Dialogue With Evil Gods: Become A Follower Of Tianzun At The Beginning

Chapter Fifty-Eighth: Dragon Devouring Landscape Technique

"The Burning Blood Kung Fu practiced first?" Tianzun's eyes fell on the secret book spread out on the bed.

She put the snacks in her hand on the table, smiled inexplicably, and walked towards Su Lin rubbing her hands.

"Come on, let's start cultivating immortals~ Let me modify the "Rigid Body Technique" for you first. After your body meets the minimum requirements, I will teach you the "King Kong Six Extermination Buddha Sutra."

King Kong Six Exterminations Buddha Sutra?

Listening to the name is like a very powerful skill, and only monks who don't know what realm can practice this kind of skill.

"Isn't this the kind of exercise I can practice during the Qi training period?" Su Lin asked.

"It was originally practiced by Nascent Soul, but it's fine if I'm here. Take off your clothes, and it won't be good if the hot air won't dissipate later." Tianzun said while flipping through the Rigid Body Art quickly.

"Actually, it's a bit inappropriate for you to practice such a profound exercise right now, but the senses activated by this exercise are very consistent with the origin of my control. I can help you eliminate the deep experience brought by this sense as much as possible. In the future, you can Use it as a trump card." Tianzun said casually.

"Tianzun, what is the source of your control?" Su Lin asked.

"Time and space, but you have to understand time as change. Other gods also have their own powers. When you meet other monks in the future, you can judge the other party's affiliation from their fighting methods.

Qingxu Bodhisattva is in charge of the weakening of emotions, as well as strength. His followers can weaken your intense emotions, make you lose fighting spirit and fighting spirit, and let go of anger and hatred.

Hongchenxian is in charge of happiness in the worldly understanding, which is of little help in combat, but his followers have formed a large number of secondary cults, with a large group of mentally twisted mortals as cannon fodder.

Yujing real person is in charge of the joy and recovery produced by the inversion of pain, which is best recognized, and the masochist is his believer.

Hongchen Immortal and Qingxu Bodhisattva are in the same group, and I am in the same group as Daoist Yujing, remember?

Hey, you first practice the chapter on luck according to the current rigid body technique, and then I will guide you on the chapter on posture. "

Tianzun handed the "Rigid Body Technique" to Su Lin.


Seventy miles south of Wu'an City, at an altitude of 100 meters, a huge dragon boat with a length of 30 feet was floating in the air. On the prow of the boat stood a man with long dragon horns and a neck covered with dragon scales.

The man was dressed in a water-blue brocade robe, with his hands behind his back, his deep pupils traveled a distance of seventy miles, and landed in the guest room of a certain restaurant in Wu'an City.

"Eldest brother, the formation is ready." A woman stepped forward and cupped her hands. She had a beautiful appearance, but her hands looked like some kind of large reptile, covered with pitch-black scales, with thick knuckles and sharp claws at the end.

"Thanks for your hard work." Long Xiaoyun waved his big sleeves, turned around and came to the center of the formation emitting white light on the deck, and sat on the floor.

He made a gesture with both hands

, spit out a long series of complicated and difficult syllables, and the four disciples who were waiting in the four directions cut their palms at the same time, and the blood dripped on the four formation eyes, converging into a red stream, slowly moving towards the direction of Long Xiaoyun in the center. Slow down.


At first, the syllables in Long Xiaoyun's mouth belonged to the sounds that humans can make, but they were a little difficult, but soon those syllables were stacked together, and it was obvious that only one person sang it, but it felt like many people were chanting it. In the end, it even changed. It became a rhythmless noise.

Song Wan stood quietly with both hands, waiting patiently for Long Xiaoyun to cast a spell.

This formation is called the Dragon Sing Formation, and it is a secret technique of the Spirit Dragon Sect of the Supreme Qing Dynasty. It can expand the scope of influence of the caster's spells to an unimaginable level, and the price is that four disciples who practice the secret technique of the Spirit Dragon Sect will use their blood essence as a reward. lead.

And the spell that Long Xiaoyun is casting at this moment is called the Wild Dragon Devouring Scenery Technique, which is the supreme secret technique of the Spirit Dragon Sect that only the best true disciples can practice.

The power of this spell lies in the fact that there is no need to fight against the enemy, and it can directly kill the opponent's primordial spirit when he is unprepared. , the Spirit Dragon Sect will surely become one of the nine major sects!

As Long Xiaoyun continued to sing, the surrounding scene began to slowly distort. Several Dharma protector disciples watched this miraculous scene in surprise and were filled with admiration in their hearts.

"It's starting to change!"

"Are we about to enter each other's mind?"

"This is the first time I have come into contact with the so-called primordial spirit."

"so amazing!"

Long Xiaoyun suddenly opened his eyes, and his pupils were shining with dazzling brilliance, like molten gold.

"Look carefully, if the other party hadn't entered Wu'an City, I wouldn't use these secret techniques." Long Xiaoyun said.


In Wu'an City, Su Lin has finished adjusting his breath and luck, and has already started to put on a posture.

I saw Su Lin striding with both hands, raising his arms above the head, with the backs of his hands touching, and at the same time moving his hands in an extremely slow posture. His hands were as heavy as lead.

His whole body was sweating profusely, every muscle fiber was trembling violently, his arms were sore and swollen, and there was also a tide of labor pain. This kind of pain made people want to give up, but it was maintained at an acceptable level.

Rather than saying that this is challenging the upper limit of human muscles, it is better to say that it is challenging the upper limit of Su Lin's spirit.

Tianzun stood aside, with her cold and soft palms on Su Lin's bare chest, and her other hand touching her chin, thinking seriously. From time to time, she used the other hand to press somewhere on Su Lin's body, guiding The direction of his luck.

"Hold on, it's just your illusion that your arm is going to break, but instead

You should carefully experience the pain, which is the feeling of the flow and contraction of your inner body.

Awakening this sense, you will feel the squeeze between muscles, the detailed position of internal organs, and the state of the heart.

Wait until you... here, the gas in the lower abdomen is less... not bad.

After you finish the practice, every muscle in your body can act like an arm, and the fascia and muscles cooperate with each other to automatically reset the dislocated and fractured bones, and even adjust the position of internal organs. "

Su Lin has finished a set, and his eyes are a little lax. This is the fifteenth time he feels that he has reached his limit.

Suddenly, Su Lin's pupils lost focus, his posture was completely disorganized, and his body fell forward weakly.

Tianzun seemed to have been prepared for a long time, hugged the other party, and then looked up to the south.


"The place where the human primordial spirit hides is the heart scene. Now we have entered the heart scene of the Son of God, you see, that is the Son." Long Xiaoyun pointed to the only clear one in the blurred background. silhouette.

The other four disciples opened their eyes wide in amazement.

Everyone looked closer, and after seeing the other party's clothes clearly, they felt even more incredible.

"Junior brothers, no matter who it is, as long as it fails to transform into a spirit, the primordial spirit is definitely the most vulnerable. Even the Son of Heaven is like a child in his mind." Long Xiaoyun said.

A younger brother said: "It's just a child, as expected of a child of disaster, wearing clothes we have never seen before!"

Su Lin in my heart is only seven or eight years old. He wears a yellow hat and white short-sleeved sleeves. The words "Flowers of the Motherland" are written on the front of the clothes. His lower body is a pair of black denim shorts. With Monkey King. Biqu library

Su Lin straightened the red scarf around his neck, opened his eyes wide, and looked at the strange uncle in front of him curiously: "Uncle, are you playing cosplay?"

"Brother, can Yuanshen still speak?!" one exclaimed.

"Yes, the initial soul of a person is often the most carefree state in the life that has been experienced. Many people are childhood, a few people are old, and very few people are adults. But no matter what age, the soul is The most defenseless state."

"Ouch! This bracelet is very chic, but it feels a little ugly."

"Uncle, this is a watch, a children's watch! Can you please let me go? I'm going to the kindergarten to pick up my brother from school."

Long Xiaoyun smiled and held out his hand to Su Lin: "big brother will go with you, go to the bait garden to pick up your brother."

In this way, the primordial spirit of the Son of Heavenly Venerable will belong to their Shangqing Linglongzong!

At this moment, a clear and pleasant voice came from behind everyone.

"Little brother, don't listen to them~~ Come to sister, they are bad people."

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