Through the Linghua window, Han Lingfu's heart was almost a bit weak. Should something trivial happen in the future, should he chase and explain again and again like now?

He restrained this impatience in his heart and said with patience: "Xiaoer, listen to me. I was led by the Emperor of the Father to bring some Baiyue ambassadors and virgins around the capital. . "

Bai Mu Xiao stood stubbornly in situ, losing her soul. Han Lingfu didn't understand. The important thing was not where he went with his clothes. The most important thing was his heart. If his heart was no longer with her, why should she force it!

Han Lingfu continued to say, "Baiyue ’s maiden has been admiring the culture of the Central Plains since she was a child. She was interested in Dayu ’s piano, calligraphy, calligraphy and other traditions, so she has taken her and several envoys in these days. I went to Guozijian, places of interest, famous Buddhist temples, and so on. I heard that the praying forest of this Garan Temple, and that a certain host in this temple was a famous calligraphy master, left in a side hall in the northwest corner. Because of the Buddhist scriptures he wrote, he came here today. "

Han Lingfu stretched out her right arm and raised Bai Muxiao's chin with her palm window, so that her eyes face him, "Xiaoer, listen to me, I have no selfishness to the girl in the dress, you know, I only have you in my heart ! "

Bai Muxiao bit her lower lip, and his frank eyes told her that he was not lying.

Could it be that he is just ordinary "appreciation" for putting on clothes?

Do not!

Thinking of the look at Han Lingfu at that time, Bai Muxiao felt that her heart was stung again, and a flame in her heart was instantly ignited, and grew like wild grass, and said in a cold voice: "Your Highness, you are dignified His Royal Highness Three, and their Baiyue are just defeating the small country. It is not enough for them to accompany Wangli in the Prince Palace, but also for Your Royal Highness to be accompanied? "There was a strong irony in her words.

Han Lingfu flashed a panic in his heart. It was not smooth sailing for the first time along with Bai Mu Xiao, nor was it the first time he had met, but it was the first time that Bai Mu Xiao had treated himself with such coldness and determination.

Bai Mu Xiaoqiang put up with the pain in his heart and said, "Your Highness, I think we need to calm down with each other ..."

With Han Lingfu, she always inferior to him, she always made her feel aggrieved. Before, there were three princesses, Cui Yanyan, and now Baiyue maiden put on clothes. In the future, there will be thousands of women facing him. Caring for others ... And is this really the life she has to face?

Bai Muxiao looked up at him, his butterfly-like eyelashes trembled, so fragile, but tenaciously contradictory.

Han Lingfu also felt a pain in her heart, looked at her deeply, and said for a while: "Xiaoer ..."

But Bai Muxiao didn't want to listen anymore. She gritted her teeth and closed the window resolutely.

She must calm down and think about it.

Although the window was closed, the silhouette of the moonlight on the window paper told her that Han Lingfu had not left.

Bai Muxiao sat quietly by the window and didn't know how long it had passed ... Bichen walked in cautiously, lowering her voice, "Girl, His Highness ... he hasn't left yet."

Bai Muxiao didn't say anything, just waved her hand to let Bichen recede.

Bi Hen looked at Bai Muxiao hesitantly, and she really didn't understand what the girl was for to compete with His Royal Highness Three. She sighed secretly in her heart, how could the girl's mind understand her!

The night was getting deeper. When San Geng's drums sounded, Bi Luo came in and whispered, "Girl, it's raining outside."

Why didn't Bai Muxiao know this? Spring rain was falling on the leaves, and a rustling sound was emitted from the eaves. Like a sad song, Bai Muxiao felt that her heart was also crying ...

This night was so long for both of them.

He knew she wasn't asleep, and she knew that he left reluctantly until the sky showed a white belly ...

She also has heartache, but long pain is worse than short pain. She must calm down and make a choice!

It was getting brighter, and Bai Muxiao was still sitting by the window, without leaving for a long time ...

At this time, at the palace of Zhennan, on the other side of the capital, Nangong Yu waited for Xiao Yi to return to the room for breakfast.

Xiao Yi had just returned from practicing his sword. When he was about to have breakfast, he was hurriedly called away by the front yard. It was almost half an hour before he returned. Nangong Yu simply let people warm up the breakfast. I found a textbook and looked at it.

Half an hour later, Xiao Yi returned, stepped into the door and waved the girls to step back, and said cheerfully: "Smelly girl, there is news from Xiaojun."

At the sight of Xiao Yi's expression, Nangong Ai knew that this was definitely not bad news. He was so happy that he left the note book in his hand and asked, "Can Han Gongzi be okay?"

"Excellent." Xiao Yi took her to sit down on the beautician couch. "Xiaojun's kid has made a contribution this time, and it will reach Wangdu within a few days."

Nan Gongxi said cheerfully, "Sister Xi finally can rest assured! The last time I went to see sister Xi, she had lost a lot of weight!"

"Jun's luck is not bad. He found himself in an ambush in time. He simply calculated the plan, causing the Changdi people to mistakenly think that they died in the swamp, but they went around the path for a full ten days, lurking behind the Changdi army and burned. Once they had their granary, and then besieged with the army before and after ... This battle was really beautiful! Xiaojun also personally chopped Changdi's general Taka, this time he has made a lot of contributions. "Xiao Yi thought proudly: It really deserves to be his little brother, and he has not humiliated himself at all.

Nangong glanced brightly and asked, "Is there a reward for the emperor?" She paused. "If only he could reward Han Gongzi for a title, so that he can leave the house after he and sister Xi become married. It ’s better to be alone than to face the inexplicable Princess Qi all day. ”Princess Qi was Han Huaijun ’s aunt, and it was too easy to toss a sister-in-law in the inner house!

"The knighthood is easy to handle. It's just a branch ..." Xiao Yi's lips twitched and reached Nangong's ears. The heat exhaled from her mouth made her ears itch, and her heart could not help but jump quickly. Listening to Xiao Yi said, "The emperor places heavy filial piety, Xiaojun's parents are present, he will not easily agree to the branch office, we still need to plan, such as ..."

Nan Gong's earlobe was getting hotter and hotter. Later, he didn't even hear what he was talking about. He took the opportunity to hold him in his arms and stole a few kisses.

Nangong Yan was so red-faced that she kissed her, picked up the pillow and lost it. She couldn't help but chuckled and said, "Don't make a noise, I'm going to find Sister Xi." She must quickly tell Jiang Yixi the good news! Unfortunately, this is what Xiao Yi's people quietly probed back. It can't be made public. Fortunately, Sister Xi has always been tight-lipped!

Xiao Yi took it away when he saw it good, and he was afraid he would not be able to hold it any further.

He cheerfully watched Nangong yelled at the meal, and looked at her with a childish face, counting down secretly in his heart:

411 days left ...

Xiao Yi and Nan Gongyu lived in the beautiful city of Wangdu, but far away in the southern town of Zhennan, the dignified king of Zhennan, has not been very good recently! To be precise, since the last time Xiao Yi returned, Zhennan King felt bad luck and everything went wrong.

After all, I hoped that bad boy was gone, but I didn't expect that it still didn't improve at all.

The king of Zhennan threw down his pen annoyingly, and was about to go out for two laps, and the little sister outside said loudly: "Master Wang, General Song is looking for him."

Song Xiaojie?

King Zhennan previously sent Song Xiaojie to take over the military and internal affairs of Fuzhong and Kailian. He did it fast!

Thinking of this, King Zhennan finally felt better, and commanded: "Please General Song to come in."

Song Xiaojie entered the study, and after the ceremony, he sat at the bottom of the Zhennan king's hand.

The subordinate got on the tea, and after he took a sip of water, the king of the south of the town said with a smile: "Xiao Jie's journey has been hard. How is the situation in Fuzhong and Kailian?"

Song Xiaojie sighed secretly in his heart, got up and said, "Master Wang, Fuzhong and Kailian are now stable in people's livelihood. The military and civilians are working together to build the destroyed walls and houses. Shizi also ordered the two cities to waive taxes this year and dispatched them. Hundreds of carts of grain and herbs were sent to the two cities ... "

Zhennan Wang Ben listened to his obituary with a smile on his face, but after hearing that, his face became heavier and he asked Song Xiaojie coldly, and asked, "The sons of the world have all gone to the capital. Interfering in the affairs of the southern Xinjiang? You are really confused by these fools! ... Who is Fuzhong and Kailian's defense now? "

"Master Wang." Song Xiaojie didn't know what to say, but could only vaguely say, "The defense of the two cities is Cheng Yu."

"Let him see the King immediately!" King Jinnan frowned as soon as he finished speaking, "This Cheng Yu ... seems a bit familiar." A flash of aura in his brain, blurted out, "Isn't that the bad boy people?"

Song Xiaojie replied: "Cheng Shoubei is indeed left by the son."

Although it was not approved by Wang Ye, Shizi planted a manpower in southern Xinjiang, which was indeed a bit inappropriate. But this time, Song Xiaojie felt that Shizi did nothing wrong! Wang Ye did n’t know what he thought, because Fuzhong and Kailian were killed by Shizi's privately led troops, and he deliberately ignored them. If Shizi left behind people, he left his forages and herbs, and died again. The soldiers assisted in the reconstruction. After experiencing this great disaster, how could the two cities get a chance to rest and recuperate so smoothly.

When Song Xiaojie was in Fuzhong and Kailian, almost everyone was grateful for the kindness of the son, and for Wang Ye, although they didn't dare to say anything plainly, they all faced exclusion and alienation. Apparently, they also knew that the Lord was not willing to help the son that day.

Lord Wang did it wrong from the beginning!

Song Xiaojie sighed secretly, but the king of Zhennan was furious. "Extortion! This villain was so presumptuous. The king is still alive, he dared to seize power without authorization. There is no king in the eyes of this villain! This king has to join him! A sin of filial piety! "

Song Xiaojie can only say: "Master Wang, please be angry."

King Zhennan covered his chest, only feeling a sullen mass in his heart, painful in his heart, and his mouth continued to be angry: "Breath anger! Breath anger! How do you let the king breathe ?! What, don't hurry to send someone to take back Fuzhong and Kailian! "

"Master Wang." Song Xiaojie bowed, "Don't! Master Wang once passed down the iron law. In wartime, in order to stabilize the rear, the Lord will have the right to order the internal affairs. Cheng Shoubei was ordered by Shizi during the war, and now he has no By mistake, how can Lord Wang revoke him at will? Disagreement between the government and the government is a taboo, and it will shake the hearts of the people in Fuzhong and Kailian! Please think twice. "

At that time, the defenses of Fuzhong and Kailian were killed by Nanman. After taking over the two cities, it was taken for granted that Shiziye took over the two cities. Wangye had no objection at that time. Now, why should Cheng Yu be the son of Shiyu? Withdraw him. So casual, it will only cause dissatisfaction in southern Xinjiang!

Thinking of this time, Song Xiaojie couldn't help but add: "Master, please take care of the overall situation."

There was a fishy smell in Zhennan's throat, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Isn't it okay for the king to take that villain?"

Song Xiaojie bowed his head and didn't say a word. In the end, the grandfather is the biological son of the grandfather and the eldest son of the uncle. Such an outstanding son is annoying to anyone. Why does the grandfather hate this?

King Zhennan was walking back and forth in the study, how could he not hold down the suffocation in his heart, and he couldn't help saying "Niezi! Niezi!" After a while, he remembered another thing and asked: "You and Tian How are you talking about? "

Xiao Yi refused to return the soldier's amulet, so that Zhennan King's heart was still breathing a sigh of relief, but the soldier's amulet returned to the soldier, he was the grand king of the southern town, and those judges should of course listen to him. It was only when Xiao Yi left that he gave them to Tian He, and the King of the South of the Town felt that he should still show respect for the veteran.

Speaking of this, Song Xiaojie's face was stiff, and he took a letter from his arms, bowed slightly, and handed the letter respectfully to King Zhennan. "General Tian wrote a trust and handed it to Wang Ye. Lord Wang, please! "

The king of Zhennan took the envelope, and the red fire paint on it was intact. He quickly opened the letter and looked up. Tian He firstly praised Xiao Yi with hundreds of words in the letter, and congratulated King Zhennan for having such a brave and brave son, and then Telling about the praise and admiration of Xiao Yi from the people and the army in southern Xinjiang until the end of the conversation--

"... At the end I will understand that the Lord is a kind father, and he is afraid of the young son and has little experience. He wants to help the son. In order to let the young eagle learn to fly, the female eagle can only push it down the cliff with tears ... In order to let the son spread his wings like an eagle, he bravely suggested that the king give the son a try, so that the son can be washed away. name……"

"Is there any reason ..."

King Zhennan spoke these words almost gritted, a gloom glinting in his eyes.

Tian He's letter was barely noticeable when he looked at it in front, but what do the following sentences mean?

Are you implying that you have restrained Xiao Yi and adopted Xiao Yi?

Since Xiao Yi left, he feels that the veterans left by the father have suddenly alienated themselves. They thought they were their illusions, but now it seems that these people have been bought by the villain. It's up!

The king of Zhennan became more and more irritable, and he couldn't bear it. He was angry and said: "It is Xiao Yi who is unyielding, arrogant, and disrespectful to the king ... now because he has fought several victories, he dares to blame Ben Wang, how can this be true! My king will abolish him, he must abolish him! "His face was red, and it seemed that he would faint at any time.

Song Xiaojie was shocked. He didn't know what was written in Tian He's letter, but listening to the tone of King Zhennan, the content of the letter must have something to do with Xiao Yi.

However, how can the waste of Shizi be said at will? Shizi has military merits and has won the hearts of the people. If Wang Yi walks alone, I am afraid that the people in southern Xinjiang will be even more excluded.

"Master Wang ..." Song Xiaojie was trying to persuade him to calm down the king of Zhennan, and then someone heard the respectful report outside the door: "Master Wang, please concubine Wei."

King Zhennan took a deep breath, suppressing his anger, and said in a deep voice, "Please come in, concubine Wei." He gave Song Xiaojie a slight glance.

Song Xiaojie sighed, thinking: Wang Ye is still so public-private, so in order to see a concubine, he ignores the business. But thinking about it, he bowed with great wink: "Master, then you will retreat first."

Zhennan King nodded.

Song Xiaojie reluctantly exited the study, and then Wei Fei, holding a rosewood food container, stepped in and walked in.

"Wei met Wang Ye." Although Wei, who was less than twenty Fanghua, had given birth to a daughter, her slender waist was still as delicate as a willow in March, and she blessed herself to the king of Zhennan.

When King Zhennan saw her, his anger was more than half off, and he said, "Why don't you have to be so polite?"

Wei's still knows how to watch and watch, and suddenly sees that King Zhennan is in a bad mood. He gently asks: "The Lord is in a good position, and he should take care of himself. If you have any troubles, talk to Weier. Depressed. "

The King of Zhennan was touched and said sincerely: "I still want to concubine for the King." He also wanted to talk to others, and then shook his head and sighed, "It's not for the villain."

When he heard the word "inverse son", Wei's heart could not help but "scratch" a bit, and immediately thought that he was scolding Xiao Yi.

Wei Shi naturally understands her identity and how she entered the Zhennan King's Mansion. She knows this man's heart and means far better than Zhennan King. Weishi knows that no matter how much Zhennan King hates Shizi, this town of Nannan will someday be Shizi. In order that he and his daughter can live a comfortable life in the future, Shizi must not offend.

Although Wei's didn't know what Zhennan King was upset at the moment, he still approached gently, stroking his chest with cellulose fiber water, and said softly, "The king is angry. According to what Weier sees, Shizi still respects Wang Ye very much. Yes, even far away in Wangdu, the etiquette has never been less this year, which means that in the heart of Shizi, he is still thinking about Wangye. However, after all, Shizi is young and may act lightly, and he needs to pay more attention to him in the future. She said with a grin on her lips. "There is an old saying in the embarrassing hometown, 'Children are debts', how can parents not worry about their children?"

The King of Zhennan didn't say anything, but his face eased a lot. After a while, he slowly nodded and said, "My concubine is right, my son and daughter are debts.... Whoever made my king owe him all his life. . "

Wei ’s mind was too much to say, and he did n’t continue. Instead, he put the food container on the book case and opened it while saying, “Master, you have worked hard in recent days. Weier has made a peach cake, and Please taste it. "

The beauty of the beauty, how can the King of Zhennan live up to it, and at the same time his mood is much smoother, he tasted a piece, and nodded in praise: "The craft of Ai Fei is really extraordinary, this is what the King has eaten The best peach cake. "

Wei smiled like a spring flower and blessed her body: "Navier thanked Wang Ye for his praise."

Wei went to the back of King Zhennan, holding his shoulders gently for him, until his expression was completely relieved, and then he was relieved, and said, "Master Wang, Weier wants something to do with him. Wang Ye to discuss. "

King Zhennan said: "My concubine is okay but she is defenseless."

Wei ’s Han smiled, “I do n’t know if Lord Wang can remember the person who served next to the second son ...”

The king of Zhennan raised his eyebrows slightly. He used to hear that Xiao Fang's number fell into that person, but he didn't care too much. In his opinion, what kind of person was nothing but a plaything. Brother Luan liked it, so he stayed with him to serve. .

Wei saw that Zhennan King did not show his dark color, and continued safely: "Master Wang, Pina Pian has been with the second son for a while, and Weier wondered if she should open her face to Pina and give her a name. . "

The King of Zhennan could not help but frowned, but did not immediately agree. That Pina is from a green house, not even the slaves in the palace, and his status is too low. Moreover, Brother Luan has not married, and it is inappropriate to put a famous woman in the room.

However, Wei ’s eyes touched with tears. He picked up a piece of parchment and wiped the corner of his eyes, saying, “Wei Er also knows that Pian Pian ’s identity is too low, but Pian Pian is also the daughter of a scholar, if not his father She disappeared early, and the mother remarried again. How could she be sold to such a place by her stepfather ... "With her eyes red," Looking at Pina, Weier thought of herself. If it wasn't for Weier To the Lord ... I don't know where it will end up! "

Thinking of Wei ’s original situation, the King of Zhennan also felt it and hesitated again. His thoughts were nothing more than open faces. It would be better to be a concubine at best.

King Zhennan finally said, "Love concubine, listen to you."

Wei's tears burst into laughter, and she was blessed and said, "Then Weier thanked the lord for her."

King Zhennan held Wei's pair of prime hands and was about to say something tender and sweet, and a whisper came from the door: "Master Wang, the king has come to the decree ..."

Decree! How can there be a decree at this time?

King Zhennan Huo Ran got up and said, "Please wait for the angel, this king will pass."

"Yes, Lord." Xiao Yan hurried back.

Wei's busy and thoughtful said: "Since Lord Wang has something to do, Weier will not bother."

King Zhennan nodded solemnly and hurried out of the study.

Wei followed closely behind, but did not leave immediately, but stood still, respectfully watching the back of King Zhennan leaving, and then he winked at the maidservant Fan Dai, who went to Xiao Luan together .

When Xiao Luan heard the news of Wei ’s arrival, he hurried out to greet him: “I have seen the mother-in-law.” Looking at Wei ’s eyes, there was a touch of eagerness, could it be said that ...

There was a flash of light in Wei ’s eyes, but there was a loving expression on his face, just as a mother looked at her child, and said with a smile: "Lang brother, mother-in-law finally fulfills your trust , Your father and king have agreed to open Pian Pian! "

Xiao Luan looked at Wei's with ecstasy, finally remembered the number of politeness, bowed out and said, "Thank Mother Fei for her success!" He paused and still asked, "Mother Fei, the father and the king can agree Let's make Piao Ping? "

"Let's make a house for the time being." Seeing Xiao Luan's disappointment, Wei's mildly relieved, "However, despite your peace of mind, Mother Wei Fei promised you that you would go to talk to your father later , To lift Pina Ping into a puppet. "

With her promise, Xiao Luan was overjoyed and thanked again: "Thank you Mother Consort."

Xiao Luan's heart almost flew up.

Weishi saw that his heart was already flying to that person, and the corner of his mouth made a smile at an angle he couldn't see, and thoughtfully said, "Luan brother, mother-in-law will not bother you to read."

Xiao Luan personally sent Wei's to the courtyard, followed by going back and dressing up, and then eagerly headed for the inner courtyard. He had to quickly tell Pian Pian the good news!

He had promised Pina Ping long ago, he would definitely open her face and correct her status, but I do n’t know why the mother-in-law just looked at Pina Pian, but she did n’t agree with her life ... I did n’t expect the mother-in-law to go to the temple to pray, and the palace was made by her Wei ’s head, she did n’t go to the mother-in-law to make such a request, she not only agreed, but also helped him achieve his wish so quickly!

Mother Wei was really better to him than mother, no matter what he did, she helped him.

Xiao Luan at this time was really anxious to defend his mother-in-law!

As for the mother-in-law ... Well, it's better to wait until Pina Pian is lifted up, and then come back, so as not to obstruct them again.

On the other side, the angel who came to pass the order has left, leaving only King Zhennan holding the sacred order in the main hall.

The emperor deliberately sent an imperial order three thousand li, so that the little concubine of the princess would return the occupation of the industry and the silver obtained in the past years to the child Xiao Yi within one month!

Last time, the queen made a decree to reprimand Xiao Fang for occupying Xiao Yi's shop, and also to put money in the child's shop, but at that time Xiao Fang claimed that she was trapped by her shopkeeper. At that time, the king of Zhennan believed it, but he also planned to investigate in detail what happened to the shop. However, because Xiao Yi left him a mess after leaving Nanjiang, he was so busy that he was so anxious. I completely forgot about it.

Unexpectedly, it didn't take long before this, the imperial edict of the emperor actually came!

Let's not say why the emperor issued such an imperial edict. What Zhennan King did not understand was what happened to the industry mentioned in the imperial edict. She is still alive and she has n’t split up. Where did Xiao Yi come from?

How much does his princess know! ?

King Zhennan ’s heart is getting deeper and he hates this feeling of being blinded in the drum. After thinking about it for a while, he orders Xiaomao to prepare his horse. He will go to Mingqing Temple in person and find Xiao Fang asked clearly.

King Zhennan immediately set off from the palace and arrived at the Ming and Qing Temple in the evening.

"Here is the king !?"

Xiao Fang was overjoyed when Zhennan King came.

Since she came to the Ming and Qing temples, Wang Ye has never visited herself. She thought that Wang Ye must have been fascinated by Wei's bitch, so that she had forgotten everything!

Unexpectedly, Wang Ye still has his own heart!

Xiao Fang was busy telling the girl to help her quickly arrange her clothes, and inserted a pearl emerald Dongling jade jade pendant into her hair, and after arranging her horns, she went to welcome the town with a skirt. South King.

"Have seen the Lord!"

She had a good fortune and thought that the Zhennan King would come to help each other, but unexpectedly, the Zhennan King frowned and looked at her, and said unhappyly: "The princess came to pray in the temple. This dress is really not very respectful, or Go change it. "

Xiao Fang's husband and wife of Zhennan King for many years, naturally heard that he was in a bad mood, although I do not know what it is, but still said with great vigour: "Ji Shen just heard that Lord Wang is here, so I dressed up. Lord Wang said That ’s right. When you come to this Ming and Qing temple to pray, naturally you ca n’t be rude in front of the Buddha. Please wait for me. ”

Xiao Fangshi hurriedly returned to the Zen room, while letting her waitress change her clothes, while letting people inquire into what happened.

After she removed the beads and changed her green cloth clothes, Mingmu said back and forth that King Zhennan came in a hurry after receiving the decree, and his face was extremely bad ...

Xiao Fang's heart sank, suspecting that this imperial edict was not a good thing, otherwise, how could Zhennan King be so attitude ...

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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