The carriage rushed all the way, and finally rushed back to Zhennan Palace before the sunset completely fell.

After sending away Fu Yunyan, Nangong Yan ordered: "Zhu Xing, settle Uncle Chu and Alan."

"Yes, Princess Shi." Zhu Xing took the lead.

Followed by, Nangong Yan said to Ren Zinan: "Alan, don't rush into office, rest for a few days first."

Chu David hurriedly said, "Sir concubine, Alan's minor injury is not a problem. His body is strong." He also patted it **** Ren Zinan's chest.

Lily's muffled laughter passed clearly behind him, and Nangong Yan also smiled. He was slightly distracted because of the letter's unsettling mood, and laughed: "Uncle Chu, you have just arrived Wangdu, let Alan accompany you to take a good look around, stroll around, and familiarize yourself with the environment. It is not bad these days. "

"Thank you, concubine."

After the father and son thanked Nangong Yu, Zhu Xing took them down to settle down.

Nangong Yu and Bai Huiliu returned to Fufengyuan. Today, instead of rushing to wash, she closed herself in the study and took out the yellow envelope from her arms.

Light as Hong Mao, heavy as Taishan, this is probably the feeling.

Nangong Yan stared deeply at the envelope for a long time before setting it aside.

She took a piece of stationery and spread it on the book case, followed by pouring a little water into the platform, picking up the ink stick with one hand, pulling up the sleeve with one hand, and straightening her waist.

My father taught her to correct the postures of the ink brushes, and the ink brushes should be light, moderate and fast.

Seeing that the clear water gradually turned into thick ink during the regular grinding of the ink strips, Nangong Yu's heart gradually calmed down ...

When she put down the ink stick, she was already thinking about it.

She picked up a lower case pen and wrote a long letter to Xiao Yi in a spirited manner. This letter was about to tell her about Liu Hezhuang for the first time more than a month ago ... The cause and effect, then she lifted the pen tip and got stained with ink, and the speed of writing down began to slow down.

"A Yi, I hesitated for a long time before I wrote this letter. Now the battle is at the point. Nothing can override it. I shouldn't distract you, but this matter involves my grandfather. Wrote you this letter.

When you see this letter, you may get anxious, but the king still has me, and I will handle everything properly, so that you can be clear.

I have taken away my grandfather's will, and look forward to returning! "

At this point, Nangong Yu didn't accept the pen, but Zheng Erzhi added a sentence at the end.

After writing the last paragraph "玥", Nangong Yu Chang breathed a sigh of relief, and the slightly tight figure finally stretched out. The tiredness of the day swept the whole body.

Nangong Ai carefully hid the testament in a sandalwood box, and after it was locked, she called Lily and Bai Hui in, and ordered Lily to send the letter to Xiao Yi tomorrow morning.

The correspondence between her and Xiao Yi has a special channel, and the speed is only a little slower than three thousand miles.

This letter should soon be in Xiao Yi's hands.

Nangong Yu walked in front of the window, pushed it open, and looked at the dim sky gradually. Since two generations, she has never known that she can miss such a person, and only hopes that the war in the south can end as soon as possible.

The sunset rose and the long day was over.

After the Laba Festival, New Year is coming soon. One of the important things is to prepare annual gifts for the provinces.

Regarding the annual ceremony, she had already ordered it early, so early the next morning, An Niang came with a gift sheet and said cautiously, "Sir concubine, this is a gift to the Zhennan palace in southern Xinjiang. Look at the annual ceremony last year. What else needs to be added? "

Nangong Yu is a bride. This is the first time she gave a gift to the in-laws of Nanjiang last year. In any case, there can be no mistakes, so An Niang is very cautious about this year's gift.

Nangong Yu took the gift list and looked at it. Most of them are Wangdu's special products, and there are some nourishing herbs ...

"Add a few more popular fabrics and silk flowers from the king." After a pause, she said, "I remember that a lot of silk flowers were given in the palace. Just add a box and add them to the family. Sisters play. "

The king of Zhennan only had two sons, Xiao Yi and Xiao Luan, but there were many daughters. Xiao Fang had a niece, and the rest were nieces.

An Niang nodded and looked at Nangong Yan again and asked: "Second concubine, that son's share ..."

"Shizi's clothes and shoes, I have already prepared, and then bring the medicinal materials and pills that I prepared for Shizi, do not confuse with the other side." Then, Nangong Yan prepared The gift list was handed to An Niang, "Shizi's things will be handed over to Zhu Xing for a while."

The two were talking, Bai Hui came in and reported: "Sir concubine, Yimei is here."

The year-end is the time of reconciliation. Every year, Yimei will bring the rouge shop's account book during this time.

Nangong Yan nodded and said, "Let Yimei come in."

An Niang didn't intentionally step down either. She also looked at Yimei when she grew up. When she saw Yimei entering the room, she could not help showing a smile, but soon the smile was stiff, and her eyes couldn't hide the worry.

Yimei's face looked a little shaggy. Although she applied fat powder, she couldn't hide the shadow under her eyes.

After waiting for Yimei, Nangong Yan asked her to sit down, looked at her face carefully, and asked, "Yimei, are you okay? But didn't you sleep well?"

"Yeah, Yimei," An Niang replied anxiously. "I see that you look a little bad."

Yimei put the baggage in her case on the table, opened it, pointed at a stack of books, and smiled, "Sister of the world, look at this stack of books and you know why the slaves didn't sleep well. These days at the end of the year, The business in the shop is booming, and slaves really want to have avatars. "

Although Nangong Yu didn't count, but also from the thickness of this stack of books, we can see that it is indeed a lot more than in previous years. Although this rouge shop is not large, it has become more and more prosperous in Wang in recent years. Many foreigners have even bought it in batches and resold it in other places. Therefore, it is not only well-known in Wang Du, The reputation has also risen in other places, and those in the government and wealthy families are proud of the rouge that can be used in Huayan.

Naturally, these achievements are indispensable for Yimei. In the past few years, Nian Gongyu thought that he had to give Yimei a big red envelope at the end of the year.

She smiled at Yimei with a smile: "Yimei, the shop's business is good, of course, you should also pay attention to your body. A few days ago, I just got a few old ginsengs. I will ask Baihui to get one for you later. I'll write you a medicated list again, and you can go back and make up for it. "

Yimei was flattered and owed, "Slave thanked her concubine."

After paying the account book, Yimei and Nangong Yan said some interesting things in the shop and left.

For the next few days, Nangong Yu stayed in the palace without leaving the house. Chinese New Year is approaching. Not only is it going to give the New Year's Gifts to Southern Xinjiang, she also needs to give the New Year's Gifts to people close to her, such as Nangong Palace, her grandfather, and the Princess Palace of Yong Yang. , All sorts of trivial things kept her busy ...

As the so-called "Rich Snow Mega Year", on December 15th, the king began to snow, and goose feather snowflakes fell from the sky, but the land became silver-clad for a long time, and the entire king was blank. Piece of it.

The next day, Fu Yunyan sent someone to send a post, saying that on the 17th, he would like to invite Nangong Yu to watch the snow in the past, but to let Nongong Yu busy in his breath.

I don't know if Fu Yunyan had calculated it. In the early morning of the 17th, the snow was gradually getting smaller, but with the heavy snow falling for two days, a thick layer of snow had accumulated on the ground.

However, Wangdu is Wangdu, after all, the snow on the street has been cleaned to the side of the road, so there is not much problem in the carriage to walk, you only need to slow down slightly.

Zhugong from Nangongyu entered the Grand Princess Palace of Yongyang on time at Chenshi. With the help of Baihui and Lily, she drove down carefully.

At this time, only a few scattered snows were still falling from time to time.

It was a coincidence that Nangong Xiong got out of the car and saw the carriage of Yuncheng Chang Princess Mansion also coming in. It seemed that Yuan Yuyi had come.

Fu Yunyan personally welcomed guests at the Ermen Gate today. Jiang Yixi had already arrived and was talking to her next to Fu Yunyan.

At the sight of Nangong Yan, Jiang Yixi urged: "Ah, you have to walk carefully, the ground may be slippery today."

Fu Yunyan laughed: "Sister Xi, please rest assured that there is Baihui and Lily, and you will not let Grandma fall."

As she said, Lily's tail was slightly raised, "Miss Fu said, that's the biggest compliment to slaves and cousins!"

At this time, Yuan Yuyi also got out of the carriage and laughed: "Six mothers, you really can go back to the election day, and it just happened that the snow stopped, and we can go to the garden to enjoy the plum blossoms later." "Hello, haven't you come to the princess's house to enjoy the plum? Your aunt likes plum blossoms, so she planted a large area of ​​plum forests in the north of the garden. Just after it snowed, the plum blossoms must have bloomed very well and they were incredibly delicious. "

"That's natural." Fu Yunyan straightened his chest and said proudly, "Mei in our house claims to be the second, and only the palace dares to claim the first."

Yuan Yuyi said with a smile on her lips: "Sister Xi, sir, just look at her, and just make a few words, Liu Niang will fly to the sky again."

The four girls laughed and said, while walking through the second door, they walked towards the inner court.

When they came to Princess Mansion, they naturally wanted to greet Yongyang and Madam Fu first. Madam Fu knew that they were coming, and she was waiting for them at Wufutang in Yongyang, saving them two trips.

The two elders didn't leave them any more, but just greeted them casually and let the four young girls play for themselves.

Several people led by Fu Yunyan down the Fuzhong back garden.

As Yuan Yuyi said, the plum blossoms in the garden are very good. Before you enter the garden, you can already smell the plum blossoms in the garden, which makes people intoxicated.

This is the time when the golden plum blossoms are running best. The golden plum blossoms hang on the branches like small golden bells. When the breeze blows, they bring a faint plum fragrance and it is refreshing. Cool.

The white plums and red plums are full of buds, and they are touching. Obviously, when they bloom together, there will be another beautiful scenery in the garden.

"A plum blossom blooms, annoyingly leans to the highest branch." Jiang Yixi looked at Mei Lin from the distance and sighed. "Unfortunately, sister Xia can't come, she likes plum blossoms the most."

Speaking of Han Qixia, Fu Yunyan also felt a little emotional, saying: "I sent a post to Cousin Xia, but Qi Wangfu didn't move. I guess it must have been detained by cousin." Princess Qi was very careful. In order to get married, I screwed it up. This posture seems to be that even relatives don't want to recognize it. If it was not for Han Qixia, Fu Yunyan would not bother to care about this inexplicable Princess Qi.

"Hey," Yuan Yuyi sighed helplessly, "Qi's Mansion is also a troubled event recently, and Cousin Xia is probably out of mood ..."

Fu Yunyan thought of something, her brows moved slightly, "Cousin Yi, wouldn't you tell me that it was true?"

Nangong Yu also looked at Yuan Yuyi, and her eyes seemed to be asking the same question. Only Jiang Yixi looked at them in a fog, "What are you talking about?"

For a moment, the other three pairs of eyes looked at Jiang Yixi, and it seemed to be saying, "Sister Xi, you are too inhumane!"

Yuan Yuyi rationalized her thoughts before she said: "Three days ago, a fugitive slave from the King's Mansion fled to the gate of Jingzhao Mansion, shouting injustice on the spot, and rumored that the King's Mansion was contaminated with dirt because she did not I carefully watched the emperor Qi ’s son and Qi ’s family room, so Princess Qi wanted to kill someone ... It was really terrible. But it was quickly taken away by the housekeeper of Qi Wang ’s house, the fugitive slave All the family members said that she bumped her head recently and had a problem in her head, so she talked nonsense ... Since both Qi Wangfu and the fugitive family have come forward, Jingzhaofu is not good at managing their housework, let them Take away that crazy fugitive. "

Qi Wangshizi dare to even touch the chamber of his father? !! Jiang Yixi was stunned, this is too ridiculous!

It's really ridiculous. Nangong even knows that the rumored room is Fang Wisteria, but this rumor is true and false, even she didn't figure it out.

Fu Yunyan shook her head and sighed, "Did you say that my cousin thought he was Emperor Gaozong of the previous dynasty?"

The emperor Gaozong of the previous dynasty accepted a concubine of the emperor as a concubine after he ascended the throne. At that time, it caused a sensation in the world and was criticized by the Manchu culture and military. The emperor Gaozong was infatuated with the woman and even later established her son. For the prince, not only did he lose the heart of the court, but also the people ... and the prince later became the last emperor of the former dynasty.

Yuan Yuyi Mulu sympathetically said: "The chaos in Qi ’s palace is chaotic, and it ’s not the cousin who is unlucky in the end ...” Where does this better person look at Qi ’s palace, and what would it be if he wanted to cling to Qi ’s palace? People! "After two days, I still have to visit Cousin Xia and chat with her." Of the four of them, only she can still enter the gate of the palace.

"Sister Yi," Nangong said busyly. "Then you just give me a gift for Sister Xia, and it's not convenient for me to hold anything for her."

As Nangong Yan said, Fu Yunyan and Jiang Yixi also scrambled and said:

"Well, you have a good idea!"

"Sister Yi, you can hold something for me, too."

Yuan Yuyi proudly straightened her chest. "Since you asked me to do something, don't you bribe me well?"

"This is simple." Jiang Yixi said with a grin. "Sister Yi, don't you like the snow water tea I cooked? Rare snow this year, Liu Niang asked us to come and enjoy the snow today, just as we swept some snow water from the plum blossoms to save it. , How about I make tea for you next spring? "

The snow on this plum is fragrant. Sweep the petals onto the snow and seal it in a jar. You can use it to make tea in the coming year, and the tea will have the aroma of plum blossoms.

However, the snow on the petals is just a little bit like this, and it takes some effort to accumulate into a jar.

But it is also because of the effort that makes it feel extra sweet.

Jiang Yixi said this, and Yuan Yuyi's eyes brightened at once, and she said to Nangong Yu and Fu Yunyan: "Sir, Liu Niang, when the spring of this year, sister Xi invited me to drink snow water tea, it smells good!"

"Sweeping snow and making tea, this is a good idea." Nangong nodded with a smile.

Fu Yunyan curiously drew a snowflake from a flower, sniffed her nose, and said, "Ah, it really seems a bit fragrant."

However, sweeping snow on plum blossoms ...

She looked at the small plum blossoms around her, and her head was really big.

Yuan Yuyi naturally looked out and threatened with a smile: "Liu Niang, if you dare to be lazy, we will not call you after drinking snow water tea!"

Fu Yunyan resignedly surrendered with both hands.

The maidservants quickly took a few ceramic pots and a few brushes, and the four girls swept up the snow, chatting and chatting while their close-fit maids naturally looked at it and helped them together. Come on.

This sweep was busy until noon.

An old lady came over and implicitly reminded them that lunch was ready, so Fu Yunyan took them to Wangmei Pavilion, which was closest to the garden.

Wangmei Pavilion had already set a fire dragon long ago, and as soon as it entered the door, it felt warm inside like spring and summer, and it seemed like two worlds with the ice and snow outside.

The girls were busy unravelling the thick cloaks for the girls, and Nangong Yan suddenly felt a lot lighter and sighed with relief.

Yuan Yuyi is the same, she said with a weak arm, "It turns out that snow sweeping is so tired, sister, you are really patient."

Jiang Yixi hid his mouth and chuckled, "It's better to be tired. It will be more fragrant when we drink tea next year."

Seeing the girls all sat down, the girl-in-laws came in one by one and then took the hot dishes out of the food box and served them ...

After lunch, the maidservants put on hot tea to feed everyone.

The hot tea swelled, and the whole person warmed up from the inside to the outside. The girls' cheeks appeared a faint blush, and they all looked radiant.

Fu Yunyan suddenly made a gesture, and her skinny girl came over holding a mahogany tray with a few squares of parcels on it.

They have n’t figured it out yet, the girl has given them a party of noodles. Nangong ’s ones are moon white, Yuan Yuyi ’s ones are pale yellow, and Jiang Yixi ’s ones are plum red. A plum blossom was embroidered, but the embroidery was really plain.

Nangong frowned slightly and asked blurtly, "Six mothers, did you embroider these?"

For a moment, everyone's eyes were radiantly looking at Fu Yunyan, and Fu Yunyan complacently said, "Ama, you are so smart. You see, as long as I do it with my heart, there is nothing wrong with it."

Nangong Yu and Yuan Yuyi and Jiang Yixi looked at each other. Although the embroidery skills of Pa Zi are not as good as those of eight or nine-year-old children, it is indeed valuable to Fu Yunyan. Yuan Yuyi hid her lips and teased, "Liu Niang, started embroidering the dowry so soon?"

"That's not my turn." Fu Yunyan was still a little self-aware. "My mother said it, and it was enough for me to embroider a parchment or purse."

She said that the other girls had some sympathy for Mrs. Fu.

"Cousin Yi," Fu Yunyan suddenly looked at Yuan Yuyi, "I told you everything, did you hide something from me?"

Yuan Yuyi blinked suspiciously, confused.

Fu Yunyan's mouth cornered slyly, deliberately lowered her voice, and asked mysteriously: "Cousin Yi, I heard that Aunt Cousin was looking at you, is it true?"

Yuan Yuyi was stunned, and the first reaction was a little embarrassed, but she did not want to be too proud of Fu Yunyan, and said, "Even if I tell you, what can you do?"

"Of course it is to help you inquire about the character." Fu Yunyan said for granted, "What if I am a kind of annoying people, what should I do if I am not allowed to come in?"

Yuan Yuyi was a moment again, but this time, her eyes were a little moist. Liu Niang thought to herself for a while.

Seeing that all the friends next to him had a destination, Yuan Yuyi's mood was a bit complicated. On the one hand, I expected that I could also meet the husband who is respectful and respectful. On the other hand, I felt panic and felt uneasy about the unknown future ...

"Liu Niang!" Yuan Yuyi pounced on and hugged Fu Yunyan. "Then I can count on you to help me." She buried her face in Fu Yunyan's arms on purpose, causing Fu Yunyan to push her away disgustingly. .

Jiang Yixi and Nangong Yan looked at each other and laughed, and the cousins ​​laughed and chatted.

The little room was full of bright laughter from the girls, as if early spring was coming early.

Yuan Yuyi and Fu Yunyan laughed for a while, but remembered something, looked at Jiang Yixi and asked: "Sister Xi, I heard that the Queen recently recruited a lot of girls into the palace to talk?" She Her eyes sparkled, and it was clear that her problem was definitely not that simple.

This sentence suddenly attracted the attention of Fu Yunyan and Nangong Yan, and they also thought about it. Fu Yunyan blinked and said, "No, right? The fifth prince is only nine years old." The implication was whether Yuan Yuyi wanted to Too much?

Jiang Yixi just drank tea and kept silent. She didn't speak, but made them suspect that Yuan Yuyi's guess was correct.

Could it be said that the queen really helped the five princes to see each other?

"After the New Year, the five princes should be ten years old." Nangong said lightly, but there was a bit of emotion in his heart: time flies, the little boy who had not lived six years old is now so old that he even talked On the age of marriage.

Nangong Min contemplates that the emperor has paid more and more attention to the five princes recently. Therefore, the direction of neutralizing the five princes as princes has become increasingly apparent. Now the eldest prince, the second prince, and the third prince are either married, or have been married, and only the fifth prince The family affairs have not been settled ... maybe, this is what the queen wants to take this opportunity to test the emperor.

The criteria for choosing a princess and a princess are always different ...

The girls were thoughtful, but in any case, the matter had little to do with them, and soon they talked about other topics.

This day hurried past in a pleasant atmosphere. After a while, a few girls left Fu Yunyan one by one.

When Nangong Nang returned to Zhennan Palace, she had just arrived at Shen Shi and was still in the second door. She then reported that Zhu Xing had something to look for in her. So Nangong Yu went directly to the study outside.

Zhu Xing hurried quickly, and after the ceremony, reported directly: "Shi Zifei, Zheng Zhi has been taken to the capital."

Sitting in the back of the book case, Nangong Min nodded slightly and asked, "... What did he say?"

Nangong Yu didn't ask Zheng until the bottom move, because she still believed in Zhu Xing's methods.

"Zheng Zhi admits that following the order of the princess to come to Liuhezhuang to collect silver. He is mainly responsible for the income of Zhuangzi and shops in the northern provinces. It is collected every six months."

"How many at a time?"

Zhu Xing said indignantly: "At the beginning, he said that there were only two or three thousand two thousand dollars. Later, he used torture before admitting that there would be more than 20,000 yuan every two months!"

"More than 20,000," Nangong said calmly, "more than half of Shizi's industry is in the north, plus the benefits of the south and other places. Roughly, after the princess can get at least one hundred thousand from Shizi a year . "

Zhu Xing gritted his teeth, took out several silver tickets from his arms, and said, "Shi Zifei, this was copied from Zheng Zhi's body. The silver tickets received from Zhuangzi and the shop totaled 13,000. Two, you see what to do. "

Nangong groaned for a moment and said, "Leave it on for the time being, and let me dispose of the rest of the Zhuangzi shop afterwards."

The closest to the capital is Liu Hezhuang, another village named Bailinzhuang, and a shop in the capital. Nangong Yu intends to start here.

Zhu Xing responded respectfully.

Nan Gongxi later said: "I have read the account book carefully. If only the Zhuangzi and the shop in the north are calculated on the basis of normal income, it will be less than 22,000 a year." Her expression was dull, but her mind was Unbearable anger.

Liu Hezhuang is one of the bigger Zhuangzis under Xiao Yi's name. Similar to Zhuangzi, even if it is a good year, the annual income is only two or three thousand two thousand. But Niu Guanshi can hand in Xiao Fang's three thousand two every six months. It is conceivable that this silver came from! For these silvers, over the years, Xiao Fangshi didn't know how much reputation Xiao Yi had been ruined!

No wonder Xiao Yi in the previous life would be so infamous.

Nangong Yuping calmed his mind and asked, "Where is Niu Guanshi now?"

"Zheng Zhi said that he had gone to the south." Zhu Xing replied, "But Zheng Zhi didn't know what he was going to do ... It should be true that he didn't know how to survive."

"Is it southern?" Nangong muttered to himself.

In these days, she has already seen the account books in seventy-eight. The industry in Xiao Yi's hands is the most in the north and the south of the river. The north is mainly Zhuangzi, and the south of the river is mainly fields and shops. Eighty percent of them were in the previous years He successively changed affairs. For other industries, such as mines, shipyards, money houses, etc., the accounts are still clean.

Maybe Xiao Fang didn't know Xiao Yi still had these industries, or maybe she didn't find a chance to intervene.

The cattle steward will go to the south at this time.

"Shizi has a shipyard in the south." Nangong looked up and said, "I doubt Xiao Fang's idea of ​​starting a shipyard."

"Abominable!" Zhu Xing didn't hold back for a moment, blurted out a swear word, but immediately realized that Nangong was here, and he bowed his head and said, "Sir concubine, what now?"

"What can be anxious." Nangong chuckled. "Now that you know he's gone to the south, just send someone to cut it off."

Zhu Xing couldn't help laughing, patted his head, and said, "Also, it's a subordinate confused." He was impatient.

"Also, how is Niu Changan now?"

Zhu Xing showed a gleam of coldness, "It was sent to a mine in the northwest, and his subordinates let people take care of it, and absolutely could not die."

Nangong shook his head slightly and asked, "Get out some news."

Zhu Xing's eyes brightened, "Shi Zifei means ..."

"If the time is not wrong, it's time for Yi Min and my letter to be sent to Southern Xinjiang. Counting the time when Niu Guanshi learned Liu Hezhuang's news, most of his complaint will be here." Nangong Yan's finger lightly Holding the book case, she smiled and said, "Southern Xinjiang and the capital are thousands of miles away. I have to make a move after the princess before I can find a chance to clean up her! ... this time, I have to let her swallow those Spit it out intact! "

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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