In the central camp, the generals were enthusiastically excited by Xiao Yi's decision.

Outside the camp, teenagers Mo Xiuyu and Xi Jue hesitated nearby and refused to leave.

Last night, they rushed back from Fengjiang City to Lingchuan Gorge with Tian He overnight. Tian He ordered them to go back to their camps and rest for a long time. But as long as the two thought that King Zhennan was unwilling to provide supplies, they felt that Resentment in my heart is hard to resolve.

They have been in for a long time, and they do n’t know if there is a result ...

Xi Ju was a little irritable and said darkly: "A Yu, what do you think Shizi will do?"

Mo Xiuyu said coldly: "What else can I do? Or continue to attack? Or ..." His lips lined up without saying any more.

"Will Shizi retire?" Xi Ju slowly said Mo Xiuyu's words.

Reason tells Xi Xi that Shizi should retreat, and now he has no food and no arrows. Although the soldiers have high morale because of consecutive victories, they have fought a few battles. After all, the military strength is gradually weakening ... Support, then you can also fight for a quick decision, minimize casualties, and recapture Fuzhong City at the least cost. Maybe ...

Mo Xiuyu's face was terribly gloomy, and it took a while before he said: "Now the morale of the South Barbarians is greatly damaged. If they don't chase after them, they will be given the opportunity to cultivate their lives and provide reinforcements. This battle will probably drag on for months. ... by then, I don't know how many people are going to die! "Then, Mo Xiuyu's hands clenched tightly into a fist, and the blue tendons on the back of the hand were raised.

"A Yu ..." Xi Ju looked at his friend worriedly, "We will definitely get revenge on your father!"

Mo Xiuyu is the son of a partial general Morrie in the South Xinjiang Army. A few months ago, at the beginning of the southern Xinjiang war, Mo partial will lead a thousand soldiers and Nanman to fight outside Fengyin City. The general was killed, and the thousand men and horses were completely destroyed. Mo Biyu will be the only relative of Mo Xiuyu. Mo Xiuyu is eager to avenge his father. Xi Xi can also understand, but the military order is like a mountain.


Mo Xiuyu couldn't hold back the anger in his heart, and hit him hard with a fist on the next post, gritted his teeth and said, "If Wang Ye would provide support ..."

"Captain Mo, Captain Xi, you are back." A surprised voice suddenly came from behind Mo Xiuyu, and Mo Xiuyu and Xi Juxun looked, and saw a soldier wearing armor not far away. Department, about twenty years old.

"We're just back." Xi decided to start the conversation. "Wang Jian, why are you up so early?"

Wang Jian took a deep look at the two and said dryly, "I'll go and see my father."

"How is Wang Baihu's injury?" Xi Ju said with concern.

"My dad is much better." Wang Jian gestured to the **** in his hand and said, "Mr. Mo, Mr. Xi, he is waiting for me to get him breakfast, and I will go first."

Xi Ju answered, Wang Jian left, leaving Mo Xiuyu and Xi Ju with a complex look at each other, with the same question in their eyes: Did they just hear the conversation Wang Jian did?

After bidding farewell to Mo and Xi, Wang Jianhun went to the wounded barracks unwillingly.

In addition to the central tent, the biggest tent near here is probably the wounded battalion, and there are more than a dozen beds in one tent. Wang Jian made his way to the innermost bed and saw a man in his forties struggling to get up. His appearance was similar to that of Wang Jian, and he was obviously a father and son.

"Dad, don't mess around, I help you ..." Wang Jian quickly helped Wang Baihu sit up.

Wang Baihu smiled indifferently: "I just hurt my leg, and I'm not disabled ..." Then I thought of something and asked, "Ajian, has Tian returned from Fengjiang City?"

Wang Jian's eyes darkened, and he nodded stiffly, while Wang Baihu lightened his eyes, and said, "Great! Then, willn't we be able to attack Fuzhong City soon?"

This sentence of Wang Baihu suddenly attracted several wounded soldiers in the camp, all looking at Wang Jian with a burning look, but Wang Jian's face was even more ugly, his face sinking like water.

"What Fuchu City are you still hitting!" Wang Jian suddenly coldly said, "Dad, Lord Wang didn't send support at all, forage, arrows, reinforcements ... none!" He looked indignant, followed by a stunned look, his eyes fell. At the entrance to the wounded barracks, Mo Xiuyu and Xi never knew when they appeared there.

There was a hint of helplessness in Mo Xiuyu and Xi Jue's eyes. It seems that Wang Jian just heard their conversation just now. Fortunately, they followed and came over.

At this time, Wang Baihu also saw Mo Xiuyu and Xi Jie and asked, "Isn't Captain Mo, Xi Xiaowei, did you two also go to Fengjiang City with General Tian? What is going on?"

The other wounded soldiers in the account looked at each other, and asked eloquently: "Yes, Captain Mo, Captain Xi, what's wrong?"

"Is Wang really disagreeing with support?"

"But why? As long as we win Fuzhong City and Kailian City, Nan Manzi can only withdraw from southern Xinjiang ..."


The soldiers had a lot of discussions, and they all felt inconceivable, questioning around Mo Xiuyu and Xi Ju.

Xi decided to think about it. Since King Zhennan has given an order, even if they can hide it for a while, they will never hide it forever, everyone will know.

Xi sighed and said what he saw and heard in Fengjiang City this time.

Although the two of them failed to see the Zhennan King with their own eyes, Tian He's sentence "The Lord Xu has other considerations" is enough for the soldiers to imagine ...

King Zhennan really doesn't intend to support Shizi!

This cognition shocked the soldiers. After doubt and shock, anger grew wildly like weeds, and this emotion spread quickly as if it were contagious.

I do n’t know who said it first: "Since Wang refused to support him, could it be that he wanted to retire?"

The word "retired" stabbed the hearts of every soldier on the scene like a sharp arrow. The war was fought at the cost of blood. In the past few months, we have never slept one I feel really secure, every time I go to the battlefield, I watch my colleagues fall down one by one, and I have good luck, I have saved my life, I have no luck, I have no chance to open my eyes ...

The most hopeful thing for everyone is to get rid of Nanban as soon as possible, and then they can return to their homeland and reunite with their parents and relatives.

But now King Zhennan wants to retreat?

Not to retreat because of defeat, but to win, but to retreat?

What makes this happen!

"Can't retreat!" A wounded soldier who lacked his left arm waved his right fist indignantly. "The hateful Nan Manzi went to burn and plunder everywhere and slaughtered several cities ... My whole family, young and old ... ... "His eyes were red and he could hardly speak.

The soldiers around knew that the wounded soldier was in Fengyin City, and when the South Manzi broke the city, he also slaughtered the city. His entire family was dead. Only he served in the army and found a life, but it was alive. Might as well die! He killed the Nan Manzi on the battlefield, and it was almost fatal. He said with a bite that no matter how many Nan Manzi were killed, he would make money!

In fact, this army is more than this one. In the months of war, countless soldiers have lost loved ones, friends, colleagues ... everyone has left one after another in their hearts. In the caves, the bitter cold wind seemed to be whizzing through the caves at the moment, making them feel painful, tight and cold ...

"That's right, you can't retreat!" Wang Baihu resolutely replied, "Grandpa Shizi managed to lead us to this step ..."

"With just one step, we can retreat Nan Manzi, how can we retreat?"

"Is the king going to confide Nanzhong with Fuzhong City and Kailian City?"


Soldiers, you say a word to me, your emotions are getting more and more excited, just like the boiling hot water, something seems to be rushing out of their chests.

The riots in the wounded barracks attracted a lot of outside soldiers to come around, group by group, and finally they could n’t even stay in the barracks, surrounded them outside the barracks, and more and more soldiers heard about it All the news came, and more and more people, this area is like the raging waves on the stormy night sea, surging.

Mo Xiuyu, who had not spoken, suddenly flashed a firm light in his eyes, shook his fist, and said loudly, "Brothers, let's go to the world to ask for help! Never retreat!"

His shout immediately drew a response from the surrounding soldiers, and the sound of the waves was louder than the waves:

"Yes, you can't retreat!"

"Let's go to see my grandfather!"

"Do not retreat the South Barbarian, never retreat!"


The soldiers were so excited that they swarmed towards the central camp led by Mo Xiuyu.

The noise outside also shocked the generals in the central camp, and they crowded Xiao Yi out of the camp.

Upon seeing Xiao Yi's account, Mo Xiuyu took off the helmet first, and then kneeled down on one knee, marching respectfully. Then, the soldiers behind him also took off the helmet and kneeled on one knee. Go down ... At a glance, all the eyes that are in Xiao Yi's eyes are black heads, almost all over the barracks, the atmosphere is dignified and depressed.

"Master Shi ..." Mo Xiuyu wanted to say, but was stopped by Xiao Yi raising his hand.

Xiao Yi's eyes were decisive and bright, which convinced Mo Xiuyu unconsciously.

Xiao Yi looked around the soldiers, and firmly stated: "The generals listened to the orders and will be camped tomorrow to enter the palace."

But in a short sentence, the generals felt as if something had been ignited. The eyes of the flames of hope were all focused on Xiao Yi's body. The up and down hearts of the army were synchronized at this moment. , Everyone has the same goal in mind:

Oath to follow the world grandfather!

Kill the South Barbarian!

Keep me safe in southern Xinjiang!


The news that Xiao Yi led troops to storm Fuzhong City reached the ears of King Zhennan at noon on the third day.

"This boy is really quick and quick, and has courage and no plan!" Zhennan Wang looked at the military newspaper in his hand and couldn't help but patted the crime table, angrily reprimanded. This is clearly looking for death! "

"Master Wang, do you want to bring your reinforcements immediately?" Song Xiaojie, who came to the army newspaper, asked tentatively.

"No need!" Zhennan Wang blurted out without thinking about it, but he regretted it after speaking out, and his heart was a bit complicated. On the one hand, he said to himself that he had to teach the bad boy something, but on the other hand he was worried if If you do n’t send reinforcements, maybe something will happen ...

This Xiao Yi is no longer filial, but also his eldest son ...

He was hesitating, and a whisper came from outside the door: "Prince, Princess please."

The king of Zhennan calmed down, then set aside the military newspaper and said, "Please come in."

A short while later, Xiao Fang came in with a food container waist, and saw that she wore a light-smoky blue woven gold-banded bat-like placket, and a white embroidered bat-shaped horse-face skirt. The five black blue silks pulled down a falling horse stable, and a white jade bat pattern Ruyi 簪 was obliquely inserted into the hair lock, which looked graceful.

When Song Xiaojie saw Xiao Fang's arrival, he yelled, "Wang Ye, that subordinate will retreat first."

King Zhennan waved and waved to him.

Song Xiaojie sighed in his heart and saluted Xiao Fangshi again. Then he withdrew from the study and looked back with a complicated expression.

"I saw Wang Ye in my body." Xiao Fangshi salutes the king of Zhennan in great manners, carefully covers his mouth with a smile, and blossoms in his heart.

Just now she heard it at the door of the study. King Zhennan did not agree to send reinforcements to support Xiao Yi in the past. This is really good. It is better that Xiao Yi fight to the battlefield and save her the trouble of trying to get rid of him. Brother Luan gave way!

"Princess, why are you here?" King Zhennan asked Xiao Fang to stand up.

Xiao Fang opened the food box with his own hands. "He simmered the ginseng chicken soup with his own hands. In recent days, Wang Ye has worked hard for the military situation.

King Zhennan looked at Xiao Fang with affection: "There is really a princess."

"Look at Wangye, Wangye is a husband with a body, and it's troublesome to cook chicken soup for Wangye himself." Xiao Fangshi looked at Zhennan Wang with a strange look, and then said distressedly, "Wang Ye for the southern Xinjiang day and night I have lost a lot of toil ... I also ask Wang Ye to take care of yourself. You are the pillar of our king ’s palace, and the safety of the southern Xinjiang is indispensable for you. ”As she said, she brought a bowl of chicken soup to him in front of him, and the aroma overflowed.

King Zhennan listened very well, only feeling that Xiao Fang's every sentence spoke to his heart, took it with relief, and sighed: "Still the princess understands the king and cares about the king .... It's the worst now The situation has passed. Nan Manzi lost a few cities in a row, and his spirit was completely dissipated, and it would no longer be a great climate. "

Xiao Fang said happily: "The body will be relieved. This time it can defeat Nan Man, thanks to Ai ..."

King Zhennan snorted impatiently: "It is indeed a great achievement that he laid the Lingchuan Gorge, but unfortunately he was too greedy and rushed to win the Fuzhong City in a rush ..." Speaking of which, Zhennan King Suddenly silent.

"Master Wang, this is a good thing. Why doesn't it seem that Wang Ye is not happy, but what's wrong with it?" Xiao Fangshi asked worriedly.

The king of the Zhennan city frowned and said, "What a good thing! He clearly was defeated by victory after several battles, thinking that he was invincible, and now he is exhausted and exhausted. Fuzhong City clearly took his soldiers to death ... "

Xiao Fangshi was frightened and said, "Wang Ye, since this is the case, you should order a military order to let Ai Yi come back!"

The muscles of King Zhennan's brow throbbed twice, and he sneered, "If only he would listen to my king."

Xiao Fang's brows were frowning deeply, and he was so anxious that he persuaded: "The lord, since you can't persuade Ai, then you must send reinforcements to it, you can't watch Ai have a problem." Proposed, "It ’s better to go there in person? If Ai sees him in person to rush to support him, he must be moved ..."

The King of Zhennan was silent.

Xiao Fang continued: "Prince, Ai is your uncle's eldest son, our heir to the Zhennan palace, the future Zhennan king, now Ai is becoming more and more prosperous, and he has won several victories. The prestige in the army is getting higher and higher. Everyone praises that the Zhennan Palace is the father of a tiger without a dog. It is fortunate that the palace can have such a brave and heirable heir ... It ’s also a pleasure to be alive. If you are sensible, you can also help Wang Ye to deal with the affairs of southern Xinjiang, and Wang Ye will be able to spend more time with him. "

Xiao Fang's face was not very pleased, but the king of Zhennan heard it, and felt that every sentence and every word was poking at his heart, and he said angrily, "Huh, he is getting more and more As he turned out, he became less and less obedient to the King, so he still wanted the King to save him himself, wouldn't he be more disobedient in the future! "

Xiao Fang's heart rejoiced secretly, but his mouth was softly relieved: "Master, how can there be any night feud between the father and the son ..."

"Well, you don't have to worry about it, the King has his own opinion." King Zhennan said in a voice.

Tiger poisoning still has no food, he naturally would not just watch Xiao Yi lose his life. But Xiao Yi was so disobedient to discipline, this time let him suffer a little bit, or let him know the heights and heights-not that he Xiao Yi will fight, but their southern army brave and good war.

Anyway, the city in the prefecture will not be able to fight for a while and a half, according to their own estimates, at least for more than half a month, when Xiao Yi has no food and grass, and the troop reinforcements are not late, then they will be terrible. Some of them will be Let him ask for himself! In this way, he will learn to be good, and then he will not dare to disobey his own father.

Xiaofang suppressed the ecstasy of his heart, and ceased to persuade the king of Zhennan, but just responded with a low eyebrow, and cared for the king of Zhennan softly, then left the study, and then hurried Go to the West Chamber to find Xiao Luan.

Xiao Luan's little sister Chong Ming was guarding outside the study. When she saw Xiao Fang's, she showed a little panic, and stepped forward to salute Xiao Fang's: "I've seen the princess."

He deliberately raised his voice, as if he had issued a secret signal in the study, and Xiao Fang was not stupid. He didn't know that there was a problem, and he shoved back into the study.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw Xiao Luan lying obliquely on the beauty's couch, with a copy of "Sun Tzu's Art of War" on her face, and she seemed to be sleeping heavily.

It turned out that my son was tired of reading and fell asleep. Xiao Fang breathed a sigh of relief and gave Yamei Mingjing a look. Mingjing immediately approached the ground lightly, intending to help Xiao Luan to close the book. She just picked up the book and was about to close it, but found that the book in her hand was a book, and it was still ...

Ming Jing suddenly flushed, and felt that the book in her hand seemed to be a hot potato, and after a panic, the book fell to the ground.

Xiao Fang frowned, and was about to scold Ming Jing for clumsiness, but the corner of his eyes caught the book that fell to the ground, and his pupils shrank sharply ...

So, where is the "Sun Tzu's Art of War", it is clearly a hanging sheep's head selling dog meat, and the picture of the Spring Palace is hidden under the cover of the book. I didn't want to slap it on Xiao Luan's head.


"Oh! Who hit me?" Xiao Luan opened her eyes, touching her hurting head, and was about to get angry, but when she saw it was Xiao Fangshi, she just held back and said with a grin: "Mother Concubine, what are you doing? "

Xiao Fang saw his face look sleepy and loose, and couldn't help but anger: "What did you do last night? Sleeping here during the daytime!" She snatched the picture of the Spring Palace just picked up from Ming Jing, angry. He threw him on the ground and laughed angrily. "You can fall asleep when you look at the palace map, you are really prosperous!"

Although Xiao Luan was not afraid of Xiao Fang's, she was a little embarrassed and flustered when she caught herself watching the pictures of the Spring Palace. She was busy stuffing the book into a stack of books and explained: "Mother-in-law, I have to read daily recently From time to time, my father and Wang called me to take a test ... I was so tired that I didn't sleep well for a few days, so I was lazy here ... "Xiao Luan frowned, thinking: he knew him Should stay in Luo Yue City, should not come to Fengjiang City!

"That's because your father and the king value you, so don't be in the blessing." Xiao Fang nodded Xiao Luan's forehead and said, "Luan brother, you must fight for the mother-in-law and you can't let Your elder brother has overshadowed your limelight. If your elder brother gains momentum in the future, we will not have a good life for our mother and son. "

"Look at mother-in-law saying, how could you say so seriously. I don't know how much ink there is in my elder brother's stomach?" Xiao Luan said indifferently.

"Luan Brother, don't take it seriously ..." Xiao Fang's expression sat down beside him, waved Ming Jing back.

Only their mother and son remained in the study, she continued: "Now your elder brother has fought several victories, established a lot of military merits, and has won the hearts of many people in the army. If we let him do this again, this life The position will never miss you again. "She gave Xiao Luan a slight glance, and lowered her voice." Luan brother, don't you want to be the king of the south of the town? "

How could Xiao Luan not want to be the king of Zhennan with more than 10,000 people alone, not to mention, if the emperor is thousands of miles away, if he became the king of Zhennan, the whole southern Xinjiang would be his choice. Xiao Luan swallowed and asked, "What does that mean?"

"Now there is a great opportunity ..." Xiaofang's mouth gave a proud smile, "Your elder brother is now attacking Fuzhong City, listening to your father, the Fuzhong City is not so easy to beat, and you The father is really annoyed by your elder brother now, and he will not send troops to help for a while. When your elder brother has long attacked the Fuzhong city, but it has weakened the power of the Nanban army, you can ask your father for a soldier. Go to support, and take the opportunity to attack Fuzhong City, then this mighty military merit falls on your head. "

Xiao Fang's heart was so proud that in this way, Xiao Yi lost, Xiao Luan prevailed, and then Nan Nan was driven out of the southern Xinjiang while taking advantage of the pursuit. That Xiao Luan in the army and the people of southern Xinjiang will certainly surpass Xiao Yi.

"I thought it was what happened, it was just this!" Xiao Luan said with confidence, "Relax, concubine, as long as I get on the battlefield, I can also win the battle." Xiao Luan thought disdainfully. : Xiao Yi, who hasn't succeeded in writing, can win several battles in a row. He is better than him in all aspects and he will lose to him. It was only that he didn't fight, that made Xiao Yi stand out.

"Mother-in-law naturally knows your ability." Xiao Fangshi nodded comfortably. "The mother-in-law first wishes my child a victory here ..."

"Mother-in-law is not busy!" Xiao Luan's eyes flickered and interrupted Xiao Fangshi. "You want me to go to war, but you must promise me a condition first."

Xiao Fang's brow frowned slightly, with a bit of discomfort in his tone. He said, "Luan Brother, why did you talk to your mother-in-law about the conditions? What do you ask for on a weekday, which one does not follow ... Xiao Fang suddenly thought of a possibility, and his face was even more ugly.


Xiao Luan said eagerly: "Mother-in-law, you have to agree to open your face ..."

"No!" Xiao Fang's face sank, and he wanted to oppose it without thinking. "This is not possible!" This was so pleasurable that she could not attract her son to make such a ridiculous request! My son is not married yet! How can you accept it first?

"If the mother-in-law does not agree, then I will not go." Xiao Luan threatened without hesitation.

Xiao Fang was angry, his entire face was dark, and he almost didn't breathe, and pointed his finger slightly at Xiao Luan: "Luan brother, for a woman, you don't even care about your future? "

Xiao Fang took a deep breath and tried to use his emotions to understand. "Luan Brother, listen to your mother-in-law, if you win the battle and have military merits, you will become a son in the future and become the king of Zhennan. What kind of woman would you want by then ... "

"But the woman I want is only Pian Ping!" Xiao Luan said eagerly, affectionately, "Mother-in-law, I have promised that Pian Ping will let her enter the door squarely, my second master in the south palace of Dangzhen, why? What can you say to a weak woman? In short, if you do n’t agree with my request, do n’t miss me!

Here really are the creditors of my last life! Xiao Fang felt a terrible headache. If he agreed, Xiao Luan had such a **** who would be in trouble. Where would he be a good person in the future, but if he did not agree, Xiao Luan would not be willing. Go to war ... Great opportunity may miss this time, it is gone.

After weighing the pros and cons, Xiao Fang could only bite her teeth eventually: "Okay, mother-in-law agrees to you, but you must win the battle to open the face to that person." Well, come to Japan, you have the opportunity to clean up that person, or Right now, coax your son, and do the right thing.

"Okay, that's all." Xiao Luan listened to Xiao Fang's agreement to make a pleasurable gesture to the master, and immediately smiled, people were still here, but the heart had flew back to Luo Yuecheng. If Pian Pian knew the good news, Xiao Luan would smile foolishly.

The square in Xiao Fangshi's hand twisted, and there was a gloom in his eyes. That person must never stay!

Regardless of the individual considerations of King Zhennan and his wife, the fact that Shi Yi led the army to take over the Lingchuan Gorge and marched into Fuzhong City has spread throughout southern Xinjiang in a very short period of time. Is looking forward to it.

They all looked at it. After the return of Da Shizi to South Xinjiang, all battles have been won, and he has expelled the wicked Nan Manzi out of South Xinjiang step by step with his own strength. No one can obliterate this marvelous battle, so that the people who have been raged by the Nanban will be grateful for it, and look forward to the early victory of Shizi!

It is a blessing for all of them that Shizi is so heroic and brave.

On the other hand, the news that King Zhennan refused to provide any support to Shizi was spread in secret, and gradually fermented ...

At the same time, Wang Jingzheng, a Dali temple prince, stood outside the Imperial Study Room with a tangled look.

The matter of Huaiyuan County is not difficult to investigate. It is no secret that the open-source pawnshop has printed the money of the child. Even these years, many people have been forced to destroy their homes and their wives have been scattered. When they go to Huaiyuan County, they will be clear about it. Already. At first Wang Jing thought that it was just a simple case. Only after the result was informed to the emperor, it was up to the emperor to decide. I never expected that this investigation would even involve the private affairs in Zhennan's palace ...

The princess of the south of the town not only sought to succeed the stepchildren Xiao Yi Industry, but also used the name of Xiao Yi to open pawnshops, put money on the prints, and ruined Xiao Yi ’s reputation ... Such evils have already spread throughout Huaiyuan County, but How can he tell the emperor to such a thing ...

Of course, it is impossible to hide, but if you tell the truth, then you will completely offend King Zhennan! Yes, Wang Jing didn't believe that this would be done by the women in the princess district of Zhennan. Absolutely, the king of Zhennan stood behind him!

"Master Wang." An inner servant came out of the Imperial Study Room and bowed. "The emperor let you in."

"Xie Gong."

Wang Jing adjusted his clothes and stepped into the door of the Imperial Study ...

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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