In the Imperial Study Room, the lights were bright, and the emperor sat alone in front of an endgame chessboard, meditating hard.

This endgame was left by Xiao Yi today. According to him, he saw it from an ancient book and thought it was very interesting, so he deliberately took it to embarrass himself. Thinking of Xiao Yi's elated expression that he must not be able to solve it, the emperor decided that he must solve it.

However, from noon to the present, I still find nothing.

Where is this sunspot's life?

"Emperor." Liu Gonggong's voice interrupted his thinking. "The official Houhou is here."

In terms of chess skills, Guan Yubai is incomparable to the king. Xiao Yi ’s kid must not have imagined that he would ask Guan Yubai to be a foreign aid!

The emperor quickly said: "Let him in."

The father-in-law rushed to spread the decree, and soon saw that the official language Bai, dressed in Tibetan youth, came in from outside, and before he waited for his salute, the emperor hurriedly shouted, "No courtesy .... Yu Bai, come here and see See, you can play chess? "

Guan Yubai still finished the ceremony, so he walked over and looked at the endgame.

Guan Yubai looked for a long time, and the emperor was patient and did not urge. After about a tea, Guan Yubai raised his head and said slowly, "The emperor, this situation can be solved."

"Oh ?!" the emperor could not help but asked, "how to solve?"

The endgame that had troubled him for so long, Guan Yubai would understand it at first glance, which made the emperor very excited.

"It's rude to forgive the court." Guan Yubai picked up a sunspot and dropped it gently. "The emperor, please see."

The emperor immediately turned his head to look, and looked intently. In just this simple step, Kuroko found a wonderful way to live, and the chess face came alive.

"Wonderful. It is so wonderful!" The emperor raised his hands and praised him. "I have had a headache for so long. I never thought that Kuroko had this step to go! How did you think of it?"

Liu Gonggong brought tea, Guan Yubai sat down at the emperor's gesture, took a sip of tea, and said with a smile: "The minister's father once said that this chess game has a connection with the battlefield. On the surface, All the traps are just to trap the enemy. And this endgame is even more so. The trapped pawns need only a way of life. When the chess is alive, it will become clear. "

"That's right," said the emperor thoughtfully, and then he snorted suddenly. "Isn't this Nanban ambassador just for this way of living? He also pretended to be a good friend of Dayu Yongshi. Looks like I forgot they burned and plundered in my Dayu!

"The Emperor said so much," Guan Yubai said hurriedly. "In the sight of the ministers, the Nanban envoys came this time, no matter what the banner was, in fact, they just exchanged for their great prince Kui. Lang. "

"Kui Lang?" The emperor did not expect this, and asked, "how do you say that?"

"When the minister was in charge, he had already understood all the places in Siyi, in response to the saying that" knowing oneself and knowing one another can fight one hundred wars without slackening. "As far as Nanman was concerned, King Nanman was weak and sick. He took control of Nanman's power years ago. If this person is absent, Nanman will break his claws like a tiger. Nanman naturally wants to exchange him back at any cost. Although Nanman came this time, although he proposed many conditions for the peace talks, it was only for the sake of Conceal its true purpose. "

Speaking of which, Guan Yubai ’s lip angle slightly curved, and he was as elegant and noble as a fairy under the background of his pale and pale face. “The emperor, if you intend to have peace with Nanman, "However, you can make good use of this piece of Kui Lang." He raised his hand and stroked it like a chess piece. "Like the endgame, in fact, there is more to this way of life for the sunspot." Guan Yubai once again took the sunspot. , Put it in another place, "At this step, the sunspots can still live, but they will lose the great situation here, and in the end it is just a victory."

The emperor looked at the chessboard in silence. After a long time, he slowly nodded and said, "You are right .... In order to protect the people in the border areas of Dayu from the war, it is imperative to negotiate with Nanban. Only 朕Some are not willing, so they aired them on purpose. You made Xuan suddenly open. This time, let's see what Nan Nan is willing to pay for Kulang. "

The emperor has always ignored the request for peace talks between the envoys of Nanman. He did not want peace talks, but only considered how to conclude a treaty. If Nanhan's dead end was in his hands, the next things would be much easier.

Thinking about it this way, the emperor was in a good mood. Haha laughed and said, "White words, white words, I can't wait to see the Nanban envoy when I say something to you."

The official language Baiwen smiled gently: "Maybe it won't be long before the emperor has another messenger to see .... Chen also heard the Great Victory of Beibei."

When referring to Beidi, the emperor frowned, thinking of the sincere king.

After the early dynasty, the sincere king came to see himself, and the absurd request made him annoyed and annoyed. He also hated the unknown picking of the Nangong family, but it was only because the girl from the Nangong family first ordered the word His self-discrimination, but in fact, already had an assertion, but now listening to the official language white, but he was hesitant.

"White language," the emperor said suddenly, "What do you think of King Cheng? Can it be used as a handle with Beidi?"

"Beidi's sincerity king?" Guan Yubai slowly shook his head and said, "This person is trivial. In the case of the epidemic, Beidi has been planning for a long time. Even after knowing the disease, I will fight with Beidi, but they But he sent King Cheng to the capital. This shows that this son has nothing to do with Beidi. "He paused and said," But if the rabbit is in a desperate situation, even the rabbit will fight back and bite. If he fails, he won't just sit back and die, he will find a way to survive. He is naturally incapable of doing everything in the king himself, fearing that he will reach a certain deal with others ... "

Having said that, the official language was silent, and no more words were said.

The emperor thought for a long time, but he couldn't help thinking of one thing.

On the same day, Beidi's conspiracy was revealed, and King Cheng was hiding in Nangongfu to escape the arrest. He was found by the old girl of Nangong family, and then told Xiao Yi quietly through Nangong Yu, so that Xiao Yi could capture the person. At that time, Cheng Cheng claimed that he had a personal relationship with the Nangong family girl, but that was obviously for revenge.

It had been a long time since he almost forgot.

In other words, Cheng Cheng's attachment to the Nangong family again this time is to avenge the events of the day, or, as Guan Yubai said, he has reached a certain deal with others in order to find a way to live.

Since the emperor was originally an exposed rape, it seems that it is not so simple.

Maybe he should look it up.

"Huairen, go and announce Lu Huaining."

The emperor ordered his father, Liu Gong, who was waiting in the Imperial Study Room, to rush to do it.

Guan Yubai Jianji stood up and retreated to the emperor.

The emperor did not stay, but only said that the next time he announced that he would come over to Yi, he let him back down.

When Guan Yubai returned to Anyihoufu, the sky was completely dark, and he immediately repaired a book and ordered Xiaosi to send it to Zhennan Palace.

As a result, Xiao Yi and Nangong Yan had just received dinner and received a letter from Guan Yubai. Nangong took Lily and brought the dim sum box that had been prepared for a long time, and let Xiaosi take it home and transfer it to Guan Yubai.

After Xiaosi left, Xiao Yi opened the letter and watched with Nangong Yu.

There was only a few words in the letter. Although the emperor's deeds had not yet been concluded, Nangong Yu was still relieved and grateful. "This is really annoying officials."

Xiao Yi closed the letter and said with a smile, "Wait a few days, and I'll ask Xiaobai to come and eat in the house."

Nangong answered with a frown, "That's good .... Ai, I asked my elder sister to go three days later. Come with me."

Being able to go out with her, Xiao Yi didn't have any opinion and responded in a hurry.

The next day, Jian'an Bo Shizi's argument for his wife's book was delivered to the imperial court. The emperor only accepted it gently, and announced that Nangong Qin didn't know what to say, but said nothing. The second house of Pei's house looked eagerly to wear, waiting for the emperor to formally commit crimes, so as to seize the title of the big house.

Although Pei Yuanchen's feet seem to be ready to go, if there is a loss in virtue, one should not dominate this child.

Under the deliberate actions of those who are interested, King Cheng's invitation to the emperor gradually spread in the capital. All eyes could not help focusing on Jian'anbo, not only to see the excitement, but also to see the Jian'anbo. Will the government lose the errand of Sheshan Jian Ruiying because of annoying the emperor.

For a couple of days, the big house in Jian'anfu stayed behind closed doors, while the second house was more active than in the past. Everywhere I went, there was a sigh of sigh and utterance, which made people's curiosity a little bit heavy Minute.

But because the emperor's attitude was unknown, no one dared to talk openly.

So, on the day when he agreed with Nangong Yu, early in the morning, Xiao Yi and Nangong Yu went to Jian'anbo, and Xiao Yi took the horse for a ride and took on Zhulun of Nangong Yu. car.

After arriving at Jian'anbo, the two went directly to the Houfengyuan.

After a few words, Taiyi Zhang arrived and talked to Pei Yuanchen with Nangong Yu. "After the second concubine, we used the acupuncture and prescription we discussed for Pei Shizi, and the old man found that he My legs are already responding a bit. "

Nangong asked quickly, "What was your reaction?"

"When acupuncture points on Pei Shizi's leg with silver needles, his leg muscles would tremble, and Pei Shizi also said that he felt slightly."

Nangong Yu rejoiced, "This is a good thing!"

"Yes." Zhang Taiyi also said with a smile. "According to Pei Shizi's current condition, he should be able to stand up after a few days."

The conversation between the two of them was also heard clearly by Pei Yuanchen and Nangong Yan. The two looked at each other and laughed, and their deep feelings flowed in their eyes.

After saying a few words about the illness, Nangong Xiu handed Zhang Taiyi a needle map he set after discussing with his grandfather yesterday. After watching it carefully, Tai Gong praised the beauty of acupoints and couldn't wait to join Pei Yuanchen. Entered the inner room.

Nangong Yan propped up Pei Yuanchen on the bed, then backed away.

Zhang Taiyi stepped forward and applied the needles one by one on the top of Pei Yuanchen's head.

With this set of acupuncture methods, Pei Yuanchen was sore with sweat on his forehead, but forced to make no snoring noise. Nangong Ao stood side by side, watching anxiously, but was afraid to step forward, for fear of disturbing Zhang Taiyi.

Finally, after Zhang Taiyi's acupuncture was completed, Nangong Yu walked over and carefully wiped his forehead with a papa for Pei Yuanchen.

After picking up the silver needle, Taiyi Zhang walked out of the inner room, and said Nangong Yu waiting outside: "Second concubine, this acupuncture method is really wonderful. After the needle was taken, I and Pei Shizi had another pulse. He's got a lot of blood, and it's bound to be good over time. "

This method of acupuncture was improved after his grandfather saw it. Nangong Yu naturally believed in its effect. Now he heard Zhang Taiyi say it with his own face.

While talking, Nangong Yan pushed Pei Yuanchen out and thanked Zhang Taiyi.

Zhang Taiyi repeatedly said that he did not dare.

Since the hunting of the palace last year, he has been treating Pei Yuanchen, and being able to watch him get better a little bit is also a relief to Zhang Taiyi.

"It's just ..." Zhang Taiyi looked at Pei Yuanchen and his wife and said, "Pei Shizi has been paralyzed for a long time. Even if he recovers, it is not easy to walk freely like ordinary people. It takes a long time to walk. , The process can be quite laborious. "

"I can stand up and walk again, I am very satisfied." Pei Yuanchen said indifferently. "No matter how hard it is."

Zhang Taiyi smiled and said, "With that being the case, my husband is relieved."

Sometimes, when the patient is the most irritated, when the patient is healed for a long time, but is unable to heal for a long time, the worry, speculation and anxiety in the heart are enough to make people's temperament change.

However, over the past year, what is the nature of Pei Yuanchen, Zhang Taiyi naturally knows that he believes that Pei Yuanchen will definitely pass through this period of rehabilitation.

"Big Sister." After the elder doctor said it, Nangong Yan asked Bai Hui to hand in a jade box, and said, "This is the cream that I re-arranged for the big brother-in-law. You cooperate with the massage method I taught you before two Put on the eldest brother-in-law ... "She said, nodding slightly to Bai Hui, Bai Hui handed a prescription to Zhang Taiyi, and Nangong Yan said," There is a doctor Zhang Tai. "

"Dare not dare." Zhang Taiyi took it solemnly. Nangong Yan gave him this precious salve recipe every time, and he benefited him a lot each time. He dared to say that he was already too hospital. Here is too good at surgery.

After telling a few more recent notices, Taiyi Zhang left.

At this moment, Xiao Yi said to Pei Yuanchen, "Uncle Pei, is Uncle Pei at home?"

Pei Yuanchen froze for a moment, knowing that he was so interested in asking, so he ordered someone to go to the front yard to see, and said, "I have a new box of tea, my brother-in-law might as well try it with me."

Xiao Yi smiled and nodded, "Of course I am accompanying."

With a look of doubt in Nangong's face, Nangong's arm held her arm and said, "Sister, I remember the lotus pond in your garden is very beautiful. You might as well walk with me to the garden."

Nangong responded gently, the sisters went out of the courtyard, and walked towards the garden at will.

Walking along the road, Nangong Yu Han said with a smile: "A Yi has something to discuss with Uncle Pei and her elder brother-in-law. Let's go."

Nangong Yu hesitated a moment and asked, "But for the sake of the King?"

Nangong Yu also did not hide, nodded: "The matter of King Cheng may involve party disputes ... Big sister, you are just innocently involved."

I heard that it was related to Chaotang. Nangong Nian nodded slightly and no longer asked.

In mid-June, the lotus flowers in the garden of Jian'anfu were blooming beautifully. Nangong 琤 and Nangong 玥 sat next to the gazebo in the lotus pond, feeding fish into the lotus pond from time to time.

Knowing that the two sisters were going to whisper, a few maids retreated a few feet away and kept around the gazebo.

Nangong Yu finished feeding the fish food in his hand and suddenly said, "Three sisters, don't worry about me."

Nangong Ai looked at her, only to see that she slightly raised her chin and looked up at the blue sky. The beautiful profile was perfect without any flaws, and the beauty was breathtaking.

Nangong Yan slowly turned his head, "Third sister, thank you!"

She is the elder sister. She should have taken care of the following younger sisters, but since a few years ago, the younger sister has been helping herself, but she has not been able to do anything for the younger sister.

Now she can only write down this situation, hoping that she will have the opportunity to give back her three sisters in the future.

Seeing that there was no haze in Nangong Yan's clear eyes, Nangong Yan knew that she really wanted to open it and thought it through. It seems that the actions of Cheng Cheng's actions did not leave a shadow in the life of Nangong Yu, and even Nangong Yu gradually grew and became stronger and stronger in the setbacks.

She and Pei Yuanchen will live well!

A smile flashed in Nangong Yan's eyes. She did not ask what kind of attitude Nangong Yan's in-laws would take after that day, because she could see that no matter what she was facing, Nangong Yan would now face it with a smile.

Nangong's frowning smile was deepened again, and he proposed, "Sister, wait for the elder brother's health, let's go out and play together. Ai has a village in Tangshan, not only delicious and delicious, but also There are hot springs. Then, I will call her sisters Sangxi and Liu Niang, and have fun. "Since Nangong Yu married Pei Yuanchen, because Pei Yuanchen is not good, she is not convenient to go out and play alone, so most of the time They are all kept in Jian'anbo Mansion, and rarely go outside except Nangongfu and Zhennan King's Mansions.

Nangong Yu naturally agrees with each other. Following the two sisters, you discussed the future travel plans with you, and made a smile.

Until Qingwu walked hurriedly towards this side, running out of breath, panting and exclaiming, "Mrs. Shizi, Mrs. Er and Mr. Er just went to the Xunfengyuan."

Nangong Yi Huo stood up and looked at Nangong Yi apologetically.

Nangong Yan said busyly: "Sister, I'll accompany you to take a look." When I heard that the second room went to the Houfengyuan, Nangong Yan was a little worried for them. Xiao Yi's temperament was not as good as himself. If it upsets him, she can't promise what he will do ...

The two sisters hurried back to the Houfengyuan again. At this moment, the Hunfengyuan had blasted the pot and made the whole noisy.

The halls of the Houfengyuan were almost filled with people from the second room, not only Mrs. Pei, but also Master Pei Er and second son Pei.

"Yuanchen!" Nangong Yan ran to Pei Yuanchen nervously, and Pei Yuanchen grabbed her right hand comfortably, motioning her to rest assured that she was fine.

Mrs. Pei gave Nangong a disdainful glance, and looked down at Pei Yuanchen on the wheelchair and said aggressively: "Chen, your second uncle has been ambassador to Jinyiwei town for almost ten years. It was so difficult to get this opportunity. I was promoted by the same commander, but because of your daughter-in-law, the reputation of Pei's family was ruined. Now she is hopeless ... "She said angrily and pulled the second sleeve of Master La Pei," How are you? "

Pei Yuanchen faced Shen Rushui and looked at Master Pei Er, "Uncle Er, do you think so?"

There was a bit of disappointment in Pei Yuanchen's heart. This Jin Yiwei Zhen Fu was from the fourth grade, and the commander was from the third grade. There was also a commanding affairs between the four grades. If Master Pei was really capable, You have already been promoted to commanding funerals, and you don't have to wait for ten years. ...... It was they who talked nonsense, or did anyone allow Master Pei Er to command the position of acquaintance ... Reminiscent of what Xiao Yi had just said, Pei Yuanchen's eyes flashed.

Master Pei showed a guilty conscience and was afraid to see his nephew.

Mrs. Pei secretly said: Useless!

Mrs. Pei simply rushed and said, "Why don't you care about your wife. If she didn't do such a shameless thing ... How could your uncle be affected by her and be pointed and promoted? Obstructed? "She said more and more it really seemed like that," Chen, you have a title in the long room, naturally you don't have to worry about anything, but it is not easy for our second room to make our own future! "

"That's it." Second son Pei echoed, "Brother, my dad has affected my father because of his uncle's affairs, shouldn't you say something?"

Pei Yuanchen said slowly: "What do the second brother and second brother want?"

Mrs. Pei straightened her chest and said with confidence: "Chen, since your husband and wife are deep in love, Eryi can't force you to divorce your wife, but this couple is one, and you are both prosperous, and all is damaged. If you have a trace of guilt, Repentance, it is up to you to ask yourself to go to the world to ask for sin. "

Second son Pei nodded straightly, "My mother is right."

After all, the second uncle and the second son are still for the sake of this son, Pei Yuanchen showed a hint of coldness, and said sharply, "Is the second son planning to ask the second brother to seal the son?" He looked scornfully at the second son of Pei, He politely said, "It depends on whether the second brother can afford this place!"

He looked down on his son so much! Mrs. Pei was so angry that she smoked from her head, and she was almost out of breath.

At this moment, Xiao Yi aside suddenly said lazily: "Big brother-in-law, what are you doing with so much nonsense? Get out of here!"

Mrs. Pei's fat-painted face was almost distorted, and the foreign strong and dry faced Xiao Yi and said, "Xiao Shizi, this is our family's housework ... even if you are the king of the south of the town, you can't interfere in other people's house affairs."

"That's what I said." Xiao Yi actually nodded approvingly, his eyes suddenly passed through Mrs. Pei and looked back. "Uncle, Mrs. Uncle, can I ask my nephew to help?"

Uncle? !! Uncle? !!

Both Master Pei and Mrs. Pei were stiff and looked stiffly towards the door. I do not know when Jian Anbo appeared outside the hall, with a solemn and solemn expression, and his lips curled into a straight line. Standing beside him was Mrs. Jian'anbo, looking at them lightly, as if looking at a beaming clown.

Mrs. Pei swallowed, but then raised her chin sharply: "Uncle, Ma'am, what I say is Chen's elder, but he talks to me so unruly ..."

"have you had enough!?"

Jian Anbo interrupted Madam Pei politely with a thunderous rebuke, and also calmed down the whole hall, all eyes focused on him.

Jian'anbo strode into the hall and looked at Mrs. Pei with a frown, exuding a forceful momentum.

"Uncle ... Uncle." The second lady was still very frightened of Jian Anbo's magnificence, her body trembling violently, and she was almost soft.

Mrs. Jian'anbo sneered, only feeling that it was time to let Jian'anbo take a good look at the second room. Keeping these white-eyed wolves deliciously and deliciously these years, it should be an old saying of "Dou Mien, Sheng Mi Qi".

Jian Anbo rubbed his eyebrows tiredly. The whole person seemed to be getting old for a few years, but the tone was: "Noisy! Noisy family every day, not brothers, it is better to split up early!" "

Jian Anbo had this idea long ago, but hesitated to make a decision. It stands to reason that noble families like them have no separation if their parents are still there, so although there have been many incidents in the second room in the past two years, Jian Anbo remembered Mrs. Pei and the brotherhood. After all, bear it.

But as he put up with it, others took his concession and patience for granted.

Seeing his wife and children being insulted again and again, Jian Anbo finally understood what it means to be "tolerable, no need to endure anymore."

In the hall, silent because of a word from Jian Anbo, Mrs. Er and others stayed in place, their minds were blank.

Separated! ?

The second lady blinked unbelievably.

How can they be separated?

If this is a separation, their second room will no longer be part of the Jian'an House, and she will just be the wife of Jin Yiwei from Shipin.

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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