"Oh, you're such a troublesome kid. Anyway, go home with uncle!" Nan Zhixian grabbed Su Lin, turned his head and walked towards Huaiyang Village.

"No! Can't go!"

Su Lin tried his best with both hands, but he couldn't break free from Nan Zhixian's hands. He was dragged back to Huaiyang Village by half-stretching like this.

When the door was knocked open and the thin white-haired old man stood in front of Su Lin, Su Lin was stunned.

"Grandpa... grandpa." He called blankly.

"elder brother!"

"elder brother!"

Two girls, one big and one small, ran out of the house, grabbed his hand left and right, and jumped excitedly: "You're back!"

"Brother... Look, this is what Xiao'e wrote today."

Su Xiao'e pointed to the specially reserved sand in the yard to show off to Su Lin, on the sand was written the correct words Su Xiao'e.

Su Lin's lips trembled, and he blinked. He understood that these were all fake. He was pulled into an illusion by a certain monk. Xiao'e, Lingyu, and grandpa were all taken away by Tianzun. They lived well in modern society. Living, not here, the three people in front of me are all fake.

False...all false.

He thought so in his heart, but his mouth moved uncontrollably.

"Today Xiao'e's handwriting...is very beautiful."

"Hey hey, brother, you're going to catch crickets for me tomorrow!" Su Xiaoe said in a milky voice.

Su Lin touched the other person's head: "Okay, I'll catch crickets for you tomorrow."

He looked at Nan Zhixian next to him, and found that Nan Zhixian and his grandfather Su Zhengde were talking softly in a corner of the yard. Grandpa frowned when he heard this, and looked at him with a worried expression.

After a while, Nan Zhixian turned and left. Su Zhengde drove the two children into the house and said to Su Lin: "My dear grandson, let's eat first. Grandpa has something to tell you."

Su Lin nodded silently, and followed the other party into the room, already thinking about how to get out of this illusion.

Can suicide get rid of this illusion?

In the novels he has read, there is indeed suicide in the way to get rid of the illusion, but there are also some illusions that induce the victim to commit suicide. As long as the victim commits suicide in the illusion, the body in reality will also die, so this method Cannot be used lightly, the risk is too great.

Su Lin walked into the house, the oil lamp was lit on the table, and the boxwood bow for hunting was hung on the wall. The dinner consisted of one dish and one soup. Thanks to Zhu Jiuqin.

"My dear grandson, Huainan has been

Now that Wang Xiucai has been redeemed, you can rest assured that you must always look forward.

Grandpa knew that he persuaded you that year, and you felt uncomfortable, but entering the Zuixian Tower is not a bad thing for Huainan.

What's more, Huainan has been redeemed now. Although she has a bad reputation, she is still a big girl. She has had a good life these years, and you can go see her tomorrow. "Su Zhengde said earnestly.

Su Lin was taken aback when he heard this, and looked at the old man suspiciously.

Su Zhengde picked up a chopstick dish for Su Lin, and said slowly: "Grandpa, I have thought about it, that girl likes you so much, and you like her too, and you both have reached the age to start a family.

After a while, just take her over. I'll go to the old Wang at the east end of the village to be the priest, and I'll finish the job beautifully.

You live a good life with the girl in the future, don't think about other things. "

Su Lin didn't say anything, and finished his meal silently. In this illusion, his life experience seems to be because he failed to save Luo Huainan. Since then, he suffered from karma, which led to his insanity. Luo Huainan likes him, and Wang The scholar helped to redeem Luo Huainan, and wanted to fulfill him and Luo Huainan.

This false experience is nothing to ponder. Tonight, he will go to Nan Zhixian and tell him the truth to see if he can wake up that guy's memory. Since he can stay awake in the illusion, the other party may not be able to do it.

After dinner, Su Lin went to Nan Zhixian's house non-stop, knocked on the door, and was greeted by a very healthy-looking, stout woman, who looked like a good wife who could work in the fields and help the family.

"Xiao Lin? Is there something going on so late?" The shrew spoke with great anger.

"I'm looking for Uncle Nan." Su Lin said.

The woman nodded, turned around and shouted into the room: "The dead ghost is out! Xiaolin is here to find you."

"Here we come." Nan Zhixian ran out of the house with a smile on his face, coaxed his wife into the house, closed the door behind him, and pulled Su Lin to the corner of the dark yard, where he was in the pigsty. He squatted down beside him, "What can I do to find my uncle?"

"Uncle Nan, do you believe in cultivating immortals?" Su Lin asked mysteriously.

He wants to break the heart of the man in front of him from the details. Although this illusion is very realistic, it is different from reality. In reality, there is no such thing as Nan Zhixian in Huaiyang Village, and his wife is not from the village.

Su Lin believes that as long as he carefully explores the life experience of the other party, he will definitely find contradictions.

"I believe, I believe

There are gods. "Nan Zhixian nodded vigorously, "I have met gods before!" "


"I said I met a god." Nan Zhixian took off the cigarette stick from his belt, stuffed it with tobacco and lit it, and took a deep breath, "Your Uncle Nan, I was almost recruited by the gods when I was young. disciple."

Su Lin frowned slightly, feeling that something was wrong with this development.

"When I was young, I lived in Tuhua Village. Among the children of my age, there was a very powerful man named Li. People in the village called him Li Shentong. His parents were illiterate farmers, but he was very smart. !

At that time, the children in the village did not go to school, and those who had no money went to work early. Those who could attend classes in the village school had no worries about food and clothing at home. Li Shentong was not sent to class, but he stood by the window and listened to his teacher's lecture. , you can recognize all the words that the teacher has said, and you can recite all the texts after listening to it once! So fucking smart!

When the teacher saw him, he also said that the child was smart, so he was admitted to school for free.

Then one day, when I was playing on the street, the cow in Butcher Li’s house went mad and ran into people in the street.

Everyone was running around, and I was so scared that I got into the dog hole in the dry toilet. The cow just ran past my buttocks and ran towards the entrance of the village.

I hid in the dog hole and looked out, just in time to see an old man whom I didn't know coming from the entrance of the village. He was about to collide with the cow, but the old man stretched out his hand and slapped the cow on the head. Was shot to death!

This old man is the immortal I met, and Li Shentong was chosen by him to follow him to cultivate immortality.

He also took a fancy to me back then, saying that I have a good physique and is suitable for body training, so I asked him how he compares with Li Shentong?

In the end, he said, Li Shentong can live for five hundred years, but I can only live for one hundred years.

I’m not afraid of you laughing, I was eight years old at the time, but I secretly kissed my wife. I was young and didn’t understand anything. I felt that cultivating immortals would make kissing girls happy. call you.

What's more, even if I go to practice, I'm not as good as Li Shentong, and it's better not to go.

So that fairy fate, I just missed it! "

After saying that, Nan Zhixian smoked a few big puffs of dry tobacco, sighed helplessly, and seemed to be regretting his original decision.

After Su Lin listened carefully, he said, "Nan Zhixian, the truth is that you have cultivated immortality! Now we are just in an illusion!"

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