Hearing that Su Lin agreed to join the company, Lu Zhuyu took a deep breath and then exhaled heavily, as if he had settled his mind.

She reached out and grabbed Su Lin's wrist, pulled Su Lin into the restaurant, and pointed to Guide Zhixian before leaving: "Take care of him."

Nan Zhixian raised his eyebrows, his face was full of anger, and he was about to stand up, but when he saw a group of Qi training monks sitting around him, he had to sit obediently. Biqu library

They were eating barbecue on the street, and there were mortals everywhere, so it was naturally impossible for him to use supernatural powers.

And on the premise that neither side uses supernatural powers and spells, Nan Zhixian, who is the peak of Foundation Establishment, may not be able to beat this group of people, and even if he wins, he will be escorted to the Yamen by the surrounding spectators. Then there will be big trouble.

Su Lin was dragged into her guest room by Lu Zhuyu, who saw Lu Zhuyu buckle a piece of floor on the ground, revealing a deep tunnel slightly bigger than the palm of her hand, and then she turned into a black cat and got in.

After a while, Su Lin heard a light "click", and several floors on the ground bounced lightly. Su Lin lifted the floor, and a pair of pale golden eyes blinked at him ten meters below. He recognized that it was Lu Zhuyu's eyes.

"Come down, remember to close the secret door." Lu Zhuyu's voice came from the ground.

Su Lin went down into the tunnel and closed the secret door. Lu Zhuyu snapped his fingers lightly, and the oil lamps on the tunnel walls lit up. Looking at this scene, Su Lin thought of Nan Zhixian's underground prison in Yizhuang.

"What is this place?"

"In the temporary stronghold of Jade Immortal Division, there are some introductory exercises. You can choose the ones that suit you to learn, which are good for your battle. The reason why Jade Immortal Division can kill high-ranking monks across borders is because of these exercises."

With hands behind his back, Lu Zhuyu walked in front of Su Lin, and came to the basement floor. This temporary base was not big, but the space was full. The iron shelf on the left was full of various weapons, and some of the weapons were Carved with runes that Su Lin doesn't recognize, it's obviously not ordinary.

As for the wooden shelf on the right, there are many books, which should be the exercises Lu Zhuyu mentioned.

She first took two books from the shelf and handed them to Su Lin, namely "Burning Blood Kung Fu" and "Blood Coagulation Kung Fu".

"These two exercises can be cultivated regardless of the source of life. "Burning Blood Kungfu" is a exercise that burns one's lifespan to improve one's cultivation and physique. Regardless of supernatural powers, practicing Qi can be compared with building a foundation. .

"Blood Coagulation Kung Fu" is an anti-enemy exercise. After practicing this exercise, the movement of true energy in the body will be hindered when the opponent touches your blood. The more blood the opponent touches, the weaker the practitioner will be.

For monks who touch blood, it will be more difficult for their true energy to circulate.

But if you fight alone, you can almost ignore this restriction, its power lies in the siege!

The more types of blood the opponent comes into contact with, the stronger the hindrance to the true qi. If there are a hundred people who practice "Blood Coagulation Art" and sprinkle blood on the opponent, and all the hundred people die, then even if the opponent It is the realm of golden core, and it will temporarily fall into foundation establishment. "

Su Lin understood, and briefly summarized the effects of these two exercises. "Burning Blood Kungfu" is self-harming and exploding seeds, and "Blood Coagulation Kungfu" is self-destructing before death.

No wonder when he met Jade Immortal Division for the first time, all of them had that kind of look in their eyes. If these people practiced this kind of desperate tactics, then the record of murder across borders would make sense.

Su Lin could barely understand the Burning Blood Kungfu, but the inventor of the Blood Coagulation Kungfu was obviously tailor-made for low-level monks who wanted to die.

This kind of exercise requires many people to be effective, and the best effect can only be achieved after death. It is simply tailor-made for Zhu Xiansi.

"Who created "Blood Coagulation Technique"?" Su Lin asked.

"The first chief of Jade Immortal Division, Gu Qingqiu, the closed disciple of Daliang Guoshi." Lu Zhuyu said, "She also died under the "Blood Coagulation Technique". To kill her, the thirteen pavilions of Jade Immortal Division emptied four pavilions The rest of the nine pavilions also suffered heavy casualties."

Su Lin frowned: "Da Liang Guoshi?"

"That's right, it's Daliang. After Daliang was destroyed, she took orders from Emperor Gaozu." Lu Zhuyu said.

Su Lin finally heard something related to Zhu Jiuqin, and the first clue contradicted what Nan Zhixian said before. Nan Zhixian said that Zhu Jiuqin should not be a cultivator. Just a mortal.

But the existence of Zhu Xiansi, as well as the relationship between the disciples of Daliang Guoshi and him, all showed that Zhu Jiuqin was extraordinary.

"But I heard people say that there are many monks in the court, and they all say that Gao Zu is not a cultivator of immortals. Was it really founded by Gao Zu?"

Lu Zhuyu frowned slightly, hesitantly hesitated several times, and finally said: "It is true that Gao Zu founded the Jade Immortal Division, but I joined the Division later, so I don't know much about what happened back then, but my master said that it did happen back then. Something really weird happened."

"Can you tell me?"

"It's not a secret that can't be told, just like what you said, Emperor Gaozu became a mortal after he founded Jade Immortal Division. The last edict he issued to Jade Immortal Division was the Blood Edict, which took all the power of Jade Immortal Division Gu Qingqiu and my master are in charge, and from now on, any affairs of Jade Immortal Division are not allowed to be played."

Lu Zhuyu's hand slid gently across his waist, and he took out a gold medal from his belt.

It says Zhenwu Shangyu.

"A large number of these tokens were issued together with the blood marsh, which gave Jade Immortal Division great power, but since then, Jade Immortal Division actually seems to have separated from the imperial court. It is like another imperial court, Gaozu The emperor is in charge of mortal affairs, while Zhuxian Division is in charge of the affairs of the world of cultivating immortals in Daxia.

Of course, the Jade Immortal Division has never been an opponent of real cultivators, and now it is even worse. "

Lu Zhuyu let out a long sigh, expressing great emotion.

Su Lin took the token and flipped through it for a while, then handed it back to the other party.

Information about Zhu Jiuqin suddenly increased, but things became more complicated. Zhu Jiuqin was obviously a cultivator, but can a cultivator become a mortal again?

If Zhu Jiuqin became a mortal again, what would happen to Tiantiao?

Obviously, Zhu Jiuqin had extremely long-term considerations in his last edict, but what was his purpose in doing so?

"Then is the emperor a monk now?"

Lu Zhuyu shook his head: "Nowadays, no one in the court knows about the existence of Zhu Xiansi, and the emperor is just a mortal."

Su Lin pondered for a moment: "Then did Emperor Gaozu leave anything behind?"

"Well... a lot, this is also the strangest thing about Emperor Gaozu. He obviously forgot the existence of Jade Immortal Division in his later years, but in the end, a large part of Emperor Gaozu's relics were accepted by Jade Immortal Division and kept in the capital. manage.

The most confusing thing is Gaozu's daily record. Gaozu is implementing it. He has the habit of recording daily trifles by himself. His accumulated daily records fill up half a box, but besides the daily record, there are seven other books. golden book.

Three of them have no words, and the other four engrave the deeds of Emperor Gaozu's overthrow of Daliang since he started his army. There is nowhere to add.

However, in Jade Immortal Division, all the monks who have entered the Nascent Soul Realm, and those who have read the golden book, many of them are obsessed, and the few who are not obsessed do not mention a word about the contents of the golden book.

Therefore, those seven golden books are also called "Gaozu Demon Book". "

Su Lin was shocked when he heard this. What shocked him was not only Zhu Jiuqin's mystery, but also Jade Immortal Division's attitude towards Zhu Jiuqin.

Perhaps Zhu Xiansi is already an organization completely separated from the court, and is no longer bound by feudal ethics. Therefore, apart from respecting and fearing Zhu Jiuqin, there is no superficial flattery, so that he dares to leave Zhu Jiuqin behind. The relics, called the demon book.

"It's very interesting and worthy of further investigation! So far, our direction is not wrong." Tianzun said suddenly.

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