Dialogue With Evil Gods: Become A Follower Of Tianzun At The Beginning

Chapter 63: The Thirteenth Year Of Zhenwu, Jingguan

"What's the matter?" Su Lin raised an eyebrow at Lu Zhuyu.

Lu Zhuyu was taken aback for a moment, and immediately replied: "We encountered something just now, I was wondering if you could help me."

Su Lin didn't answer immediately, but lowered his head and began to meditate.

Seeing this, Lu Zhuyu immediately added: "I know, you still have to save the villagers in Huaiyang Village, but you probably don't know the way to the Ant Immortal Gate yet?"

Su Lin then raised his head: "You know?"

"Of course I don't know, but Huainan told me what happened to you before, and I think that disciple of the Ant Immortal Sect, if he can really return to the sect, he will definitely come to Wu'an City to look for you.

After all, the place where your flying magic weapon fell is the closest to Wu'an City. This is the best hiding place. As long as you are still alive, you must be in Wu'an City.

Not surprisingly, the disciples of the Ant Immortal Sect will arrive in a few days. Of course, the Nascent Soul monster may also come to the city to look for you. If you act together with us, even if we encounter trouble, we will take care of each other. "

At this time, Tianzun who was sitting on the side pushed Su Lin and reminded: "The person who invaded your mind has a head with dragon horns, and the bodies of the others have more or less signs of dragon transformation. Yingjing, ask her if she knows what sect this is."

Su Lin turned to ask: "Do you know of any sect, people who are not in the realm of Nascent Soul, can have the phenomenon of dragon transformation on their body, such as the first-born dragon horns?"

Lu Zhuyu's eyes lit up, and he said in surprise, "Shangqing Linglongzong? Have you seen them?"

"It's not counted as meeting, but it's definitely considered contact. Do you know this sect?" Su Lin asked.

Lu Zhuyu took a deep breath, opened a stool beside the table and wanted to sit down, but seeing the blood stains on the stool, he had to give up, walked to the wall and stood against the wall, and said slowly: "The first director of Zhuxian Division Director Gu Qingqiu is a disciple of the Linglong Sect of the Shangqing, to be precise, he eats raw food."

"What is raw food?"

Lu Zhuyu frowned even tighter, as if this word made her feel extremely unhappy.

"Throughout the ages, there have been tens of thousands of immortal cultivators in the world, and the ways of cultivation have varied, but all cultivation methods can be classified into three types, physical cultivation, spiritual cultivation, and demon cultivation.

And this Shangqing Linglongzong is the representative of demon cultivators. They can use a strange secret technique to graft the limbs of monsters and monsters onto themselves, allowing the body to slowly fuse with the flesh and blood of monsters, so as to obtain the power of those monsters. Bloodline supernatural powers.

Therefore demon

Xiu's Taoism progress is also the fastest among the three types of monks, but this kind of practice with a sword is actually extremely dangerous.

After fusing the flesh and blood of the monk and the demon, although he can obtain the supernatural power of the blood of the demon, he will also inherit the instinctive habits of the demon, so his behavior will become more and more weird.

Although many demon cultivators are intelligent, they act more like beasts. Jade Immortal Division once captured a demon cultivator who fused with a six-eared bat. It doesn't fall to the ground, it's bloodthirsty, and it doesn't like people to eat. "

"Then the raw food you mentioned just now? It's actually..." Su Lin tentatively guessed.

Lu Zhuyu nodded solemnly: "That's right, raw food is a monster. Our first chief is also a monster. It is rumored that she has the blood of the ancient ferocious beast Wuxiaye in her body. Oh, Wuxiaye is a kind of dragon." , It is rumored that when it opens its eyes, the sky and the earth are daytime, and when it closes its eyes, the sky and the earth are dark. Emperor Gaozu said that the endless night is also called Zhu Jiuyin."

"So, the people of the Linglong Sect of the Supreme Qing have the blood of Zhu Jiuyin." Su Lin muttered to himself.

"I'm not sure about this, but Master Gu can indeed control the brightness of the surrounding light, just like endless nights, when she closes her eyes, the surroundings are dark, but when she opens them, the surroundings are bright.

When she was cooking raw food in the Spirit Dragon Sect, she lost her legs and feet. She replaced them with puppet organs on weekdays, and her daily behavior was no different from ordinary people. I don't know how she became the Great Liang Guoshi. "

Su Lin had a flash of inspiration, and the picture of his dream flashed before his eyes.

In the dream, in the vision of the person he was attached to, his hands and feet did not appear from the beginning to the end!

Normally, when a person sits on a chair, his hands are either on the armrests or on his own legs, but in his dream, Su Lin saw that the armrests of the chair were empty, and when Zhu Jiuqin squatted down in front of her, she lowered her head Looking at the other party, I didn't see my own legs in my field of vision.

Not surprisingly, the person who has such a close relationship with Zhu Jiuqin is Gu Qingqiu.

Zhu Jiuqin told her that it was up to her to decide what to do next. Was there any major agreement between the two of them? Is this agreement related to the fall of the gods?

Su Lin looked up at Lu Zhuyu and asked, "You said earlier that you killed Gu Qingqiu, why?"

"I didn't join the company at that time, and the reason is not clear, but my master knows, the next time you see him

You can ask him yourself, but now there is a more important matter that requires your help, and it is not difficult for you. "

"Please say."

"A while ago, Jade Immortal Division did a household registration check in Wu'an City. This kind of household registration check is usually done once a year. Because of the rules of heaven, it is unknown that demons kill people. Only monks like us remember the dead, so I want to know If there are any evil cultivators in the city, they can only ask door to door.

Just recently, that headed Jingguan reappeared. "

Su Lin stared at Lu Zhuyu, and said word by word: "Zhenwu thirteen years?"

Lu Zhuyu looked at Su Lin in surprise, and asked in confusion: "How do you know? You weren't even born then! And the capital city is far away."

Su Lin was silent for a while, then shook his head slowly, denying: "I don't know, I heard it from other people, what happened in the thirteenth year of Zhenwu?"

"A lot of people died...it's a strange thing."

Lu Zhuyu supported his forehead with an anxious look on his face.

She seemed to have a lot to say, but didn't know where to start.

In this way, Su Lin waited for a full cup of tea before Lu Zhuyu began to tell the story of the year.

In the autumn of the thirteenth year of Zhenwu, one hundred and thirty people died, and their limbs and broken arms were dug out in the wilderness of the four wilderness areas outside the capital.

They were divided into hands, feet, heads and torsos, classified into categories, and buried underground in the outskirts of the four directions of the capital, forming an underground Jingguan, which has the feeling of an evil sacrifice ceremony.

But the strangest thing is that this incident caused a stir in the whole capital at that time, and everyone knew about it, which shows that the people who are doing these Beijing observations are not monks.

Because monks and monsters kill mortals, they will be ignored by mortals under the constraints of heaven. At that time, it was only a few small headhunters from the capital inspector's office who discovered these few places in Beijing.

What's even more strange is that the bodies of the one hundred and thirty missing people had been meticulously embalmed when they were discovered.

According to the rotten details, Wu Zuo deduced that the earliest of these people had died for about two months, but their relatives and friends only reported to the officials one after another within two days before the Jingguan was discovered.

This means that within two months, the murderer killed one hundred and thirty people one after another in the capital, and divided their corpses into Jingguan, but the family members of these deceased did not realize it in these two months. , Until two days before Jingguan was discovered, the collective came to their senses.

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