Dialogue With Evil Gods: Become A Follower Of Tianzun At The Beginning

Chapter 34 Thank You For The Teaching Of Tianzun!

"Su Lin!"

Su Lin heard Nan Zhixian's voice, he recovered and smelled the fragrance of flowers.

It took only a moment to return from the amusement park to reality, but he felt that his memory stopped for a short period of time. Su Lin held his forehead with one hand and the rough tree trunk with the other, recalling what he had just done thing.

He ran into Lu Zhuyu on the hill, and learned from the other party that they were going to lure Lu Fan to the cave ten miles south of the village, where they would ambush him.

And he and Nan Zhixian will take Luo Huainan and other people in the village to Xiqiu Village during this period of time. The villagers will be sent away by the people of Zhu Xiansi, while he and Nan Zhixian will wait at Xiqiu Village Join them.

"Temporary pulling you into the illusion will cause short-term trance and slight memory loss, and it will be fine soon." Tianzun's voice came from beside him, Su Lin was taken aback, and turned his head to look in the direction of the sound source.

Tianzun stood in the shadow of the tree crown, with her hands folded on her chest, leaning against the big tree, with a green blade of grass in her mouth. She no longer wore the fashionable modern clothes, but changed into plain sackcloth. There is no difference between ordinary people with flat hair, but even this plain dress can't conceal her shocking beauty.

"Can you directly appear in reality?"

"That's right, the immortal cultivators in the novel can have clones, why can't I have them?" Tianzun walked out from the shade of the trees, and observed the surrounding environment curiously, as if feeling very fresh.

Nan Zhixian's eyes widened, staring at Su Lin incredulously: "Who are you talking to?"

Su Lin immediately realized that Nan Zhixian couldn't see Tianzun, so he stopped talking to Tianzun with his mouth, and asked him with his heart—'You have turned into a real body now, can you fight? If you convert it to the realm of cultivating immortals, what realm are you? '

Tianzun looked at Su Lin and said with a smile: "You are not talking to me in your heart, are you? I can't hear it now. The avatar does not have such a function, just like an inferior CPU that cannot support a huge computing power, standing in front of you I actually depend on your spirit.

In other words, you are the medium through which I can manifest into this world. I have suppressed the consumption of this body to the lowest level. I have given up almost all knowledge, leaving only the part that is most helpful to you.

In other words, you can now treat me as a human being, as a Bai Xiaosheng in the world of cultivating immortals who can know many things. "

Su Lin nodded: "That is to say, I was talking to a super optical computer before, but the super optical computer cannot be carried around, so you become a calculator that can only calculate addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. I use it anytime."

"A great metaphor, I like it very much!" Tianzun said.

"Who are you talking to?" Nan Zhixian was very nervous, thinking that Su Lin must be crazy, but he still counted on Su Lin to help him ask Tianzun questions.

"I'm talking to Tianzun."

Su Lin does not hide the secret that he can communicate with Tianzun. His identity as the appointed son of Tianzun has been widely known. Being able to talk to Tianzun will not increase the risk, but will only increase his value as the son of the emperor.

"Really?" Nan Zhixian was stunned.

"Believe it or not." Su Lin walked out of the woods, stood at the entrance of the village and looked into the village. The fragrance of peach blossoms wafted in the air. Even though it was night, the sky above the village was shrouded in a pink brilliance. No matter how you looked at it, it was very suspicious.

"Ask Tianzun for me, I—"

"Don't bother, let's talk about it after finishing what we should do. What's going on?"

In this sentence, Su Lin is asking Nan Zhixian, and also asking Tianzun.

Tianzun: "It must be the effect of magical powers, but it's hard to judge the realm of the caster. I smell a nasty smell. It's a red dust fairy...go over and have a look."

"Will it be dangerous?" Su Lin worried.

"It must be dangerous. I didn't let you go. I asked the person next to you to go in and have a look. You can ask him what he wants to ask me." Tianzun said.

Su Lin turned to look at Nan Zhixian: "Tianzun told you to go into the village to have a look, and asked what do you want to ask her?"

Nan Zhixian was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly felt that Su Lin was lying to him.

"real or fake?"

"Is this your mantra? If you don't go in, I'll go in. If I die, you'll still be finished." Su Lin threatened.

"Okay, okay! I'll go in, I'll go in, help me and ask Tianzun, can I continue to use the cultivation method I am using now after breaking through the alchemy? If so, can you teach me a thing or two?" Nan Zhixian is very respectful road.

Although he doesn't believe in Su Lin, he is not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

In case Tianzun is looking at him now, if he disrespects this holy son, wouldn't he be disrespecting Tianzun.

Besides, he and Su Lin made an oath in front of the Lord Yi, that Su Lin would help him to ask questions from the Heavenly Lord, and he must not deceive him, otherwise his soul would be imprisoned by the Lord Yi, he must have not forgotten this oath.

Nan Zhixian was afraid that Su Lin would forget the oath, so he lowered his voice cautiously: "Don't forget you and I agreed!"

Su Lin nodded, and was about to send a message, but Tianzun replied in advance:

"Yes, there are thousands of great ways, all of which lead to the same goal. Any cultivation method is simplified from the great way. As long as you keep improving, you will finally see the ultimate immortal method. Therefore, the difference between all the methods in the world is only in their functions. There is no difference between good and bad. Minute."

Su Lin frowned slightly. This statement sounded too perfunctory, like a lie.

Tianzun saw through Su Lin's mind at a glance, stepped forward with a smile, patted Su Lin's shoulder lightly, and said calmly: "What are you thinking? Of course you lied to him. How could I bother to help him think about this kind of thing?" , your spiritual power is very precious."

Su Lin was shocked.

Can Kanbaru be this bad? Moreover, when God becomes corrupt, the conscience does not seem to be condemned.

"Tell him quickly. The contract between you and him in front of Mr. Yi is to help him ask me questions, so you just need to convey my words truthfully. You didn't lie. I lied...so there will be no question."

Tianzun even considered this.

Su Lin turned to Nan Zhixian and said: "Tianzun said that there are thousands of ways, and all paths lead to the same goal. Any cultivation method is simplified from the way. As long as you keep improving, you will finally see the perfect immortal method. The difference is only in the function, there is no distinction between good and bad.”

Nan Zhixian was so excited that he couldn't stop trembling. Since Su Lin is still standing here, it proves that Su Lin is not lying, he really talked to Tianzun! Tianzun really answered his question!

All along, he has actually been very inferior, because he has no talent for cultivating immortals, so he can only specialize in heretics.

However, in the eyes of gifted immortal cultivators, this kind of research is just a low-level heresy, and it is difficult to achieve small success in his life. Therefore, for decades, Nan Zhixian has relied on self-encouragement and self-deception to persist all the way until now .

Now that he heard the Supreme True Immortal affirming his skills, he felt that his persistence over the past few decades was worth it!

He suddenly knew why he could persist for so long, maybe it was fate.

He has been waiting for this opportunity!

Everything is predestined, if he hadn't met Su Lin who had just been chosen as the holy son at this coincident time, and the double cultivation partner he had chosen was someone Su Lin valued, he would have no chance to be with Su Lin Swearing an oath in front of the Third Master Yi, it is even more impossible to obtain the teachings of Tianzun.

So, all of this is cause and effect! This is his destined blessing!

Nan Zhixian felt elated and open-minded.

The difficult years in the past are gone forever, and he seems to have seen the bright avenue spread out before his eyes and rise to the sky. From this moment on, he has truly embarked on the smooth road of cultivating immortality!

All kinds of sad experiences over the past few decades surfaced in front of his eyes, Nan Zhixian sniffed and cursed in his heart:

Fuck you bastards who look down on people! Now Daoist Master, I am in my early years, even if you are the proud sons of heaven, who can let the Son of God help me pass the message to the heavenly god like me!

Suddenly, Nan Zhixian recovered from his self-movement, and realized that Tianzun might still be looking at him.

He knelt down in front of Su Lin with a "plop", trembling with excitement.

"Many... Thank you for your teaching!"

Su Lin took a step back in fright, rubbing his pants with his hands, feeling a little at a loss.

"Uh...get up, don't need to be like this, just answer a question."

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