In the Changle Palace, a blue-and-white glaze binaural three-legged incense burner was exuding sandalwood fragrance, and the white smoke was transparent and slender, looking serene and peaceful.

The queen mother was pulling the princess Yuncheng to speak on Luo Han's bed: "... sister Yi, why not bring her into the palace with her?"

Yuncheng hid his mouth and chuckled, "Mother, the son-in-law has something to discuss with her mother today. It's not the time to let Yiyi know."

The queen mother could not help but show a hint of curiosity, "What is so mysterious? I have to hide from sister Yi."

"Sister Yi is not too young, even if the son wants to keep it, it won't be long." Yuncheng said with a stunned look, "Even Liu Niang's little girl has been ordered, and sister Yi also Can't drag on anymore. "

"Yeah, even Liu Niang has made an engagement." The queen mother said with emotion, "It seems that only a blink of an eye, these children have grown up one by one." After a pause, she said, "Yuncheng , What are your favorite candidates for Mark and Mark? "

A smile appeared on Yuncheng's face, saying, "Mother, yesterday was the chrysanthemum feast of the Jiang family, and the son-in-law thought that the protagonists of the capitals of the capital should also go for a fun, and they let the horses go. Pay attention to it. After returning yesterday, the horse said that a few were not bad, and the son-in-law wanted to help you palm your eyes together. "Then, she gave the queen mother a list.

The queen queen took it, and squinted for a while and said, "... As far as Ai ’s family knows, these are indeed good people. The second son of Weiyuan Hou's family heard that his martial arts were superior; The son was studying at the Guozijian, and he was a young man at a young age. His learning should be good ... "After the mother-in-law commented a few more times, she pointed to a name and asked with some confusion," Is this Chen Quying a soldier of the Ministry of War? Is n’t it right? According to the Ministry of War's Shang Shu, it ’s appropriate according to his identity, but I heard that his reputation is not good. How did you take him into account? ”

Yuncheng quickly explained: "This Chen Quying is a little worse in fame, but they have approached my brother Bai Geer and Ai Yi, and they have seen it a few times, and their nature is not bad. Look. "Speaking of Xiao Yi, Yuncheng couldn't help remembering what happened at the chrysanthemum feast yesterday, and frowned slightly.

The mother-in-law, Moruo, saw the queen mother and asked, "Yuncheng, what's wrong?"

"It's not for Ai." Yuncheng said bluntly, "Mother, you don't know what had never happened before at the Chrysanthemum feast yesterday! The old lady actually said in words that the second princess was in love with Ai, but He said that the second girl in her family should hold Ai Yi as the side concubine while holding the spirit position of the second princess! "

The queen mother was slightly surprised and asked: "You slowly say, what is going on? Why doesn't it seem that Ai's family doesn't understand it ... you, you, are all grandmothers, and you are so anxious."

The daughter of Yuncheng's face was coquettish, "Mother!" Followed, she said the details of yesterday carefully, and finally indignantly said: "Don't you see, mother, Madam Zhang is I want to force my son to respond to this absurd thing on the spot. People who do n’t know thought that our royal princess could not marry, even if she died, you must do it! You said, what kind of ghost is Zhang Fu doing? What kind of bear heart and leopard have dared to dare to insult our royal family so much! "

The queen mother listened, and her entire face sank.

The second princess fled from the palace to chase Xiao Yi before, and the king had a lot of rumors. She said that the second princess fell in love with the little monk, and that the second princess eloped with the little eunuch. He was so angry that the emperor almost had a stroke! After all, the rumor was reluctant to calm down, and now Zhang Jiajia put out the second princess's obsession with Xiao Yi and said, do you want to know it all over the world?

What if the emperor became ill again? !!

"Yeah, mother." Yuncheng said with angrily expression on his face, "What is said to fulfill the wishes of the second princess? It is nice to say, actually it is not for their Zhang family themselves. In the name of being good for the second princess, the abacus is a good one, expecting that everyone is a fool who can't understand their intentions? "

"The Zhang family really jumped up and down recently." The queen mother frowned, thinking about it, and asked again, "how did the girl answer?"

"Yi'er was hard-hearted, and she refused Mrs. Zhang on the spot ..." Yuncheng learned the words of Nan Gongyi wonderfully, and sighed, "After the mother, I'm really articulate. Fainted. "

Yuncheng said with a smile and couldn't help praising Nangong Ai: "Hey, how can such a good girl fall into another family! This is how good it is for the son-in-law's daughter-in-law!" "Mother, the son-in-law was originally trying to match Bo Geer and Jiu-er, but the emperor first let the emperor marry her and Ai ...

The queen mother laughed loudly and said, "Yuncheng, you have to remember later, look at the good, quickly start to be strong, if this is a slow step, you can't be snatched by others."

Yuncheng nodded solemnly: "What the mother taught was that the son-in-law remembered it."

Between mother and daughter jokingly, a white-faced unmanned housekeeper hurried in and reported: "Mother-in-law, Ms. Zhang Ye and Mrs. Zhang are looking outside the hall."

The queen mother exchanged a look with Yuncheng, which really means that Cao Cao Cao Cao came. The queen mother frowned, but still said, "Let them come in."

Mrs. Zhang and Zhang Huan entered the palace, and when they saw Yuncheng being there, she was a little surprised, but she didn't dare to show half of her face. She knelt down on the ground and gave her a respectful nod to her queen. Madam, I wish my mother a lot of good fortune. "

"Get up. Give your seat." The queen mother said lightly.

After Zhang Huan and Mrs. Zhang sat down, Zhang Huan owed her the lead and said, "I haven't been here for a few days to greet my queen mother-in-law, and I also ask my queen mother-in-law to make atonement."

The Queen Mother said coldly and warmly: "I heard that Zhang Ye is unwell recently, and Ai's family is not the kind of unreasonable person. It is the business to keep a good body."

"Mrs. Xie's mother-in-law cares." Zhang Ye looked flattered and sighed, "Since the second princess is gone, I have been so heartbroken that I miss you day and night, so I ca n’t sleep every night. Fortunately, my doctor gave me some sleep. Soothe the decoction, these days are better. "

The queen queen did not answer, but sipped the tea slowly, Zhang Ye looked slightly stiff, but soon continued calmly: "I went to Xuehe Palace today, and saw a pair of knee pads that were almost done. The maid of the palace said that this was started when the second princess was still in the palace. The second princess also said at the time that it was cold and the queen mother ’s knee was not good. She had to be warm and let the queen mother use it ... ”She Tears flashed in his eyes, "In the past, the second princess admired and honoured the queen mother-in-law very much ... this is the second filial piety of the second princess, and she took it to the queen.

A palace girl behind Zhang Huan took out a pair of knee pads.

The queen mother asked someone to fetch it and hold it in her hands. The white fox fur was sewn into the knee pads and looked very warm. Only the half-heavy fairy embroidery on this knee pad was embroidered to half, which is obviously not finished yet.

The queen mother touched her heart, and she did not dislike the second princess. She and the three princes are twins. The twins of dragons and phoenixes are a sign of good fortune. When the second princess was young, she often hugged and hurt. In the past, the second princess was indeed filial piety. Obviously, there was a maid, and she would always make a wipe for her, embroider the word "shou", and she was very cute and happy. At this young age, she went so early, and the queen mother also felt a little bit reluctant.

The queen mother could not help but sigh.

Seeing this, Zhang Ye was relieved. She stood up with tears in her eyes, fell to her knees, and pleaded with her queen mother, "... the queen mother-in-law, the second princess is now under the age of cardamom, and died of violent illness. A princess fell to her soul and had no children after her death. The offspring worshipped the incense. It was really unbearable for me to be a mother-in-law. "When Zhang Huan looked up again, he was already in tears. Poor.

"Yes, Queen Mother!" Mrs. Zhang was also flushed with eyes, and then knelt down. "His second princess is a dignified princess Dayu. She should be the princess of heaven and enjoy the glory of life, but go It's so wronged. In these days, Her Royal Highness Princess cried and complained in the dreams of her servants every night.

The queen mother shook her head and sighed.

Mrs. Zhang stiffened her head again, and respectfully fell to the ground, crying, "... the queen mother-in-law, and the maids also knew that the idea was a bit ridiculous. However, the second princess should go to the prefecture as soon as possible to give birth. This is the truth, but the second princess ’s soul is nostalgic for the sun. The court lady is worried that the second princess ’s wickedness will gradually deteriorate, which will damage the royal yang! ”The three princes said that the empress queen cares most about the emperor. Regarding the safety of the emperor, the queen mother will definitely agree.

Sure enough, the queen mother moved.

If anyone in this world has the strongest yang, it is undoubtedly the emperor. The second princess is the phoenix of the sky, and naturally it will not be an ordinary lonely ghost and a blood relative of the father and daughter. If the second princess is really unwilling and reluctant to go to reincarnation, her anger will definitely hurt the emperor's yang. At that time ... the queen mother cannot help but feel a little scared.

She couldn't help thinking: If it was to make the second princess stare and let someone worship the incense after her death, it would be ...

The mother-in-law, Moruo, was anxious when Yuncheng saw this, and was about to speak, but was interrupted by Mrs. Zhang, who was crying.

Mrs. Zhang and Zhang Yeke have also been paying attention to the face of the queen mother. Seeing that the queen mother is about to allow it, how can it make Yuncheng bad! I listened to Mrs. Zhang crying again and again and said, "... Mother-in-law, mother-in-law, there is really no word of nonsense. On that day, the wife wanted to go to Yaowang Temple to pray for Her Royal Highness. Who knew that the candlelight before the Buddha suddenly fell, and it was clear that Her Royal Highness Princess II was complaining for herself! "

After hearing this, the queen mother could not help frowning, quickly twisting the beads in her hand, and asked in her mouth, "You mean the candlelight before the Buddha fell down by himself?"

"The courtier's sentence is true." Mrs. Zhang cried in tears. "... At the chrysanthemum yesterday, the courtier saw the emperor of Zhennan King. The second princess was just like her, and she was married. People, and husband and wife love, but the second princess is lonely and helpless. In the future, there is not even a person who worships the incense ... The court wife will feel the desolation of the second princess for a while, and she will have such a proposal. "

Zhang Yan wiped her tears and said, "I heard the mother said today, and I think it's a good idea. The second princess has gone, and it will not affect the love of the husband and wife of Zhennan Wang Shizi and Shi Zifei. Enshrining incense, not to be alone or lonely ... It's a perfect plan! "She choked with a voice," I beg the Queen Mother to be the second princess and complete her ... "

"Enough!" The Queen Mother interrupted Zhang Hua with a cold voice.

Zhang Ye and Mrs. Zhang couldn't help making mistakes. They carefully looked up at the queen mother's face, but when she saw that her face was sinking like water, her lips were even tighter and she was very displeased.

What went wrong? The attitude of the empress queen was clearly about to be moved by them ... how could the empress do not worry about the safety of the emperor?

The queen mother turned the beads in her hand and said coldly, "You said that the second princess was complaining for herself by knocking down the candlelight in front of the Buddha?"

Mrs. Zhang responded quickly: "Yes. Mother-in-law ..."

"How can this be true!" The queen mother reprimanded. "Don't you know that you are a sad family? The relic of the former monk is worshipped in this temple of Yaowang. How many innocent souls can be saved? And the candle in front of the Buddha fell, is the second princess complaining, or is the Bodhisattva not wanting to see her at all? "

This was a buzzword, but the queen queen thought more and more that it was possible, and could not help but frown.

Zhang Huan and Mrs. Zhang were even more horrified. The fire on the Yaowang Temple was caused by them intentionally, so that the queen mother believed that the second princess had nostalgia and did not want to leave the world. But why did the Queen Mother react differently than they thought?

Monk relic? What is that Why have they never heard of any monk relic in this Yaowang Temple?

Mrs. Zhang's heart was a little disturbed, trying to explain: "Mother Queen Mother, Second Princess ..."

The queen mother was frightened by the thought that had just passed by. She heard them still stinging, and interrupted impatiently, saying, "That's enough! Zhang Ye, you can say that the second princess is complaining for yourself, Doesn't it feel wronged for the second princess to go? "Before waiting for Zhang Ye to reply, the queen mother sneered," It is the purpose of the second princess to let the second princess go to the tomb, that is, the second princess killed the second princess? "

Zhang Huan and Mrs. Zhang were dumbfounded and did not respond for a moment.

The queen mother looked at them coldly, and her eyes fell on Zhang Ye's body. He sneered, "Zhang Ye, you are just a puppet. The second princess's puppet family is the Jiang family of the State Mansion. Which round is the Zhang family?"

The queen mother was very rude, and she didn't even give the Zhang family a face. In the royal family, government officials, and civilians' homes, I was really just a puppet. My relatives were not serious relatives, but the emperor's concubine was concubine and Zhaoyi ... each one had a title, and which prince princess would Really consider the queen's maiden house as a grandmother!

Zhang Ye and Mrs. Zhang are already face-to-face, how could things get to this point?

According to the original plan, they first aroused the queen mother ’s affection for the second princess ’grandchildren, and then used the fire at Yaowang Temple to show that the second princess had a complaint in her heart, and then made the queen mother worried that if the second princess was unwilling, nostalgia The earth will damage the emperor's yang. In this way, as long as you cry and cry, please ask, the queen mother will promise to let her sister-in-law marry the second princess in the name of the second princess, and he will then succeed to the second princess, but now ...

What exactly is going on?

Who the **** is behind it? !!

Zhang Ye and Madam Zhang quickly exchanged glances. They knew that this matter would not happen today, and in the future, the queen mother had to extinguish her anger.

Mrs. Zhang hurried forward on her knees and explained in a lament: "The queen mother-in-law forgive her sins, the court lady did not intentionally go over the sacrifice, and the court lady and Zhang Qiang's wife really dedicated themselves to Her Royal Highness!"

At this time, Yuncheng finally relieved her heart and said with a smile: "After the mother, the Zhang family was so troubled for the second princess that they were even willing to send her granddaughter as a concubine. It seems that they are really dedicated to the second princess."

Zhang Ye and Mrs. Zhang froze for a while. I didn't expect Yuncheng to be willing to speak for Zhangfu, but the next moment, I heard Yuncheng continue to say, "The Zhang family is so loyal to the second princess and the royal family. Why would you waste your mother? What they thought. According to what the children saw, it would be better for the girl Er Zhang to send it to Huangjue Temple to pray for the second princess. What do you think? "

Too vicious! Zhang Ye and Mrs. Zhang just felt a rush of anger straight up to their heads. If it wasn't for the identity of Yuncheng, Zhang Ye would jump up and scold her.

Damn, this Cloud City is really abominable, such a vicious idea came up!

Mrs. Zhang couldn't think of anything else, and he was busy hoeing to intercede for her granddaughter: "Mother-in-law, my granddaughter is still young ..."

"Enough!" The queen mother interrupted Mrs. Zhang directly in a cold voice, "Zhang Ye, Zhang Jia, you all kneeled outside the mourning family to reflect and reflect!" He then ordered Huang Yan, "Calling people Read "Morning Training" and "Women's Commandment" to their mother and daughter and learn some rules! "

"Yes, the queen mother!" Huang Yingfu responded, and took the two maids to Zhang Ye and Mrs. Zhang. Please don't make slaves difficult to do! "

Zhang Ye and Mrs. Zhang had to bow their heads and retreat. As Huang Ye went out of the hall, they knelt under the steps.

Huang Yan found a palace maid and read the Women's Commandment, and then returned to the temple to return to the queen mother.

In the hall at this moment, Yuncheng was laughing aloud: "Mother, it is time for them to read" Women's Training "and" Women's Commandment ". The children and the princes watched them because they had less books to read.

"I also lost my sister-in-law. Although young, I have an idea," said the mother-in-law admiringly, "... Huang Huang, you have the concubine of King Xuanzhen Nanshi enter the palace."

"Yes, the queen mother-in-law." Huang Yan took the lead.

So, half an hour later, Nangong Yan, who was ordered to enter the palace, came outside Changle Palace, and at one glance, he saw Mrs. Zhang and Zhang Ye kneeling down with shameless faces, and there was a palace girl reading: "... Heart If you do n’t think about goodness, then evil enters it. Xianzhi decorates his face, does not cultivate his heart, and confuses him ... ”

There was a smile on Nangong's lips, thinking: Don't think that kneeling and kneeling will do it, this is just the beginning!

When the palace girl who was waiting outside the palace saw Nangong Yan, she saluted immediately respectfully: "I have seen my concubine."

Mrs. Zhang and Zhang Ye heard the words, their pupils shrank sharply, and they looked at Nangong Qi together, their eyes showing strong resentment, but Zhang Ye was Zhang Ye after all, and quickly lowered his head with his eyebrows. As if everything was just an illusion of Nangong Yu.

Nangong Nian didn't care, and continued to move forward with decency, a palace girl greeted her and said, "Second concubine, queen mother-in-law, please come in, please go here."

After Nangong Yu entered the palace, she found that Lianyungcheng was also there, and Yun Cheng also smiled at Nangong Yu to make her feel relieved.

"I've seen my queen mother-in-law and Her Royal Highness Princess."

After you please, the queen mother gave a seat to Nangong Yan, and said kindly: "Yi girl, yesterday ’s grace of the State Mansion really aggrieved you. You can rest assured that the family will be in charge of this matter."

Nan Gongxi said, "Thank you Queen Mother!" She said a little embarrassedly. "Actually, for yesterday's thing, I want to go to Yaowang Temple today. Before I went out, I got my mother. Word of mouth. "

"You girl." The queen mother couldn't help laughing, after all, the child was still young, and she was really scared. The queen queen beckoned and took her to her side to comfort her, and said, "... has the temple of Yaowang been repaired?"

"Yi'er let Yayi go to see it early. The main hall is temporarily closed, but the side hall can still be used." Speaking here, Nangong Yi said with some joy, "The Yayi also said, wait a few days When the main hall was reopened, the temple also invited Master Fa Yuan to do things and lecture for two days. "

"Master Fayuan?" The queen mother also showed surprise.

This master of Fayuan was a famous monk in the world, but he has been living in seclusion no longer to see guests over the years. I did not expect that this temple of Yaowang could actually invite him to preside over ceremonies and lectures. Even the queen mother couldn't help but want to take a look.

"It's not because the host of Yaowang Temple said that there is something in the temple ..." Nangong Ai knew that he was silent and closed his mouth.

Seeing this, the queen mother deliberately raised her face and said, "Auntie, the Ai Family likes your dignity and atmosphere most. Don't look like a small family. You have nothing to say."

"... Her son just didn't want to stain her queen's ears." Nangong pursed her lips and said, "Mr. Queen, just listen a little ... This is what my son-in-law heard from a little Sami today, It is said that the host felt that since the main hall of Yaowang Temple caught fire on the day, there was always anger in the temple, so he specially invited the master of Fayuan to open a hall for the ceremonies. "

"Unfazed ..."

The queen mother murmured these words. The Zhang family was doing something for the second princess, but it caused the main hall of the Yaowang Temple to be burned. Now, the Yaowang Temple is still out of breath ...

Could it be ...

The thought that had just flashed again in the heart of the queen mother: Could it be because of any problems with the two princesses? Annoying Buddha?

Thinking of it this way, the queen mother couldn't help feeling a hint of coolness.

She twisted the beads in her hands, her eyes lightened.

After a while, she barely stretched her face, soothing Nangong Yan and said, "Daughter, don't worry, you are married by the emperor, and Ai's wife is the original match, and the family will not let you be wronged."

Nangong Yan's eyes were glittering, and she smiled and said, "Mother-in-law is the best for Yuner!"

The queen mother couldn't help but smile, while Yuncheng said with amusement: "Mother, you are so kind to your sister-in-law, sister Yi is jealous."

The Queen Mother nodded her forehead in affection and said, "You, from childhood to most of the time ... Let's say, what good things have you seen at Zhong'ai family this time?"

Yuncheng said politely: "Your newly obtained plum and white jade jade is good, and it can be used for sister Yi and grandma."

The queen queen was also generous. With a smile, she took out two mules. Naturally, Nangong also served her. It was a shock to her.

Accompanying the queen queen and Yuncheng said something for a while, after Nangong Ai spent lunch in Yongle Palace, he resigned.

After she left, Yuncheng originally planned to leave, and went back to ask the horse to be a good student to inquire about the sons she saw at Juyan Feast, but when she saw that the queen mother's face was a bit wrong, she asked, "What can I do for my mother? inappropriate?"

The queen mother was silent for a while, then slowly said, "The more the grief family thinks the more wrong ... Yuncheng, what do you think the second princess is about? After a while dreaming, the main hall of Yaowang Temple was almost destroyed by the fire. It makes people feel a little unlucky to think about it ... This pile, piece by piece, makes the family feel uneasy, and always feels that she has offended the Buddha somewhere? "

Yuncheng seemed to be looking upright. The matter of ghosts and ghosts still had to be in awe.

Yuncheng groaned for a moment and proposed: "Mother, if you are really not assured, it is better for the son-in-law to ask someone to look up quietly? It is always more convenient for the son-in-law to act outside the palace. What do you think?"

The queen mother thought about it, and nodded her head: "You can check it, or the family will always feel a little uneasy."

"The son-in-law handles things, although the mother-in-law is assured." Yuncheng said confidently, and then she thought, and then said, "Speaking of them, the Zhang family is also quite arrogant in the name of the second princess these days. Ai is still in the south Jiang killed the enemy for the emperor. We must not watch his little daughter-in-law be bullied for nothing. "

The queen mother was thoughtful.

Yuncheng followed, "As seen by Erchen, since the second girl of the Zhang family is willing to make a fool for the second princess, she would also be happy to pray for the second princess."

The queen mother groaned and finally nodded, and said to Huang Huang: "Huang Huang, Xuan Ai's decree ..."

So, an hour later, a housekeeper and a concubine sent by the queen mother arrived at the Zhang family, and Grandpa Shu slowly read the decree of the queen mother: "... Give Zhang Yiyi the name of Hongfu, and go to Huangjue Temple to lose hair." To pray for the second princess ... "

Everyone in Zhangfu knelt in the front hall and listened to the order, almost stunned, couldn't believe their ears.

Didn't Mrs. Zhang and Zhang Huan ask the Queen Mother?

How to get it is such a purpose!

Zhang Yihuan was trembling like a leaf in the wind, her face pale and bloodless.

How did this happen?

This is different from what dad and grandmother said! How could she make her a monk and give her a magic number? This method was given by the queen queen. Even if she wanted to return to the vulgar, she had to approve the queen queen and the emperor!

No, it shouldn't be like this!

She obviously should marry the son of King Zhennan. In the future, she will step on Nangongyu and become the honorable Princess of Zhennan!

Even if the queen mother does not agree with her to marry the second son of the king of Zhennan under the spiritual position of the second princess, then it should not be ordered to make her a monk?

What exactly is going on?

"Grandma, where is Grandma?" Zhang Yizhen looked around, and Grandma would help her.

Huang Yan said with a smile: "Mrs. Zhang is still kneeling in the palace!" The implication is that even Mrs. Zhang cannot save her.

Zhang Yizhen trembled violently, and jumped up and wanted to run. "No, no, I don't want to be a monk ..." She couldn't help screaming.

The two squinting eyes were quick, and they slammed her to the ground. One of them smiled and said without a smile: "Girl Zhang, this is the queen mother's will, do you dare to resist it?"

"No, no, I don't want to become a monk!" Zhang Yihuan was about to collapse, "I don't want to lose my hair ..."

"Mrs. Zhang Er, the queen mother-in-law's intentions have been given, slaves are still obedient and obedient to you, lest slaves accidentally hurt you." Another sneer sneered and picked up the scissors, this scene they see more Now, which is not to die or to live.

"No, no, I don't ..." Zhang Yizhen struggled desperately, shouting "Father, mother, help me!"

"Sister-in-law ..." Mrs. Zhang cried and tried to rush forward, but was stopped by a housekeeper.

And the scissor-wife cut her long hair negligently despite Zhang Yi's struggle.

Watching the dark black silk fall to the ground, Madam Zhang finally couldn't help crying, "Sister sister!"

The screams screamed in the hall, and they didn't go for a long time ...

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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