If it weren't for the private detective's reminder, Zhao Xiaonian would have almost forgotten about Zhou Mo.

It was this Zhou Mo who helped Xu Feng drug Ye Lingshan at the Lihao Hotel, and the drug was provided by Zhou Mo.

To be honest, Zhao Xiaonian thought about Zhou Liang and Xu Feng, but he would never think of Zhou Mo, whom he had never met.

"Go check why he asked someone to take a photo of me, and whether his brother asked him to do so."

"I have checked, and Zhou Liang doesn't seem to know about this matter. He has been in school recently." The private detective replied on the phone, "But I will check it again."

After talking to the private detective on the phone, Zhao Xiaonian hesitated for a while, and still called Han Mingze to tell him about it.

After hearing this, Han Mingze asked Zhao Xiaonian to meet at Jinnian to discuss it in person.

After saying goodbye to Mr. Xu, Zhao Xiaonian drove directly to the company. Unexpectedly, Han Mingze had already arrived, and was accompanying Zhao Xiaonian to collect the Dahongpao.

"You're welcome, you can find such a good tea."

Zhao Xiaonian sat down and poured himself a cup of Dahongpao. It's quite comfortable to drink hot tea after a hangover.

"Tell me, where did Zhou Mo come from."

Han Mingze came for this matter, and now that he has a result, he will naturally get straight to the point.

In fact, Zhao Xiaonian is not very familiar with Zhou Mo and Bohai Company, so he can only give a general idea.

Boyue is just a company that integrates production and sales of decoration building materials. It is not large in scale, and it was not even as good as Bohai Construction at the beginning. Boyue's founder Zhou Boyue is Zhou Bohai's biological brother and Zhou Jiaying's uncle.

Zhou Boyue's fortune was also based on his biological brother, who helped him in the early days. Many jobs of Bohai Construction were found by Boyue.

But later Zhou Boyue got tired, and two years ago he let his eldest son Zhou Mo take over the position, and the company was handed over to the second generation.

Then, after Zhou Mo took over the company, he actively expanded the business while relying on Bohai Construction. Later, I don’t know how he met Xu Feng, and the two got together, and Boyue began to move closer to Longsheng.

With Longsheng as a big tree, Boyue has developed rapidly in the past two years. Although it cannot be said to be a qualitative leap, it is much stronger than when it was in Zhou Boyue’s hands. In more than a year, it has surpassed Bohai Construction and has become a well-known company.

"Since you have no intersection with him, why would he investigate you?"

Han Mingze grasped the key.

This is also where Zhao Xiaonian was puzzled, "No, I don’t know. If it was his brother, I could understand it. But it was him, which made me really confused."

"Don’t think about it if you can’t figure it out. Now that you know who it is, what are you going to do next?"

Han Mingze is not the person involved after all, so he still wants to see what Zhao Xiaonian means first.

But this is also where Zhao Xiaonian is in a dilemma.

In theory, Zhou Mo had helped to design the harm to Ye Lingshan before, although it failed because of Zhao Xiaonian's intervention. But the fact is that Zhou Mo played a very dishonorable role in the whole process.

Moreover, if it weren't for Zhao Xiaonian's appearance, Ye Lingshan might not have escaped that night. As for what the result would be later, Zhao Xiaonian didn't dare to think about it. But from Ye Lingshan's subsequent performance, it can be seen that she was quite repulsive to what happened that night and Xu Feng, and even this repulsion was obviously afraid.

So from Ye Lingshan's perspective, if Zhao Xiaonian regarded Zhou Mo as an enemy, there would be no problem at all. Even for Ye Lingshan, it was completely reasonable to target Zhou Mo and Boyue.

However, if Zhou Mo was touched, it would inevitably involve another person-Zhou Jiaying.

After all, Zhou Mo and Zhou Jiaying are cousins. If he wants to touch Zhou Mo, Zhou Jiaying is someone he can't get around. If Boyue is touched, what will Zhou Jiaying's attitude be? If Zhou Jiaying begs for mercy, what should he do?

Zhao Xiaonian is now in a typical dilemma.

Han Mingze seemed to see what Zhao Xiaonian was worried about, and asked: "If it is inconvenient for you to take action, then let me do it."

The size of the Han Group is comparable to Longsheng.

It will definitely not be a problem to use the behemoth of the Han Group to deal with Boyue, and Boyue will not even have a chance to resist and will be crushed into scum.


The same thing. The person involved in this matter is Zhao Xiaonian, and Lingzhou is also Zhao Xiaonian's one-third acre of land. Of course, it is best for Zhao Xiaonian to take action.

"Forget it, give me a day to think about it.Time, I will give you an answer tomorrow. "

Han Mingze did not ask Zhao Xiaonian what he was worried about. Everyone has their own considerations. Since he knew who was behind the scenes, he Han Mingze did not mind waiting for another day.

But if Zhao Xiaonian did not want to cause trouble for the other party, then he Han Mingze would do it himself. In that case, there would inevitably be gaps and estrangements between Han Mingze and Zhao Xiaonian.

"Okay, I'll come to you tomorrow. "

Han Mingze drank the tea in the cup in one gulp and left very straightforwardly.

Zhou Jiaying returned home at noon yesterday. After arriving home, she lay in bed without moving much, saying that she was not feeling well.

Feeling the pain in her lower body when she moved a lot, Zhou Jiaying was angry and embarrassed.

After getting better today, Zhou Jiaying came to the company after noon.

Now Zhou Jiaying's concern for Jinnian is obviously much stronger than when she was in Bohai Construction.

As soon as she arrived at the company, Zhou Jiaying came to the general manager's office.

Seeing Zhao Xiaonian standing in front of the French window, looking at the scenery outside in a contemplative state, Zhou Jiaying gently closed the door, slowly walked over, and hugged Zhao Xiaonian from behind with her arms as crisp as lotus roots.

"What's wrong with you? Are you pretending to be deep here?"

Zhao Xiaonian turned around, looked at the beautiful woman with peach blossoms on her face, and reached out to hug her.

"Yesterday, I didn't see you call anyone. You are a ruthless man with a gun. "

Zhou Jiaying expressed her dissatisfaction with Zhao Xiaonian's lack of concern and cursed him.

Zhao Xiaonian did not explain, and it was useless to explain more at this time.

"Are you okay?"

Zhou Jiaying looked up at Zhao Xiaonian, and said with satisfaction and complaint: "You are really cruel. Humph, now I finally know why He Fei always calls you a bull. You are really a bull, a stinky bull who has no sympathy for women. "

Zhao Xiaonian did not speak, but hugged Zhou Jiaying tighter.

Zhou Jiaying noticed that Zhao Xiaonian was not right, and his smile gradually faded. He asked: "What happened to you today? Is there something bothering you?"

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