Zhao Xiaonian nodded, "Okay. Where are you going?"

"I don't know, but I have to leave." Han Wanyi said, "I received a call from Ningqiu last night. She told her everything that happened that night. I broke up with her."

"I know that her parents will not agree that their daughter is such a person, and her grandfather will not accept it."

"If this continues, she will be under a lot of pressure, and I will be very uncomfortable."

Han Wanyi's tears fell, "What's more, now we are like this, my body has betrayed her. Our love is not pure."

Zhao Xiaonian didn't think about it and said, "You can go back to Lingzhou with me."

"No, thank you."

A thank you pushed the relationship between the two people away again.

"Where do you plan to go?"

"I haven't thought about it yet. I just want to go out for a walk, look around, and feel the beauty of this world."

"Will you come back?"

"I don't know, maybe, maybe not."


After the two had lunch at the hotel, Han Wanyi left, and left very straightforwardly.

She was even unwilling to leave a phone number for Zhao Xiaonian.

Zhao Xiaonian transferred 100 million yuan to her, and gave her his business card, asking her to call him if she had any questions.

Han Wanyi accepted the business card.

Han Mingze called not long after Han Wanyi left, saying that he had arrived at the hotel.

When Zhao Xiaonian arrived at the lobby, he saw Han Mingze sitting in the lounge area.

When he saw Zhao Xiaonian coming down, Han Mingze threw a car key to him.

"Ningqiu asked me to borrow your car, saying that you might need the car recently. The car is outside and the gas is full."

Zhao Xiaonian was still thinking about how to get a car, but he didn't expect Yue Ningqiu to send it to him. It seems that the woman is still thoughtful.

But when he thought about cheating on her, he couldn't help but sigh.

"By the way, did the other party cause you any trouble last night?"

Zhao Xiaonian was actually a bit unkind last night. He beat someone up and left in a cool manner. I don't know if he caused any trouble for Han Mingze.

Han Mingze smiled calmly, "It's okay, he was the one who made the mistake first, and he can't make it public, so he can't just swallow the loss. But he is looking for you everywhere, clamoring for revenge."

Zhao Xiaonian also smiled, not taking Zheng Yaotian to heart at all.

Anyway, I am just a passer-by in the Magic City, so if he has the ability, let him come to Lingzhou to find me.

"By the way, how is Yue Ningqiu now?"

After all, I came to help act, although I messed up later, I still have to care about her. Especially when I heard that Han Wanyi broke up with her, he didn't know how Yue Ningqiu would react and act in the face of a double blow.

"She has been confined by Grandpa Yue. But when she contacted me this morning, I could feel that she was in a very bad condition."

When mentioning Yue Ningqiu, Han Mingze's face was full of concern.

Zhao Xiaonian reminded him, "You should spend more time with her recently. I heard that women are the easiest to conquer when they are vulnerable. You may succeed if you don't do it well."

If Han Mingze and Yue Ningqiu can succeed, Zhao Xiaonian will feel much less guilty.

He can steal her away, and Han Mingze will be responsible for straightening her out. This is also a good solution.

"I want to, but she won't see me."

It can be seen that Young Master Han should have been rejected.

After all, his relationship with Han Mingze is not very deep, and it involves matters between men and women, so he is not convenient to say too much.

After the two chatted for a while, Han Mingze said goodbye, and Zhao Xiaonian went to pack his luggage and check out.

Han Mingze prepared a Wrangler off-road vehicle for him, which is very suitable for mountain roads.

Following the address given by Yue Ningqiu, Zhao Xiaonian first drove on the highway, then turned to the national and provincial roads, and finally drove to the slightly rugged county road. Only then did he realize how wise it was for Han Mingze to equip him with an off-road vehicle.

After driving for more than 2 hours, the off-road vehicle finally arrived at a destination - Wayao Village.

Although Wayao Village is also a mountainous area, it is much better than the mountainous areas in the southwest.

At least as far as Zhao Xiaonian can see, he rarely sees wooden tile houses or yellow mud houses. They are basically brick and tile houses. Some people with better economic conditions even have three-story villas with stamps.

Zhao Xiaonian drove the car to the threshing ground at the entrance of the village. As soon as he got off the car, many old women who were talking to their families in front of their homes cast curious eyes.

Zhao Xiaonian walked up to the nearest old women and asked with a smile: "Auntie, where is Wayao Village Primary School?"

The old woman who had just been on the sidelines was alert when she heard that the young man in front of her was going to Wayao Village.

Zhao Xiaonian saw an old woman holding aThe old lady put her work on the stool and walked away quickly with a serious face, while the other old lady asked coldly: "What are you doing in Wayao Village?"

"I want to find someone."

The old lady asked coldly: "Are you also here to find Teacher Sun?"

Zhao Xiaonian was stunned.

He heard the old lady use the word "also", obviously not only he was going to find Sun Yalin.

"Auntie, who else is going to find Sun Ya... Teacher Sun?"

"It's him!"

At this time, there was a noisy sound of footsteps from the side. Zhao Xiaonian turned around and saw that the old lady who had just left was now rushing towards this side with a few middle-aged men in their fifties and sixties.

Zhao Xiaonian was slightly stunned by the scene.

Just as he was slightly stunned, several people had arrived.

"Village Party Secretary, this person is looking for Teacher Sun."

The old lady who had talked to Zhao Xiaonian before said to the old man walking in front.

The village secretary looked Zhao Xiaonian up and down, frowned and asked: "I think you look a little unfamiliar, which village are you from?"

Zhao Xiaonian was about to speak when he suddenly saw a half-grown child running over, shouting: "Secretary Grandpa, Secretary Grandpa, it's bad, that group of people went to school again."

The village secretary slapped his thigh, cursed, and said to the people next to him: "Hurry up and call all the younger generations to go to school."

The people immediately dispersed, some called on the phone, and some went to call people directly.

The scene was a bit chaotic.

When Zhao Xiaonian saw the attitude of the crowd, he immediately had a bad premonition in his heart. Then he grabbed the village secretary who was about to leave.

"Take my car."

The village secretary glanced at Zhao Xiaonian, and finally nodded, "Hurry, hurry up."

Zhao Xiaonian trotted to the side of the Wrangler, quickly opened the door, and started the car. The village party secretary also arrived and sat in the passenger seat.

"Drive forward."

The village party secretary pointed at the road and said, with a serious expression on his face.

A few minutes later, under the guidance of the village party secretary, the Wrangler finally drove to the gate of a primary school and stopped.

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