"His Royal Highness."

In the study room of Minghua Palace, Lilizi fell to his knees and repeated the news of his own inquiry, saying, "In the early morning, King University scholars gave up their gifts and asked the emperor to establish His Royal Highness Five Princes as Princes. The Emperor said that His Royal Highness Five When he was still young, he had to observe another year and make a decision. But after the San Dynasty, the ministers all said that His Royal Highness Five was set to be Prince Edward.

Han Ling was so ashamed that he sat down paralyzed.

He knew too much about his father-in-law. For so many years, whenever he mentioned the prince, he would avoid it until last year ...

Ever since the courtier invited the five emperor brothers last year, the father emperor has clearly paid more attention to the five emperor brothers. Han Lingfu was frightened for a long time and was afraid that the father emperor would make up his mind.

This prince is a major event related to the up and down of the court. Although the father did not immediately seal the fifth emperor as the prince, he did not hesitate to indicate the direction of the sacred heart. He has regarded the fifth emperor as the future heir. In this year, unless the fifth emperor behaves badly, he will be the future prince.

This is not only him, but those courtiers must also be conceivable.

Han Lingfu was walking anxiously in the study.

Bai Muxiao once told him that it is not a good thing to be established as a prince now. The father emperor is in full bloom in the spring and autumn, and the prince is powerful.

He acknowledged that Bai Muxiao had some truth, but made him watch the five emperor brothers step by step, which was impossible!

The prince is a well-deserved prince. In the event of something unexpected to his father, the prince is the undisputed new emperor. Could he still force the palace to take over?

Han Lingfu thought more and more anxious, but now his family was degraded. He showed his favor to the Pingyang Hou Qu family, but he was still treated with cold eyes, so much that he didn't even have a person to discuss now ...

Thinking of this, Han Lingfu's gaze suddenly stopped at the jade pendant wolf pen placed on the book case. This wolf was given to himself by the third princess Cui Yanyan, so she let it go.

Cui family, yeah, he still has Cui family in-laws to help.

Since the new crossbow incident, Cui Wei's work was unreliable, which made Han Ling feel dissatisfied and alienated, but now no one is available ...

Han Lingfu's eyes flashed a decisive decision, and he directed Xiaolizi: "Little Lizi, go to Cuifu!"

Xiaolizi saw that Han Lingfu had made a decision, and he felt a little relieved, and retreated with the fastest speed.

As soon as he left the study door, the little **** who was outside told him that the three princesses had been there. Little Li Zi nodded and said he knew, and immediately ordered him to go to the chariot, and went back to report Han Lingfu.

Han Lingfu frowned slightly when he heard that, if his Xiaoer would come in to comfort him and discuss the countermeasures with him instead of "sensible" avoiding just because he found that he was in a bad mood.

Such three princesses, he took her for granted.

Not long after, someone came to report that the carriage was ready. So, one hour later, Han Lingfu arrived at Cui's house.

Cui Wei greeted him into the study, and after he was served hot tea, Cui Wei waved them back, leaving people to guard outside the study, leaving only the two of them and a small exciter.

"His Highness is here this time, but for today's early affairs?" Cui Wei asked tentatively.

Han Lingfu bowed his head a little, and the Cui family was destined to be tied to him. So he also simply said: "Now the five emperor brothers and queens are rising, and this palace can't just ignore it!"

Cui Wei said respectfully: "His Royal Highness has spoken so well."

If in the past, the fifth prince was a sister-in-law, for Cui Wei, it is not wrong for him to be made a prince, but now, since his daughter has become the third prince, he naturally hopes that Han Lingfu will be able to win Dabao and let Cui Home can rise to heaven.

Cui Wei is very uneasy today. If Han Lingfu does not come to him, I am afraid that he will go to Han Lingfu to explore the tone. Now it seems that Han Lingfu really has this vow to this position, so it's easy to handle!

Han Lingfu took a symbolic sip of tea and said directly: "I don't know what your father-in-law suggested?"

Cui Wei said an idea he had come up with and said meaningfully: "What does His Highness think of Jian'anbo?"

Han Ling frowned, "Jian'anbo?"

Jian'an Mansion has been trusted since the first emperor, and even the Xian emperor handed over the Jianshan camp to the old Jian'an governor. Now it is inherited by the current Jianbobe. Sheshan Jianrui Battalion is stationed in Laoshan, twenty miles southwest of the capital of the capital. It is one of the important troops of the capital of the capital of the capital. It has twelve battalions of troops, each with about 500 people and a total of more than 6,000. The military strength is not much, but the one is that it is close to the king. The two, this Jianrui battalion is not an ordinary army, but a ladder ladder unit formed in the era of the first emperor. Ascending the city with thin meat, he made a lot of achievements in siege.

If you can control the Jianrui camp of Sheshan, it will probably play a vital role in winning the battle in the future.

Han Lingfu naturally wanted to draw Jian'anbo, but ...

He frowned slightly, Jian'anbo was relatively rigid. He had tried several times before when he gained power, but the other side did not accept the move, obviously he did not want to stand in the middle of the robbery.

Cui Wei continued: "Before the son of Jian'an was an undisputable son, but now ..." Then, Cui Wei snorted coldly, disdain, "Now Pei Yuanchen, the son of Jian'an, is just a dead man. How can he inherit the title. If His Royal Highness can help Jian'anbo's second room take the place of the son, they will naturally ... "

The title of the second-family house knight in Jian'anbo Mansion jumped up and down for this purpose. It can be said that everyone in Sima Zhao's heart knows it, and how Han Lingfu doesn't know. Originally, he wanted to draw Jian'anbo away from the second house, but now it's reasonable to hear Cui Wei say this. Rather than relying on Jian Anbo, who did not know what to do, give the second room a grace. The second room was affordable, and naturally it was his person!

Han Lingfu thought more and more that the matter was feasible, and a faint smile smiled at the corners of his mouth, saying, "The father-in-law said so much. ... This matter will bother the father-in-law."

"Please be assured, Your Highness." Cui Wei agreed quickly, and before Han Lingfu was satisfied with his acquaintance, he listened to him and said, "... Your Highness, Yaner is in the palace now. When she was at home, she liked the preserves made by her mother most, and troubled her Royal Highness to hand them over to Yan'er. "

Cui Yanyan? Han Lingfu's eyes flashed a stiffness, and a bit of dissatisfaction appeared in his heart: Cui Wei really had to go in. He said that the palace looks like a dragon and a tiger's hole. Is it because Cui Yanyan is missing or she wears it, and even the candied fruit must be sent to the palace !!

No matter what he thought, he smiled softly on his face, and said, "That little sister thanked her father-in-law for Yan'er."

For the first time, Han Lingfu called himself Xiao Cui in front of Cui Wei, naturally she meant to be close.

Cui Wei smiled with satisfaction, and then said, "His Royal Highness, Yan'er was born and raised from childhood. If there is any offense on weekdays, please ask His Royal Highness not to blame her."

Han Lingfu was unhappy, but she also knew that she still needed the help of the Cui family to endure patience and said, "My father-in-law is very important. Yaner is gentle and gentle, and he has a wife, but it is a blessing to Xiaoyan."

For a while, Weng Yan both laughed and looked at him with great affection. As for the bottom of their hearts, only they knew what they were thinking.

After discussing with Cui Wei for a few days, Han Lingfu's carriage drove out of Cui's house.

In the carriage, Han Lingfu had no smile on her face for a long time, and looked grimly at a jar of **** plums aside.

Just now Cui Wei said what candied fruit he thought, what kind of candied fruit or petals like begonias and roses, but he didn't want to be sour plums.

This girl is naturally sweet-smelling, but what sour plum Cui Yanyan likes to eat?

The fact that they have n’t yet rounded the room made Cui Yanyan known to everyone the last time, which made him a laughingstock. I thought she would naturally converge in the cold, but I didn't expect Cui Yanyan to be okay, but she wanted to rely on her family to let him submit. Cui Wei also knows that he now needs to rely on the Cui family, and wants to use this to imply that he should let Cui Yanyan give birth to the grandson as soon as possible?

Han Lingfu's eyes narrowed slightly, and the dissatisfaction in her heart was even stronger. This Cui Fu is too greedy!

Seeing that Han Lingfu's face was not good, Lilizi carefully asked, "His Royal Highness, will you return to the palace?"

Han Lingfu lifted the curtains, glanced at the gray sky outside the car, and said quietly, "Go back to the palace."

The coachman responded, the whip waved high, and the carriage galloped towards the palace all the way.

After entering the palace, Han Lingfu returned directly to Minghua Palace. He had wanted to go directly to his house, hesitated, and eventually went to Cui Yanyan.

Before Han Lingfu had arrived at the door, Cui Yanyan had already received a report from the housekeeper, saying that Her Royal Highness Three was coming to her residence. She was both joyful and shameful, and could not help thinking: It was late, and Her Highness came to her at this time Did he finally figure it out?

Cui Yanyan felt a burst of spring love in her heart, hurriedly packed herself and greeted her out of the house.

"I have seen His Royal Highness." Cui Yanyan gracefully salutes Han Lingfu, deliberately leaning her more perfect right face towards Han Lingfu.

It's a pity that her actions were nothing more than a waste of effort. Han Lingfu didn't even look at her, and said faintly: "No courtesy. Come in and speak."

Cui Yanyan did not expect that Han Lingfu's attitude towards her was still so cold, but she soon said to herself, as long as he was willing to come to her, as long as he was willing to accept her, she would not believe that he could warm his heart!

Thinking of this, Cui Yanyan smiled charmingly, Wen said: "His Royal Highness, please." She asked Han Ling to enter the inner room with a low eyebrow.

After Han Lingfu took his seat, Cui Yanyan poured him a cup of tea, "His Royal Highness, drink a cup of tea first, and moisten your throat." Then asked, "Have you ever had a meal? Should you prepare yourself?"

Cui Yanyan confessed that she was virtuous, and she did nothing wrong, but any move she saw was annoying in Han Lingfu's eyes. Anything she said was noisy in his ears. He said impatiently: pass."

What he thought of, looked at Little Lizi, "Little Lizi ..."

With a look in his eyes, Xiaolizi understood, and hurried the pot of sour plums to Cui Yanyan's dowry girl.

"Is this a gift from Her Royal Highness?" Cui Yanyan said with surprise, "Thank Your Highness, I like very much." She eagerly smiled from the jar of sour plums in the hands of the bridesmaid.

"This is brought to you by Mrs. Cui's Tortomiya." Han Lingfu did not give her the opportunity to dream, and said the fact indifferently.

Cui Yanyan's complexion froze for a moment, but she quickly smiled casually, "The body still has to thank His Highness for bringing the body into the palace."

Cui Yanyan set the sour plums aside, and said to Han Ling, "His Royal Highness, I went to accompany my mother and talked."

"Oh." Han Lingfu casually blew tea foam.

Cui Yanyan twisted Pa Zi shyly, "Mother-in-law, she hopes that we have good news soon ..." She said that her bow was lowered even lower, without seeing the irony in Han Lingfu's eyes.

Han Lingfu looked at the jar of sour plums with a smile, and this Cui Yanyan had a lot of flowers. He used Cui's power to coerce him for a while, and then pressed his mother to hold him down. Do you think he would bow his head?

Seeing that Han Lingfu was slow to respond, Cui Yanyan was anxious, thinking that she had been keeping the vacancies alone since her wedding ... can't go on like this!

Cui Yanyan bit her lip. Rarely, Han Lingfu came to her here. She couldn't miss the opportunity for nothing. Today, how can she leave Han Ling to stay overnight to try to have a son as soon as possible.

Cui Yanyan couldn't be shy, raised her noodles, and tempted tenderly toward Han Lingfu: "Your Highness, it's getting late, and it's time to sleep." Her eyes were like spring water, and her soft sakura Hongfang lips slightly opened up, shyly. Looking at Han Lingfu.

But he didn't want to, Han Lingfu stood up indifferently and said, "Then you just rest early." Then he turned and walked outside.

Cui Yanyan was embarrassed, and Han Lingfu had to leave. How could this be!

She didn't want to, she hurried forward and caught Han Lingfu's sleeves, blurted out: "Your Highness, you don't stay ..." Overnight?

Han Lingfu looked at the slim hand that grabbed his cuff, and there was a look of disgust in his eyes. The original cold look became more and more condensed. Jun face seemed to have a layer of frost, and he said in a deep voice, "This palace is going If you want to stay, do you still need your consent? "

He pinched Cui Yanyan's wrist coldly, and the piercing pain made her whistle, and her hands were reflectively shrunk, her face was white, and she trembled, "His Royal Highness forgive me, this is not what I mean."

"No matter what you mean, this palace wants you to remember it!" Han Lingfu interrupted her with a cold voice and looked at her with warning, "You are already the third prince, it's time to be content, good Keep your duty of the three princesses, don't think about things you shouldn't have ... "

What does he mean! ? Cui Yanyan's pupils shrank, and she looked at Han Lingfu in disbelief, her mouth opened and closed, but she seemed to be taking dumb medicine, and she could not make a sound.

Han Lingfu was too lazy to look at Cui Yanyan again, and threw his sleeve out of the room coldly.

If the dowry maidservant at the side chills, shrinks her head and dares not to make a sound.

Cui Yanyan stood still, her mind was blank, and it took a long time for her to return.

She never thought that Han Lingfu would actually say such a thing to her. What did he mean by that, was she to make her a grand princess a show for outsiders?

Cui Yanyan shuddered with anger, and her entire face was like a ghost, biting her lower lip fiercely, and muttering to herself, "Why? Why ..." He wanted to treat himself like this!

The answer immediately came to Cui Yanyan's mind--

Bai Mu Xiao!

Han Lingfu will treat himself like this, no doubt for Bai Muxiao's bitch!

Cui Yanyan couldn't help but think of Han Lingfu's personal visit to Guozijian to pick up Bai Muxiao, and could not restrain the monstrous hatred in his heart.

Originally, when she saw that Han Lingfu was in a bad mood today, she wanted to take a step back. Don't mention it again to offend him.

But that's it, even if she wants to retreat, there is no way back!

This Bai Muxiao, she has already fascinated Han Lingfu before she passed through the door, not only making herself the grande concubine the laughingstock between the noble ladies and noble ladies in the capital, but also making Han Lingfu indifferent to her ... When she really passed through the door, she said that she would sooner or later be stepped in the mud.

Cui Yanyan was angry, jealous, and hated. If Han Lingfu only liked Bai Muxiao's color, she wouldn't mind at all, anyway, men are the same, just like his father hasn't had one aunt after another. Even if such a low-grade wife is favored for a while, it is just a man who is greedy for freshness and beauty, as long as she firmly holds her position as the right wife, she always has her rules.

But now ...

Cui Yanyan's eyes were as gloomy as the storm approaching. She was still thinking about waiting for Mu Muxiao to enter the door, and then torture it slowly. Now, she is absolutely sure of everything, that is, she must not let Bai Muxiao enter the door!

Cui Yanyan couldn't help looking at the jumping candlelight, her face sinking like water.

Time passed quickly, with May's tail flashing in the warm winds of early summer, and then in June.

Nangong's fourteen-year-old birthday has finally arrived.

Although Xiao Yi has officially led the errand, for him, errands and other things, where Nangong Yan's birthday is important, so he just pushed things to the deputy commander and happily led Nangong Yan. Go out and go to Ritangshan.

He took her out to play, and Nangong Yu naturally let him arrange everything.

Xiao Yi was in this hot spring village under the Tangshan Mountain. It wasn't the first time for the two of them to come, and they didn't need other people to lead the way. Xiao Yi familiarly took Nangong to one of the hot springs in Zhuangzi.

There are several spring eyes in this village, and they constantly brag about hot springs all year round.

Xiao Yi specially chose the largest spring eye, and ordered someone to build a house next to it as a bathroom early. Among them, a pond of three or four feet square was dug and the hot spring water was introduced into the pool. It's done.

I saw that the milky hot spring surface was bubbling with heat, like clouds and mist, making the whole bathroom misty and the vision was not very clear.

Nangong Yuan's gaze was fixed on several pear-wood trays beside the pond, with several white coats on it, as well as fresh fruit and fruit wine.

Nangong suddenly realized that he frowned, "It turns out that you took me to a hot spring today."

Xiao Yi nodded with a smile: "It's such a good hot spring village, it's not good to come to the bubble, isn't it violent to the heavens?" Then he started to take off his robe.

Nangong Yan's eyes twitched and his tone was a little stiff. "You ... wouldn't you want to join me?"

Xiao Yi ’s action paused, and Junmei ’s face was half drooping. She pulled her neckline “coquettishly” and said, “Even the jade body of Ben Shizi is useless, and Ben Shizi ’s coat will never be taken off. Yes! Ben Shizi will surely protect himself like Shi Jie's concubine! "Then he cast a wink at him.

Nangong wore a black line on his face, and translated his "ghost words" into adult words, which means that he would wear a tunics to take a hot spring with her.

And Lily on the side was already covering her mouth and sulking, her shoulders shaking.

Nangong Yan glanced at the milky hot spring water, and felt that Xiao Yi's suggestion was not infeasible. He simply asked Bai Huili to undress her and removed the hair accessories on her head. The offer came to her head ... Although it was a bit troublesome, when she was soaked in the hot spring water, she felt that everything was worth it.

The tiredness from the previous trip that lasted for more than a hour seemed to dissolve with the heat. I just felt that the heavens and the earth were so comfortable.

Nangong Yan was immersed in the warm hot spring, only her head was exposed, and the steam was steaming around her, and she soon steamed her pretty face with redness and water.

Xiao Yi kept looking at her with a smile, leaning back secretly and holding her hand under the water.

Nangong Xu turned his head and smiled at him. That delicate smile made Xiao Yi only feel that his heart was going to melt.

After soaking for nearly half an hour, the two came out of the hot spring and picked some fresh fruits and vegetables together. Xiao Yi also took her up the mountain to play some game. Nangong Yu wanted to cook in person, but today is her birthday, and Xiao Yi is brave enough to make a great meal for her.

Nangong frowns with a smile, watching Xiao Yi with a smile, busy for himself.

Although Xiao Yi's cooking skills are generally not as good as the best ingredients are cooked like the cauldron rice in the barracks, Nangong Yu still eats well.

Her compliment made Xiao Yi proud and decided to practice well, and cook a meal for his stinky girl next time!

The two stayed in the happy Zhuangzi for one night, and went to the mountain again the next morning, before returning to the capital.

By the time they returned to the palace, the sunset was almost completely down.

The two got out of the carriage at Ermen and saw that Zhu Xing was already there. Obviously something had to be reported to Xiao Yi.

"Then I'll go back first."

Nangong Yan said that he would go back to the inner courtyard alone, but Xiao Yi took her hand and refused to let go, so Nangong Yan went with him.

Zhu Xing watched his eyes and his nose, and stood there with his nose and his heart, turning a blind eye to the two guys who were so sticky, and rejoicing in their hearts: Shi Ziye and Shi Zifei were so good! Maybe next year ... well, maybe the year after, there will be little masters!

The three quickly arrived in the study. After sitting down, Zhu Xing reported one by one about what happened to Xiaodu during the two days when Xiao Yi left the capital.

Most are political affairs, including the emperor officially setting the opening time of the second and third princes; three adult princes were successively placed in the Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of Industry and the Lifan Academy, and the fifth prince went to the Ministry of Households; Baiyue envoys The matter of reconciliation was brought up again, but the emperor just let the three princes continue to accompany them to play around the capital, and avoided the proposal of reconciliation.

Besides that, there is one more thing ...

"... In the early days of today, Lord Zuo Langgu, the Minister of Ritual, gave the emperor a petition, and urged the emperor to rectify the family honours. He said that the emperor had said in the world that the ruler should have rules, one was the sister-in-law, and the other was virtue Those who are disadvantaged are not allowed to attack; third, people with disabilities are not allowed to attack. Many of the current honors are out of compliance and cannot be condoned.

Xiao Yi slightly jaw head, this is really not a big deal, but the etiquette suddenly put on such a letter, I do not know what the reasons are.

At this time, Nangong Yu was slightly surprised, and asked, "People with a disability must not attack the lord ... Is this really what Emperor Xian said?"

Zhu Xing wondered why she asked this, but still replied: "When the emperor was alive, such rules were established, but they were not strictly required. As long as the emperor approved the discount, there was no People put their beaks .... Even if the **** hits the baron, there are one or two in the capital. "

Nangong Nian's face was not good, and he asked, "Can the emperor have a quatrain?"

Zhu Xing replied: "The emperor ordered the Cabinet to discuss it again. No conclusion."

Nangong frowned and said, "If the emperor allowed it, what would the elder brother do?"

Pei Yuanchen's poor performance is exactly what can be classified as "disabled". If you do not have the title of Shizi, you will not be able to continue your throne in the future. In the future, the long room can only be attached to the second room. For the time being, regardless, the second room of the Pei family is not a fuel-saving lamp!

Xiao Yi frowned slightly, and suddenly said, "Why did the ancient master of the Ritual suddenly propose this to the emperor? ... It is just a coincidence, or is there no intention?"

Nangong Weiwei, "Ayi, do you mean ... was this intentionally arranged?"

Xiao Yi said with a smile: "Not long ago, in the early dynasty, someone asked the five princes to be crown princes, and it was almost acceptable to see the emperor's attitude. Moreover, the five princes were sent to the household this time, and the emperor apparently began to train him. Deal with politics. "

Naturally, Nangong Yu also knew this, so listening to Xiao Yi continued: "I think the three adult princes may be unwilling to try to let go." He said, and explained to Nangong Yu, "If I If you remember correctly, the Pei family in Jian'anbo Prefecture has led the errands of Jianrui Camp in Sheshan since their ancestors. "

Nangong Xun blurted out, "Sheshan Jianrui Camp?" She was as if she was initiating, and suddenly understood. "Did this incident have been aimed at the elder brother's position from the beginning?"

Xiao Yi said sharply, "If you can get the support of Jian'anfu from the capital of Jianshan, you will be the best help to win. But Jian'anbo has always been stable and only loyal to the emperor. , Will not easily favor any prince. So, which prince should want to find another way. "

Since the current Jian'anbo support is not available, the same is true for the next Jian'anbo support.

Once helping the second house win the title, then you can firmly hold Jian'anbo Mansion and even Laishan Jian Ruiying in your hands.

What a great calculation!

By the rules set by the emperor, Pei Yuanchen can easily take the position of Pei Yuanchen, and Pei's parent room has only one son Pei Yuanchen, and Pei Yuanchen has no sons and daughters. The son of Jian'an Bo Shizi will undoubtedly fall into the second room. Hands.

Seeing Nangong aggrieved, Xiao Yi was distressed. Neither the dispute over the birth of Jian'an Mansion nor the battle for the throne of the royal family had nothing to do with him. He never cared, but it was so upset for the stinky girl. That is simply unforgivable!

Xiao Yi ordered without hesitation; "Zhu Xing, order someone to look up the ancient master of this ritual department. I want to know which prince he is."

Zhu Xing respected his orders and went out to command others.

Xiao Yi shook Nangong's hand, comfortingly said, "Don't worry, figure things out first, and then we'll take countermeasures."

Nangong nodded and smiled at him reluctantly.

The emperor's three elder princes all had the desire to win. Although she felt that Han Lingfu was more suspicious, she couldn't make a conclusion without verifying everything.

Nangong thought for a moment and called out Bai Hui, who was standing in the study room, and said, "Take the fruit wine we brought back from Zhuangzi today to Jian'an Mansion for the older sister to try.

Evening in the evening, he deliberately gave fruit wine to the past. Obviously, it was not so simple for Nangong to taste it. Bai Hui understood it and retreated.

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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