"The elder grandpa said that after that man went down with Uncle Ding, he would let that woman be my wife. He said that that woman and I were a match made in heaven, and it would be a pity not to have twenty children. She has a big butt, so good Give birth!"

Su Lin heard the boy's voice from outside the window, and his tone was full of pride.

"Then why don't people want to?" the boy's companion muttered, with some jealousy in his words.

"With the support of the elder grandpa, she must be my daughter-in-law!" The boy paused and whispered, "And my dad has already started letting me drink the gift soup. After that person goes down the pit, let me and that woman Let’s go into the ancestral hall on the mountain together.”

"The ancestral hall? Did the Great Elder let you into the ancestral hall?"

"Yes, I told you earlier, I am also a talented person! Do you believe me now?"

"That's great, but if you enter the ancestral hall, we won't see each other for several years."

"Don't be sad, maybe you also have talent, but you just lack a wife."

The conversation topics of the three boys began to drift gradually.

Although they briefly mentioned the ancestral hall that Su Lin was interested in, their attention soon shifted to women.

They started chatting from Luo Huainan's slender waist, and slowly reached Lu Zhuyu's chest, and then began to exchange each other's hobbies, and the childish and wretched desires of children were fully exposed at this moment.

It wasn't until half an hour later that the three boys stopped peeping and left over the wall.

After the three boys left, everyone sat up from the ground one after another.

"The brats here are really daring." Lu Zhuyu sneered, "But the ancestral hall they mentioned is interesting. Since we came here, no one has ever mentioned the ancestral hall to us."

Su Lin: "According to them, only talented people can enter the ancestral hall, but talent is only one of the necessary conditions. It seems that you must have a wife to enter."

Su Lin's words aroused everyone's thinking, and the members of Jade Immortal Division also raised their doubts one after another.

"Just now they said that the ancestral hall is on the mountain. There are only three mountains near this village. Two of them are very small and can be seen at a glance. There is no ancestral hall at all. The ancestral hall must be on the mountain to the north!"

"The villagers in the village are getting more and more wrong. They are all talking about the same dream, and they want Brother Lin to jump into that pit. I don't think this place can stay any longer."

When everyone was discussing, Su Lin

He calmly said: "Anyway, this ancestral hall must be investigated thoroughly. I want to go up the mountain now."


The three teenagers climbed out of the fence and ran happily on the street at night.

In the silent night, the red moon shone on them, and they ran excitedly, making obscene jokes.

Suddenly, a boy who was running at the front stopped, pointed to the figure under the tree in front of him and said, "Brother Shunzi, who is that standing under the tree?"

The three of them squinted their eyes and looked at the red moonlight passing through the canopy of the tree, splitting into mottled shadows and shining on the man. Although the light was dim, the graceful figure of the other party deeply stimulated the hearts of the three boys.

The little fat man tugged at his companion: "Shunzi! Isn't that your wife?"

The tall boy took a closer look, and suddenly discovered that the other party was Luo Huainan who was sleeping in that room just now!

The legs of the short boy beside him had already started to tremble, but the tall one pinched him hard, and said in a deep voice: "Why are you shaking, isn't it because you were discovered? There is nothing to be afraid of, at most you will be beaten up." !"

"Shunzi, she... she was still asleep in that room just now, how did she come here?" The short boy trembled.

"My daughter-in-law, like the elder grandpa, is a cultivator of immortality. I guess she was just pretending to be asleep. After we ran away, she ran ahead of us, trying to scare us!" said the tall boy.

The three of them stood in place for a while, seeing Luo Huainan in the distance standing there, motionless, so they mustered up their courage and walked forward. As the distance between the two sides narrowed, they finally saw Luo Huainan clearly. This is the first time they have seen such a beautiful woman up close.

Shunzi swallowed. He grew up in the village, and his favorite person was Yue'er, who was served by all kinds of grandmas. Yue'er was the most beautiful girl in the village, but compared to the girl in front of him, Like other girls in the village, Yue'er has no taste at all.

Shunzi opened his eyes wide, and under the hazy moonlight, he looked at the woman who would marry him in the future. His eyes swept across those small feet unscrupulously, and followed the curve of the beautiful legs all the way up.

The peak is from the curve to the full buttocks, which is suddenly gathered at the small waist. The silk clothes she wears seem to be extraordinarily light, almost translucent. On the fat-free belly, two waistcoat lines are looming.

Shunzi's lips trembled slightly, and he, who was always bold, was a little scared. Would this kind of fairy-like girl really want to live with him?

Although he was afraid in his heart, he still had the courage to look at the other party's perfect facial features, and he found that the corner of the other party's mouth was actually smiling!

Could it be that she likes herself too?

Shunzi, who is pure in heart, fantasizes purely.

"See clearly?" Luo Huainan asked softly.

The fat man and the short boy lowered their heads shyly, feeling a little overwhelmed for a moment. They were obviously about the same age as Luo Huainan, but they were far less mature than Luo Huainan.

Shunzi plucked up her courage, pretended to be a man, and said in a deep voice, "What do you want!"

Luo Huainan: "Do you know my name?"

Finding that the other party didn't seem to blame him, Shunzi suddenly became like a deflated ball and became docile like a rabbit. He stared at the other party and said honestly: "...Your name is Luo Huainan, right?"

Luo Huainan nodded in satisfaction, and hooked his fingers at the three of them: "Come with me, I'll show you something good."

After finishing speaking, she turned around and walked out of the village. The little fat man and the short boy looked at each other, and hurriedly followed Luo Huainan's footsteps.

Shunzi wanted to call the other party to stop him, but in the end he didn't say anything and followed.

He felt a little uncomfortable, although he didn't know why Luo Huainan asked them to go, but if Luo Huainan asked him to go alone, he would be very happy.

But she actually called his two brothers, which made him a little angry.

The three of them followed Luo Huainan all the way to the woods outside the village.

Finally, Luo Huainan stopped outside the woods.

With her hands behind her back, she turned to face them, and said with a smile, "Turn around."

The three of Shunzi looked at each other, although they were puzzled, but seeing Luo Huainan's sweet and moving smile, the three of them lost their ability to think, turned around obediently, and stood facing the entrance of the village.

Afterwards, Shunzi heard footsteps approaching behind him, and a pleasant smell wafted from behind and penetrated into his nostrils. It was a smell unique to young girls. He had also smelled it on Yueer, but Yueer The ones are not so fragrant.

Then, a soft hand covered his mouth, the warm and soft touch made Shunzi a little dazed.

Then, he heard Luo Huainan's voice next to his ear:

"Actually, I'm a heart eater."

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