Almost instinctively, the seventh sense was activated without his permission, and the perception was far deeper than ever before.

Su Lin could see with the naked eye that the air was full of chaotic lines, they danced and trembled like crazy snakes, and trembled at a high speed. At first, these lines were evenly distributed in the air. As time went by, some lines began to gather slowly, merging into one A black hazy ghost.

The surrounding lines approached Su Lin, entwining Su Lin and Nan Zhixian like a silk cocoon.

Su Lin found it extremely difficult to move his limbs. At first he swung his arms as if he was paddling in water. After a few breaths, his arms became as if they were buried in the sand, making it very difficult to even move.

Those human-shaped ghosts slowly approached Su Lin and Nan Zhixian, surrounded them, and asked hoarsely with a shrill voice that resembled a man and a woman: "Who is Su Lin... Are you, Su Lin?"

"Who is Su Lin... Are you, Su Lin?" The black shadow surrounding Nan Zhixian also asked in the same voice.

Su Lin looked blankly at more and more dense black shadows around him. He didn't dare to move, let alone answer them. Who knows what these black shadows want to do to him? kill him.

"Are you... Su Lin?" The lines wrapped around the body became more oppressive, and shallow scratches appeared on Su Lin's skin, and he became completely immobile.

On the contrary, Nan Zhixian next to him didn't seem to be affected by those lines. He broke free from the half-loose rope on his body, reached out and drew the knife from Su Lin's waist.

I saw Nan Zhixian first cut off his own wrist with a knife, broke free from the shackles, and then raised the knife high towards Su Lin.

Seeing that the knife was about to fall on his head, Su Lin gritted his teeth and shouted: "I am Su Lin! I am!"

The black figure next to him made a move without warning, and the hand made of dense black lines blocked Nan Zhixian's slashing in the air.

Hearing the sound, the surrounding black shadows quickly floated towards Su Lin, surrounded him, and kept asking the same question.

"Are you Su Lin?... Are you Su Lin?"

Su Lin was sweating profusely, felt his head swell, and vaguely heard the voice he had heard before

I found that the invisible confinement on my body was loosened. Although I was still unable to move, it was just that the strong sense of oppression just now had disappeared without a trace.

"Next time we meet, Master Dao, I will definitely make you a puppet."

Nan Zhixian gave Su Lin a cold look, then walked towards the exit of the dungeon without looking back.

Seeing that Nan Zhixian was about to disappear from sight, Su

Lin Da shouted: "He is Su Lin, he is Su Lin!"

With Su Lin yelling loudly, those black shadows who were ignoring Nan Zhixian, seemed to have received some order, floated towards Nan Zhixian at a very fast speed, surrounded him, and in the blink of an eye, Nan Zhixian The density of the lines around Zhixian became unimaginably thick, and the dense lines surrounded him, making him unable to move.

"Go away, I'm not Daoist, he's Su Lin! That kid is!" Nan Zhixian roared.

As if he had never heard of it, the black shadow firmly imprisoned Nan Zhixian's limbs with his hands.

At the same time, a group of extremely thick lines passed through the top of the dungeon and fell towards the ground. At first Su Lin couldn't see what it was, but as the group of high-density lines fell beside him, he could see clearly .

It was made of black lines and resembled a beast claw. Judging from the size of the claw, the owner of this beast claw was extremely large. Biqu library

"Don't look...don't look." The surrounding black shadows stretched out their hands to cover Su Lin's eyes.

Su Lin couldn't see anything anymore.

I don't know how long it took, and when the black shadow took his hand away from his eyes, the huge beast's paw had disappeared from his eyes, and the strange black shadows around him gradually faded in the air, and finally disappeared into nothingness.

The confinement on his body was lifted, Su Lin regained his mobility, and looked in the direction of Nan Zhixian for the first time.

Not far away, the parasitized body of Nan Zhixian fell to the ground, a mass of light red viscous liquid slowly wriggling towards the exit of the dungeon, like a seriously ill snail.

Su Lin looked around and saw several glass bottles filled with strange pills on the wooden cabinet not far away, so he stepped forward and poured out all the pills in the glass bottles.

Su Lin took a knife, came to the crawling slime, and scraped all the slime into the glass bottle with the knife.

Su Lin shook the glass bottle vigorously, and the mucus inside hit the wall of the bottle with a loud crackling sound.

Originally, this guy was in the shape of a dark red viscous paste, but now it has turned into a translucent pink. Perhaps the depth and transparency of the color represent the health level of the other party.

"Hey, can you hear me? I've already put you in a glass bottle, so don't try to escape."

The slime wriggled around the explorer. When it was sure that it was caught, it struggled to form a mouth shape and made an indistinct human voice: "Give me...a piece of meat...please...give...a piece of meat."

"I'll give it to you. After all, I don't want you to die, but you have to keep her safe."

As Su Lin said, he picked up the palm that Nam Ji Hyun himself cut off and threw it into the bottle


He watched the red slime slowly get into his palm, and finally fell silent.

Su Lin finally breathed a sigh of relief, this is the best result Su Lin expected.

In this way, Luo Huainan doesn't have to turn into a real corpse, and he can completely control this evil cultivator.

He is too unfamiliar with cultivating immortals now, and this evil cultivator seems to be in a high level. He has the powerful supernatural power of seizing the house. At least he should be a monk at the golden core stage, and he should be able to tell him a lot.

"Hey, talk, now we can have a good talk." Su Lin said.

"Chichi—blood...give me...blood." Broken Palm in the bottle spoke with difficulty.

Blood? It should need some nourishment, it does look too weak.

Su Lin thought for a while, opened the bottle, pricked his finger lightly with the tip of a knife, and dripped a few drops of blood into it.

The pink slime seemed to be able to "smell" the smell of blood, and a few tiny tentacles stretched out from the palm of the hand, touched the few drops of blood, and sucked them up.

After the tentacle washed the blood away, it groped around the bottom of the clean bottle, and when it found only this point, it made a light creaking sound.

"No, that's all."

"You still...kill me...forget it." Slime said.

Su Lin sighed, and squeezed a few more drops of blood into the bottle, this time a little more, and Nan Zhixian's body finally changed from translucent light pink to pink.

"You didn't do such a thing." Nan Zhixian said again, this time his voice was much smoother, but maybe because the level of the simulated mouthparts was too poor, his voice sounded very strange.

Su Lin nodded silently, thinking that in the future, just feed him to the level where he can communicate fluently.

"Okay, it's good if you can talk, what's the name of this fellow Taoist?"

"Master Dao, I call Wuchang Ling, and I have many disciples, I advise you—"

"Don't come here, the monk who said that last time has been killed by me, now you only have two choices.

The first one is to obey my advice and live on like this until some accident happens, and you may be able to escape from this bottle.

The second way is to show your will with death, and decide yourself in this bottle now, and see if I am afraid. "

"The girl's life is still in my hands, I advise you—"

Before the other party finished speaking, Su Lin interrupted again: "You try it, try killing her."

Nan Zhixian was silent, he was silent for a long time, and then said: "Do you think that this will really catch me?"

"Hmph, what else?"

"Go back quickly and see if the girl is still there."

Su Lin's face changed suddenly, and he suddenly thought of a possibility that he had never thought of before.

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