"Get up, have you prepared something for me? I'm a little hungry." Li Zizai flicked his sleeves and sat on the floor.

Wan Shouhong immediately winked at the servant, who hurried to prepare food for him.

Although he is an expensive prefect and a monk in the alchemy realm, when facing this adult in front of him, he always feels that he is a mortal with no power to restrain a chicken.

Li Zizai glanced sideways at the Tie Jing Pan, pointed to the blue flames on it and said, "Isn't there still a shortage of people? Isn't this the best material? Go and bring this person right away. In this way, The materials for my talisman to avoid the sky are ready."

"Yes, yes, I will send someone to do it immediately."

Wanshouhong immediately nodded in agreement, and then said: "Master, there is one thing I don't understand. In fact, not long ago, the fire of life on this scene was divided into two evenly for a few hours. After a while , one suddenly went out, and then the remaining one slowly returned to its original size, what is the sign of this?" Pen Fun Library

Li Zizai raised his eyelids: "The fire of the source of life will not be divided into two for no reason. If you are sawed from the middle, can you still live?"

"But I did see it, so why?" Wan Shouhong looked at the flames on the plate with a confused look on his face.

"The other party is a monk. He should have studied the "Seven Secret Records of Returning to God" like me. He can not only separate souls, but also combine souls. His cultivation level should not be low. The people raised in your family probably can't control him. You call the person with the highest cultivation level in your house."

"Uh... In this prefect's mansion, apart from the subordinates, the highest level of cultivation among the subordinates is only Foundation Establishment."

Li Zizai chuckled and said, "That's enough, just call them here."

Wan Shouhong gave the steward who was waiting by the side a wink, and after a short while, several servants were led to Li Zizai. Although they had never met Li Zizai before, they had served the prefect's family for many years in the mansion. The teacher has heard about it for a long time, but now he can see it in person, and his heart is full of awe.

Li Zizai got up and grabbed the hand of one of them. The servant raised his head and looked at Li Zizai in confusion.

Then a face followed Li Zizai's arm and climbed directly onto the palm of the servant. When the servant saw the face climbed onto his palm, he was so frightened that he opened his mouth and was about to exclaim, but his facial features suddenly twisted , slowly sank under the skin, becoming a faceless man.

The face sent by Li Zizai, from the servant's

The arm crawled all the way to the face, and soon occupied the entire face. Seeing this scene, the old butler was shaking like a sieve, but seeing his master standing aside expressionlessly, he calmed down a little.

Just as the other two servants next to them were about to scream, Li Zizai waved his sleeves, and the two of them shut their mouths obediently, and stood there with dull eyes, as if they were hypnotized.

After seizing the first person, Li Zizai then held the hands of the other two servants. Like the first one, he put two different faces on the faces of the two servants, and one of them A face, just like the elegant scholar Wan Shouhong saw just now.

"Heigou, cast a spell on Niu Chuxi to change his appearance, and then you two will obey Xiaofeng's arrangement and bring that man back as quickly as possible." After finishing speaking, Li Zizai looked at Niu Chuxi and urged, "Qixi , this is your first time doing something, do it well and don't mess it up."

"I...I understand." Niu Chuxi was dejected, his eyes full of horror.

Li Zizai: "Heigou, take care of him."

The black dog glanced at Niu Chuxi, clasped his fists at Li Zizai, and said in a deep voice, "Yes!"

Wang Xiaofeng put his hands behind his back, and Li Zizai looked at each other for a long time, then turned around and walked outside the prefect's mansion.


Guest coming to the restaurant, Su Lin just heard Nan Zhixian talk about various situations of resurrection from the dead.

After a person dies, the soul will stay in the body for a long time. The better the body is, the longer the soul stays, and it usually takes seven days to dissipate.

But if the body is torn apart, the soul will dissipate in a short time.

And as long as the soul does not dissipate, it is possible to come back from the dead, such as using the Yangyang Pill, or other advanced spells, or using the method of locking the soul to pull the soul out and imprison it in another body.

The most advanced resurrection from the dead is the rumored corpse detoxification immortal, leaving behind his body, but his soul remains forever.

"Brother Wang can't be an Immortal Corpse Dissolver. Of course, he can't be resurrected with something like Huanyang Pill. If he can move freely, he will definitely come to me. I think he must have been detained by someone's soul." Su Lin guessed.

Su Lin pondered for a moment, then looked at Lu Zhuyu: "Last time you said that after a heart-eating ghost kills and devours a heart, it will turn into the appearance of that person to repay the favor. I think maybe a heart-eating ghost can not only imitate a person's appearance, but Imitating human handwriting and mannerisms."

Lu Zhuyu slightly nodded in agreement: "

Speaking of which, the ten taels of silver that Niu Chuxi gave his mother was a kind of repayment, but it also echoed the habit of heart-eating ghosts. "

Su Lin fell into a long silence. The heart-eating ghost killed Xiao'e and Wang Xiaofeng.

He had no clue of revenge before, so he had to give up, and now this monster reappeared in front of him.

If he doesn't kill this ghost, he swears not to be human!

"But will the demon do Jingguan? This is obviously a reenactment of the unsolved case in the thirteenth year of Zhenwu. The demon should not do such a thing." Lu Zhuyu frowned.

The reason why demons are demons is because they are not as changeable as humans, but like animals, they have common, simple, and regular living habits and motivations for action.

Just like heart-eating ghosts often repay their kindness after killing people, this behavior of repaying favors does not benefit it, but will reveal its identity as a monster, but heart-eating ghosts just like to do it, and they will do it after doing it.

Doing such a highly purposeful act of Jingguan obviously does not conform to the behavior style of a monster.

At this moment, the door of the wing room was pushed open, and Xiao Wu ran in and said, "Boss, people from the prefect's mansion are here, saying that Miss Luo is a suspect! Take her away!"

"What?" Lu Zhuyu frowned slightly, stood up and said, "Say it again, a member of the prefect's mansion?"

"Well! They showed the token! I've seen it, and it's really a member of the prefect's mansion, and they brought all the seizure documents!"

"Go, go out and have a look." Lu Zhuyu took the lead and walked out.

Going out and stepping on the corridor on the second floor, Su Lin heard the noise in the lobby on the first floor, and the abuse was endless.

"Hmph, it really is a disaster for a beauty, this kind of whore should be immersed in a pig cage!"

"How can soaking in a pig cage be enough? She murdered her husband! She deserves to be cut to pieces!"

The residents were swearing, while the waiter was helping Luo Huainan.

"My lords! Although you have the detention documents, please wait a moment, our shopkeeper will come soon! I will bring you a jug of good wine, please wait a moment!"

"Go away, do you have a place to talk! Let's go!" one person shouted angrily.

Standing by the railing on the second floor, Su Lin saw Luo Huainan surrounded by the crowd in the middle of the hall, and two big men firmly pressed her shoulders.

Her complexion was pale, her face was full of horror, but she kept silent, her eyes were fixed on one of the three officials, as if she had seen a ghost.

"Come on, let's go down and ask. They must have made a mistake. I can handle this kind of thing." Lu Zhuyu said.

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