In the evening, every household in the village smelled delicious food, but Ma Yong was not in the mood to eat. He held a brush, looked at the paperwork just written, and went through the next things to do in Xinzi, making sure that there would be no food. I made a mistake, so I let go of my heart.


A gentle meow came from above the head, Ma bravely raised his head, and saw a black cat sitting on the beam, looking straight at him.

Ma Yong got up excitedly, but he was not sure whether the black cat was the female imperial envoy, so he asked cautiously: "Is it an adult? Can the villain do that now?"


The black cat let out another cry, jumped down lightly, landed on the koan, and nodded to Ma Yong like a human being.

Ma Yong took a deep breath, put the written document into his arms, and immediately went out to the village chief's house.

Along the way, Ma Yong kept writing in his belly, brewing his emotions, and when he walked to the door, his emotions were almost brewing.

He raised his hand, slammed the door loudly, and shouted: "Open the door! Something is wrong!"

"Who is who! Knocking on the door so urgently is to hurry your life! If you disturb the Shangxian, can you bear it?"

The village head's daughter-in-law opened the door with an angry face. When she saw Ma Yong knocking on the door, her expression changed and her tone softened immediately: "Oh! Master Ma! What brought you here, look at you In such a hurry, what happened?"

"Where is Immortal Lu?" Ma Yong asked in a deep voice.

"Haha, the gods are eating inside!"

Ma Yong nodded, and went straight into the house. He saw the village chief's family surrounded Lu Fan, toasting and serving dishes.

Seeing Ma Yong's arrival, the old village chief was taken aback for a moment, and immediately said: "Ma Tutou, have you eaten yet? Let's eat together?"

Ma Yong ignored the other party, and said directly to Lu Fan: "Shangxian, some people say that they saw Su Lin in Yizhuang before, and saw him being taken away by the monster with their own eyes!"

Lu Fan's expression changed suddenly when he heard the words, and he stood up abruptly: "What? Was he taken away? Where did he go when he was taken away?"

"It seems, it seems to be going to the cave ten miles south of the village." Ma Yong said.

"It seems that this meal is over!" Lu Fan put down his chopsticks, raised his sword and rushed out of the door.

Ma Yong followed closely behind the other party, worried in his heart whether the demon cultivator would let him lead the way. If he was allowed to lead the way, then the time for him to lead the villagers out of the village would have to be pushed back. Biqu library

But fortunately, the other party didn't want him to lead the way at all. Lu Fan pulled out his sword and threw it away.

In the blink of an eye, it had already disappeared into the night sky.

"Oh, as expected of a fairy, flying with a sword, I only heard about it from scholars! I didn't expect to see it with my own eyes." The village chief's daughter-in-law said.

"I hope that nothing will happen to the exiled immortal. Huaiyang Village can get this

Immortal fate is a blessing that villagers have cultivated for hundreds of generations, but it must not be cut off. "The old village chief sighed.

Ma Yong raised his head, looked at the sky and waited for a while, making sure that the other party would not go and come back, he reached into his chest and took out the documents.

Just when he was about to ask the village chief to inform the whole village of the order of this document, a strange scent of flowers suddenly penetrated into Ma Yong's nostrils. Being in the sea of ​​flowers, I smell it but it seems to be there.

"It smells so good, what does it smell like?" The village head's daughter-in-law sniffed it vigorously, feeling very surprised.

Ma Yong seemed to be aware of it, and couldn't help looking towards the direction of the village entrance. In the dark night, a vague figure appeared under the old locust tree at the entrance of the village. time, he came before the crowd.

The person who came was a silver-haired old man. He was dressed in a pure white brocade robe with a red undercoat, holding a wooden branch full of peach blossoms in his hand, surrounded by a white halo. Bone, daunting.

After seeing Lu Fan, the village chief was mentally prepared to see the cultivator again. He immediately went forward and bowed his hands: "The Shangxian came from a long way, but I have to welcome you from afar! If you dare to ask this immortal, he is also here." Are you looking for the exile from our village?"

Holding a peach branch, the old man stroked his gray beard, and was slightly taken aback when he heard the word "exile immortal", and immediately asked: "Pin Dao is not here to find some exile immortal, but there should be a county magistrate named Liu Lu in your village. Where is this person now?"


Lu Fan walked with his sword and flew to the south of Huaiyang Village.

It didn't take long before he saw a big mountain. At the foot of the mountain, there was a cave more than ten feet high. Above the entrance was a stalagmite hanging upside down like a dog's tooth.

Before approaching the cave, Lu Fan landed on the ground in advance and walked towards the cave on foot. Before he could find out the details of the other party, he had to be careful in everything. If he continued to fly with the sword, he would be at risk of being plotted against.

He thought that he must be the first to find the Son this time, but he didn't expect to be preempted.

"A different capital and three changes of fire, Tianya stepped into the world of mortals. She still smiles like spring warmth. No wave is really Gujing, but there is integrity like Qiuyun.

The melancholy Gufan sends out overnight, seeing off the light moon and micro clouds. There is no need to frown with emerald eyebrows. Life is like a journey against the road, and I am also a pedestrian. "

The sound of chanting came from the woods in front of him, Lu Fan suddenly stopped, concentrated his mind, and looked vigilantly in the direction of the sound.

The voice of the lyricist is gentle and gentle like the wind and rain, with a little sadness and melancholy when reciting, the voice is sincere and deep, and it is carefully savored, but it is calm and open-minded.

"Fellow Daoist He Fang, please show up!" Lu Fan shouted in a deep voice.

"Gao Zu not only had a brilliant light and the sun and the moon, but also a literary talent that is rare in the world.

A piece of "Linjiang Immortal" is full of parting feelings. "

With a calm sigh, the soft grass blades were gently stepped on, and a man in a blue silk gown walked out of the woods. The thick gray clouds moved away from the moon, and the cold moonlight passed through the sparse trees. The shadow shone on the man. He was holding a folding fan, standing with his hands behind his back, smiling at Lu Fan.

"Are you looking for Su Lin?" the man asked.

Lu Fan frowned, observing the other party cautiously, but couldn't see through this person's cultivation level.

"Where did you come from?" Lu Fan asked, but his body had already begun to use his supernatural powers. In the shadow of trees that no one noticed, the space trembled slightly, and dark silk threads slowly appeared from the darkness, outlining a vague The figure, that is blacker than the night.

However, the next second, the man in front of Lu Fan suddenly disappeared!

Without any sign, it just disappeared in front of my eyes suddenly, and there seemed to be a slight ripple in the surrounding space.

Lu Fan's pupils shrank suddenly, and he felt as if his heart was tightly strangled by a pair of invisible hands!

All of this happened in a flash, and even before Lu Fan could tell whether it was his own illusion, he clearly knew that his heart had disappeared from his body.

The feeling that the life force stopped flowing and the blood in the body no longer circulated could not be deceived.

The uncondensed black shadow in the shadow of the tree dissipated. Lu Fan knelt down with his sword in place. Fear engulfed him like the night, and his vision was rapidly blurring. However, the strong physique of the immortal cultivator allowed him to hold on even after losing his heart. a period of time.

The cyan figure that had disappeared suddenly appeared a foot away in front of him, standing tall and straight, with pale, bony fingers supporting something.

The object danced under the cold moonlight, reflecting a scarlet luster, moist and warm.

"You! What are you!" Lu Fan knew that he was running out of time, and he had to...

Lu Fan's brain is still thinking, but the five senses have been completely stripped away, smell, hearing, touch...all the senses are leaving him, so only the ability to think remains.

His brain was completely taken out, exposed to the cool mountain wind, and the coreless body fell to the ground without a single scar on his body.

The man in the blue shirt turned his head away, turned to face Huaiyang Village, and sat on the ground in the middle of the mountain road illuminated by the moonlight.

He put the still hot heart by his mouth, slowly lowered a piece, and tasted it carefully, as if this heart was a delicacy that is hard to find.

He ate very elegantly, and kept looking at the mountains in the distance, with an unresolved melancholy in his eyes.

After a long time, he ate all his heart, wiped away the last trace of blood from the corner of his mouth with his sleeve, stood up, and bowed deeply in the direction of Huaiyang Village.

"Brother Su, the clouds and mountains are thousands of miles away, and the world is alone... This time we part, we may never see each other again in this life, cherish it."

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