As soon as King An's remarks came out, a **** the stage immediately and interestfully removed the pot of "golden red". At about the same time, Huo Di, a thirty-year-old wife, stood up and said: " Impossible! I put the 'gold-backed red' on it and carefully checked it before putting it on. There was absolutely no break. "She glanced sharply around," Who? Who on earth did you intentionally damage my 'gold-backed red'? ? "

This lady is Mrs. Yu, the wife of the soldier of the Ministry of War Yu Chengfeng.

For a time, all the female members of the audience looked at each other. In the final analysis, this bucket of chrysanthemums was just a fun for fun, not a test of examinations, and who would really care if their own flowers can be selected as king of chrysanthemums?

How could this be? !! Zhang Yizhen couldn't believe his eyes and ears. Wasn't that "golden back" of Nangong Yu? She had seen Nangong's grandmother holding it with her own eyes ...

She glanced reflexively in the direction of Nangong Yan, and immediately regained her guilty gaze.

Lily and Tonger exchanged a look, and said: Fortunately, Shi Zifei asked them to replace "Golden Back Red" with "Zuo Fei Fairy" in time! Although they did not care about choosing or not to choose the king of chrysanthemums, the feeling of success for the people in Zhangfu was too aggrieved.

As for Nangong Yu, she just didn't want to choose the same chrysanthemum with Zhang Fu, so as not to be separated, she did not expect to avoid a trouble by accident!

A large lady sitting next to Mrs. Yu tried to unravel the other party: "Mrs. Yu, I don't think so, is it because of which girl you accidentally rubbed?"

Another old lady also echoed.

In fact, most women depend on whether their wife offends someone. Someone is looking for this opportunity to get revenge. Anyway, it is harmless, but there is nothing to care about.

But Mrs. Yu refused to give up, and resentfully said, "I think that the prisoner who broke the flowers must be afraid that I, the" Golden Red ", will win the king of chrysanthemums, and did such a shameless thing! I glanced at the stage, and fell into another pot of "Golden Red" on the stage, "Maybe it is the owner of this pot of" Golden Red "..."

She said so, Mrs. Zhang couldn't bear it, and suddenly stood up, and said, "Mrs. Yu, please be careful!"

Mrs. Zhang was furious. If it wasn't for Cheng Feng's being the third prince, she would have to teach her well!

Mrs. Zhang did not notice the guilty expression of her granddaughter Zhang Yizhen.

Mrs. Yu did not expect that another pot of "Gold Back" would be Zhangfu's house, and she could not help but show her embarrassment. She said, "Mrs. Zhang, I am just an example ..." Temple! Her eldest son is a companion to the third prince Han Lingfu. Their family can no longer get rid of the relationship, and the Zhang family is the third prince's uncle's family.

Thinking about today ’s affairs, she still had to rely on his wife to help her, and Mrs. Zhang could only swallow this breath, and said with a smile: "Mrs. Yu, it ’s the so-called 'good things do n’t go out, bad things go a long way.' Do n’t just make things random ... ”

"Grandmother, I don't think Mrs. Yu did it on purpose." Zhang Yizhen advised softly, with a profound sense of righteousness.

Mrs. Yu echoed: "Girl Zhang is right. I was angry and didn't think about it for a while, there must be a villain, thinking about provoking the relationship between the two of us deliberately!" With a wink at the girl, she quietly went to check.

Mrs. Zhang glanced quickly at her granddaughter Zhang Yizhen, and wanted to say something more. At this time, Wang An's impatient voice was uploaded on the stage: "What ’s so noisy, these two plants ca n’t be the king of chrysanthemums anyway , Simply eliminated together! "

King An's words were silent all around, sighing in his heart: It is indeed the "three idiots" King An, and he was not afraid to offend anyone when he spoke.

For a moment, the faces of Mrs. Zhang, Yiyi Zhang, and Mrs. Yu froze under the stage.

Fu Yunyan on the side almost laughed, and lowered her voice to Lu Yingzi: "Your grandfather's temper is still like that!"

Lu Yingzi has long been accustomed to her grandmother's temper, and shrugged indifferently.

Behind Nangong Li and Lier looked at each other secretly, with smiles in their eyes, and felt that An An was really good!

The girl-in-law on the stage was a little uneasy. She carefully looked at Gong's glance, and when she saw her nodded to them, she boldly removed the two pots of "golden back and red".

And Mrs. Zhang, Yiyi Zhang and Mrs. Yu could only sit back dimly, letting people see a joke in vain.

In this round of screening and elimination, there are only ten pots of chrysanthemums left on the Dou Ju platform.

After Wang An shook his head and walked back and forth on the stage again, he finally clicked "Ten Zhang Bead Curtain" as the king of chrysanthemums and "Green Peony" as the second prize, and the "Left Concubine Fairy" sent by Nangong Yu also got a probe. .

This was an unexpected joy, Lily and Tonger were happy, and Zhang Yizhen did not expect that this basin of "Left Concubine Fairy" turned out to be Nangong Yun, and there was a look of suspicion in his eyes, which was also mixed with indignation and astonishment. How did Nangong Yuan's chrysanthemums become "Zuo Fei Fairy"? It is doubtful if Nangong Yuan knew something before they changed the flower temporarily. What's angry is that this time, Nangong Yuan took the fisherman's benefit ...

This Nangong Yu is really cunning and insidious. It is no wonder that cousin, as a dignified princess, will eventually be destroyed by her! I must be careful in the future ...

Zhang Yichen took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

Subsequently, Madam Eun-kwok ordered the top three prizes to be obtained. The chrysanthemum's prize was a picture of a beautiful lady enjoying the chrysanthemum. This painting was made by the famous painter Li Yan in the past. In the life of Master Li, the painting Most of them are landscape paintings. This picture of chrysanthemum appreciation can be said to be the only painting on characters that has been passed down to future generations. It can be said that it is hard to buy. The second prize is a guqin, a famous contemporary luthier. Made; Nangong won an exquisite double-sided embroidery screen, which is a work of zhen embroidery by all embroiders in the world. The maiden has already closed the mountain, which is also a rare thing.

These three things alone made the female relatives here lively, and one by one came to watch the tasting, so that the first three people became the focus of everyone's attention. Everyone praised this state government. Really generous.

Now that Douju ​​is over, King An will take three pots of chrysanthemums to the table in the outer courtyard, so that the guests in the outer courtyard can appreciate and comment on the top three today.

The women depended on Yulin Pavilion, southeast of the garden, under the leadership of Madame En Guo and Madam Shizi.

Nangong Yan was very lively next to him, and Fu Yunyan groaned with a smile: "Ah, I didn't expect your gardener to be so powerful!"

Lu Yingzi also echoed the words: "The basin" Zuo Fei Fairy "is indeed good. The flowers are large, the posture is correct and elegant, the petals are white and green, and the color is bright. It is indeed top quality."

Nan Gongxi smiled: "It's actually the emperor's gardener." After a pause, she followed, "This is a chrysanthemum cultivated in the emperor's village given by the emperor. I went to the emperor's village a few days ago. , Specially moved a few pots back. If you like it, how about I give you one pot when I go back? "

Fu Yunyan and Lu Yingzi looked at each other, and they were not polite with Nangong. Yuan Yuyi aside also politely asked for a pot.

The girls laughed, and suddenly heard a penetrating voice coming from the front:

"Mrs. Zhang, you look much better!"

The girls looked around, and then noticed a few feet away, Mrs. Zhang and Yiyi Zhang, a woman wearing a beautiful blue make-up flower dumplings came forward to talk to the old lady.

Mrs. Zhang said with a smile on her face, "It's Mrs. Liu. Since I asked a monk to go to the house to interpret my dreams a few days ago, I'm old ..."

As they said, they walked forward, attracting a lot of attention around them.

Nangong Lin frowned, and thought of something. She lowered her voice and said to Liu Qingqing and Nangong: "Dasao, sister, have you heard those rumors about the second princess and Mrs. Zhang?" Nangong Lin found Lian Fu Yunyan and Yuan Yu Yidu looked over and was so proud of herself that she finally thought of a topic that everyone was interested in.

Liu Qingqing frowned, feeling that this rumor was just a matter of speaking in private, it should not be said here, there are many eyes and ears around.

She wanted to stop, and Yuan Yuyi had already asked, "What rumors?"

Nangong Lin frowned and wanted to answer, but heard Fu Yunyan say in a mocking tone: "I heard that the other day, the ghost of the second princess went into the dream of her grandmother Mrs. Zhang every night, so that Mrs. Zhang fell asleep There is no sense of stability. The old lady also went to Yaowang Temple to do something special for the second princess, and prayed for the second princess for three days outside the city, and invited a monk to go to the palace to interpret the dream. Wangduli is now all It is rumored that it is the reason why the second princess came to see Mrs. Zhang every night ... what did Mrs. Zhang go to the palace to see Zhang Ye ... "

Fu Yunyan paused and continued: "Cousin Yi, just listen to these things, my grandmother said, rumors are like this, obviously there is only one point, in order to listen to the trembling, the preservation must be said to be ten, this sentence just passes Three people ’s mouths will inevitably change one taste. There are more people, and everyone exaggerates a bit. Now I do n’t know which sentence is true or false. ”

Yuan Yuyi couldn't help but hesitated. Fu Yunyan never cared about these rumors, but today ...

Seeing to see her doubts, Fu Yunyan said that she had met Mrs. Zhang before going to Yaowang Temple, and that the palace of Yaowang Temple was on fire. Finally, she said, "I really wanted to forget that day. No, just pay attention to Zhangfu's recent trends. "I don't know what ideas they are working on to get the Shinto!

Yuan Yuyi thoughtfully and said, "This is so much trouble that people always think that the Zhang family is ..." Don't have a picture!

Yuan Yuyi deliberately did not finish her words, but anyone could hear what she said.

The more she thought, the more she felt that this possibility might not be possible. Otherwise, Mrs. Zhang was very old, and she rarely participated in banquets in other provinces on weekdays.

Nangong Lin blinked and interjected curiously: "These two princesses are gone. What else can Zhangfu plan to do?"

No one answered Nangong Lin's question.

Fu Yunyan touched the upright hair behind her neck and said, "Forget it, let's not talk about these gods and ghosts ... It's a rare chrysanthemum feast, or a chrysanthemum feast."

In words, Yulin Pavilion has appeared in front of it. Yulin Pavilion leans against the garden on one side and faces a pool of lake water on the other. This is a spacious two-story pavilion with a bright view. Looking around, there are water, bridges and flowers. The view is very good, while enjoying the table while enjoying the view, it is also very leisurely.

The seats have been laid out in the pavilion, with eight large round tables, beside which are rosewood rosewood chairs, and the stars are distributed around the round table.

A lot of tea snacks, fresh melons and a few appetizers have been placed on the round table, especially those snacks are extremely delicate and cute, it seems colorful, there are walnut butter, osmanthus red bean cake, kidney bean roll, ice crystal red bean horseshoe cake , Lotus cakes, etc., with different shapes, flower, moon, horseshoe shape ... Some even made small animal shapes.

Nan Gongxi glanced casually and knew that many should be Jiang Yixi's handwriting.

This girl's family likes good-looking and delicious dim sum, and at once, many familiar girls talked about these dim sums in twos and threes, and the atmosphere was lively again after Douju.

Nangong Yu, Fu Yunyan, Liu Qingqing, Nangong Yu and others randomly picked a table and sat down. Yuan Yuyi went to the main table with the princess Yuncheng, but it was unexpected that Mrs. Zhang and Yiyi Zhang also came over and Nangong asked them to sit at a table.

Although this kind of feast does not clearly stipulate where the guests must sit, most people will know how to sit at a table with someone they know, so as to avoid embarrassment. This has to be a table with a stranger, either they are not familiar with their lives, or they are too poorly connected. People in this government do not sit with their in-laws, but they have to sit at a table with Nangong. It always feels weird.

The girls secretly exchanged a look. Even people like Fu Yunyan who did not understand the intrigue of the backyard, felt that Mrs. Zhang was afraid that some people were not good, and those who were good were not.

At this moment, Mrs. Zhang suddenly said to the front: "Prince, would you rather sit at the same table with the old man?"

Everyone looked at the sound, and saw Princess Qi and Han Qixia standing not far away. Princess Qi was embarrassed. She thought that in her own role as the princess, Madam Ein Kwok would invite her to the main table. I thought they dare to ignore her!

When Princess Qi reacted, the situation was a little dilemma. The table with high status was full. This status was too low. Princess Qi dismissed it. The call of Madam Zhang also solved Princess Qi. Anxious. Although Princess Qi looked at Nangong Yu and Fu Yunyan very unpleasantly, they still had a table with her own princess.

As for Han Qixia, it was definitely too late.

The crowd chatted casually while using snacks.

Before the party was officially opened, Nangong Yan simply asked a girl from Gongguo to lead her to Jingfang ... When she returned from Jingfang, she saw a familiar figure coming in from Yulin Pavilion.

Nangong Aya blinked and shouted in surprise: "Big sister!" It was Nangong Aya.

Nan Gongxi knew that Jian'anbo House had also accepted the chrysanthemum banquet posts, but today I saw Nangong nan and Mrs. Jian'anbo did not appear, and thought that they would not have something to do temporarily. I did not expect that the chrysanthemum banquet was halfway through Nangong Ao suddenly came, but it made her somewhat overjoyed.

After seeing the ceremony, Nangong asked with interest: "Sister, hasn't Madame come today?" It seems that something must have happened in Bo's house.

"It's late today, and the mother is apologizing to the wife of the emperor Gongshi." Nangong explained with a grin.

Thinking of the uneasy second house in Jian'anbo, Nangong asked anxiously, "Big sister, what happened to Bo's house?"

"I'm fine, so is your brother-in-law." Nangong Ai sighed slightly and said, "Before I went out with my mother today, the second room made a mess in the house again, delaying some time."

It really is the second room! Nangong frowned slightly, and it seemed that they would not stop if they did not get the place in this life.

Nangong Nun hesitated for a moment, pulling Nangong Nun to no one, and a few aunts were guarding at the side, so as not to let anyone approach. Nangong Ai then continued: "The girl in my second uncle's room has a body ..." This fact is ugly!

The establishment of the Anbo Mansion was only 35 years old without a child, and no house was allowed. It was a family rule. Pei Ergong, who was less than a weak crown, must not be 35 years old!

Nangong Yan could not help but laugh, "Would the second lady want to keep the child?"

Nangong Nian nodded and said, "The second sibling went to the old lady and wept bitterly, and said that she would fill the girl with medicine and then sell it." It is justified to do so, this slave ignoring the government Rule, climb on the bed with your mother in your back, never forgive! This time letting go of the unruly girl is not only a mess of rules in the house, but even the establishment of the Amber House will also become a joke of the capital.

Nan Gongxi frowned slightly, and said, "I don't know what Eryi thinks. He actually brought that girl to her yard and said it was the second brother's flesh and blood, so she must stay. Grandma called her away. Later, she also splashed and caused the incident of the world son, and also said that now the second brother has no future, there are unpredictable circumstances, and people have good and bad luck. In case there is an accident, the second brother does not leave a little incense But the house was extinct. At that time, it was too late to regret it. I also told the second sibling whether this child was male or female, but it was a coward, and the house was not bad enough to eat ... I went back to my family and said I wanted to leave. "That was so noisy, even the people in their big room were called to judge.

Nangong Min moved his mind slightly, and these two rooms wanted to keep the child. Could it be that he would seek the position of the elder brother-in-law under the name of his own family? Thinking of it that way, she asked again, "What did Madam say?"

"My mother said she couldn't stop the second room from losing the incense, but it couldn't be made a joke by the house rules of Bofu, saying that she wanted to protect the children, and split up!" Nan Gongyu smiled in his eyes, remembering the second lady And old lady stunned expression.

Nangong Yu is also laughing, and there is the treasure of Mrs. Jianbo, the second house. It may not be so easy for the second room to think about it.

"Anyway, I'll just look at it first," Nangong said half-jokingly.

While talking, Lily came over, and Fushen whispered: "Second concubine, aunt Grandma, the dinner is about to begin."

The two sisters joined the Yulin Pavilion affectionately. Liu Qingqing and Nangong 琰 were very surprised to see Nangong 琤. After seeing the ceremony, a few people sat down again. However, Nangong Yu did not sit down at this table, but went to another table next to Mrs. Jian Anbo.

After a while, the girls of Grace Mansion lined up in two rows and entered the Yulin Pavilion in an orderly manner, holding steaming dishes. They were graceful and their skirts were flying, as if dancing dancers. .

After serving seven or eight hot dishes, everyone from time to time whispered and commented on today's dishes.

At this moment, a girl-in-law came in cheerfully with a stack of papers and handed it over to Mrs. Enguo Shizi. After looking at it, she whispered something in Mrs. Enguo's ear.

Madam Eun-kwok nodded slightly, and stood up with Mrs. Seiko, and said to the daughters and daughters, "Dear ladies and gentlemen, please forgive me, Yaxing, who is having a meal, just for the feast in the front yard. Several adults and son-in-law praised Douju's top three today, and also prospered with poems, improvised several poems on chrysanthemum, commented on the top three, and specially sent them to the tasting. "

The chanting poems were read by the literate maidservants. This head armor made all the people present to admire themselves. After asking, I realized that it was actually the former explorer Liu Qingyun.

Nan Gongyu naturally congratulated Liu Qingqing for a while, Liu Qingqing smiled and thanked, his face could not conceal the joy, this brother's glory is also the pride of his sister.

With a smile on her face, Mrs. Zhang suddenly said rightly to Liu Qingqing: "The elder brother of Grandma Nangong is indeed a young talent, but judging from the life experience of her old age, this woman should still be his wife. Blessed is a mother who is expensive with her son. "

The atmosphere on the table was stiffened by her grotesque remarks, and everyone did not understand what the old lady somehow said.

Mrs. Zhang followed and looked at Nangong Yan again, and said, "For example, Shi Zifei is Fuwang's person. I heard that Xiao Shizi has led the South Xinjiang Army to fight a few victories in recent days. The old man really congratulates her."

Nan Gongxi accepted it in disrespect: "Thank you Madam Zhang." Of course, I know that the other party is not simply congratulations.

Sure enough, Mrs. Zhang continued: "The concubine is now living a turbulent life, but it is pitiful that Her Royal Highness Princess Fang Ling died prematurely, and she is helpless underground." She said sadly, "The old man is here today. In the presence of everyone, begging Her Royal Highness, poor and poor Princess II ... "

Nangong Yan looked indifferent, as if Mrs. Zhang was just narrating her family, and Liu Qingqing and Nangong Yan were already dumbfounded. It has long been heard that this Mrs. Zhang was born in Shangjia and did nothing, but she has been superhuman In this way, I thought the rumors were too much, but I didn't expect it to be so!

This person is not afraid to meet the Sven, because the Sven is preached and respectful, but the rogue can ignore your preaching, just play the rogue!

Fu Yunyan said coldly: "Mrs. Zhang, what is the relationship between the second princess and the concubine, and you still need to ask the concubine, please be careful!"

Mrs. Zhang's face was stiff, but Princess Qi's eyes brightened, she couldn't wait to see Nangong's joke.

Princess Qi sighed and said with an elder attitude: "Six mothers, how can the second princess also be your cousin, and this niece of the princess, if she has any last wishes, shouldn't we be relatives? ... Hey, remembering the second princess, the princess is also sad. The second princess has just arrived in the cardamom life, and the people are gone ... But Mrs. Zhang, Liu Niang is right, why do you ask for the princess ? "

Han Qixia showed her embarrassment, and was busy pulling Qi Qi's sleeves, but she was thrown away by Qi Qi.

Han Qixia was so anxious that she almost burst into tears. She was happy to be at the table with Nangong Yu and Fu Yunyan, but now she started to regret it. Mother-in-law didn't know what to think, no matter what Zhangfu and Zhangye were trying to do, why did they go to the muddy waters at the Qi Palace?

"Prince, you don't know anything!" Mrs. Zhang seemed to find a concubine, with a sad expression, and eloquently confessed to Princess Qi, "The two princesses had already fallen into the ground, and some things returned to dust. Returning to the soil, the old man should not be mentioned again, but now the fragrant soul of His Royal Highness Princess has been reluctant to enter the prefecture and reborn. The old man is a grandmother who ca n’t bear it. When Her Royal Highness Princess Two was alive, she admired King Jinan ’s son, and even if the emperor later married the son and concubine, she still did not change her mind ... ”

Mrs. Zhang was talking, her eyes were red and her voice was slightly choked. "Since the prince went to the battlefield in the southern Xinjiang, Her Royal Highness Princess has been sleepless day and night, and can't wait to follow her, but because of her identity, If you ca n’t make it, even if you are worried, you will die! ”

Even if Princess Qi knew that there must be a text in it, she was shocked by Mrs. Zhang's words, what's the matter! His Royal Highness is sick and sick because of a fascination? These ugly things are not hidden, Madam Zhang is embarrassed to take them everywhere to say?

At this moment, Princess Qi didn't know whether she should look down on the second princess or sympathize with her.

But ... As soon as Princess Qi thought about it, she knew that even if Mrs. Zhang was a rogue, it was not a brainless rogue. Since she was so embarrassed to say about the second princess's scandal, she must have made an attempt.

There was a gleam of light in Princess Qi's eyes, and she felt that there was a good show today.

Princess Qi took out a piece of parchment and wiped it on the corner of her eyes pretending to be sentimentally, sighing: "I didn't expect that there was such an inside story ..."

"Ah, Your Highness Princess II!"

Mrs. Zhang cried out of tears, and couldn't cry. Zhang Yizhen, on the one hand, wiped away the tears for her, and raised her voice to comfort her: "Grandmother, you are too old, don't be so sad, be careful to hurt yourself."

Such a big movement naturally attracted the attention of others around him, and more and more eyes looked at Nangong's table.

Madam Eun Kwok and Madam Seiko on the main table were so mad that this house was really ridiculous! Actually played this kind of drama at the banquet of their state government! Really when their benevolent mansion is soft persimmon?

Mrs. Shizi was so angry that she wanted to stand up, but was urged by Madam Eun-guk to show her impulse. Today, after all, it is their banquet in the State Mansion. They are the master and Zhangfu is a guest. It is still not appropriate to drive people out directly, but wait and see what happens.

Mrs. Zhang was anxious that more and more people would pay attention to her, and she felt secretly rejoicing. She continued to cry and said, "My sister, grandmother knows that you are filial piety ... But now Her Royal Highness Princess cannot marry the son of the king of the south of the town as his wife before his death. After his death, Persevering and unwilling to reincarnate, she fell into dreams every night, crying and begging the old man to be her master, fulfilling her lifetime wishes, and entering the path of reincarnation at an early date ... It is really painful to look at the old man! "

Said Mrs. Zhang, she looked at Nangong Yan with a burning gaze, and begged, "Sir concubine, you will have pity on Her Royal Highness Princess Two, and fulfill His Royal Highness Princess Two's last wish, so that Her Royal Highness Princess will not be left alone .... "

Hearing here, everyone present knows what Mrs. Zhang wants to play. Zhang Fu or Zhang Ye probably want the King Zhennan to marry the second princess. And marrying the spirit is still the first step. If the first step is successful, then I am probably going to let the second princess have an incense and have to adopt a child.

Once this matter has conceded a step, Zhennan Wang Shizi must take a second step!

Princess Qi snickered gleefully in her heart, and said, "Mrs. Zhang, the concubine of Zhennan King Shishi has always been kind and generous. Last year, she was in the hunting palace for the diseased epidemic. It must have been unbearable to watch the princess's soul suffer ... "

Mrs. Zhang's old eyes were in tears, and she looked at Nangong Yu with anticipation, and said, "Sir concubine, you will show kindness to release His Royal Highness as soon as possible ..."

There was silence all around, and the sounds around him seemed to be sucked away.

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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