowered his eyes and waved his hand thoughtfully, let Ling Cong continue.

After returning from Yaowang Temple, Nangong Yu went to Princess Mansion first to give clothes and apply for a consultation. After that, she returned to her house and got busy. She explained the matter in a pile, and wrote a list carefully, and unknowingly it was late at night.

So the next day, she took a lazy moment and slept.

But who knows that this consciousness hasn't awoken naturally, but Bai Hui awakened softly, saying that it was His Royal Highness Princess Yuncheng, the master of Liushuang County and the former second son.

Nan Gongxi almost jumped from the bed, hurriedly dressed, dressed, and asked Bai Hui to greet the three of Yuncheng to the main hall of the outer courtyard.

When Nangong hurriedly walked into the main hall, they were met with their ridiculous gaze.

Nangong Yan thought that everyone was familiar anyway, so he broke the jar and broke, and calmly went to the court to salute Yuncheng.

After the four of them were seated, Yuncheng said in a complaining tone: "Well, you have to congee with your aunt, why don't you come and tell this palace, you are too out of sight!"

Yuan Ling kept busy and echoed, "Yes, Ma'am, this is for the elder brother and little crane son, how can we forget our share!" Yuan Yuyi nodded hard.

For a time, the three pairs of similar eyes looked at Nangong Yu condemnedly, seeing that Nangong Yu almost did not surrender with both hands, and explained with some weakness: "His Royal Highness, Ye Er only said yes to Grandma Yong and Fuyang yesterday. No, it's too late to inform His Royal Highness. "

Yuncheng glanced at Nangong with a little disbelief, and accepted the reason, saying, "Not to mention the matter of buying rice and cloth, do n’t hesitate to think about anything you need to help, don't be polite with this palace "She said to Yuan Lingbai," Bo Geer, you are very busy anyway, just help your son with your sister to get this done, it's beautiful! "

Yuan Lingbai was only here to make fun of it, but his mother suddenly hit her with an idea. But hey, what are you going to do to donate clothes and porridge?

But Yuncheng ’s words were all released. Even if he did n’t give his mother face, he still had to give his face to his grandmother. After thinking about it, he cheerfully proposed: "Dar, you are welcome, so many younger brothers, as long as you With an order, I definitely dare not obey! These people are idle or idle anyway, just call over to help! "He didn't believe those guys would dare to give big-faced faces!

Yuan Lingbai thought about snickering in his heart, and suddenly thought it was quite interesting.

So the next day, the Zhennan Palace, the Princess Palace of Yongyang and the Princess Palace of Yuncheng began to make porridge outside the city. At the same time, they also ordered a batch of coarse cotton clothes at the cloth store and distributed them to those who lacked clothing. For those who eat less, these cotton coats were brought to the homes of the poor by their own parents, such as Ling Bai and Tian Lianhe. This is also to prevent people from repeatedly getting the cotton coats.

It's November now, and it's really tough to wait for the first month of the month without a cotton coat. The people who received the cotton coats were all smiling and cheerful.

The righteous actions of the three families soon spread throughout the capital.

Many officials and government officials were inexplicably surprised, and the uncles who were idle at home usually did something meaningful and made their elders really puzzled and comforted.

So, after a tired day, Tian Lianhe returned to Zhenbei General Mansion and was called to the grandmother's yard.

Mrs. Tian smiled and looked at her three beloved sons and asked a few words in a hurry, and then said to Mrs. Tian: "Mother, you see that our brother is really grown up." The more she looked at her son, the more satisfied she was. I always felt that my family should also win glory for him, so I proposed, "Mother, you said that since Zhennan Royal Mansion, Yongyang Grand Princess Mansion and Yuncheng Grand Princess Mansion are all doing porridge, should our family respond? What about it? "It's about congee and it doesn't take much manpower and material resources.

Mrs. Tian immediately nodded and said, "Boss, you are saying. It's up to you to arrange everything."

Mrs. Tian was owed to her, and then told Tian Lianhe again: "He brother, since you have that kindness, you will accompany your mother to porridge tomorrow!"

Tian Lianhe was so dumbfounded that he said: No? This aunt ’s business has just been busy, he has to be his mother's follower again? He's awkward, is it really good to always be so dedicated?

Not only General Zhenbei Mansion, but the heads and mothers of other provinces also thought of going to a place, so the next day, dozens of families followed suit and started to set up porridge sheds ...

For a while, the official and wealthy merchants were doing good deeds for a while, and they were lively for several days ... even the news spread to the palace.

So, when Nangong Xiong entered the palace as usual to ask the emperor for peace, and went to please her queen mother, they were asked.

"Yi girl, Ai's family heard that you are doing porridge and clothes with Yongyang and Yuncheng recently?"

"Yes, queen mother-in-law." Nangong Ai answered with a smile.

"Ma'am, you did a good job this time!" The queen mother praised. "Because of your righteous actions, all the kings are now doing good deeds up and down, and the poor people are benefiting. This is a great merit!" The more I saw Nangong Yu, the more satisfied I was. Xiao Yi led a war in the southern Xinjiang. very good!

"Don't be a mother-in-law so much," Nangong said with a hint of embarrassment on her face, embarrassedly, "Don't actually have a selfish mind when he proposed to donate clothes and porridge."

The queen mother was a little surprised and asked, "Oh, what do you say?"

"A few days ago, after receiving a letter from Ai and Fu Sangong, Xun'er thought about going to Yaowang Temple with Yongyang grandmothers to pray for Ai and their blessings." Nangong said, "We are at the temple There was incense in it, and she asked for a lottery again, who knew that when she left Yaowang Temple, Yaowang Temple actually ran out of water ... "She patted her chest with an expression of fear.

"What? Are you running?" Even the queen mother was surprised.

"Yes, queen mother-in-law! At that time, Grandma Yongyang sent a guard to help fight the fire. The fire was finally put out. Later, the guard came back and reported that the old lady Zhang was doing something in the hall that day. I accidentally overturned the scented candle to cause the water to run ... "Speaking of this, Nangong Xiu said gratefully," Everyone said the bodhisattva in the Yaowang Temple, it seems that it is so. Aunt Fu got a sign in the temple. ... "

The queen mother heard it a little funny, and said, "You've all met the water, how can you say that the medicine king temple works well?"

"Mother Empress Dowager, you don't know." Nan Gongzhen Zhenzhen said, "It was only when we approached the gate of the temple that the fire was on. Later, it was not just us who were safe, Mrs. Zhang, Mrs. Zhang, and others. The pilgrims and monks are safe and sound. You said, is n’t that bodhisattva blessing?

The queen mother chanted the Buddha and sighed, "This man is fine."

"Mother Empress Dowager, don't believe it, Yaowang Temple is really spiritual!" Nan Gongxi deliberately said in a childish tone, "There is an old saying that if a mountain is not high, a fairy is a name; a temple is not small, a spirit is Xing! Although the Yaowang Temple in Wangdu is just a small temple, it has a relic of the former monk who lived in the town of Sheli Town! "

The queen mother has always been a devout and faithful Buddha. When she heard "Sari", she immediately looked up: "Aunt girl, you talk to the mourning family."

Nangong coughed and coughed, and said solemnly: "I heard that this medicine king temple was built in the former dynasty, where there was a lot of wrongdoers during the Kaiyuan period of the previous dynasty, and there was a lot of wrongdoers. I had to change places because of the evil spirits. Since then, some people want to build a house there, but no matter what they build, the next day will inevitably be destroyed by fire, so that the land has been empty for decades, until Hundred years ago, the first generation of Xuanjue, the master of Yaowang Temple, came to the capital. The Xuanjue master felt the resentment there, and in the idea of ​​compassion for his family, he planned to overdo it for the injustice ... "

Nan Gongxi said earnestly: "But those innocent souls did not change their fatality. In the end, the master Xuanjue wailed. He was willing to learn the Buddha to cut meat and feed the eagle. That night, Master Xuanjue became a relic in the fire. After that, Master Xuanjue ’s The disciples built the Yaowang Temple on the ruins. After its rebirth, since then, the incense of the Yaowang Temple has become more and more vigorous. Even if the war is disturbed, it still stands! "

After a pause, she added, "Although some people said that the main hall was on fire because it was impossible for the relics to live in the town, but according to the children, this time the fire was extinguished so fast, it must be Xuanjue. The master's relics manifested! Before Ai's expedition, Bian Er also specifically sought a peace sign for him at Yaowang Temple. Now, Ai won't win the battle? "

The queen mother read the voice again, and thoughtfully said, "That's really a bodhisattva."

Nan Gongxi said with anxious expression: "The queen mother-in-law, but when it comes to this kind of thing, Xuan Er is still a little unruly in heart. Xuan Er is just a little girl. She ca n’t learn the Buddha to cut the meat to feed the eagle. I think of Madam Zhang recently In the case of Wang Du's congee, she thought about and learned how to use her old age to congee in Wangdu, so that he could pray to Ai and Fu Sangong. He believed that Ai and Fu Sangong would return triumphantly soon. . "

The queen mother naturally also hoped that the southern Xinjiang would be a great success, and said in agreement: "Yi girl, what you said is that Ai and He Geer will return in peace! Their men are fighting in front, and our women are looking after his home for him. It is the duty of a good wife. "

Nangong Nian embarrassed her face slightly, and seemed a little shy. After a while, she raised her eyes and smiled, "The queen mother-in-law, this time I have encountered a lot of fun because of my congee application."

The queen queen heard that interest came, and raised her eyebrows and asked, "Girl, do you want to tell the Ai family what fun can be done with this porridge?"

Nangong yelled: "The queen mother-in-law, there is an old saying, Sheng Mien, Dou Mi Qiu. Because I'm afraid that someone is too greedy, my son's porridge shed is only one person to get a bowl of porridge a day ..."

The queen queen nodded slightly, expressing her agreement with Nangong's approach.

Nan Gongxi continued: "Yesterday, a little boy came to the porridge to receive porridge three times a day. One of the sons-in-law had a good memory, thinking that the child was young, so he did not care about him for the second time. Who knows The child came again for the third time, and the son-in-law's temperament was a bit upright, so he taught the child and scared the child into tears. Later, a mother-in-law who knew the child said that the child was a triplet, and Someone simply called his two brothers over. The three identical children stood together, and it was very interesting for her to look at it. Later, her aunt apologized to the child and bought them The cantaloupe made people happy. "Then, Nangong Yan smiled openly with his hands over his mouth.

The queen mother stayed in the deep palace for a long time, but she was a little interested in the folk affairs and was amused. She glanced between Bai Hui and Lily behind Nangong Yu, pointing at Lily: "Is this the little girl?"

Even the cheeky Lily showed a little embarrassment at this time, and the blessing said: "The queen mother-in-law is really jealous and indeed a slave."

The queen mother smiled again, and said kindly, "Your girl made a smile at Ai Family today, and the Ai Family should reward you anyway ..." She said to the old lady next to her a look, that old lady Immediately enjoyed a broken flower Jinxiang bracelet.

Lily looked flattered, blessed, and hurriedly thanked, "Thank your mother-in-law for the reward, the slaves must be put away and used as a dowry."

This sentence made the queen mother laugh again, and the atmosphere inside the hall was extremely relaxed.

Nangong Yu accompanied the queen mother to speak for a while, and then resigned.

After Nangong Yu left, the queen mother's face sank instantly and said in a bad voice: "Huang Ye, what do you think of the family doing things for the second princess?"

Huang Ye served the queen mother for many years, and of course she felt the discomfort of the queen mother, vaguely saying: "Presumably it is the kindness of Mrs. Zhang ..."

"Hmm!" The queen mother snorted coldly. "Look at the house of regret, it's okay to toss some things out!" After applying porridge for a while, and doing things for a while, that's all. It's okay to burn the Yaowang Temple The hall!

Huang Ye also thought that the palace that burned the temple was really ridiculous, but she was also inconvenient to say that she was a slave, and could only say implicitly: "The old slave also heard some rumors these days, saying It was the second princess who dreamed for Mrs. Zhang for several nights, so that Mrs. Zhang couldn't sleep well for a few days. Therefore, the old man from Zhangfu deliberately went to find a monk to do something extra, and prayed for the second princess outside the city ... "

"The second princess asked for dreams?" The queen queen's eyebrows were locked, that is, because the second princess asked for dreams, Zhang Laofu went to Yaowang Temple to do something for the second princess. Right!

Is it the evil spirit of the second princess? Then relied, and finally turned anger into peace?

The queen mother rubbed her eyebrows tiredly, and said, "This granddaughter is really dead and unsafe."

The queen mother committed a murmur in her heart for the time being, but after leaving the palace, Nangong went back to the palace. As soon as Zhu Wheeler stopped, the son-in-law who had been waiting for Ermen greeted him, and said that it was Zhu Xing who was looking for her.

So Nangong went to the study in the front yard.

Soon after, Zhu Xing arrived. After the ceremony, he shouted, "Shi Zizhen, Zheng Zhi got it."

When Nangong heard the words, he couldn't help but condensed the words: "Where is it now?"

"He is being escorted to the capital of the king." Zhu Xing replied, "... he was blocked in Quxian. He should want to sneak back to southern Xinjiang, but still couldn't escape our palms. This Zheng also understands that we are You, the son of concubine, were so arrogant that you vocally claimed to be the successor of the princess. You are just a little daughter-in-law who has just entered the door and is not qualified to move him. You see ... "

Nangong Yu didn't get angry, but listened with interest, after he finished speaking, he said casually: "He is just a fugitive on my Zhuangzi, and dare to say that he is the mother-in-law, isn't this? Destroying the mother-in-law's reputation? Although her son-in-law just married into the royal palace, she has heard of her mother-in-law's virtuous name in the boudoir, and has long admired her mother-in-law. How can she be condemned by others? "She said, with a smile on her lips," No matter how dare this fugitive dared to make such nonsense, just reward him with a few tricks to let him know what he means. "

Zhu Xing also laughed and said, "Yes, Princess Shi. The fugitive slave should be dealt with according to the rules of fugitive slaves." He was also mainly worried about the absence of Shi Ziye. If this is a trouble, it will cause the princess to be unhappy. It is difficult to cope. But apparently, Shi Zifei had already considered it, and if so, what else could he worry about.

This Straightforward arrogance in the world's grandfather's Zhuangzi, together with the cattle steward, corrupted the world's grandfather's reputation. Zhu Xing had been holding a stomach fire for a long time, so he could not relieve him for a few meals.

Nangong Wei slightly jaw head, and asked again, "Is there any news about Niu Guanshi?"

"Not yet." Zhu Xing replied, "Subordinates speculate that Niu Guanshi may not have returned to southern Xinjiang."

Nan Gong said, "Zheng Zhi should know one or two." She paused, her eyes lightly said, "You have been in the army for many years, but how can you pry open his mouth?"

"My subordinates understand." Zhu Xing's face showed a ruthless color, "You son of concubine, rest assured. Before he goes to the capital, his subordinates must let him spit out everything he knows." Fang's method, forgiving him how stubborn he can pry open his mouth, so why worry that he won't be able to get a subordinate?

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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