The price of "Huayan" has not been negotiated yet, and the day of the palace feast has come.

Nangong Xiu made great makeup and entered the palace with Xiao Yi.

Today's palace banquet is arranged in the Taihe Hall. When the two arrived, there were already many officials in the hall. As soon as they entered the hall, they attracted a lot of attention. Xiao Yi has been staying at Zhennan's palace since Nianmeng's capture of prisoners, and he has been unable to close his door. Occasionally he has taken Nangongyu with him when he went out, so that those who want to have a relationship with him are only today. After finding an opportunity, they came forward to greet each other, and after a short walk of dozens of feet, they were able to enter the seat ...

Before the emperor arrived, the ministers and female relatives talked about the world in twos and threes. The topic was naturally centered on today's palace feast. From time to time, you can hear "Xiao Shizi", "Nanman", "Envoy", and "Virgin". Words of the same kind come and go in the temple ...

At that time, all the ministers took their seats one by one in the temple, and the queen ascended the throne in their long lived Qihu.

The emperor is radiant today, full of energy, and the power of Dayu is becoming more and more prosperous. For the emperor, more than a panacea will work.

After Xiaonei's glance was received by Liu Gonggong, Jian Shengtong reported: "Come to see the Baiyue envoys!" The "Baiyue" in his mouth is the name of the country of Nanmang, but Dayu went up and down on these occasions on an informal occasion. It is scornfully called.

Soon, six high-ranking ambassadors dressed in strange costumes lined up into the Taihe Hall in two rows, with solemn and solemn expressions. Behind them were dozens of Nanban beauties, each wearing a white silk dress with gold threads on it, all of them were seductive, and the long dance dress was dragged on the ground. When walking, the dress I fluttered like a white wave.

Several envoys stopped in the center of the hall, and bowed to the emperor on the throne, giving three knees and nine bows.

In the Taihe Hall, the civil and military officials on both sides and those fatal wives were secretly whispering and whispering to these exotic visitors in strange costumes.

Since the Dayu Dynasty, Baiyue has never sent an envoy to pay homage. Today, however, it is to seek peace. All the officials in the hall felt light on their faces, and they were all beaming, and they all raised their waist rods upright. Straight, with his chin raised slightly, he looked scornfully at the envoys.

It stands to reason that if an ordinary envoy came to Dayu, the emperor would of course give a seat to these guests from afar, but this time the envoy from Nanman came to seek peace, and the emperor's shelf was enough. Just let them get up.

The head of the envoy bowed slightly and said respectfully: "His Majesty the Emperor Dayu, Wu Atachi came to ask the King to make peace with him. My Baiyue is willing to cede the land to Nanyuan and Siyu, every year The tributary silver is one million two, the horses and horses are each 1,000 horses, and the silk is 10,000 horses in exchange for peace between the two countries. "

Baiyue lost a lot of money to Dayu this time, how could he make it so easy! There was a cold flash in the emperor's eyes.

Xuan Pingbo has always been sympathetic, and took a step forward, and said in a cold voice: "Envoy Atacchi, you and our country have enjoyed peace for 17 years. It is because of your ambitions of the Baiyue wolf. My Dayu people, now the two cities want to reconcile each other? Maybe I underestimated Dayu too? "

This peace talk is the same as doing business. You have to bargain a few times, and Adachi doesn't expect it to happen once, so you are not in a hurry. He was about to speak, but he listened casually to a male voice: "The emperor and the minister doubt whether Baiyue really has peace talks. As we all know, the road from Dayu to Nanyuan City is surrounded by a swamp. If you want to go to Nanyuan City, Bypassing Liushui Mountain, what is the use of Dayu for such a city? As for the silicon jade city, it was indeed a good place to produce jade, but jade has been mined out in recent years, and merchants and craftsmen have gone from there Withdrawn most of it, such a barren city, even delusional to give us Dayu! "

In a word, Ada was sweating heavily, and could not help thinking: This person does not know who it is? I did not expect that these kings are thousands of miles away from the southern Xinjiang, and some people even knew their Baiyue city so well.

He looked in horror and followed the sound, only to see that he was talking about a handsome young man in brocade. The other was 17 or 8 years old. The boys and girls were as beautiful as the characters in the painting.

A ambassador to the left of Atacchi immediately whispered in Atacchi's ears. Atacchi's twin pupils suddenly shrank, and he looked unbelievably toward the other side again.

Xiao Yi!

He is actually Xiao Yi, the son of Zhennan King!

That's the Xiao Yi who broke his life!

Atacchi was in a very complicated mood for a while. Before this battle, the son of Zhennan Wangshi was unknown; but now that he was on the battlefield, he was defeated legendarily by the battle-hardened emperor. And more and more bizarre, later, Zhennan Wang Shizi Xiao Yi has been passed on to be a demon-like existence, many Baiyue officers and soldiers even vowed to say that his face was like Yasha, and it was cruel, so that in Baiyue The listener's eyes changed and children cried all night.

I still remember that day when I entered the capital of the king, although I only saw Xiao Yi's back, the attitude of wanton arrogance, not even the prince's attention, surprised him.

However, he never expected that the legendary Wang Nanzi in this legend was a picturesque young man. If he was not told, he would not be able to believe it, and he could not help but be alert: Zhennan Wangfu ’s old town passed away From the beginning of the king of the south, he settled a grudge with his Baiyue ... Now if there is a man in the Manchu military and military, if one does not want the peace talks to be successful, then only the son of the king of the south of the town.

Deciding whether His Royal Highness His Highness can safely return to Baiyue is the peace talks this time, and he must not make a mistake.

Atacchi carefully raised his eyes and looked at the emperor on the throne, seeing that the emperor was already sinking into the water, looking down and busy, the emperor Shen said: "Envoy, what can you say?" The discomfort in the words was already Be overflowing with words.

Ada was so anxious that he sweated on his forehead. The Baiyue King chose Nanyuan City and Siyu City naturally with his selfishness, but no matter how he was here, he couldn't recognize it. He wiped his sweat with his cuff, and trembled, "Emperor Dayu, Nanyuan City and Siyu City are close to Dayu's southern Xinjiang. My King is also out of good intentions. If Emperor Dayu disagrees, I can write as soon as possible Discuss with my king. "

The envoy ’s bow was everyone ’s expectation. After all, today ’s Dayu ’s victory, whether it ’s a victory or a truce, is only in the words of the emperor, not to mention, the great prince of Baiyue is still in the hands of the emperor. It was only at this time that when the envoys prayed so humblely, the spirit of the emperor and the ministers in the hall was raised and exclaimed.

After the ambassador paused, he continued: "Emperor Dayu, this time my king ordered me to bring sixteen beautiful women of our country to His Majesty, a sign of our sincerity to His Majesty!"

While he was talking, those amazing Baiyue women leaned down slightly, showing their exquisite figure, and for a moment attracted a lot of admiration in the palace. This beauty from a foreign country is still unique.

With so many beauties, the emperor naturally cannot stand it alone, so ...

The flexible-minded minister had already thought about it, and looked around secretly, speculating that today, I don't know who has this beautiful blessing.

Sure enough, after the emperor accepted the beauties, he began to reward the courtiers. Qi Wang was the emperor's brother. Naturally, Xuanping Benai was also the emperor's close official. He also had several clan children and court officials.

Such beauties entered the backyard, and they were not Ji Fei. At best, it was just a gadget, and no one would care about collecting one more.

At this time, the men were full of joy, but the women were sore in their hearts, but most of these ladies were in order to show their virtues and virtues, and they also worried that this was a gift from the emperor. I don't care. But some people couldn't swallow this breath, and Princess Qi tolerated it again and again, and suddenly thought about it, the corner of her mouth twitched slightly proudly.

She stood up and blessed herself and said, "The emperor, Xiao Shizi is the hero of this service. The courtier said boldly, the emperor cannot forget to reward Xiao Shizi!" It is a newly married couple, and the sand must not be tolerated in their eyes. This time is really a godsend. Nangong Yu is sure to lose!

As Princess Qi said, the emperor's gaze also fell on Xiao Yi, but he was somewhat moved.

Indeed, Xiao Yi has made a great contribution this time, so naturally it should be rewarded!

Xiao Yi glanced at Princess Qi coldly, but quickly smiled casually, and stood up and said, "The emperor, you can not reward these beauties to the courtiers! The courtiers now have a big relationship with Baiyue! Hate, I heard that the people of Baiyue are anxious to eat the flesh of Chen Chen's blood. If these beauties are in the palace ... perhaps the emperor will never see him again tomorrow! "

When Xiao Yi said the first sentence, the ministers frowned slightly, feeling that he was petting and arrogant, and ashamed, but when he analyzed it later, everyone, including the emperor, took it for granted.


Zhennan Wang Shizi killed so many Nanban people this time. I am afraid that these Nanban beauties also hated him!

The most difficult thing to guard against night defense this day is the person next to the pillow. Princess Qi's idea is really thought-provoking.

For a while, countless speculative eyes projected on Princess Qi.

Xiao Yi glanced gently at Princess Qi, and said, "The emperor, the princess is so concerned about the minister, the minister is really moved. Let's give the princess the beauty that the emperor intends to reward the minister!"

This is said to be given to the princess, but everyone knows that it was actually given to the king.

Inexplicably, there was another Nanban beauty. King Qi was very happy and thankful, while Princess Qi was green and white for a while, but Xiao Shizi was so unaware!

Atacchi didn't mind how Emperor Dayu allocated those beauties. As long as the emperor was willing to accept these beauties, it was a very good start for the peace talks.

Ada Chi replied again and again: "His Majesty the Emperor Dayu, Your Highness the eldest daughter of our country prepared carefully, and today I would like to dance for you in the hall, please also be gracious!"

Both the emperor and the ministers of Dayu have long heard how the Nanban sage is so beautiful and talented, and now she finally has a chance to see the true face, and she has some expectations in her heart.

Soon after the emperor's approval, two young women walked into the hall side by side. The green dress on the left was just handsome, holding a red waist drum in his hand, and looked like a musician.

The white gauze skirt on the right wrapped Miaoman's exquisite and delicate body, and the UFA like seaweed spread down to the waist. Her face was covered with a white veil, and her beautiful face was looming under the veil, revealing a bit of mysterious beauty.

Outside the veil, her bare forehead was as white as jade, as delicate and flawless as a pink-carved porcelain doll. But what attracted everyone's attention was the bright eyes outside her veil. These eyes turned out to be blue as clear as the sky. It was so beautiful that she couldn't look away.

Obviously, this masked and stunning woman must be the maiden of Atachi.

Everyone's eyes moved up her face, and a little disappointment appeared in her eyes.

Now that they have all come to dance for the emperor, they are also pretending to be mysteriously veiled.

After the two women Qi Qi and the emperor salute, the musician among them took a small step back, and at the same time, she patted the snare drum, and the sound of soft and cheerful drum sounded.

The woman in white leaped lightly, raised her long jade legs, and danced to reveal her slender white and tender jade feet. Her snow-white, crystal-clear bare feet are small and exquisite, her ankles are slender and plump, soft and boneless, like jade, like satin, and her slender toes are well-formed and neat. The pale red toenails are crystal clear, like petals of peach blossom.

The long skirt that had been dragged to the ground was covered before. At this moment, the crowd discovered that the Nanban maiden was dancing barefoot, and the officials in this hall could not help but widen their eyes.

In the rhythmic drums, the woman in white danced her body as much as possible. She was like water, sometimes heated, like a stormy sea; sometimes groaned, like a drizzle. Her delicate body is extremely soft and light, and every movement is incredible. Her body is soft like a snake and can bend to an incredible angle. When she jumps, she seems to fly like a pair of wings behind her ... Sometimes elegant, sometimes Charming, sometimes tender, sometimes mysterious, when dancing, the white veil and veil fluttered along with her dance like butterfly wings, occasionally showing slender necks, and occasionally exposing delicate red lips and pointed chins. Also, the exotic style revealed between her hands and feet is dizzying, and she can't wait to take off the veil on her face and take a look.

I don't know how long after that, the drums gradually slowed down, then became as sharp as a storm, and finally came suddenly.

The dance of the woman in white also stopped with the sound of drums. From the extreme movement to the extreme silence, it was just a moment. Her slender figure stood in the temple, so thin, but she had a sense of legacy and independence.

She raised her slim hand and slowly lifted off the white veil on her face, revealing her beautiful features, hibiscus, soft red lips half-opened, with those bright blue eyes, clear and clear, Looking forward to Shenfei, she is incredibly beautiful, but she is not demon or charming, with a hint of holy.

In the sound of inhaling inwardly, she gracefully kneeled down and bowed down three knees and nine knees: "Please see Her Majesty Emperor Dayu for dressing."

She was so clear-cut, articulate, and even more surprising that she even spoke a fluent Dayu language.

The ministers couldn't help but admire and whispered to each other: This Nanban maiden is indeed well-deserved! That dance is very different from their Dayu dance, but it also expresses the beauty of words.

King Qi, who has always loved beauty, stared at the maiden with a scorching heart, his eyes were almost a little obsessed, and Princess Qi had a hatred in her heart: it was another fox!

But Princess Qi also knew in her heart that there was only one saint, and it must be that Qi was not the turn. Nor did she know if the emperor would take it herself, or ...

After thinking about it that way, Princess Qi finally felt more relaxed again, and even gave birth to a little expectation, waiting to see a good show.

Such a beauty, and good dance, even the emperor who used to see all kinds of beauty can not help but show a hint of laughter, laughed: "Free!" After a pause, he said, "I did not expect that the maiden would say us Dayu words. "

Zhuangyi stood up and replied: "Back to His Majesty Dayu, I have liked Zhuangyuan culture since I was a child. Not only did I learn the language of Dayu, but I also read a lot of Dayu's books."

A few words were not flattering, but they dared Dayu again, and the emperor heard a stronger smile.

The envoy Ada was secretly pleased, walked to the center of the palace again, stood beside the maiden's dress, and said, "His Majesty the Emperor Taiyu, my king ordered me to tell His Majesty, and I would like to make peace with the maiden! I wonder what your intentions are? "

It ’s not impossible to have a close relative, but, unlike the beauties who were just presented with playthings by envoys at random, the close family wants to announce that the emperor must give the saint a place ... The emperor frowned thoughtfully, his eyes were set The beautiful face lingered on.

Looking at the emperor's eyes, Atta was relieved, and felt that the matter was very promising.

However, the ministers below were stunned in their hearts. The maiden said that she was a good maiden, but in fact, she was just a southern barbarian who drank her hair, and she looked charming and charming, just like the reincarnated and reborn. If this is really included in the harem by the emperor, it will also make the emperor fascinated. Not only will it disturb the harem, but it will even give birth to dragons mixed with Nanman blood.

A minister couldn't help but got up and said, "The emperor, this Baiyue maiden is neither a princess nor a bloodline of the royal family. Baiyue's marriage with her is really inappropriate."

"The emperor, what You especially said." Another minister stood up and echoed, deliberately looked at the maiden with a look of contempt. "This maiden is indeed a dancer, she is nothing but a dancer." . "

After hearing that, Ada Chi's face was frozen, revealing a trace of humiliation, saying: "His Majesty Dayu, the maiden just danced is a dance of **** sacrifices!" Ata Chi took a deep breath and argued for ground Again, "Please Rong Achachi say a few words. If you compare the dancing girl to a craftsman, then the maiden of my country can be called a" master ". This ordinary craftsman is just making the same work repeatedly, but the master is It's creation. The maiden's extraordinary dance just now is the sacrifice dance of My Baiyue, not the charming dancer! "

Atachi's remarks were also justified, and he moved the ministers in the palace.

Indeed, once any of these skills has reached the "master" state, it will be different from ordinary people, and will reach a new state.

The Lord You also said, "Achichi Ambassador, although the maiden is superior in dance skills, is it comparable to being a" master "? Do you think you are bragging? I also have women with extraordinary dance skills, but I dare not call myself a master. "As he said, he turned to marry the emperor," As far as Wei Chen knows, one of the three princes is also a confidante and a white girl who is good at dancing. When she visited Dayu in Xiye, she danced and made Quanquan. The field was amazed, and even the envoy was shocked. He thought that it would be better to ask the white girl to compete with the virgin to see who is the best and who is the real 'master'! "

When the Lord You mentioned this, the emperor also remembered Bai Muxiao's sword dance at the Yuncheng Fangyuan meeting. The phrase "kill one person in ten steps and stay for a long distance" seems to be still in my ear.

Although Bai Muxiao's words towards the three princes were too frivolous and irritated the emperor, the emperor also had to admit that the little girl did have a sense of boldness.

The emperor groaned and said, "The mouth of Chuanyu, the daughter of Xuanbai family!"

With an order from the emperor, the housekeeper immediately ordered him away.

In this temple, there was some commotion because of this sudden change. Most of the Manchu fighters and the female relatives did not know much about Bai Muxiao, but they soon learned about Qiqi after detailed explanation by some insiders. Eight or eight.

For a time, most of the eyes of the temple projected on the three princes and three princes, most of them were waiting for the show.

Since this white girl is the uncle who hasn't entered the door, then if she does not perform well and loses her face, she will lose her face. If she earns her face, the three princesses will not be happy. !!

The eyes of the crowd seemed to be pierced with countless needles by the three princesses, Cui Yanyan, but she was always educated and tolerated. She could only try to hold the shelf and drink tea without incident.

The dowry girl behind her always knew the temperament of her master, and when she looked at the porcelain cup too hard, she knew that she was afraid she was not angry, and she shivered subconsciously. The master was unhappy, and it was only their subordinates who were unlucky ... in front of him, the master was still the elegant and decent three princesses.

About half an hour later, in a shouting briefing by the housekeeper, Bai Muxiao walked slowly into the temple in a white dress for one month. Today is the official palace feast. , So they all have solemn makeup, dignified and self-sustaining. By contrast, Bai Muxiao just pulls a simple double flat bun with a few pink beads on her head, and it looks much fresher and cleaner.

As soon as Bai Muxiao entered the hall, Han Lingfu's eyes could not help falling on her. Although he tried to be self-sustaining, he still couldn't hide the burning and admiration in his eyes.

This woman is the most sensitive. The third princess Cui Yanyan is not a fool. Naturally, she also feels that her husband is not right, and she is surprised. Because the third prince has never been with her since the marriage, even if she ignores her shame and tells the story through the queen queen, the third prince is still not submissive and even more indifferent to her.

Cui Yanyan had long suspected that the three princes would treat themselves this way, I am afraid that it was because of Bai Muxiao's relationship. Now it seems that his suspicion is not wrong! Is it true that the three princes have been reluctant to make a round with themselves, really for this woman?

Cui Yanyan's gloomy eyes were fixed on Bai Muxiao's body, and her face was so secretive.

After Bai Muxiao knelt down to salute the emperor, the housekeeper explained the ins and outs of the matter, and Bai Muxiao became more and more gloomy.

The emperor personally sent someone to pick her up at the White House. She was of course stunned, but the housekeeper who came to tell the story immediately kindly hinted that this time was a great opportunity for her ... but she asked what happened to the housekeeper. Did not want to disclose it.

It was not until this moment that Bai Muxiao knew that the emperor had recruited her to the palace in order to let her dance in front of the ministers.

Bai Muxiao's eyes were humiliated and gloomy.

At first, she was willing to dance in front of the envoy of Xirong. At first, it was from her own will; second, it was to maintain the dignity of the court in front of the envoy.

But this time it was quite different!

The emperor's call-to-talk attitude clearly disparaged her and regarded her as a dance dancer!

Although I don't think the dancers are humble, in the eyes of these Dayu people, Wu Ji is a mean job!

The emperor first ordered her to be the puppet of the three princes, and now she is regarded as a dance girl ...

Even if she doesn't look around, she can know that the officials and so-called noble ladies are looking at her with contemptuous look like a plaything ... Nangong Yu, they must be one of them!

Bai Muxiao knelt down in the temple for a moment, took a deep breath, and said loudly: "Return to the emperor, although the woman is low in status, she is not a dancer, but she also asks the emperor to choose another person!" Of course Bai Muxiao knew that What will happen if this remark is made, if the emperor is temporarily angry and angry, it is also possible to order her to be executed. But the killer is insultable. If she gives up all the principles to the Emperor, then she will still be her?

Even she would look down on herself!

Bai Muxiao's words shocked the whole house. Whether it was the Manchu Wenwu or the dying wife, she looked at her in disbelief.

Is this little girl crazy?

The emperor asked her to perform a dance, which was the holy pet, she was so ignorant of promotion!

Probably only Nangong Yu was not surprised at all, she was eating the fish meat Xiao Yi had chopped for her. She didn't care about Bai Mu Xiaowu or not. And Xiao Yi was too lazy to pay attention to who danced, seeing his stinky girl eat happily, he picked more vigorously.

At this point, the people who care most are probably the three princes and wives.

Cui Yanyan looked at Bai Muxiao with a gloating look, secretly looking forward to the emperor's punishment!


In the next instant, Han Lingfu stood up resolutely and said to the emperor: "Father, the white girl may be too reckless and bold to speak, but it is not bad. She is not a dance girl."

To be honest, Han Lingfu felt a bit of disappointment in his heart. He thought it was a great opportunity to change the impression of Bai Muxiao in the emperor's heart, but he did not expect that Bai Muxiao rejected it in one fell swoop. In addition to disappointment, Han Lingfu had to Tell yourself that Bai Muxiao is the girl he admires. Since she does not want to, and since she feels humiliated, how can she force her to ignore her wishes!

How could I watch her so much that she angered her father and made her fragrant?

As a man, if you can't even protect the woman you love, is it still a man?

Han Lingfu said to himself firmly in his heart, so he knew he would upset the emperor with his remarks, so he stood up and said it.

For a moment, Cui Yanyan's face could no longer be stabilized, and the entire face was darkened.

This woman, this woman who only deserves to be a scumbag, is so fascinated by His Highness that the third prince is so upset, and I don't know what ecstasy this **** has given to her sire, so that her sire even hesitated to fight against the emperor! Isn't this crazy?

Cui Yanyan stuck to Bai Muxiao's body like a poisonous gaze ...

For Bai Muxiao, these were not important, but when she saw the emperor's disapproval of Han Ling, she couldn't ignore it.

For his own sake, Han Lingfu did not hesitate to offend the supreme emperor, which may even affect his road to seizure.

She stared deeply at Han Lingfu for a moment, and said to herself that for her and the three princes' future, she also had to make a choice. She couldn't be selfish, she only sacrificed his dignity, but sacrificed his great future.

Compared to his sacrifice, even if he is forbearing a moment of insult, what is it!

Taking a deep breath, Bai Muxiao finally made a decision, endured humiliation, and pleaded utterly: "Please the emperor not to blame His Royal Highness Three, the daughter is willing to dance!"

Han Lingfu heard that and looked at Bai Muxiao unbelievably.

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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