The moment Fang Zongyu launched the attack, Fang Zongyu made up his mind, and all the previous hesitation was swept away.

Since the iron block chose him, why did he give it away!

Since Su Lin is unwilling to leave without iron, why not kill him!

Who else can take the senior sister away from him after killing him?

With the iron block, who else can match Cong Bingqing except him!

"Kill you!"

The words in Fang Zongyu's mouth turned into blurred screams, and the voice from his throat carried a strange humming unique to insects, humiliation and anger intertwined in the voice, mixed with the joy of completely letting go of oneself , and finally turned into a weird hiss that can make people feel intuitively emotional.

With a buzzing sound in his head, Su Lin subconsciously threw the box in his hand to the far corner of the room, pushed the table with his left hand, and skillfully exerted force on the edge of the table, and he used this counterforce to retreat backward.

Su Lin's senses became sharpened in an instant. In his eyes, the world became black and white, and disordered lines danced in the air. Both his body and the opponent's body became a sketch-like style. This is the material line. perspective.

The material lines flying in the air were instantly torn apart. In the three-color world composed of white, black and gray, a sharp black hand knife cut off the light gray lines in front of him. All light black.

Such a sharp thread can easily cut through human flesh and shred hard bones.

This was the first time Su Lin was attacked by a Golden Core cultivator, and he felt a world of difference from the last time he faced the perfect Nam Chi Hyun.

If it was said that Nan Zhixian had plotted to kill himself by relying on a strange technique, then the sense of oppression that Fang Zongyu brought to Su Lin at this moment was pure force crushing.

No matter in terms of speed or strength, this blow reached an extremely exaggerated level. Even if Su Lin launched the Destroying Front and Rigid Body Technique immediately, the shoulder that was brushed by the opponent's palm was still stabbed.

Su Lin used neutralizing force at the critical moment, but at the moment when he shared the force equally, he resolutely gave up and continued to use neutralizing force to relieve the opponent's strength.

If he doesn't do anything at this moment, he will just be torn off a piece of flesh, but if he uses force, the terrifying force like flowing water will spread to all parts of his body, all the muscles of his left shoulder will be necrotic, and the blood vessels will be damaged due to the huge The shock swells the plug.

In the blink of an eye, Su Lin and Fang Zongyu have already completed a round of fighting, but this is more like Su Lin's unilateral evasion.

Su Lin's thoughts were as fast as lightning. He felt that the time in the real world was passing fast. Fang Zongyu's stabbing with a knife in his hand was as dazzling as lightning in his eyes.

He obviously couldn't react, but he had already thought about more details in his mind, and even completed the tactical arrangement between Setsuna, like deciding to use neutralization, but giving up in an instant.

He was just practicing Qi, and the opponent was Jindan, so there was no chance of winning this battle from the very beginning.

But this is at the Ant Immortal Gate, and the other party is obviously insane, he still has room to maneuver, and now he runs out to call for help, and it won't take long for everyone to come to save him.

The most serious problem is that Fang Zongyu knew what he was planning. If this guy said something nonsense before being killed, all the preparations that Su Lin had worked so hard to make before would be in vain, and he would not There is a second chance to escape!

It would be great if this guy could be rendered speechless, Su Lin stared at the demonized Fang Zongyu with icy eyes.

Can you cut off his jaw?

A qi cultivator wants to cut off Jin Danqi's jaw? It feels like a fool's dream, not to mention Fang Zongyu is still insane.

Now the chance of escaping to survive is the highest. There are a lot of Jindan monks in the sect, and there are even Nascent Souls in charge. Other true disciples will soon be able to subdue Fang Zongyu. The only risk is that Fang Zongyu who went crazy said in public that he wanted to escape from the Ant Fairy door attempt.

If he stays here and tries to cut off Fang Zongyu's chin, he may die, but if he succeeds, the escape plan is almost impossible to leak. Asking something out of the mouth, there is a high probability that it will be killed immediately.

But can you really do it yourself?

Thinking seems long, but as Tianzun said - no matter how fast his speed is, it cannot be faster than the speed of thinking and the speed of consciousness.

Su Lin made a decision.

His feet landed lightly on the ground, his skin was as red as blood, his beating heart was like a beating drum, and the violently constricted atrium sucked in and pushed out blood like a water pump. The nutrients are fully burned...but not in a chemical way.

Everything is made of material lines, and Su Lin's body

Moment is disintegrating.

The material lines that constitute the bones and muscles are broken into countless fine line segments, which are merged into other material lines.

The disintegrating lines released their own surviving power, which was precisely delivered by Su Lin to the parts of his body that he valued. Although this operation has been refined to the extreme, there is still energy that cannot be fully utilized and continues to overflow the body.

Su Lin didn't sweat, but steaming white air continued to rise from Su Lin's red body surface. His body was like a furnace, and his audible heartbeat was like dry firewood constantly exploding in the furnace.

This filled the whole body with the power of flesh and life refinement, as if a bomb that was about to explode was stuffed into the soft body.

Su Lin understood why there was a word "burn" in the Fenxue Gong. When the exercise was performed at full strength, it really seemed to be burning.

Zhu Xiansi's burning blood skill allows him to burn his body continuously with only a little distraction.

And the supernatural power bestowed by Tianzun filled every corner of the body with the hot embers from the burning.

Just for a moment, Su Lin came up with a nonsensical idea. If he wanted to give his kryptonite skill a name, he would call him the enhanced version of Burning Blood and Destroying Front... Maybe it can be shortened to Blood Destroying Kung Fu. Biqu library

The moment Su Lin landed, he completed the switching of the fighting state.

Tianzun said that now he already has the power to kill the foundation in seconds.

And Lu Zhuyu said that the Burning Blood Kung Fu can allow qi practitioners to kill people across borders.

Then, I, who was able to kill people across borders, should be able to kill an alchemy stage after superimposing this technique, right?

Going a step further, it should not be impossible to cut off a Jindan's chin.

Fang Zongyu was still advancing, Su Lin concentrated his mind and barely closed the "material line of sight" that ruled his forces, and saw Fang Zongyu in the real world.

The evolution speed of the opponent's body was as exaggerated as the speed at which he launched the Burning Blood Kung Fu. When he broke the desk and rushed towards him, it should have only been about a second, but his body had already reached a deep level of alienation.

The flesh and blood on the surface of Fang Zongyu's body was like a pile of rotten grass, and it rolled away from the body while moving at a high speed. Under the flesh was a shiny black bone with a metallic luster.

"Senior Sister! Senior Sister! Senior Sister!" He kept screaming like a cicada.

Su Lin felt that this movement must have alarmed the fellow disciples next door.

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