Three miles away from Huaiyang Village is Yizhuang. Since the appearance of the Heavenly Barrier, the sun has never been seen in the dark sky, and the sky has always been shrouded in haze.

Inside the Yizhuang, there are coffins lying horizontally, with a gloomy atmosphere. There is a pile of solidified wax piles after burning candles by the door. A stack of paper money is pressed by stones. Ghostly.

Although the Great Xia Kingdom does not advocate strange powers and chaotic gods, but only for officials, Zhu Jiuqin did not restrict common people from worshiping ghosts and gods.

Perhaps Zhu Jiuqin also knows that ghosts and gods are the sustenance of hope for human beings, and they are also channels for venting fear. For feudal dynasties with backward living conditions, this kind of sustenance for reincarnation is more important. social chaos.

After all, if everyone knows that there is no such thing as reincarnation, no matter how hard you try in this life, you will only be able to do things for others. There is no guarantee that a few ruthless people will rise up and try to overthrow the imperial court.

But if there is the sustenance of reincarnation, even if someone wants to rebel, thinking that he might become a powerful person in the next life, he will endure it under the deception.

Thinking of this, Su Lin admired Zhu Jiuqin even more. For Zhu Jiuqin, his contribution to the Great Xia has surpassed any generation of kings in history, and even the bundled kings of all dynasties are not enough for him to beat.

He can completely adopt a policy of ignoring the people, strengthen Wang Quan with the mandate of heaven, and use his will far beyond the times to lead the country's development in an authoritarian manner.

However, he still chose the path of enlightening people's wisdom.

That man, instead of seeking one life, seeks the future. This kind of awareness is something that modern people have never had. Rather than saying that he is a time traveler, it is better to say that he is a sage himself. For him, time travel may just be a coincidence.

Su Lin stepped over the threshold of the Yizhuang, and the moment he entered the Yizhuang, he felt that he had crossed a special boundary.

The Yi Zhuang was filled with dust, and the air was filled with a rotten and damp smell. The white flags that had been placed for many years stood by the wall, and a gust of wind blew in, causing the soul-calling flags to shake non-stop.

Su Lin opened a coffin next to him casually, and a dizzying rotten smell came over his face. Su Lin took a look inside the coffin and closed the lid.

He opened the surrounding coffins one by one and checked. Most of the corpses here were rotten, and some even turned into bones in the coffins. It can be seen that the guards of this Yizhuang did not intend to bury these lonely ghosts at all.

Su Lin felt that he had found the right place. If it wasn't for evil cultivators, no matter how lazy the keeper was, it would be impossible for him to be so presumptuous.

However, after checking all the coffins, Su Lin found that these bodies were either severely corrupted or turned into bones, and it was impossible for the Taoist priest to use these corpses.

If that evil cultivator really has the ability to control the bones and rotting corpses, there is no need to keep Luo Huainan and those severed limbs fresh.

"In other words, there should be a secret room here."

Su Lin looked around and kept beating nearby.

Su Lin's eyes fell on the dusty ground inadvertently, and a string of fine small footprints came into view.

Su Lin squatted down and saw that it was the footprints of a fox. He followed the footprints through the Yizhuang to the woods behind the Yizhuang, where the fox's footprints were also cut off, and a thatched house stood on the edge of the forest.

The fox was lying at the door of the thatched cottage, exuding a faint rancid smell, obviously dead for a long time.

And next to it there is a shallow wet mark that extends into the house.

"It seems to be here."

Su Lin walked into the thatched hut, brushed the dirt off the ground with his sleeve, and two hidden secret doors appeared in front of him.

He inserted the long knife he carried with him into the gap in the secret door, and forcefully pried one of them up forcefully. Behind the secret door, a deep tunnel stretched all the way underground. Su Lin shuddered.

"There is such a secret room underground. It seems that guy has lived in this Yizhuang for many years."

Su Lin lit the torch and felt his way down the icy rock wall.

I don't know how far he walked, but finally, he heard a sound other than his own footsteps, which seemed to be the sound of iron chains dragging on the rocky ground, and the steps under his feet finally turned into flat ground.

There was a sticky touch from the soles of the shoes, and the ground was covered with translucent red slime.

"Save me! Young hero, save us!"

"Finally someone came and I thought I was going to be locked up for the rest of my life!."

All kinds of female voices came from all directions.

With the dim light of the fire folder, Su Lin saw a woman with mutilated limbs. As he lit the oil lamp on the wall, the huge underground space was completely presented in front of him.

The space here is huge, and the layout resembles a dungeon. At least dozens of women were imprisoned here. Their bodies were deformed, and some had no lower body, and some had no arms. .

"The demon just left! But he will be back soon, young hero, take us away!"

"Young man, the monster will be back soon, please go and inform the government."

"The old monster will be back soon, he is going to change his own body now."

The women said urgently to Su Lin.

Su Lin didn't speak, his eyes swept across the ground quietly, the whole cell floor was covered with the same slime from before.

He raised his head and glanced over the group of women one by one.

In the end, Su Lin's sight fell on one of the women who had a broken thigh. Except for her thigh, she had healthy limbs, but her left hand always hid a blind spot of vision that Su Lin couldn't see.

Moreover, her body has been shaking since just now, as if enduring unimaginable pain.

"Take out your left hand." Su Lin raised the knife and pointed it at the woman.

"Young man, you, what are you doing?"

"Take it out!" Su Lin roared angrily.

"Young man, I, my hand is broken."

The woman took out her left hand, and twisted her wrist like twists and turns, and the blood that flowed out from the wound was normal human blood. Although the color was dull, it was not in the form of paste.

"So that's it, I seem to understand." Su Lin said.

"Young man, what are you talking about? I don't understand very well," the woman said.

Another woman who lost her legs said anxiously: "The demon will come back soon, and people like me will only become a burden. I just ask you to tell my brother that all the money I have accumulated over the years will be placed on us. The place where he played since childhood, so that he doesn’t have to look for me anymore! My brother’s name is Liu Ahu, and he lives in Xiqiu Village!”

Su Lin threw out a knife casually and cut the opponent's arm open. The wound went deep into the bone marrow. The woman let out a shrill scream and covered the wound with her other hand.

Other women around screamed, and some of them seemed to be not clear-headed, screaming and yelling some words of unknown meaning.

Among them was a relatively calm woman who mustered up the courage to ask: "Young Xia, you, what are you doing!"

Su Lin didn't say a word, turned around and swung the blade at the other person beside him. The woman let out a scream and dodged in a panic. Her right hand, which was shackled by the iron chain, took the initiative to reach for Su Lin's blade, as if she wanted Su Lin to cut her Break her palm.

Just as Setsuna was about to cut off the opponent's wrist with the long knife, Su Lin withdrew the knife instantly.

He turned to look at the woman, with a smile like ice water on his face.

"Got you."

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