Overwhelming country and city? Sinking a fish into a wild goose?

No modification can be described, only standing in front of her can understand the shocking beauty, only the feeling at this moment is the most real.

Su Lin can guarantee that as long as a man sees her at first sight, he will definitely fall for her, without exception, of course he is too.

But the girl's appearance is changing rapidly, making minor adjustments, and there are some small flaws in the details that can be ignored in the perfect facial features.

Soon, she changed from a celestial beauty to a big beauty who can score 9 points in the worldly evaluation. Although she is heart-stirring, she will not lose her mind.

"Communicate in the modern way you like, calm down a little now?" the woman said.

Su Lin suddenly realized that he was still fighting Liu Lu to the death.

"No, you must go back immediately!"

He was about to get up, but was shocked to find that his body couldn't move!

"Don't worry, no matter how fast that werewolf is, it can't be faster than the speed of thought, not faster than the speed of consciousness." The girl smiled.

She continued: "Hello, time traveler. I am a god. Judging from your world view, my closest image should be Cthulhu, Yogg Sothos, and you can also understand me in this way. But in this world, they call me Tianzun."

Su Lin's heart was shocked. His identity as a time traveler was instantly seen through.

And the other party also knows the vocabulary that only he knows, such as Cthulhu and Yugosothos!

After a short thought, Su Lin quickly calmed down. The other party declared her power in a low-key manner, but every detail could see Tianzun's strong control.

Whether it was this realistic illusion, or the gentle suppression that prevented him from resisting, it all showed her strength.

The existence in front of him who claims to be a god is unfathomable, much stronger than Liu Lu, and she cannot be in the same camp as Liu Lu.

She pulled herself into this special space, the timing was too special, and the other party should have a special purpose.

Su Lin's world view has made a new breakthrough. This world not only has monsters like Liu Lu, but also this unknown supreme existence.

But why is there no trace of God in this world even though gods exist in the world?

"This question, I will explain to you later, but now let's talk about something else." Tianzun read his thoughts.

"What do you want to do to me?" Su Lin said.

"I want you to be my believer. To put it simply, I will give you the corresponding power, and you will help me achieve the corresponding goal." Tianzun said with a smile.


Su Lin thought of many legends and stories. Before time travel, he was a fan of horror novels. He was very keen on novels such as Cthulhu. Human beings who came into contact with such gods in the stories would almost go crazy.

And the gods in the novel will not be as polite as the Tianzun in front of him. Compared with the image of a gentle and dignified girl now, the constantly changing image that he saw in the nothingness that cannot be described in words at the beginning is closer to Su Lin's impression of such gods.

"If you really exist like Yugosothos, then I, a tiny human being, shouldn't be able to help you much."

"It's not helping, it's just training, just like Pavlov training a dog, I'm just using you to accomplish something.

Just like the horses in the racetrack have been competing with their own kind all their lives; the bulls in the bullring have been killing each other;

Humans can't tell them the meaning of these behaviors, they can only let these animals understand how they will get feedback for doing these things.

The relationship between me and you is like this, you can't understand.

Of course, I am not saying that you are a dog or a cow. Everything I said is just for your understanding, and I will give you the greatest respect.

Because respect for human beings is not a cost to God. "

Tianzun showed a thrilling smile, gentle, kind, considerate, all kinds of beautiful qualities are reflected in this smile.

But this smile quickly fine-tuned after it appeared, from intimate to distant politeness and friendliness.

Su Lin realized that this was Tianzun showing him his strength. He had never thought that he could communicate face-to-face with Cthulhu-level existence, and it was still in human form.

"I'll bring your sister back to life, and keep the rest of your family safe from strife in this game, and they'll be safe until you die to my satisfaction.

And after you fulfill your own value, no matter whether you succeed or not, they will have a perfect destination. "

Su Lin's pupils contracted slightly, and the shock in his heart could no longer be described in words.

The other party's promise was understated, but he couldn't think of doubting it at all. There is no doubt that Tianzun can easily do everything she said just now.

Su Lin finally realized that this was not a negotiation. As Tianzun said, he did not have the power and capital to refuse. Even if he had the idea of ​​negotiating just now, he was already very stupid.

"You agreed, but you still seem to have a lot of doubts, but I advise you not to go deep into it.

I know that your original world instilled in you a lot of interesting ideas, such as transcending reincarnation, killing gods and demons, arbitrarily ruling the ages, and other beautiful visions that make people feel physically and mentally happy.

In those works, it seems that human beings are omnipotent relying on their own excellent character.

This kind of thinking is very good for pleasing the body and mind, but don't take it seriously, the world is not what you think.

In the final analysis, human beings are still experiencing the world through their organs.

The so-called science is just a popular explanation for high-probability phenomena. It is not correct. As long as you don't get a glimpse of the whole picture, no one can see the truth.

For example, you first saw my true self, but that was only the tip of the iceberg, because your perception is only five senses.

My image is always changing in front of your eyes, just like a person moves under the sun, and the shadow will change accordingly. The change of my body is not magic or supernatural powers, but a comprehensive reflection of thousands of external conditions.

Everything human beings know, whether it is seen through a microscope or heard through a hearing aid, can only be received by the five senses of human beings in the end, which is doomed to differences in information.

There is a book "Three-Body Problem" in the book you have read, and there is a saying in it called "Within the cone of light, is destiny".

It is true from your human point of view, because you cannot go beyond the light, you do not have the organ to perceive what is outside the light cone.

Human beings only have five senses of hearing, smelling, touching, tasting, and seeing, while God's perception has yi, lo, mu, and countless other senses.

You and other races name the perception you have. Although this is only a certain function of God’s perception, you think it is a healthy function. This is the innate limitation brought by the senses.

From your human standpoint, I will tell you a truth alone, the unknown is happiness, and the cage is happiness.

You can understand it as my love for you. "

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