"I thought of a new possibility. We might be wrong. Why are we so sure that Huainan must have died from the concentric curse?"

This is Su Lin big brother talking.

"I have to make sure... you have the living corpse pill?" Su Lin big brother said again.

"Take it."

This is Nam Ji Hyun's voice.

"That's fine. You said before that the soul will not leave the body immediately after death. It can be revived with the Living Corpse Pill."

"No, the Living Corpse Pill...it's only useful if you eat it while you're alive. Of course, there are other ways to imprison her soul in the body, but...but I don't know those methods. All I know are the techniques used while alive." Law."

In front of Luo Huainan is a door, which is the gate of Su Lin's cave.

And the place where she is standing is the aisle that can be seen just after entering the door, and can be seen when walking in from the gate.

Walking along this corridor for a few steps, turn left to enter the bedroom, and turn right to the bathroom and toilet. Now she only needs to walk three steps forward, then turn left, and she will see Su Lin and Nan Zhixian.

But now she is hesitating whether to go in or not.

The thing that scares her most has happened.

she died.

And he still died in front of Su Lin.

She had already firmly believed that she was Luo Huainan, but now, she began to doubt whether she was Luo Huainan again.

She felt that she was herself, but a person who was clearly dead was standing in another place, isn't it strange?

Luo Huainan raised her hands, which were exactly the same as she remembered, and the clothes she was wearing were the clothes she wore just before she died, although the fabric seemed a little thinner.

She can still clearly recall the terrible pain and extreme fear just before she died.

At that moment, what she was most afraid of was not death, but after she died, Su Lin big brother felt that it was not her who died, but a fake.

After all, they signed a concentric spell, if they were really Luo Huainan, they shouldn't die.

But since he died, does this mean... that he is really not Luo Huainan?

Luo Huainan fell into deep self-doubt. She seemed to have thought of something, and immediately opened her collar to look at her chest. The small mole on her left chest was still there, but the center of her chest was where her nails were from the bath last night. The scratches are gone.

Immediately afterwards, she touched other parts of her body and felt it carefully. She felt that there was nothing wrong with it. No matter how she felt, this was her own body. At least she couldn't tell the difference.

But it was scary, really scary.

Luo Huainan approached the bedroom on tiptoe, poked his head cautiously, and took a peek inside.

She saw Su Lin squatting

In front of her dead body, she frowned as if she was thinking about a very serious question, while Nan Zhixian sat on the edge of the bed, looking uneasy.

She saw her own body, she was lying on the ground quietly like that, her appearance was exactly the same as hers.

When her own body was reflected in her pupils, an indescribable fear enveloped her. This fear came from the way others looked at her. She knew that sometimes it didn't matter who she was, what mattered was how other people looked at her. look at yourself.

Although she thinks that she is Luo Huainan, in the eyes of others, she may be just a thief who stole Luo Huainan's identity, especially Su Lin big brother. If Su Lin big brother thinks the same way, what should she do? ?

Luo Huainan stared at her dead body, just looking at that familiar face, she felt cold hands and feet.

But when she saw Su Lin's expression, she suddenly calmed down again.

Although he looked more expressionless, she felt that he was sad and regretful.

Luo Huainan took a deep breath, took a step slowly, and walked into the bedroom.


Su Lin looked at Luo Huainan's body, but still didn't know what to do.

Now his only thought is to wait for Tianzun to come back and ask Tianzun how he can revive Luo Huainan. Biqu library

Tianzun must have a way, but Su Lin's intuition told him that even if Tianzun could bring Huainan back to life, he would never be able to help him. This time, maybe he was the only one who figured out a way.

Just when Su Lin was at a loss, someone patted his shoulder vigorously. Su Lin looked up at Nan Zhixian who was patting him on the shoulder, only to see that the other person stared at the door with wide eyes and a shocked face.

"What's wrong?"

Su Lin followed Nan Zhixian's gaze and was also stunned.

Luo Huainan stood at the door.

"Huai Nan?"

Su Lin looked down at the corpse, then looked up at Luo Huainan, and looked back and forth several times before he was sure that he was not hallucinating.

The one standing in front of him was indeed Luo Huainan, that is to say... the one who died just now was fake?

Luo Huainan straightened his back and clenched his fists tightly. What he was about to say a moment ago was forgotten in an instant, and the last thing he uttered was only a light "um".

Su Lin stood up, a little dazed, staring at Luo Huainan for a while, then at the corpse on the ground, then lightly kicked the corpse's calf: "Do you know what's going on?" ? This monster seems to be pretending to be you... But it seems to be suffering from some serious illness, and even asked to sign a concentric spell with me, and committed suicide."

Hearing this, Luo Huainan's forehead began to sweat, and his palms became sticky.

she feels herself now

It seems that you can try to deceive him by telling a lie, but should you deceive him?

In the end, Luo Huainan decided to tell the truth.

"Su Lin big brother... I... I just died... But, but I don't know how this happened?" Luo Huainan stammered.

The atmosphere in the room fell into a suffocating weird silence, which made people feel like they were sitting on pins and needles, and their breathing was difficult.

The three of them endured for a long time in this strange atmosphere, and finally it was Nan Zhixian who broke the dead silence.

He jumped up from the bed, walked to the middle of the two, opened his arms and said, "There is a problem! Daoist, I think this matter is very problematic! I think we'd better sort out the whole thing from beginning to end now." .

What did you just say, Miss Luo? What do you mean when you say you just died? Does this mean that this corpse is you? "

"I, I don't know." Luo Huainan's voice trembled, and his shoulders began to tremble uncontrollably.

She felt dizzy and frightened, and her heart was beating so fast in her chest that she couldn't breathe.

"I'm brother Luo Huainan...I'm really Huainan, really." She began to talk to herself hypnotically.

Su Lin's thinking was a little dull for a while after the impact of this huge accident, but after a short adjustment, his chaotic brain gradually cleared up, and his thinking became sharp again.

He looked at Luo Huainan, and then set his sights on Nan Zhixian.

After quickly sorting out the encounters so far in his mind, Su Lin instantly grasped the most suspicious and crucial details.

Su Lin pointed at Nan Zhixian, and said in a cold tone, "The problem is your Yangyang Pill! What did you resurrect?... Bah! You turned Huainan into something!"

"Huanyang pill? It's okay to return Yangdan! We cast a curse in front of Mr. Yi, I can't fool you!" Nan Zhixian hurriedly explained.

Su Lin frowned even more, because he knew that Nan Zhixian was not lying.

Nan Zhixian can't lie to him, otherwise his soul will be gone.

But what is the situation now?

Nan Zhixian stood there for a while, then suddenly clapped his hands and said, "Oh oh oh!"

Su Lin looked at each other silently, waiting for Nan Zhixian's next words.

"Perhaps, I mean maybe...the Huanyang Pill does have a problem, but I thought it was okay at the time, so I gave it to Luo girl, and it is precisely because of this that the Unifying Curse did not trigger.

But this is only a possibility, and the problem does not necessarily lie in Huanyang Pill. "

Nan Zhixian carefully adjusted his tone, trying his best to make his speech sound honest and credible.

Su Lin put down the hand pointing at Nan Zhixian, looked down at Luo Huainan's body again, not knowing what to do next.

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