Zhou Jiaying did not notice that Li Muxue was looking at him. He lowered his head and pondered for a moment before speaking.

At this moment, her face was no longer as smiling as usual, but was replaced by a solemn and angry face.


Li Muxue responded quickly.

This time, the law firm sent a team of five lawyers, including her, which can be said to be very important.

After all, Jinnian Investment is now a big client of their law firm. Such clients may not come to you several times a year, but every time they come to you, you must go all out to help the client complete the task.

It is not so easy to get a lawyer's fee of up to one million per year. Many colleagues are eyeing this piece of fat meat. As long as you are a little incompetent, your colleagues will take advantage of it.

On Zhou Jiaying's side, except for the necessary guards, all the people in Jinnian Investment are basically dispatched.

Maybe these people cannot stand alone, but with more people, they can rise up and have momentum. This is also a kind of invisible strength, which is still very useful when necessary.

At the same time, at Pengcheng Airport.

Hao Yue and Ye Lingshan also boarded the plane to Shanghai.

Half an hour ago, after receiving Zhao Xiaonian's call, they bought the tickets immediately.

Now that the preliminary work of the battery factory has basically come to an end, they have begun to relax and have time and energy to deal with other things.

More importantly, Zhao Xiaonian is the core figure of Jinnian Investment. Now that he is in trouble, how can they have the mood to deal with other things.

Accompanying them are the legal and public relations personnel sent by Biyadi, a total of seven people.

Biyadi also attaches great importance to Zhao Xiaonian.

Just on the issue of blade batteries, Zhao Xiaonian is the most important link. If Zhao Xiaonian gets into trouble at this time, the subsequent impact is immeasurable, and it will even affect the production and production of blade batteries.

"Lingshan, don't worry too much. Nothing will happen to Mr. Zhao."

As the secretary of Longsheng Group, Hao Yue's observation and insight are unquestionable.

Although Zhao Xiaonian and Ye Lingshan didn't say it, she had long seen that there was an unclear relationship between the two. But because it was someone else's privacy, Hao Yue never mentioned it.

"Secretary Hao, will Mr. Zhao be okay? Why didn't he stay in Lingzhou and go to the Magic City? Why did he go to Sanshui County? Do you think he will suffer in there?"

Ye Lingshan was so anxious that she almost cried.

Her behavior at this time fully explained what it meant to be worried and confused.

"Don't worry, Vice President Zhou in Lingzhou has already rushed to the Magic City. I believe they will act quickly. Maybe when we get there, the matter will have been resolved."

After two months of getting along, especially after Pengcheng, the relationship between Hao Yue and Ye Lingshan has developed rapidly and they have become good girlfriends.

Of course, as a Longsheng person seconded to Jinnian, Hao Yue hesitated for a while after receiving Zhao Xiaonian's call, but still called Xu Yaner.

Three hours later, the plane from Lingzhou to Magic City landed.

As soon as Zhou Jiaying and others left the airport, a handsome man came up.

"Excuse me, is this Mr. Zhou Jiaying?"

"I am. Who are you?"

"Hello, Mr. Zhou, I am Han Mingze, Ningqiu asked me to pick you up."

Zhao Xiaonian did not call Han Mingze, but Han Mingze received a call from Yue Ningqiu, who was under house arrest, asking him to pick up Zhou Jiaying and his group. It was at this time that Han Mingze knew that something had happened to Zhao Xiaonian.

Yue Ningqiu's words were very useful to Han Mingze. Yue Ningqiu meant for him to send someone to pick him up, but Han Mingze still brought his own people.

One reason was that he attached importance to Yue Ningqiu's words.

The second reason was that he felt that Zhao Xiaonian was a good person and worthy of deep friendship.

Although Zhou Jiaying was curious, she knew about Yue Ningqiu, and also knew that Zhao Xiaonian came to Shanghai this time because of Yue Ningqiu.

In fact, Zhou Jiaying was very angry with Yue Ningqiu in her heart. If it weren't for Yue Ningqiu, Zhao Xiaonian would not have come to Shanghai, let alone be imprisoned now.

However, when she saw the fleet of more than a dozen domineering cars and more than a dozen well-trained bodyguards, Zhou Jiaying was still shocked.

"Let's go now." Zhou Jiaying said to Han Mingze.

She wanted to rush to Zhao Xiaonian immediately, fearing that if she was a minute late, Zhao Xiaonian would suffer more.

But Han Mingze did not move, and said: "Wait a minute, I have to pick someone up."

Just when Zhou Jiaying was puzzled, another group of people also walked out of the airport. The one walking in front was aA woman who is not very tall, but has a strong aura.

"Mr. Xu?"

At this time, Xu Yan'er also saw Han Mingze and Zhou Jiaying, and came over with her people.

"Yan'er, long time no see."

Because of the Yue family, Han Mingze had met Xu Yan'er several times, and they were considered acquaintances.

Xu Yan'er still had a poker face, "Mingze, are all the people here? Let's go if we are all here?"

Han Mingze was no longer surprised by Xu Yan'er's temper, and nodded and said, "Everyone is here, let's go now."

Zhou Jiaying was surprised and said, "Mr. Xu came here this time..."

"Same as you." Xu Yan'er said sparingly.

Han Mingze wondered, "You two came on the same plane, didn't you see each other on the plane?"

Xu Yan'er interrupted, "There is no time to chat now, let's go quickly."

Zhao Xiaonian's call was not to Xu Yan'er, but to Xu Dajiang. Xu Dajiang is old, and he certainly can't rush back and forth for such things. So he asked his granddaughter to rush over.

As the "future son-in-law" he has chosen, Xu Dajiang values ​​him very much. Otherwise, after Zhao Xiaonian agreed to help Yue Ningqiu, Xu Dajiang would not have called Yue Tengyun in advance, which made Zhao Xiaonian, the "fake son-in-law", known before they even met.

Xu Dajiang's idea is very simple, he is afraid that the Yue family really likes Zhao Xiaonian.

Han Mingze also felt that this is not the time to chat, and hurriedly said: "Yes. Let's not waste time, get in the car quickly. If you have anything to say, we can talk on the way."


"Girl, just eat a little."

The old woman brought the reheated food, and looked at Sun Yalin with tears on her face, feeling distressed.

The village party secretary squatted in front of the gate and smoked with a few people, and the atmosphere was very dull.

He also called the mayor.

But when the mayor heard that someone was imprisoned for beating someone, and the person beaten was Wang Liqiang, he didn't plan to help.

Sanshui County is not a wealthy county, and the Xishui Town under it is even less wealthy.

The economy in the town is mainly based on individual households or peasant families. The only decent township enterprise is Wang Liqiang's Liqiang Fruit Processing Factory, which is the only thing Xishui Town can show off.

It can be said that the town has a clear policy bias towards the Liqiang Fruit Processing Factory. So as the head of a town, he would not slap the face of the boss of his own town's business for an outsider.

At this time, the old village party secretary's cell phone rang.

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