Zhou Jiaying's eyelids twitched, "So you plan to use Boyue as a scapegoat?"

Zhao Xiaonian said apologetically, "I'm sorry, but I have to do this? Since Zhou Mo has made a choice, I must respond."

"After all, it's really annoying to know that someone is behind you, always thinking about messing with you and disgusting you. If you don't swat these flies to death, more and more flies will be attracted."

"Then what are you going to do?"

"Either do nothing, or do it thoroughly!"

Zhao Xiaonian released the handbrake and drove the car into the main road, "I want to make those people feel really scared."


Before Zhao Xiaonian started to do anything, Jinnian got into trouble first.

The next morning, Wu Jiajia came up from the tenth floor and found Zhao Xiaonian. After putting a business report in front of Zhao Xiaonian, Wu Jiajia reluctantly handed in a resignation.

"Why do you want to resign?"

Zhao Xiaonian tapped his fingers lightly on the thin resignation report, but his eyes were on Wu Jiajia's face.

Wu Jiajia lowered her head, with a guilty look on her face, "For three consecutive days, half of our anchors have been lost. Our anchors have dropped from second-rate to third-rate, and there is no anchor with more than one million fans."

"In the live broadcast section, a large number of black fans have poured into our live broadcast room these days, constantly leading the rhythm. Our live broadcast revenue has also shrunk significantly."

Hearing this result, Zhao Xiaonian's heart suddenly chilled, and his tone became colder, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I... I thought it was our peers who were messing with us, so I thought about dealing with these things on my own. I'm sorry, Mr. Zhao, I overestimated myself and I am ashamed of your trust."

Zhao Xiaonian is very angry now, and he even thinks he has misjudged Wu Jiajia.

The lack of talent and his own forcing growth may be the root cause of this situation.

Although Lemon Media currently brings only a few hundred thousand in revenue to the company every month, it is one of its own industries after all. Zhao Xiaonian is not so generous as not to hold him accountable if he loses money.

Just when Zhao Xiaonian was about to sign his resignation letter, Zhou Jiaying gently held Zhao Xiaonian's hand and said to Wu Jiajia: "You go down first. Lemon's current situation cannot be solved by just leaving. Go and sort out the information of all the anchors who have resigned and the relevant data of the recent live broadcast room."

Zhou Jiaying is the vice president of Jinnian, and naturally he is also Wu Jiajia's immediate superior.

"Okay, President Zhou. Then I'll go out first."

Wu Jiajia walked away dejectedly.

"You are..."

"Don't you think all this happened very suddenly?"

Zhou Jiaying picked up the operating report handed over by Wu Jiajia, flipped through it for a while, and said: "Although live short video is a trend now, the competition is also very fierce. But Lemon is not yet to the point where peers can dispose of it quickly. At best, it is just a small company that will not lose money."

"The anchor would rather pay the penalty to leave. Don't you think it's strange? Wu Jiajia's report said that the daily income of the live broadcast room is only a little bit, and after deducting the cost, it is just a small profit. But the number of black fans suddenly increased. So..."

Zhao Xiaonian listened to the strings and said: "Someone wants to mess with Lemon! No...someone wants to mess with Lemon to mess with Jinnian."

Zhou Jiaying nodded, "Lemon is now the only industry in Jinnian's hands. The decline of Bohai's business is already a foregone conclusion. Then if you take action against Lemon, it will be seen by others as cutting off Jinnian's hands and feet."

One leaf blinds the eye, but picking this leaf will make it much clearer.

Zhao Xiaonian looked at the resignation letter in his hand, smiled, tore it into pieces and threw it into the trash can.

Looking up at Zhou Jiaying, Zhao Xiaonian grabbed her bare hand, "No wonder they often say that behind a successful man, there must be an excellent woman. Jiaying, you are simply my good wife."

Zhou Jiaying felt sweet in her heart, but she said in a yin-yang way: "It seems that behind you, Mr. Zhao, there is not only me, your good wife, right?"


Thirty minutes later, Lemon Media.

When Zhao Xiaonian finished reading the information compiled by Wu Jiajia, he naturally handed it to Zhou Jiaying next to him.

"Mr. Wu, your resignation was rejected by me. Although the current situation of the company is not what I want to see, I am willing to give you another chance."

Although Zhao Xiaonian felt that Wu Jiajia could not be blamed, he still felt that she needed to be punished for not reporting such a big thing to him.

Wu Jiajia looked at Zhao Xiaonian unexpectedly, and then heard Zhao Xiaonian continue to speak.

"However, you still have to be punished for making a mistake. Your year-end bonus this year will be cancelled.. Do you have any objection? "

Wu Jiajia was very moved, her nose was sore, and tears flowed from the corners of her eyes, "Thank you, Mr. Zhao. I accept the punishment. Please give me another month. If I can't recover the loss, I will leave Lemon directly. "

Although Lemon is not big, it is a rare opportunity for Wu Jiajia's career path.

And Zhao Xiaonian's management method of letting go of the shopkeeper almost gave her the supreme power in Lemon Media.

Although she resigned, she was actually reluctant in her heart.

"Okay, I believe in your ability, Mr. Wu. You are mainly going to do a few things now."

Zhao Xiaonian waved his finger and said: "First, I will let the cooperative law firm contact you later. We will claim compensation from those anchors who resigned, and the liquidated damages will be calculated according to the highest standard of the original contract. Remember, if you don't accept mediation, you have to sue. ”

“Second, Vice President Zhou will transfer 100 million yuan to Lemon’s public account. If any company is trying to poach our anchors, you should go and poach their anchors, and they must be their top anchors. You can negotiate the price yourself. If the money is not enough, you can ask Vice President Zhou for more.”

“Third, whether you contact the water army or other methods, you must find out who is blackmailing us, and at the same time, you must reverse the rhythm in the live broadcast room and use fans to fight fans. You can also ask Vice President Zhou for the funds needed in this regard.”

“Fourth, screen the anchors who have not left yet. If you think they are good and have potential, you can increase their salary and re-sign the contract, but remember to raise the compensation for breach of contract for me. The highest price is a sky-high price. Those who are willing to sign will be vigorously cultivated; those who are unwilling to sign will be directly asked to leave.”

“Any questions? "

Wu Jiajia has been doing live broadcasting for many years. She knew that Mr. Zhao was preparing to fight back, especially the second one, which was simply a conspiracy to disrupt the anchor market.

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