The Birth Room is the same as the Children's House, it is placed in the auxiliary nest very close to the main nest of the Ant Fairy Gate. When Su Lin passed through the tunnel, his ears were filled with the sound of crying babies, and the air wafted a faint smell of blood. , mixed with the taste of milk.

"Newborn babies are all taken care of here, and they will stay here until they are three years old." Cong Bingqing explained to Su Lin while leading him around.

Su Lin opened his eyes wide and carefully observed the surroundings. Although the place is dark underground, it is well lit and well ventilated, better than the ventilation in the main nest. Sweaty, but not cold.

This place is really similar to an ant nest. The nest built by the ants will always maintain a suitable temperature. The worker ants are constantly moving back and forth in the ant nest, constantly transporting the ant eggs to the place with the most suitable temperature.

But obviously the "nursery" of Ant Fairy Gate is much more advanced than that of ants.

Su Lin followed Cong Bingqing into a cave, which was kept in a dark environment, surrounded by stone jars filled with red translucent liquid, and palm-sized babies sank quietly in the jars , curled up peacefully.

Su Lin's pupils contracted suddenly, and his heart tightened.

At this time, Cong Bingqing beside him explained in time: "The female disciples in the door have special physiques. They can give birth to more than ten babies in one breath, and the babies born are very weak, so we will put these babies in the warming spiritual liquid. At five months, they're about the size of a normal baby."

"Isn't this dangerous?" Su Lin asked.

"No, the warming liquid is prepared by the elders themselves. Not to mention these little babies, even seriously injured and dying people can recover in it. Out of a hundred babies, at most two or three will die young." Cong Bingqing Said.

Su Lin was taken aback, and lowered his guard against the scene in front of him.

This kind of mortality rate is lower than that of normal births. Even for mortal women, dystocia and stillbirths are very common. It can increase the survival rate of babies to more than 95%. The technology of raising children in Yixianmen is quite advanced. .

"What about the female disciples who gave birth? They gave birth to so many children in one go, so their lives would not be in danger."

"Junior brother, you haven't twisted the inherent views of the mortal world.

On the other hand, it is common for mortal women to have dystocia because of their poor physique, and monks with strong internal energy can recover from injuries far faster than ordinary people, let alone build a foundation and form alchemy. Naturally, it is no problem to have children. "

After that, Su Lin Cong Bingqing took to visit those female disciples who had just given birth. Su Lin thought that he would see weak women lying on the bed, but when he just entered the door, he found that the female disciples were holding their own babies. , sitting together, happily discussing something.

At first, Su Lin thought that the other party was a disciple arranged by the sect to take care of the baby. After asking, he realized that they were all mothers who had just given birth. .

Su Lin was shocked. Is it so easy for monks to have children?

Immediately afterwards, Su Lin was taken to other places for a week. He met the elders who specially prepared the warm and nourishing liquid, and met the female disciples who were responsible for giving birth. , and spend the rest of the time performing Zhougong rituals with male disciples.

These female disciples who are responsible for adding children to the Ant Fairy Sect are called mother cultivators, while the male disciples who have the same duties as them are called father cultivators.

Su Lin was very repulsed by this kind of thing in his heart, but after talking with a parent, nun, and mother, he changed his view on this kind of behavior.

"This is Senior Brother Su Lin, right? When will Senior Sister Cong and Senior Brother Su have a baby?" The young woman asked with a normal expression.

Su Lin was a little embarrassed, but Cong Bingqing remained calm and said without changing his face: "It's only happened in the past few months."

"Then I will take care of the senior sister's children. It's great to watch the children grow up day by day and call me foster mother." The woman looked affectionately at the toddler in the distance, " Sister Cong, shall we go to the nursery tonight? I want to see the children."

"Okay, I'll go with you." Cong Bingqing said.

Su Lin didn't participate in the entire conversation, but he kept observing the expression of the mother, and from the other's face, he saw satisfaction, joy, and happiness.

Apparently this kind of same-size-fits-all life did not make her feel bored, but made her enjoy a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction from it, although the parents here

The relationship with the child is a bit special, but she is still a mother.

Su Lin thought again of the question he had set for himself at the beginning. The answer to the question this time still contradicted his judgment at the moment. This kind of life that reproduces like an ant queen has naturally never appeared in human history, but could it be Just because it didn't show up, it must be wrong? Is it just bad?

Su Lin thought of those years when he fought in the war, and those villages on the border were invaded by Japanese thieves. Even if those people gave birth to children, they lived in fear every day. Some people gave their lives for their children, and some even gave their children Children are regarded as a burden on the way to escape.

Compared with those people, isn't the life of Yixianmen not good? I believe that if those people were given a choice, they would definitely choose a life like the Ant Fairy Gate. Their children grew up in a friendly and harmonious environment and received the same education as other children.

There is no inherent class distinction here, whether you are a child of a true disciple, a child of an outer disciple, or even a child of a registered disciple who works outside in the fields, there is no difference.

You will enjoy the same education as other children, feel the destiny that is most suitable for you, and spend a long and happy life peacefully in a sect full of dignity and respect without discrimination.

On the other hand, all living beings in the mundane world, those children of officials and eunuchs are born to enjoy an unimaginable good life for ordinary people. Everyone is born as a human being, but the other party can ride on your head. The opponent can save you a few whips.

Even with Zhu Jiuqin's efforts, this unfair world has become a little fairer, but compared with the Ant Fairy Gate, it is nothing but a little bit ridiculous.

Su Lin sighed deeply, and left the birth room with Cong Bingqing.

Looking up, he saw the huge stone pillar standing in the center of the main nest, and felt his destiny even more deeply.

Throughout the ages, what the sages have been pursuing is not this kind of Datong society?

I actually resisted it because of some outdated concepts before, and now I think it's ridiculous in retrospect.

The emperors of the ancient feudal dynasties resisted the arrival of the new era because they were conservative and cowardly.

He should not continue to repeat the same mistakes.

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