Nan Zhixian stood on the kang, watching Su Lin let go of the knife in his hand, and slowly slumped on the ground, a large area of ​​scarlet rapidly expanded under him, he seemed to be dead, but the body lying there made Nan Zhixian Zhixian felt something was wrong.

A mere qi cultivator, although he has supernatural powers, but his body is only a mortal after all, this kind of injury is indeed worthy of death, his dagger has a special corpse poison, as long as he touches blood, he will die below the foundation, and this kid is no exception .

Luo Huainan at the side finally came back to his senses and threw himself on Su Lin, trembling to test Su Lin's breathing.

The next moment, her shoulders slumped as if she had lost her strength, and she stared blankly at Su Lin's body.

Nan Zhixian was finally sure that he was superstitious, he cast his eyes on Luo Huainan, and said indifferently:

"I have no enmity with this kid. If he hadn't taken the initiative to attack Daoist me, I would not have killed him, and now he is to blame for this fate.

But Daoist is magnanimous, as long as you listen to me, as soon as Daoist is happy, I may be willing to cast a spell to bring him back to life and return to life again.

Now, as long as he eats this living corpse pill, he can become like you.

If you can help me attain Taoism and become an immortal, then after I ascend to the upper realm, it is not impossible for you, a pair of fateful mandarin ducks, to be fulfilled. "

The reason why Nan Zhixian gives both kindness and power is because the combination of two cultivations requires the other party to actively practice the exercises, and it is useless to just take the body.

If Luo Huainan would rather die than practice the exercises because of this kid's death, then he would be at a big loss.

What's more, this kid's body is really good, and his limbs can be used as consumables. In addition, he is also a believer in the protection of immortals. If he can use him to ask immortals for advice on how to cultivate immortals, it can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Luo Huainan looked up at Nan Zhixian, and was about to curse, but suddenly felt Su Lin in his arms move.

She looked at Su Lin in surprise, but found that his expression was still the same as when he was dead, except for the flick just now, there was no movement.

Just when she thought it was just an illusion, Su Lin's abdomen bulged slightly!

Luo Huainan blinked, and hesitantly put her hand on Su Lin's abdomen. She felt that there seemed to be something wriggling in Su Lin's body, as if there was a snake or an octopus in his stomach... Her intuition told her, Hiding in Su Lin's body is a soft living creature with no form.

Then, as if to prove her feeling, the clothes on Su Lin's abdomen were slowly lifted up, and Luo Huainan immediately withdrew her hand in fright.

The abdomen of the corpse was constantly rising and falling, shifting its position quietly, as if the living creature in his belly did not want to destroy his corpse, and was looking for a suitable exit.

Nan Zhixian frowned, and violently shook the Dharma bell in his hand, the ear-piercing ringing suddenly made Luo Huainan feel dizzy for a while.

The living thing in Su Lin's stomach seemed to be stimulated by the ringing of the bell, and began to struggle more violently. The fragments of internal organs and severed intestines were constantly squeezed out from the gap of the stab wound in his abdomen.

Luo Huainan let go of Su Lin, and cautiously retreated to the corner, watching this strange scene dully.

"What monster?" Nan Zhixian frowned, put away the compass, and took out an iron box. The box opened with a snap of his fingers, and several exquisitely shaped magic pestles flew out of the box, circling around Nan Zhixian like birds.

He glanced at Luo Huainan, and shouted coldly: "You go out first!"

Luo Huainan is precious material, he doesn't want the other party to have any accidents, and all his preparations will be in vain.

However, Luo Huainan did not leave the room. She opened her eyes wide, leaned her back against the wall, and stared at Su Lin's belly.

Accompanied by the sound of skin and flesh slipping and rubbing, a pitch-black hand suddenly stretched out from Su Lin's belly, with five fingers stretched towards the sky.

That hand was the purest black, Luo Huainan could barely tell it was a hand through its outline, but she couldn't see it clearly, because it was too dark, all the light seemed to be absorbed by that hand, It doesn't look three-dimensional, more like a black silhouette.

However, it turns out that the hand is not a silhouette, it has an entity!

The black arm first bent to support the ground, and held it hard for a few times, then seemed to give up this method, grabbed the edge of Su Lin's abdominal wound, and tore Su Lin's belly hard.

Luo Huainan heard the sound of Su Lin's ribs being broken, and then Su Lin's chest was violently opened, and another black hand came out from his stomach!

Two black hands supported the ground and continued to exert force, like a silkworm chrysalis transforming, a black human figure twisted and emerged from Su Lin's belly.

Nan Zhixian was expressionless, but his attitude was obviously much more serious than before.

He has been cultivating immortals for dozens of years, has seen countless monsters, and knows what is difficult and what is easy to deal with.

He had never heard of this black figure in front of him, let alone seen it, and things he didn't know were often the most dangerous.

The Demon Subduing Pestle beside him flew out in an instant, setting off a burst of frightened thunder in the air.

The azure blue electric light illuminated the pitch-black room, and finally extinguished in the black palm. The pure black figure held the six magic wands and used his six pitch-black arms.

Luo Huainan didn't know how to describe the scene he saw at this moment, because the monster that came out of Su Lin's stomach was a completely black plane shadow, and his movements and shapes could only be recognized by its outline when viewed from one direction only. , like a pure black painting.

All she could tell now was that the monster seemed to have six human arms.

"Cough and thick, flaming, yao, and blazing fire!"

Nan Zhixian spit out a few syllables quickly, the subduing magic pestle exploded, and the violent thunder light cut Sombra's body, a gap appeared in his body, like a hole dug out in a pitch-black painting, Through this hole, Luo Huainan could see the wall on the other side of the room.

Within a breath, the voids changed, and black lines began to fill these voids. The black lines trembled at high frequencies, like spider webs dancing in a strong wind, covering up the existence of those holes.

These holes made of messy black lines gave the black figure a three-dimensional sense for the first time. Luo Huainan can judge whether there is an occluder in front of the holes through the disappearance and appearance of those holes.

The sound of metal cracking came from the hands of the black shadow, and the blue lightning illuminated the entire room for a moment, and everything in the room was illuminated in a pale white, only the black shadow was not affected in any way, as if it was completely separated from the this space.

Luo Huainan even had an illusion that the black shadow was a stain on her eyeballs, which did not exist in reality, so it was flattened like a painting, just like a blind man who cannot see the light. She may just happen to be Blind a humanoid shadow.

Although she knew it was self-deception, but Luo Huainan couldn't control her thoughts. She saw that the lightning was wrapped in darkness, and the blue light was faintly visible under the black block.

Intense thunder came from the hands of the black shadow, like ten thousand cicadas screaming in pain, covering all the sounds in the world.

Accompanied by a deafening explosion, the fragments of the subduing magic pestle fell from the six arms of the black shadow, and the crimson molten silver fell to the ground with a hissing sound.

Luo Huainan saw that the black shadow made a squatting movement, and Setsuna disappeared in place, and the pitch-black color block shifted in two-dimensional space. The shape without thickness and seriously divorced from reality made Luo Huainan feel Fear, and this fear, on the contrary, suppressed her other fear.

Nan Zhixian stared at the shadow with all his attention. He saw the darkness enlarging in front of him, but he could only use the surrounding objects as references to judge the position of the shadow.

When he felt that the black shadow had entered his attack range, the corpse hand under the Taoist robe decisively swung out the magic weapon.

However, the attack was in vain, and an unparalleled force suddenly hit his head, half of the upper and lower jaws were completely shattered, teeth and twisted gums hung on his face, and he was about to fall.

The red paste overflowed from Nan Zhixian's incomplete face, as if trying to glue the damaged face together, but the subsequent attack was more swift and violent, destroying other parts of the body like a cripple.

Nan Zhixian's chin was hit by an unknown source, and the angle of view of his eyes was uncontrollably raised to the sky. With a black streak across his eyes, his vision was completely deprived.

He knew that the head above his nose was gone, and now he had only half of his head left.

"Jingle Bell!!!"

He shook the Fa bell in his hand with all his strength, and the piercing sound of the bell rippled in the room like ripples, and the space seemed to have ripples visible to the naked eye.

But the ripples didn't last long, darkness immediately covered the Dharma Bell, and the entire arm was torn off.

Almost instantly, Nan Zhixian's body was torn into countless pieces.

The world became quiet, the strange bell fell on the kang and rang for the last time, Luo Huainan opened his mouth wide and stared blankly at this scene.

The black figure stood there quietly. Luo Huainan didn't know what the other person's movements and expressions were, but she felt as if she was being "watched".

"Su... Su Lin big brother?" Luo Huainan called softly, his voice trembling slightly.

She expected something in her heart, but she didn't expect anything.

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