"Father and King, please be careful." Xiao Yi's expression sank suddenly, and said, "Is the child's concubine condemned by the princess in a few words? ... Father, you are so partial to a woman In other words, children really do n’t know how to say you. ”

"Niezi, what are you talking nonsense! What a woman is not a woman, that is your mother-in-law!" The king of Zhennan shot the table angrily and reprimanded, "Your mother-in-law said that you have long been lost by that Nangong Heartbroken, it seems that it is really so. This young Nangong's young age is not only jealous, but also means to coax you around ... how can such a woman be qualified to be our daughter-in-law of the Xiao family! "

"Father King!" Xiao Yi stood up abruptly, showing his suffocation, and said coldly, "No speculation! The child doesn't want to listen to any words that would defame the world's concubine!"

What the **** is this bullshit! It's going to be lawless! The king of Zhennan also got angry, "Niezi!" As he scolded, he unconsciously pulled out the whip around his waist, and drew it towards Xiao Yi. The whip was almost like a viper out of the hole, and he was full of vigor. The sound of breaking air is obviously not meaning to show mercy.

Song Xiaojie couldn't believe his eyes widened in disbelief. He didn't expect Wang Ye to be so **** Shi Zi. If it weren't for Song Xiaojie who had been on the battlefield for many years and had seen countless wind and rain, he would be dysfunctional.

Song Xiaojie looked nervously at Xiao Yi, but saw that Xiao Yi was motionless in place, seeing that the whip was less than a few inches away from his face, Song Xiaojie could not help exclaiming: "World ..."

The next instant, when Xiao Yi reached out and grabbed it casually, he caught one end of the whip in his hand. He exerted a little force, and the whip tightened like the straight bowstring. The father and son's eyes met in mid-air, and the sparks shot.

At this moment, the air seemed to freeze and time seemed to stagnate!

Shizi Ye is truly extraordinary! Song Xiaojie's mind could not help but come up with this idea, mixed tastes.

To tell the truth, the close friends around King Nan of this town know that compared to the old king who passed away, the current King of Nan is always inferior in martial arts, strategy and courage ... Nowadays, it seems to be a grandson , Quite the style of the old man. The relationship between the father and the son is so bad, and the father and son are already a young tiger who is about to grow into adulthood ... I am afraid that sooner or later, the dispute between the father and the son is inevitable!

Zhennan Wang was so angry that he stalked in his chest. Rebellion! This boy is almost going to rebel!

Previously, this inverse boy only dared to dodge, but now he dares to catch up with himself!

With the emperor supporting him, is he going to get rid of his father and replace it?

The more Zhennan Wang thought, the more uneasy he felt, and he only reprimanded the outside strong: "Niezi! Don't let me go!"

Xiao Yi looked at Zhennan King coldly, his eyes were so sharp that he could see deep inside him.

The corner of Xiao Yi's mouth aroused slightly. Since he had never felt the slightest affection for the calf, how could he have any expectations for this father king?

Xiao Yi let go of his whip without mercy, turned around and strode away from the hall.

Song Xiaojie at this moment is really embarrassed enough to disappear in a vacuum. Before he came here, he would never have thought of such a joyous event as defeating the Southern Barbarian Army. It actually made the father and the son quarrel without meeting each other. Break up ...

"Ninzi is inverse!" Zhennan Wang was furious and embarrassed, staring at the back of Xiao Yi's departure, grabbing a cup, then falling out, and the fragments "spattered".

King Zhennan walked back and forth impatiently, angrily: "This inverse son thought he had grown up sensible, but the result is still the same as before, it is an unhelpful dou ... Fortunately, the king has a mule, otherwise this If the throne falls into his hands ... "

At this time, it was inconvenient for Song Xiaojie to continue to be a dumb, and he immediately comforted: "The grandfather is angry. The grandfather is still young, and he has been with the king for a few years. It is inevitable that he is a little rusty with the grandfather.

He was embarrassed in his heart. This matter was just a quarrel between the father and the son. Why is the grandfather so arrogant that he wants to change the posture of the world son when he doesn't agree?

In the past, when Shizi's reputation was not good, he was sitting firmly in this world, not to mention, but now the grandfather of Shizi is different from the past, and the people in the South Xinjiang Army have shown several victories.

In addition, there is an emperor behind the emperor to support him. It is not easy for the emperor to change his son.

It ’s just that some words of Song Xiaojie are inconvenient to say directly to Zhennan King, and can only say euphemistically: "Master Wang, the subordinates still have some of you and the old king's style. You see, I have n’t even hit a few Has the battle been won? "

"Will he fight?" The king of Zhennan tickled his lips in disdain. "That sow can go up the tree! According to the king, it's just that the blind cat encountered a dead mouse. Good luck. Tian He, Yao Yan They are all good men, and it may not be that he snatched their credit! "

Although Song Xiaojie had made such speculations before, but the king of Zhennan was the father of the world's grandfather, he even guessed his son like this!

Not to mention the previous battles, today ’s battle, those soldiers on the city walls have seen with their own eyes, it is the son of the world ’s grandfather Xiao Yi who led the soldiers to kill the enemies for the siege of Fengjiang City! I saw so many pairs of eyes, but I didn't expect King Zhennan to turn a blind eye ... It seems that the name of the uncle of the previous son is also related to the attitude of Wang Ye.

The King of Zhennan knew nothing about Song Xiaojie's thoughts, and kept complaining that Xiao Yi was not ...

At the same time, Xiao Yi came to the temporary residence yard arranged by the housekeeper.

Xiao Yi knew that after all he was just a son, and now there is King Zhennan sitting in the town, and those people in his hands may be tempted to move. Only by building greater prestige can he stabilize the army. He will soon return to the capital of the king. Before that, it is necessary to let those people change from respect to loyalty to him, so that he did not return in vain on this trip.

Without any delay, Xiao Yi ordered someone to call Cheng Yu, Qian Moyang and Fu Yunhe to the study.

Xiao Yi hung a map on the wall and said, "Our next target is Lingchuan Canyon."

Judging from the current situation, southern Xinjiang has gradually recovered its lost land, and the three cities of Xingyang, Fengyin, and Fall have regained all. However, Nanman retreated to Lingchuan Gorge, and still occupied half of the mountains and rivers in the southern Xinjiang, especially the Fuzhong and Kailian cities located in the border. If the two cities could not be recovered, it would be as if a wolf ring was on the side. Will come at any time.

"Master Shi," said Tian Heshen, "The ridges and valleys of the Lingchuan Gorge are rugged and easy to defend and difficult to attack. If it is a forcible attack, it may not be appropriate. In the end, the cold winter is approaching. Even if we do not chase, Nanban will break the supply I'm afraid it will retreat ... "

"If I say supply, I'm afraid I can't break it." Xiao Yi's finger pointed to Fuzhong and Kailian, and said, "Fuchong is one of our granaries in southern Xinjiang, and Kailian is a must for connecting small countries. The way through. As far as I know, Nan Man did not kill and burn after the capture of these two cities. I think it was left behind. Once Nan Man's north invasion was not smooth, it would As it is now, occupying the Lingchuan Gorge to feed the quarters with Fuzhong and Kailian is probably more than enough. When they are recuperated, they will invade north again at any time. It is easy to prevent thieves, but it is not easy to prevent thieves for a thousand days.

What's more, one slaps one's breath, then dies, and three exhausts.

Now that the whole army is angry with Nan Man for his evil deeds, how can he not chase after victory.

"The grandfather of Shi Zi said that." Tian He considered again and again and finally agreed.

Originally returned to Fengjiang City this time, Tian He was hesitant to follow the Zhennan King and continue to follow the son, after all, the Zhennan King was the one who truly controlled the military power of the southern Xinjiang. However, since these days, Shizi's bravery and courage have convinced him to take it, as if he followed the old Lord ... and the same feeling, almost all of the generals present here.

They saw to some extent the discord between King Zhennan and Shizi. Some people were watching, and of course some people had made up their minds. They listened to a pioneer camp vice general Bai Lifeng and asked, "What is Shizi's decision?"

"It is not appropriate to rashly attack." Xiao Yi had already considered it, "but we can lead the snake out of the hole."

As early as the time of the capital, Guan Yubai had expected that the battle would eventually come to this end. They also had more than one sandbox exercise on the Lingchuan Gorge. This terrain was really good as a defense, but it was good for attack. In terms of opportunities, it is not without opportunities.

And the most they can use is the swamp snake worm in southern Xinjiang.

Xiao Yisi groaned for a moment and said, "We have two paths. We attack from the north side of the Lingchuan Canyon to attract the attention of Nanman. The other path is the key ..." He pointed to a point on the map and said, "Here There is a small path out of this path, which is an extremely hidden marsh. The other path must be lightly entered, from the path into the Lingchuan Canyon, to cover up the sneak attack, to introduce the Southern Barbarian Army into the marsh ... "

The generals present were all shocked. They were surprised. How did Xiao Yi know that there was a path here and a swamp? Couldn't… Shi Ziye have already deployed to stabilize South Xinjiang in the future? If that's the case, Grandpa Shizi would be far-sighted!

Xiao Yi analyzed with them carefully, and said almost every point.

This battle will be the key to the victory. As long as he wins the Lingchuan Canyon, he has the confidence to end the war in two months! Then you can go back.

He missed his stinky girl!

He glanced out the window subconsciously, the sunset was already sinking, and he didn't know if his stinky girl was using dinner properly ...

At the moment, the capital of the capital was also half-dark and half-dark, and the Nongong Zhuan's Zhu Wheeler finally advanced to the gate during the dark curfew.

By the time she returned to Zhennan's palace, two big red lanterns had been hung high in front of the gate of the palace.

The Zhu Wheeler stopped all the way to the second gate, and Nangong Yu was assisted by Lily and got out of the car. She sat in a carriage for four hours today, and she couldn't hide her fatigue.

An Niang led the two wives who raised the chair to the side of the second door. When she saw Nangong Yu stepped forward and gave a gift: "Sir concubine, you are back."

Nangong Yan raised his hand and let them stand up.

An Niang walked up to Nangong Yu, and said in a low voice: "Second concubine, Fang Cifei is now waiting for you in Wushoutang."

Nangong blinked suddenly, then smiled, and it seemed that the portal of the town's southern palace was still too loose.

An Niang continued to report: "The grandmother has found out clearly. It was a rough maid named Rui'er in Fufeng courtyard who ventilated to Yi Yi, and Yi Yi let the mother-in-law who keeps the West Corner Gate open the door. That Fangci concubine entered the house. "Since Fang Wisteria had all entered the palace, after all, An Niang was only a subordinate, and it was not bad for someone to give Fang Wisteria out.

Lily scorned and said, "This prince is the one left by Xiao Fang. The prince Shi saw her doing things fairly honestly. She made no mistakes and left her in the office to continue on duty, but did not expect her to eat. The bear heart leopard dared to eat inside and out! "

"It turned out that the person behind this Ruier turned out to be Fang Cifei." Tong Er said with a little surprise. Although they had known that Ruier had been bought and secretly spread the news outside, but these days, Ruier hadn't changed anything, and didn't send the news again, so they didn't give out the Fang wisteria.

"This time it's a double-throw ... No, it's three-three-three!" Nangong Yan smiled.

"That's true, too." Lily laughed and looked cunning, and asked, "Second concubine, do you want to leave the wisteria outside the house?"

Unexpectedly, Nangong shook his head and said, "I'm not busy, I'll meet them ..." Then he turned around and ordered Lily and Thrush, "You put those pots of chrysanthemums in the flower room first, and the gardener will take good care of them. By the way, settle Ye Yefu's house. "

"Yes, Concubine." Lily and Thrush went away.

Nangong Yu took a chair and was carried by two women to Wushoutang.

Fang Zhiteng and Yi Yi were sitting in Wushoutang, chatting and drinking tea. When they heard the outside movement, their eyes turned towards Nangong Yu.

Nangong stepped down in the chair and walked into Wushoutang without any hassle. Yi Yan and Fang Zhiteng's eyes flashed with anger and hatred, but because of their status and esteem, they could only stand up.

Yi Yi first bowed to Nangong with "respectfulness" and said, "I have seen my concubine ..."

"I've seen the watch." Ai Aifu was blessed during the period of Fang Wisteria. This time she can see all of Yi Yi's ability.

Nangong walked without squinting all the way to the rosewood chair next to the large rosewood carving case, and then slowly said, "No courtesy."

Yi Yi straightened her body, and Fang Zhiteng on the side looked at Nangong Yu that she could not give Yi Yi a little face, and began to worry about whether Yi Yi was not as brave as herself.

At first glance at Lily's absence, he was relieved secretly: The cheap girl was too unreasonable, and he hit someone with a disagreement. Just like last time, she couldn't even see the concubine. In this way, even if she has all kinds of means, her tongue can't be used anywhere!

Relying on Nangong Yu's late return this time, Yi Yi looked like she was righteous and said, "Sir concubine, please forgive me. Now that he is not in the palace, you are still a bride. You should act with caution, like It is not appropriate to leave early and return late like this today! "

"I really do have a bit of truth. As a bride, I really should pay attention to my words and deeds." Nangong Yu looked at Yi Yan lazily, nodding his head slightly, but even the light in the corner of his eyes was too lazy to look at Fang Wisteria. .

Fang Wisteria watched Yi Yi suppress Nangong Jing, and a wing of wings appeared in her eyes.

In fact, Yi Yi had already done a good job of how Nangong Hui would retort herself sharply. She did not expect that she would obey her teachings so docilely this time. After she stunned her, she thought to herself, too, that this concubine is only thirteen years old after all, but it is just a girl, and it must be because her girl is teaching behind her ...

Yi Yi became more and more so. She nodded comfortably: "Second Concubine, you are willing to listen to the slave's good words and persuade, presumably the princess will know that it will be very comforting." As she said, she looked at Fang Wisteria aside, with a calm look He reprimanded, "Sir concubine, you still have a mistake today. Grandma Aunt Fang is the niece of the princess and cousin of the grandfather. She came to the door to ask you for help. How can you just leave her alone outside the door of the house and yourself Going out to play? "

Yi Yi followed and said, "Now, Grandma Aunt Fang is in trouble at the King's Mansion, and the slave dared to ask the concubine to take charge of her, so that Princess Qi must not make it so difficult for Grandma Aunt Fang! Aunt Grandma is also a relative of the palace, how can you let others so humiliate her? This is basically the face of the princess, which damages the majesty of the royal palace of Zhennan. Sister, as the daughter-in-law of the princess, you should worry about your mother-in-law. Moreover, we must maintain the decentness of the Zhennan Palace ... "

Yi Yi talked endlessly, Nangong Xi smiled casually, interrupted her, and said, "Yi Ye, I respect you as the concubine sent by my mother-in-law, and I want to give you some face, how can you Nonsense. It ’s actually a fugitive from another family as a relative of our Zhennan palace. Is n’t it a joke to pass it on? Yi Yi, do n’t you say these words outside, otherwise people thought we were in Zhennan. The palaces are all unruly. "

Yi Yan's eyes were wide, and he stared at Nangong Yan fiercely. It turned out that she was waiting for herself here!

Yi Yan was furious with his forehead. "Sir concubine, even if Grandma Aunt Fang is the second consort of King Qi, she is also the niece of the concubine. Since concubine Shi is not a master of the concubine, The slave had to send a letter to Nanjiang, concubine, you are waiting for the princess 'rebuke! What the concubine is also your mother-in-law, you will not even listen to the princess' instructions, then ... "She raised her chin proudly, without saying the last word" unfilial piety, "but everyone knew what she meant.

Disobedient to her parents, but that's the name of "seven out," she would not believe that Nangong Yan is not afraid!

I do n’t want to, Nangong sighed a long sigh, disappointed and shook his head: "The mother-in-law, naturally I want to listen to the daughter-in-law. But how can a person who is such a law-abiding and conscientious person recognize her? How are you relatives? Yi Yi, you are the mother-in-law. If the mother-in-law knows that you are saying this, you are afraid to be furious! How can I be a child-in-law who can watch you with such a broken mouth The mother-in-law's reputation! "

She spoke in a righteous manner, listening to the uncle's effort to sneer, and did not dare to make a sound.

Yi Yi's face was blue and white, and she was about to justify, but she saw Nangong Yu pointed at Fang Zi Teng and said, "Come, you haven't tied the escape of the King's Palace to this son-in-law, and sent it back to the King's Palace. So as not to defile the land of my town's south royal palace! "

With an order from Nan Gong, two stubborn wives entered the hall.

"Nangong 玥, how dare you!" Fang Zhiteng stood up in disbelief, pointing at Nangong 玥 's nose.

But she could only say such a few words, the two women biting Fang Wisteria's arm one by one and dragging her rudely.

"Nangong 玥, how can you! Yi 嬷嬷 ..." Fang Wisteria yelled hysterically, but in vain, his voice drifted away.

Nan Gongxi instructed Bai Hui lightly: "Bai Hui, you will draw up a post for me and send it to Princess Qi with her, and let her take care of her inner house. Don't do it again and again. Everything is going on! "

She was so meaningful that Bai Hui responded with a blessing and said, "Yes, Princess Shi." She went to the west to post a post, and she naturally knew how to post it!

All this happened like an electric thunder, Yi Yi was completely shocked, stuttered with a little suffocation and said, "Sir concubine, you ... you shouldn't you be afraid of the princess's guilt?"

"Yi Yi, it seems my temple is too small for this big Buddha," Nangong looked at Yi Yi with a smile, "Since I miss my mother and concubine so much, I'll be good to send you back See mother-in-law. "

Yi Fang was sent by Xiao Fang. As a daughter-in-law, she had to give some face, and naturally she couldn't send her away for no reason. However, since she was so disturbed in her own hands, of course Nangong Yu will not be softened.

Yi Yi took a breath, and she was sent back to southern Xinjiang in such a bleak manner, I am afraid that even the Princess Fang's will also ugly her!

Yi Yi barely chuckled a smile, wondering if he was lowering his head, and passed through the barrier first, "Sir concubine, please forgive me ..."

Nangong Ai interrupted her again, and indifferently commanded: "Yi Yi has no rules and regulations, and is bad for her mother-in-law's reputation.

"Yes, concubine!"

Immediately two other women came in, Yi Yi yelled impatiently: "You dare! I'm the princess, be careful of me ..."

Her threat ended with her screaming like a pig, louder than louder.

Bai Hui, who had drafted the post, came out from the west, and Nangong glanced roughly, and then stamped her world concubine with the golden seal of the post, so that the person would send the post with Fang Wisteria. Go to Qi Wangfu.

Bai Hui led the way, and passed by Ruier and Wangfuzi who were taken in by Anniang. The two of them saw Yi Fang's close relative Yi Yi, who was now in the end, and felt cold in his heart. When he entered the hall, he knelt down and asked for forgiveness: "Sir concubine, please forgive slaves!"

Anniang walked to Nangongyu and asked, "Second concubine, what should these two do?"

Nangong Yan's gaze fell on Ruier first, and he waved his hand and said, "... Tomorrow will be called to take her away."

Ruier was a little embarrassed. She thought she was just spreading a message and did nothing to harm the master. She did n’t expect it would be so serious ... It ’s easy to eat, live, work, and have a bounty. If you sell it once, you don't know where it will go.

"Second concubine, slaves will never dare ..." Ruier still tried to ask for mercy with her last hope, but was dragged rudely by the mother-in-law immediately.

And to the prince who was trembling and trembling slightly, Nangong jun was too lazy to say nonsense, "Mr. prince, you are free to let outsiders into the house today, and the evidence is conclusive, I will punish you by fifteen to do something special ..."

When she heard that it was just fifteen, Wang Zizi breathed a sigh of relief, but she continued slowly: "You are the mother-in-law, I am not good at selling you. Since you do n’t like Wangdu so much, just give it away. Your family will return to southern Xinjiang and serve your mother-in-law. "

These people will be left in the capital by the princess. They are never reused or seen ... This time they returned to South Xinjiang, fearing that they would not be able to protect even errands! The mother-in-law completely collapsed on the ground, and was dragged down by two mother-in-laws.

The hall finally calmed down, and Nangong ran yawning lazily after a long day of traveling, and got up and said, "Go back to the Fengyuan."

Nangong Ai took a chair and a woman carried it back to Fufengyuan. The chair dangled regularly and she almost went to sleep.

Back in Fufengyuan, seeing Nangong's frowns and eyes could not hide his tiredness, Lily who came back step by step said busyly: "Shi Zifei, the hot water for bathing is ready; the kitchen will warm you with porridge and soup, you are Want to take a bath first, and eat a little bit? "

"Go for a bath first."

After bathing and changing clothes, I drank a small bowl of porridge, and then the girl helped her dry her hair ... Later Nangong Yu had fallen asleep on the desk.

When Bai Hui and Lily saw that Nangong Yan's hair was dry, she quietly hugged her to the bed, and from the beginning to the end, Nangong Yan fell asleep and did not wake up at all.

Lily teased with a smile: "Shi Zifei's alertness is really poor, and even if we quietly sell her, she doesn't know."

Bai Hui glared at her. Although she didn't speak, the meaning was already obvious: it was getting more and more unruly!

Lily spit out her tongue, thinking to herself, wasn't she just playing around?

At this time, Thrush came into the room, and when Nangong went to sleep, he lowered his voice and said, "Bai Hui, Ye Erfu's family has been settled, and those pots of chrysanthemums have been placed in the flower room."

Bai Hui nodded, and talked to Shi Zifei tomorrow.

The next day, the first thing that Nangong Yan, who was full of sleep, ran out of breakfast, was to ask Bai Hui to prepare a pen and paper for her.

With a little thought, she wrote such a letter to Xiao Fang in one go—

The mother-in-law saw her letter:

The mother-in-law had a loving heart for her daughter-in-law, treating her daughter-in-law as her daughter-in-law, and sending Yi-yi as a parent-in-law. The daughter-in-law was also deeply moved, kneeling three times south and six children to show her gratitude.

Daughter-in-law always respects mother-in-law and treats mother-in-law as a mother-in-law. Since Yiyi arrived in the capital, daughter-in-law sees Yiyi as her mother-in-law.

I didn't know that Yi Yi was so bullying the master, talking nonsense, destroying her mother-in-law's reputation everywhere, her daughter-in-law was patient, but she couldn't bear the reputation of her mother-in-law's virtues, virtues, and wisdom. The daughter-in-law filled with indignation and dared to teach these mother-in-law a little for her mother-in-law.

Yi Zhuo is the mother-in-law's mother. After all, her daughter-in-law is not good enough to meet her. Then she will return this Yi Lu to the palace of the southern Xinjiang and ask her to do it!

The final payment was "On the Daughter-in-law Nangong".

After Nangong Yu finished writing, she scanned it with satisfaction and let Lily help to dry the ink.

By the way, Lily looked at the letter politely, and she almost didn't hold it. In the past, I read the letter that Shi Zifei wrote to Shi Zifei. She thought that Shi Zifei would not write a letter. It seems that the writing is quite good!

Lily sent the letter into the envelope with a sullen smile and ordered it to be sent out.

Nangong Yu stretched her limbs, only to feel refreshed.

And after returning the letter, Lily told her a small message she just heard from the mother-in-law who went out to buy: "... I heard that Mrs. Zhang entered the palace yesterday, and then came out crying, saying I didn't miss the second princess's early death, and there wasn't even a son-in-law. No one would worship the fireworks or something ... "

Nangong Xixiu raised her eyebrows slightly and said, "Where did this rumor come from?"

"It was said by a mother-in-law in Zhangfu that she was beaten hard."

A mother-in-law?

Nangong said with interest: "It's interesting that a woman-in-law can spread such a private matter to the king in one day."

"Sir concubine, what do you mean?"

Nan Gongyu groaned for a moment, and did not continue the topic, but got up and said with a smile: "Let's go to the flower room and see, but don't let Xiaobai ruin my chrysanthemum."

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